Meo Fusciuni 2# NOTA DI VIAGGIO shukran…Review (Giuseppe Imprezzabile) + Gratitude Draw

Meo Fusciuni 2# NOTA DI VIAGGIO shukran

Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio, AI-generated background by Nicoleta

“It all starts with smelling, attentive listening: scent, memory and emotion. Our story tells our life and our way of seeing the world through perfume. It goes through lives and lands. Our story is related to travel, we have been doing it since the beginning of our journey, traveling to know, traveling to meet each other and to grasp the different olfactory nuances of the world but also of life and thought. Our story is related to poetry, the word before the molecule and storytelling as the body of perfume. We believe that a perfume must first of all tell a story, give an emotion. Our story is linked to nature, the source of all our creation, connection and rootedness with the earth. Our story is linked to the inner quest, to understand ourselves and our own nature. Our story is linked to memory, which has roots far back in my path.” – Giuseppe Imprezzabile

Giuseppe Imprezzabile of Meo Fusciuni

Giuseppe Imprezzabile, photo via the brand

The “Trilogia del viaggio” series started with the journey to Istanbul, to the Eastern Gate, and 1# nota di viaggio (rites de passage) a delicate and vibrant scent that summoned the magic of bazaars, the delight of holy places, with black pepper, incense, sandalwood, and benzoin. The circle ended traveling to the absolute beginning, a journey to Giuseppe’s Sicilian roots, the place of origin, from where all the memories unraveled. 3# nota di viaggio (ciavuru d’amuri) is a perfume that conjures up images of sunlit afternoons, the embrace of maternal love, the summer rituals, seen through the eyes of a child, recomposed with the sweetness of figs, cedar, sandalwood, and bergamot.

Meo Fusciuni 2# NOTA DI VIAGGIO shukran

AI-generated photo by Nicoleta 

Today, we will focus on the middle of the journey, departing from Istanbul, deep into the heart of Morocco:

“Marrakech, the elusive red city,

I tried to grab something, someone,

But everything disappears in the Medina’s alleys

Everything is unintelligible,

Like the muezzin’s song in the wind”

With Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio, we are experiencing the arrival onto the magic lands, sailing between colors and scents, between the sea and the sand as a nomad in search of himself.  Morocco hides like a canvas, with many nuances, shades, and faint traces of light and to be in tune with the place is to be able to catch a glimpse of it and experience the essence, in stillness. The red city – there where time is a ritual and to be enlightened is to wait for time to pass, ever so slowly.

AI-generated image of tea ritual by Nicoleta

The metaphor of the travel is brought to life through the theme of the mint tea, and there is nothing more deeply rooted in tradition than the ritual of the Moroccan tea. It is known that it takes time, and patience to brew the perfect cup, for there are three glasses to be drunk from the pot, as the Moroccan proverb tells us:

“The first glass is as bitter as life,

The second glass is as strong as love,

The third is as gentle as death.”

The ritual of preparing and serving the tea to the guests is an art in itself, and every detail holds weight and significance. The tea is poured from a height, a foot or so from above the glasses, from intricately ornate teapots, into jewel-like glasses. Nothing must be rushed, and all are thought to give pleasure to the senses, from the music that is played in the background, the incense lit to scent the air, and the washing of the hands in orange blossom water before taking a sip.

AI-generated image of mint and tea, Nicoleta©

In Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio the first glass, indeed, is bitter as life, with an infusion of mint, eucalyptus, and verbena. The fragrance is cooling, deep, and addictive, and there is no better feeling than drenching your sun-bitten skin in the cooling embrace of the first taste of the green, addictive potion. Strong and deep as love is the prize that comes with the unfolding of time, with a yellow explosion, ranging from bright zesty lemons to the paler shade of green with earthy lemon grass and lisea cubea (a plant also known as mountain pepper) that ads its crips, sweet touch. Smoke wafts draw near, with the calming infusion of pale gold chamomile and the smooth and gentile tactile feel of sandalwood. Gentle as falling beneath the waters of reality, now it is.

Meo Fusciuni 2# NOTA DI VIAGGIO eau de parfum

Meo Fusciuni 2# NOTA DI VIAGGIO

I am a long-time-lover of mint: Etat Libre D’Orange You or Someone like You;  the elegant Menta y Menta from Miller et Bertaux or the sweet rush of Imaginary Authors’ Saint Julep being constant in my summer rotation. Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio is one of the most artistic takes on the theme of minty fragrances, a fragile, yet empowering embroidery of shadows and light, freshness and depth. A scent that is amazingly comfortable to wear in the heat of the summer, like a green embrace that will keep you cool, safe and grounded. This is a beautiful meditation on the essence of time, stillness, and beauty – intricate, introspective, and as always with Meo’s creations – poetic.

As always, all I can say is Shukran (شكراً) (thank you), Meo.

Notes: Moroccan Dwarf Mint, Eucalyptus, Verbena, Lemongrass, Litsea Cubeba, Lemon, Moroccan Chamomile, Tobacco, Sandalwood.

Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio (Shukran) was thought, created and arranged, while listening to the album: Gnaoua music from Essaouira- private collection during each of these stages

Nicoleta Tomsa, Senior Editor

Disclosure: A bottle of Meo Fusciuni #2 Nota di Viaggio was gifted by the brand. Opinions are my own.

Also read my reviews for: Narcotico, Viole Nere and also for the latest release reviewed by Danu Last Season

2# Nota di Viaggio by Meo Fusciuni

Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio, photo by Nicoleta

Thanks to the generosity of Meo Fusciuni we have a 100 ml bottle of Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio for one registered reader in the USA and EU. You must register or your entry will not count. To be eligible, please leave a comment saying what sparks your interest based on Nicoleta’s review and where you live. Draw closes 7/11/2024

Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio was created in 2011

Follow us on Instagram @cafleurebonofficial @nicoleta.tomsa @meofusciuni_parfums

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  • Ramses Perez says:

    That refreshing, mentholated feeling in the high heat of summer is a true gem. Mint is a note I feel to be highly underused in fragrances when it brings such a cooling draft on really hot days which feels like it’s everyday now. Meo Fusciuni is a house I’m not too familiar with, but the bottles are truly beautiful and almost look like relics. Also the inspiration of making your way to Marrakech from Istanbul is palpable with the addition of notes such as chamomile and verbena which are some of the smells you experience in the streets. A very solid concept and fragrance! Cheers from the USA.

  • KleinJörg says:

    Nicoleta’s review of Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio beautifully intertwines the poetic essence of travel with the sensory experience of fragrance, making the journey to Marrakech come alive through evocative descriptions of mint tea rituals and aromatic landscapes. The meticulous attention to detail in the perfume’s composition, reflecting the slow passage of time and cultural richness, sparks my curiosity to explore its intricate layers. This fragrance seems to be a profound meditation on tradition, memory, and nature, promising a deeply immersive and emotional experience.


  • olgAPOISON says:

    2024,for me is the year of the tea note in perfume. Tried a bunch, love it, but this one is unique. Would love to own! Im from eu.

  • says:

    What a beautiful story this reviewer tells of this fragrance. The notes are beautifully woven together to create a song so unique. I’m always looking to travel to magical places when I smell a perfume, and this one does that. I live in Oregon.

  • The notes of lemongrass and tobbaco in one fragrance really sparked my interest it sounds like a fascinating combination of sweet, rich and citrusy. I live in Trzebnica, Poland, EU.

  • Nicoleta’s review of Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio Shukran is an evocative journey through scent, memory, and emotion. Her detailed description captures the essence of Morocco’s rich culture and the profound ritual of mint tea, bringing to life the vivid landscapes and sensory experiences that inspired this fragrance. The way she intertwines poetic imagery with the olfactory notes of mint, eucalyptus, and chamomile creates a deeply immersive experience. As a resident of Nashville, TN, I am particularly drawn to the intricate blend of freshness and depth in this artistic take on minty fragrances, which promises a comforting and grounding embrace, perfect for the summer heat. Thank you, Nicoleta, for this beautiful meditation on stillness and beauty. Shukran!

  • Nicoleta’s description of the cooling effects of mint during the summer reminded me of when I was offered mint tea during travels in the middle east and its refreshing effects. While the tea wasn’t offered in an intricate ceremony, it did slow things down and allowed an opportunity to put things in perspective. It sounds like Meo Fusciuni’s fragrance offers another way to achieve this. I’m located in the US.

  • AromaDulce73 says:

    Love how Giuseppe Imprezzabile said “We believe that a perfume must first of all tell a story, give an emotion”. I own little song by Meo Fusciuni and I absolutely love it.

    I’ve been a fan ever since and I would love to get my nose on Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio! I don’t have any mint/tea fragrance in my collection. This would be a great summer wear.

    Los Angeles Ca., USA

  • I love the incorporatation of how tea is served in Morroco and how the mint tea notes plays off of that. This was a beautiful reveiw with the description of the different frags in the series. I am from the USA

  • Now this sounds like an interesting take on mint! As an avid tea-drinker, I love the inspiration behind the fragrance. I can imagine myself relaxing on the patio, sipping a nice cup of mint tea as I wear this, completely immersing myself in a mint-filled dreamscape. I’m curious to see how it plays out with the tobacco and sandalwood, I imagine they serve to round out the bitterness and provide a smoother texture to what could otherwise be a sharp fragrance. I’d love to give it a whirl. Best of luck to all. I live in NC, USA.

  • I didn’t realize there was such a Moroccan tea ceremony! All we ever hear about is teh Japanese variety! This blend sounds wonderful for the hotter months and I adore anything with Chamomile in it. I live in the US.

  • Being able to take a fragrance journey through Morocco is a dream. The thought of mint tea going to that zesty lemon to that creamy sandalwood just excites me so much. Especially when you through in those spice notes. I just know this is a joy to smell. I just know this in the high summer heat is refreshing.

    I live in Dallas, TX

  • I am dying to try this fragrance. I lived in Morocco and while the tea ritual can be as ritualistic as was described in this review, it is also something that is meant to draw people together, to greet visitors, and to have conversations. When I first tried Moroccan mint tea I remember thinking that it tasted like “liquid gum” – the sweetness, the mint. Heaven!
    I’m in the U.S.

  • Thank you for bringing us the Morrocon tea ceremony. A while back I had the pleasure of wearing Shukran a few times, as a mint lover myself I liked it a lot, so I would love to win a flacon to Germany, thank you for the draw.

  • Nicoleta’ s description of 2# Nota di viaggio takes me straight to the moroccan souk! I also love minty fragrances, their initial harshness melting into sensuality. I wonder how (shukran) makes it? Shukran!
    I’m in eu

  • What a lovely description from Nicoleta!
    Nota di viaggio #2 sounds beautiful, wearable but suggestive. I find mint is an awfully underrated and underused note in perfumery, and especially in unisex/ non-male targeted mainstream fragrances.
    Also, perfumes that are universally labeled as summer-appropriate are often classically zesty citrus ones, or on the sweeter end, tropical-floral-gourmands. So one of the things that intrigued me the most, and also got me thinking, was the possibility that mint (tea) could itself belong to the gourmand / edible category as well. Why not? Nothing more delicious than a cup of hot mint tea with honey when you feel cold or sick, and nothing like a refreshing jug of mint lemonade or even mint ayran in the scorching summer days.
    So I would be delighted to smell this one from Meo Fusciuni and I thank cafleurebon and the house for the opportunity.
    Greetings from the EU.

  • Max Corvinus says:

    As a massive fan of Meo’s work, I can only attest to the artistry with which he represented the Moroccan tea ritual.

    I fell in love with the proverb and how you wove your review around it – masterful writing indeed.

    I live in the EU

  • David_Pome says:

    I’d love to try this since I do come from a definitely “minty-rooted” place and it is one of my fave notes in perfumery. Also, NT’s review is way too much inspiring and so poetic!

  • ianbradleyandrews says:

    From the review this perfume sounds so refreshing. Mint is one of my favorites. I would love to win this and live in Indiana.

  • Oh gosh I’ve been longing to try this. Everything by Meo Fusciuni has been absolutely incredible!! I’m still in awe of Viole Nere. And now I see this has eucalyptus, a note I adore and Litsea Cubeba another note I love that I rarely get to see! And the idea of those two together with mint is enough to make me want it… but all the rest and by his hand? I know it’s good. Praying I win this time! I am in US and grateful for the chance to win.

  • Patricia R. says:

    What I like about the review are these words: cooling, red, ritual, smoke, ornate teapot. The impression has been made, a lovely one.

  • Sorohan Adriana says:

    Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio a scent that is amazingly comfortable to wear in the heat of the summer.
    I am from EU

  • My interest was sparked reading “Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio is one of the most artistic takes on the theme of minty fragrances”. US

  • I love Nicoleta’s description of this perfume as deep and cooling, and her praise of Meo Fusciuni’s artistic take on mint – that sounds exactly what I need right now in this hot weather! I also love a fig note. Thanks for the opportunity to win! I’m in MN, USA.

  • Taleofarose says:

    Just returned from Marrakech, and Nicoleta’s description of tea ceremony is spot on! The mint reigns in the spice market, and what a wonderful idea to wear it on the skin. I would love to own a bottle of Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio, thank you for sharing this beautiful story!
    I live in Portugal.

  • redwheelbarrow says:

    This review was so beautiful. I love the description of the tea ritual and I feel like this fragrance must be so refreshing. I, too, love mint and crave it in the hot summer months. I feel like I can smell this fragrance completely from this review. Thank you for the draw, from the US.

  • To read Nicoleta’s stories is to be taken by the hand, eyes closed, into different worlds, always described so meticulously that time stands still while you grasp on that very moment and all the meaning that it holds.

    Morocco as she narrates it reminds me of a trip to Marrakesh and the inevitable burts of colour, glares of golden light through arabesques and whiffs of fragrant flowers, oils, spices and local dishes.

    Moroccan thé à la menthe is surprisingly sweet and yet its perfume manages to cool you off while on a hot day. I’m curious how the mastermind behind Meo Fusciuni has interpreted this sensation, knowing that he likes to go through the undertones to the very depth of every concept, revealing the darker, lesser known sides.

    I’m in the EU, discovered Meo Fusciuni a few years ago and still think it’s one of my most fortunate artistic perfumery finds so far.

  • WillRhodes says:

    Meo does mint better than anybody in my opinion. I want to experience this cooling green embrace especially during these hot summer months. 2# Nota di Viaggio Is freshness and depth in the words of Nicoletta and I can’t agree more. I love this draw!
    -In Chicago

  • The bottle is exquisite, it makes me think of some obscure apothecary, hidden in an old wooden building.
    The perfume, as described by Nicoleta, sounds like a match to the mysterious bottle – dark, aromatic, herbal, with a cool minty undercurrent. A magic potion to take you places, stir memories and awake sensations.
    Thanks for the review and the draw, from EU.

  • Laurentiu says:

    I really like mint tea and how refreshing it is. Having the same refreshing effect in a fragrance is something that I would not say ‘no’ to. Sounds cool. Thanks!

  • Like Nicoleta I love mint in fragrances. ELDO’s You or Someone Like You is also a spring and summer constant for me. The smell and taste of mint tea is also one of my fondest sensory memories of my one trip to Morocco. So a scent that captures that smell would be nearly perfect in my book. I’m in Oklahoma, USA.

  • AleksCipri says:

    This review reminded me of my travels to China long ago. I entered a tea shop and the nice lady in there showed me how each subsequent cup of jasmine the is more bitter than the previous one. I will forever remember the experience. And related Men Fusciuni…he is a true artist. Some of his fragrances I love, so I really do not like…but all of them alway evoke strong images and feelings in me. He knows what he is doing. I have to sample a lot more from him including Thanks to the generosity of Meo Fusciuni we have a 100 ml bottle of Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio which I missed so far. I love how it sounds as I am also a big fan of mint in fragrances but only when it is true to its herbal form which this one seems to be! I don’t like toothpasty mint fragrances and I’m sure based on this review that Meo’s fragrance is nowhere near those. I’m from Illinois, US.

  • Don Fischer says:

    Nicoleta is able to tell such a story. This scent sounds refreshing but elegant and timeless. Would love to have this as a summer staple!

  • sherin thomas says:

    Lovely review ! I didn’t realize there was such a Moroccan tea ceremony! All we ever hear about is teh Japanese variety! This blend sounds wonderful for the hotter months and I adore anything with Chamomile in it. From PA,USA

  • Iudita Ste says:

    Besides the fresh ingredients of this perfume is the story of traveling that sparks more my interest; wearing this perfume is more that smelling, it’s an experienc, an imaginary travel.
    Hello from Italy

  • As I am also a mint lover I liked the part saying that Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio is one of the most artistic takes on the theme of minty fragrances, a fragile, yet empowering embroidery of shadows and light, freshness and depth.
    From EU.

  • Thank you Nicoleta for the journey to Morocco.
    I was not familiar with 2# Nota Di VIAGGIO but I am a fan of Meo Fusciuni viole nere. Don’t have any minty perfumes so I would love to try this. Such a great journey to Morri o and the tea ceremony. USA here

  • Nota di Viaggio sounds so refreshing for the wet summer heat the US is currently experiencing. The range of lemony citrus combined with the mint and icy eucalyptus and chamomile note is a splash of calm and cool in a heated environment. Sounds perfect for the season. MD, USA

  • chrisskins says:

    STOP THE PRESSES. This sounds amazing. If these note don’t scream quintessential summer, I don’t know what does – mint, eucalyptus, and verbena and chamomile. Sandalwood and friends in the drydown? Wow. I love that Nicoleta’s review comments that it has a fragility to it. I’m feeling off the heavy hitters at the moment due to the heat. As is my garden, poor place that looks like love forgot it. I live in NY.

  • hippononamus says:

    Can never have enough mint and Nicoleta’s description of the combination of it with eucalyptus and verbena and the way it cools one’s skin sounds fantastic for these hot and bug bitten days of summer. I’m in the US.

  • roxhas1cat says:

    Beautiful artwork and photos. Never been to Marrakesh, but the photos seem magical and inspiring. I like that it is a cooling green embrace. I love the beautiful jewel tones of the special glasses they use (seen them at World Market). I didn’t realize there was a specific way to pour. Litsea Cubeba is a note I adore, but don’t see very often. Thanks for the chance, I think I’ll go brew some fresh mint from my yard this afternoon. USA.

  • mleenstra says:

    Meo Fusciuni is one of the brands I finally need to try because Nicoleta makes this sound amazing again. I love green aromatic fragrances and something that smells subtle natural and florally green sound right up my alley! Marit the Netherlands, EU

  • FragranceIsMe says:

    Great review Nicoleta. You sparked my interest throughout your article. However, when you referenced YOSLY and the mint vibe that is representative of 2# Nota di Viaggio, you had me hook, line, and sinker. Sounds quite refreshing, yet relaxing…and perfect for this time of year 🙂

  • Thanks for the review—2# Nota di Viaggio sounds like a lovely snapshot of a Moroccan afternoon sharing a pot of tea, captured in soft tones of mint, eucalyptus, verbena, and citrus. I enjoyed learning about the ritual of preparing mint tea and how it’s enjoyed; I’d love to experience it myself someday. 2# Nota di Viaggio is exactly what I want in a hot-weather fragrance.

    I’m in the USA.

  • wallygator88 says:

    Thanks for the lovely review Nicoleta.

    This fragrance was a beautiful travel through multiple cultures and rituals. It’s really cool to see that Meo Fusciuni has created a fragrance that is representative of the tea drinking culture – a sign of warmth and hospitality.

    I love how the fragrance follows the three glasses from the proverb – bitter and herbal in the first, strong as love in the second and mellow and gentle on the third.

    I would love to get a nose on this.

    from WI, USA

  • David Furman says:

    Mint, eucalyptus, and verbena make me think of almost like a green tea. Though with richer facets and rounded off to be brighter and rich as well. I only own Cartier roadster as a mint based fragrance but I never reach for it and don’t really like. This seems to be a deeper composition that’s made to last. Would love to own. From Jacksonville NC.

  • absurdnose says:

    I would love to try this mint note. I can imagine with the supporting notes of eucalyptus and chamomile that this becomes so earthy and soothing. I loved learning of the Moroccan mint tea ceremony. What a treat! Thanks for this generous drawing. I live in the USA.

  • Nicoleta, your review of Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio (Shukran) is simply enchanting. The way you describe the interplay of Moroccan mint and other notes captures the essence of gratitude and travel beautifully. As a Moroccan, I have a deep appreciation for mint tea, which I drink almost every day. This fragrance seems to encapsulate that comforting and refreshing experience perfectly. Thank you for sharing such a detailed and evocative review.

    From France EU

  • Nicoleta, your review of Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio (Shukran) is simply enchanting. The way you describe the interplay of Moroccan mint and other notes captures the essence of gratitude and travel beautifully. As a Moroccan, I have a deep appreciation for mint tea, which I drink almost every day. This fragrance seems to encapsulate that comforting and refreshing experience perfectly. Thank you for sharing such a detailed and evocative review.

    From France EU

  • Nicoleta, your review of Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio (Shukran) is simply enchanting. The way you describe the interplay of Moroccan mint and other notes captures the essence of gratitude and travel beautifully. As a Moroccan, I have a deep appreciation for mint tea, which I drink almost every day. This fragrance seems to encapsulate that comforting and refreshing experience perfectly. Thank you for sharing such a detailed and evocative review.

    From France EU

  • “Shukran” Nicoleta for this review and Giuseppe for this beautiful creation of Meo Fusciuni 2# Nota di Viaggio (Shukran). The fragrance sounds like a true homage to the beauty and warmth of Moroccan culture. Being Moroccan myself and a vivid fan of Moroccan mint tea, which is a daily ritual for me even in summmer due to its refreshing virtues, I feel a special connection to this scent. Your description makes me eager to experience how it captures the spirit of gratitude and travel and also the hospitality of us moroccan, as we serve mint tea when we welcome guests or family.
    Living abroad now, this review really makes me want to go to my home country and have a family and friends gathering, enjoy the conversations with many many cup of teas 😀

    Best regards, from EU (France)

  • I love Meo Fusciuni’s perfumes and his ispirations collected through journeys. I’ve been to Morocco myself and I enjoyed many mint teas and from this review it seems this perfume smells exactly like them. I would love to try and have another Meo’s masterpieces! I’m from Italy, EU

  • faberfaber says:

    This Meo Fusciuni’s fragrance sounds really interesting. I love how it’s inspired by travels to Morocco and the way it captures the essence of Marrakesh with notes of Moroccan tea and tobacco. The combination of these scents seems like it would create a really unique and rich experience. I’m from Italy, EU

  • WeAreScentient says:

    This is a beautiful review Nicoleta! Mint is a lovely note in the right hands & Meo is an expert at enticing poetry out of his materials. Love from Dublin

  • says:

    The story behind and review is great itself. Love this tea mint vibe, great and easy to wear in summer.

    BR from Poland 😉