Last month we featured the top five Artisans perfumers in spilled perfume, so we close the circle and we recognize the noses and niche perfumers in our CaFleureBon Profiles in American Perfumery Series.
Your task to claim spilled perfume is to rank the TOP FIVE NOSE AND NICHE PROFILES IN AMERICAN PERFUMERY IN ORDER OF MOST READ. Below are 10 listed in alphabetical order only
Carlos Huber of Arquiste Parfumeur
Kelly Jones of Kelly and Jones Wine perfumes
Kim Spadaro of Spadaro Luxury Fragrances
Ulrich Lang of Ulrich Lang New York
Stephen Nilsen of Givaudan (is it us or is Contributor Michael Devine Stephen's twin)
Sarah Barton-King of the Pink Room
The six perfume prizes:
50 ml of Tocca Liliana- USA
ImaginaryAuthors CHOOSE ONE Bull's Blood, The Cobra & The Canary, Falling into the Sea, L'Orchidee Terrible, Memoirs of a Trespasser, The Soft Lawn or Violet Disguise US winner (or if you have a US address he can ship to)
For Strange Women a choice of either a Deluxe Sampler of 14 solid scents, or a 7.3 ml bottle of Winter Kitty perfume oil
55 ml of Neela Vermeire Creations BOMBAY BLING
Parfums Mercedes Legend
100 ml of Parfumerie Nasreen's signature scent Nasreen , created by M. Micallef USA and Canada Only
This is what you need to do : list the top five in numerical order and the first reader to guess correctly which were the most read, wins their choice of two of the six (note: be sure to read country restrictions AND BE SURE TO LIST YOUR TOP TWO CHOICES). If no one guesses correctly, than it goes to a random draw.
Draw ends March 13, 2013.
We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.