Esxence 2019: Maison Incens Musc Dahabii Review + Song of The Village Draw

Esxence 2019: Maison Incens Musc Dahabii Review

Cracked mud and pool. Huntington Witherill Photography


While others soar,

And flap before

They take to flight,

I remember where to turn my might:

The earth can more.

——–dana sandu’s poem for Maison Incens Musc Dahabi

In deep pits wet and tepid, all women dig for clay. Every once in a while, the earth takes one of them as the hole closes under its own weight- but as the world is big they nowhere stop digging for clay, as if drowning in it is unmentionable like a debt paid. On the way back to the village they sing, back curved against nature under their sticky burden, clouds over their foreheads and chatter right under. As steps get harder, pain bubbles up through the muscles and into throats, and someone starts singing.

As their own burdens become too heavy to bear, others join, trilling as they strain, louder and louder as they get more tired. By the time the group gets home, the song pours from lowered heads and into the ground, angry and hot, like a scolding. To make a dirt home you start with clay, water, grasses, and the best brown a cow can offer (or any other other vegetarian, slow, readily-willing-to-poop-for-free domesticated creature). Everything has to be just right: the grasses—dry but slightly flexible, still pungent from its planty spirits; the dung patties—slightly fermented and animalic-sweet, bringers of stability and connection. And if the digging and the carrying were full of song, mixing clay is the stuff for dancing.

Brick master’s feet. Photo by Lisa Kristine

And so they dance: holding hands, skirts tied at the waist and chatter resumed, they dance as they mix the clay with their heels, squelching and aching with every liberation of a bare foot. Sweat starts dripping as the sun gets hot, no shade to help, and so they stew and dance, ever new sweat dripping on top of the old one, thick and pungent and going into the clay, until they’re done. An when they’re done, it’s time for touching.

Clay ball. Copyright

The men have been building wooden, bone-looking scaffoldings all day- the air is thick with their own kind of sweat, smoke from their pipes and lunch cauldron, and the  earthy-sweet smell of the mats they rest on. When women come, they step aside- it’s not for many to sculpt a home, and not easy. The clay mix is scooped by hand, made round, then rolled between the palms until it becomes docile- then, and only then, it becomes walls, every lump caressed and whispered to like a baby.

Mud huts in Tiebele, Burkina Faso. Copyright

Maison Incens Musc Dahabii is like sitting in the finished hut, spent, sweaty, melting your own self into the undried, cool floor to finally make it a home. In a way, it’s like looking down to where you your feet already are, instead of looking out to where you’re going; better yet, it’s like a collective memory as opposed to the self-imagined future.

Maison Incens Musc Dahabii is one of the rare compositions where things don’t start and things don’t end: like a dirt hut holding symbolistic simplicity built out of a mere few elements, it presents full frontal as what it is: a deeply ingrained, disturbingly familiar, universally understandable, and highly personal scent.  Hot, vegetal-but-deep animalics blend with honeyed woods, earthy aromatics, pungent smoky haptics and sticky balsams to create an effect that is unexpectedly burdening, historically atemporal, and as grand as the first clay hut built by humans.

Maison Musc Dahabi

Maison Incens Musc Dahabii. Collage by dana

Official notes: bergamot, lemon, musk, rose, leather, orris, sandalwood, vetiver, white flowers

(Perceived accords: honey- propolis– vetiver- birch- frankincense– myrrh- calendula- capsicum- sage- musk- labdanum- sun aldehydes (do they even exist??)- rose- Peru balsam- ylang- styrax- hay- salt- stone!)

Disclosure I received my sample from Maison Incens, opinions my own

dana sandu, Contributor

Thanks to the generosity of Phillipe Constantin, the founder and owner we have a bottle of Maison Incens Musc Dahabii for one registered reader in The EU, USA and Canada. To be eligible, please leave a comment saying what sparks your interest in this based on dana’s review and where you live. Draw ends 5/102019

Follow us on Instagram @cafleurebon  @maisonincens  @a_nose_knows

We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like Çafleurebon and use our  blog feed … or  your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

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  • fazalcheema says:

    Maison Incens Musc Dahabi seems like it will appeal to those with challenging compositions. It also seems to have lot of elements of classics including animalics, aromatic, and honeyed wood elements. I am in US.

  • I’m trying to wrap the idea of this fragrance around my head but it sounds/smells challenging. I can’t get a good grip on what this would smell like. An earthy herbal amber? Canada.

  • NiceVULady says:

    This sounds interesting and challenging. I’m not sure how the notes listed fit into the description. I would thank that the person wearing this would have to have a great deal of confidence. I’m in the USA

  • This one seems a bit different which I like and very interesting concept, a lot of notes I enjoy but this one has me very curious as a description – “creates an effect that is unexpectedly burdening” ?!?! …Hmmmm Id really like to try this and how its interpreted thru fragrance ,at lot of these perceived accords sound wonderful too look forward to trying .

    Thanks for great review/article and the generous giveaway !
    Canada 🙂 🙂 🙂

  • bigscoundrel says:

    I’m very interested in how the official notes of Maison Incens blend to become the very different perceived accords. I’m in the USA.

  • dana.sandu says:

    Indeed, this is neither simple, nor straightforward- which is why I found it so different from most of what’s being launched in 2019. It stands out through its thorough blending and the final effect which is so, so much more than the sum of its parts!
    If I were to define it, I’d say it’s an herbal, ambery, hot musk.

  • gabriela says:

    Reading the review, I imagine a glorious perfume that take you to an old era; it is intended to those with a keen sense of beauty and uniqueness. Gab2010, from Canada.

  • bogdanguitar says:

    Maison Incens Musc Dahabi seems to me something special, that kind of fragrance that you either love or hate. I like some of the official listed notes (vetiver, leather), but the perceived notes are the ones that make me want to test test this fragrance. I`m from Romania, so I think it will be difficult for me to get a sample to test this fragrance, but who knows?

  • DulciusExAsperis says:

    Well, this sounds amazing, what a totally evocative review. And color me surprised: I did not know that traditional clay bricks counted animal dung among their ingredients. So, totally surprising. But I wonder if it is that animalic element to them that reminds one of this musk? I am very interested to try this & would love to be entered to win! I am in the USA.

  • This perfume sounds fascinating! I like scents that go to unusual places, and based on this review, Maison Incens Musc Dahabii seems to fit the bill. It certainly has several notes I like, and the description of sun baked clay fuels my interest. I’m based in the U.S. Thanks for the review and the draw!

  • This one sounds captivating with it’s groundedness, with it’s ancient, may I say, tribal vibes yet modern approach. I would love to try this out. To enter the drawing: my place of residence is Hungary.

  • recursivemask says:

    This perfume seems really interesting, and I’ve been looking to experience a powerful musk. Musks don’t tend to faze me, but something as powerful as this could lead to something truly interesting. I’m in the US.

  • Loredana O says:

    Very interesting description…I cannot even imagine how this perfume can appears on my skin…maybe I will have the chance to try it!!!
    I am from EU.

  • I loved dana’s introduction to the actual review, which has created a very graphic, immediate and genuine atmosphere. The perfume itself sounds wild and tame, raw and molded at the same time and that’s what makes me interested. Thanks for the review and the draw! From Romania.

  • mariagry13 says:

    Great review. This fragrance is very complex, it has a lot of interesting notes, lately i get perfume with frankincense and myrrh. I really like to try this.,I am from UE.

  • I am a huge fan of frankincense and earth notes. I think this will be a blast!

  • Dana made my imagination go wild through a land long forgotten, filled with mud huts men-made and paid sometimes with their lives. I could almost smell the scent of mud, and water dropping slowly onto women’s forehead while they give their last drop of force while working. The burning sun, the stone, the animal noises, they all complete these fabulous pastel painting.

  • This must be something else,if Dana wrote a poem for it! And i prefer perfumes that stand out from the crowd, i love herbals, so id be very happy to sniff this. I live in Romania.

  • Andreea grusuzache says:

    Honey and salt sounds interesting! I would like to try it!

  • fleurdetilleul says:

    I love it when the author of the article (Dana!!!) writes the perceived notes too, helps with making an impression and makes me curious to see if I perceive the same! I live in EU.

  • marcopietro says:

    Oh my God, this sounds great! It has a primordial appeal, contains references to ancestral terrestrial deities. It is the return to the origins, with it we are welcomed back into the house of Adam.
    ps: the new look of the site is beautiful, congratulations!
    I am in UE

  • The clay smels sweet for me, I think is very interesting this fragrance. Good job Dana, keep going!

  • Steve A. says:

    I like the comment that this fragrance in the author’s view that, “things don’t start and things don’t end”. US

  • That sounds interesting, Dana! I love your perceived notes in particular. That really sells it for me. The listed notes don’t make it sound that different than many other fragrances out there. They should hire you to write copy for it. I’m in the USA.

  • What strikes me about this one is how unique it sounds put is being described here I would love to try it,
    I’m in the United States NC

  • gunmetal24 says:

    I am always interested in what Dana has to say…ALWAYS. The element that spark my biggest interest in the perfume is her echo on full frontal and looking at the grown. Brilliant! Such a strong thought of mind. Based in Canada.

  • strangedim says:

    “For dust you are and to dust you shall return”.
    This came to my mind when I read the mesmerizing introduction. This is something else, I thought, a primordial scent, the scent that comes from grandparents’ stories passed on by their grandparents and so on through a thin unbreakable line from the beginning of times until now, this moment.
    Effort and rest. Sweat and joy. And then… Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
    Thank you, Dana, for your words, they go straight to the soul. Hugs from Romania.

  • “In deep pits wet and tepid, all women dig for clay” ….
    Dana, you really choose your words well. You got me from the first line (I don’t ignore the poem ) so I really really need to try this one!
    Thank you!

  • Lots of love for Dana and her writing, this one should be really great. Musk, orris and vetiver sounds perfect, “deep animalics blend with honeyed woods” miam! I would love to try it, i’m in the EU, thx for the draw.

  • I love the notes. Your description makes it sound so earthy and animalic.
    I live in the US.

  • Dubaiscents says:

    What an evocative review, the image of women making bricks with their own sweat and tears is very powerful. I can tell this must be a truly unique scent and I love how Dana includes her own perceived notes. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and for the wonderful draw. I am in the US.

  • Dana, your so poetic reviews always arouse my curiosity, especially for Maison Incens Musc Dahabi, so wonderful you described. Romania.

  • Nicoleta.Tomsa says:

    What a beautiful, synesthetic review. Dana really took us into her vision, the song, the voices, the light, the fatigue, the smell. Loved the story, now I want to smell it – the perceived combo of honey- propolis – frankincense sound amazing. I am from EU – Romania.

  • Dana, what an informative, descriptive, and exquisitely written review. I often long for those rare things that evoke exactly this. ”Where things don’t start and things don’t end: it presents full frontal as what it is: a deeply ingrained, disturbingly familiar, universally understandable, and highly personal scent. I am in the US. 2

  • The “honeyed woods, earthy aromatics, pungent smoky haptics and sticky balsams” sparked my interest. Oana, Romania

  • Damiana Chiavolini says:

    In this review, I was especially intrigued by the contrast between official and perceived notes. The poem at the beginning was a really nice touch. Nicely done! I live in the USA.

  • Lena Hope says:

    My interest isn’t only sparked, but STOKED, by dana’s intensely vivid review, full of glowing images of nature and real human smells, archaic and universal all at once. Would absolutely love the chance to try this. ( I live in the UK which does still qualify, for a while, I think, I hope, as part of the EU… ). Please count me in for the draw.

  • What sparked my interest is where it says… “Maison Incens Musc Dahabii is like sitting in the finished hut, spent, sweaty, melting your own self into the undried, cool floor to finally make it a home“. And one of the rare compositions where things don’t start and things don’t end. This one is quite interesting.
    I live in USA.

  • Very nice review. And Musc Dahabii sounds wonderfully from the base of the review and the notes. I would very like to try it. Thank you for the chance. I live in the EU.

  • Brightly described, this “juice” reminds me of the summer days in my childhood. Explosion of colors, scents and feelings. Very beautiful review and very interesting perfume! I am in the EU.

  • “We are the earth intruders
    We are the earth intruders,
    Muddy with twigs and branches
    Forgive this tribe

    Mud graves
    Morbid trenches

    Here come the earth intruders
    There will be no resistance
    We are the cannoneerers
    Necessary voodoo”

  • I love how this sounds. A deep resinous, dry fragrances with a unique use of honey. I do like anamalic scents, so this is a dream come true ! Not to mention this has beautiful frankinsense and musk vibe to make this even better. Anyways, I live in the USA and I will stop my drooling now, Haha.

  • Hot, vegetal-but-deep animalics blend with honeyed woods, earthy aromatics, pungent smoky haptics and sticky balsams. Could be very nice. It would be great to get the chance to find out. Thanks for another great giveaway. Canada.

  • The creative concept behind this fragrance is very unique. I’d love to see if I could perceive the frankincense and myrrh accords, as I love incense. Wonderful draw, thank you. USA

  • dana.sandu says:

    Thank you all for your kind comments.
    One fun mention I’d like to make- when I wrote this, I was oblivious to the fact that Musc Dahabii is part of the Moroccan Tales collection. Somehow, though, its soul spoke through….such goes the magic of olfaction.

  • “a deeply ingrained, disturbingly familiar, universally understandable, and highly personal scent.” Honestly, I can not imagine what this perfume would smell like. I think this scent can be as familiar/primordial/ancient as a mother’s embrace, like the idea of home, of belonging to a tribe, a community. Smelling it can make you feel more humane, at peace with what you are, aware of your importance or lack of importance in the grand scheme of things. It sounds insane but I think this would be a good scent for meditation. I am from EU, Romania.

  • Smell like a pottery workshops in a croudy bazar or working neighbour..during the summer must be interesting to be able to have these scents bottled.

  • Crisstyyn says:

    What an amazing thought: “Maison Incens Musc Dahabii is like sitting in the finished hut, spent, sweaty, melting your own self into the undried, cool floor to finally make it a home.” This really makes me wanna try it. I am absolutely sure it will test all my senses and stimulate my imagination as no other fragrance has done it in quite a while..Congrats Dana for the review! Gorgeous one! I am from UK

  • brindusa says:

    Stunning… reading the review, I do not even know what’s been done in my soul: the desire to smell the perfume or the longing for what (or where) I was once. Romania

  • Thank you, Dana, for these moments of lucid dreaming! It all just feels like a soul-altering experience, you’ve awakened in me deeply-hidden connections to Mother Earth. I’d love to have the scent behind this beautiful story. Greetings from Munich, Germany

  • Sebastian says:

    This sounds absolutely unpredictable. I am intrigued by the difference between the listed and perceived notes. I am also curious what it would be like to be “burdened” by a perfume, an experience I have not had so far. I live in the EU.

  • Emilia Gomes de Almeida says:

    What sparks my interest?!?! Well, I think its the memory of my childhood, when one summer I was staying with my paternal grandmother and she had to fix the stable ( not a real stable, more of a shack where her cow was sleeping) and expect the digging we performed all the activities above mentioned by Dana, from pouring water on top of the clay with grass and with cow “brown”. Then we started to “glue” the stables walls which basically meant to put a layer of dirt on top of the wall and to try to smooth the surface with our own hands. I still remember my grandmothers sun burned hands, the wrinkles on her fingers and the strength that those tiny fingers were holding. I can still smell the sweat, the dirt and the sun burned skin.
    If I can go back in time just by smelling this perfume its all worth it!

  • Atena Cata says:

    I think this ia an interestig fragrance,i would love to smell this.I’m from Romania.

  • I am quite curious to see and understandhow all the notes combine. The clay with the animalics and the honey (does the honey contribute maybe to all the animalic scents?) on the bed of resins. Great review, hope the fragrance matches it. I am from Romania

  • doveskylark says:

    I love challenging fragrances that strike a primal chord. I just loved this review. I was right there with the gathering of the clay and the building of the huts. I think I have a idea of how this will smell, and it must be primal and of this earth.
    I live in the USA.

  • Danu Seith-Fyr says:

    Earthy and Primordial… raw and seductive all at once. I am hooked, well done Dana. Great reviews
    I live in France

  • All I can say is this is the best review more like a piece of poetry I have read in a long time
    You can really tell how dana was taken back to a different time.
    I live in the USA
    I am going to look for more from this house Maison Incens.

  • Alexandra says:

    The review intrigues and is taking me into a journey full of contrasts but still like a back to basis one. Like Adam and Eve enriched by the ancient civilizations and now extracting the finest as a juice in a contemporary approach. Vegetable but deep animalics blend arouse my imagination the most…for sure would be a special experience for me to try this. I’m from Romania.

  • Florentina says:

    Good evening everyone. Dana you make a description as you are used to understanding even the simplest man. I love you for everything you do, you are a 10th grade woman.Thank you.

  • Mmm… so vivid, I’m there, in my white cotton dress, muddy hands, wipe them on my dress, and suddenly I’m smelling the first week of real summer… that warmth, that joie de vivre…

  • Although the general image is of a village in Africa, all i can think of is to the old clay houses that our elders lived in and they’ve built with their bare hands. It may sound and be complex but i get a sense of familiarity out of your description that stirs my curiosity. Thank you for this article and for the generous giveaway!

  • The beauty of the poem and the analogy with the building of a home from clay made me very curious about this perfume. From România with curiosity!

  • Alina Soare says:

    This scent should be interesting.
    All above mentioned by Dana portrays a sterling cohesion between the scent’s virtues and the figure of the one who wears it.
    Certainly, this scent could be the master of our imagination, flashing special feelings!
    All the best from Romania!

  • samppahoo says:

    I enjoyed reading how physical this scent is. The heat, the dirt, the work, the many different people in the same space, side by side, creating civilization. Very poetic and inspiring. I’m from Finland.

  • Mihaela Ungureanu says:

    “Maison Incens Musc Dahabii is one of the rare compositions where things don’t start and things don’t end” – this is what sparked my interest based on Dana’s review. I really want to put my nose on this… here… in Romania… the country i live in!

  • Well, everything is so visual in your reviews, Dana, it makes me want this perfume! Seems to be a different concept, I perfume everybody needs to try. I live in Romania, EU

  • helenlam says:

    Mmmm animalic, musky Woody earthy leather. This definitely doesn’t sound like a mass appeal scent but definitely one that evokes a mood or place. Thanks Dana for a wonderful mental image. I live in the USA. Thanks for the draw!

  • “Maison Incens Musc Dahabii is like sitting in the finished hut, spent, sweaty, melting your own self into the undried, cool floor to finally make it a home. In a way, it’s like looking down to where you your feet already are, instead of looking out to where you’re going; better yet, it’s like a collective memory as opposed to the self-imagined future.”
    I think this might be my favourite part of this incredibly evocative review. This has everything to do with creation or with art. It must be great if it rose such vivid reactions in Dana so I would definitely like to smell this, indeed. I’m in the EU.

  • Interesting concept and this one sounds like it will be a bit challenging. Not much experience with challenging fragrances. There are some notes I do enjoy though. Thanks, US

  • This description brings me back to my childhood summers spent in the sun torched, dusty plains of Romania, sleeping in an old house built by my great grandfather from those dung bricks somewhere after WW1 and waiting for the evening cool in order to escape barefooted on the dirt streets into the grain fields at the back of the house where everything smelled like hot cooling earth and grass. Currently living in the Netherlands.

  • What a amazing review. Especially I liked description what man feel sitting in new built hut- such a atmospheric description.
    Hot, vegetal- animalic, earthy aromatic- sounds very interesting.

  • Very beautiful review!! Thanks!
    Nice pictures too.
    Mostly I liked this part : “earthy aromatics, pungent smoky haptics and sticky balsams to create an effect that is unexpectedly burdening, historically atemporal, and as grand as the first clay hut built by humans”.
    Sounds gorgeous!!

  • JozefJak says:

    Wow, the perceived accords are so interesting and this reminiscence with the clay? It has to be something unique. I’d love to try this blend. I live in Poland.

  • This sounds like a second skin for me! I love the wood scents! Thx for the opportunity, Romania

  • From the article the perfume might smell of a new beginning in a primitive clay house, everything made from natural ingredients, but for this hut to become your home you must work for it , swet on it put your own olfactory print on it and love it to become a hot, unique scent.Love the accords and the contrasts of the ingredients.I’d love to take a sniff of this.Thank you Dana for such a plastic and great narrative review

  • roxana preda says:

    What an emotional review! As for me, any perfume that brings to mind memories of the natural elements that makes a home HOME, personal and part of the land and of the people, is something to look into.

  • Alexandra says:

    It has some of my favourite notes: sandalwood, musk, honey. The description gives me the idea that this is one of the wildest, unique perfumes and Id love to try it. From EU – Romania

  • If I can smell the clay, I am alive! Beautiful poem, Dana! Thank you for the review!

  • Liliana Mohanty says:

    If memory serves me well, I have experienced exactly what Dana is describing in her review. It’s a very distant yet still emotional print from my early childhood.
    I live in Canada but I grew up in Romania. While spending summers in my grandparents’ village, I often visited the neighbors and watched how they were building or patching their summer kitchens with what was abundantly available in their surroundings: mud, manure, vegetation, water. The mind has a wonderful way of sifting through the impressions from back then, and makes sure what remains is a romanticized version of the toils and hardships of those activities.

    I am really curious to see how this perfume aligns itself to those memories.

    I love Dana’s review.
    I think she painted a beautifully raw picture of those times, She made me curious about this fragrance, I have to try it now! 🙂

  • d3m0lici0n says:

    With this part of the review:
    Maison Incens Musc Dahabii is one of the rare compositions where things don’t start and things don’t end:
    I’m interested! The honeyed animalics and woods looks like a challenge but intriguing fragrance.
    I’d love to win it and try it.
    I live in the US

  • Hmmm, singing and dancing in clay and cow’s poo? Never heard of anything like this. It may not be pretty but definitely interesting. I would like to try it. I live in the EU.

  • Gabriela L. says:

    “Maison Incens Musc Dahabii is one of the rare compositions where things don’t start and things don’t end.” – a neverending story that I would love to wear. Gabriela L. from Romania.

  • Michael Prince says:

    Great review Maison Incens Musc Dahabii. Its interesting how much the listed and perceived notes differ. The earthy aromatics, honeyed woods, and resinous perceived notes make the fragrance sound unique and pleasant.

  • Hot dirty sweay herbal musk… must be magic! Thanks for an awsome review, Dana!
    I live in Romania.

  • Thank you Dana for yet another vivid fragrance review. I’ve been there with the mud hut but luckily minus the dung 🙂 I’d like to sample this. I’m in TX USA

  • Irina Monica says:

    Hello, Dana!
    I love the way you write. You just made me want to go and “give a nose” to Musc Dahabii by Maison Incens. I don’t know how and where to find it, but I’d really love to try it someday.
    Keep up the good work!
    Irina. Romania.

  • Irina Monica says:

    Hi, Dana!
    I absolutely love the way you write. You just made me want to go and try Musc Dahabii by Maison Incens. I don’t know how and where to find it, but I’d love to try it.
    Keep going!
    Irina Monica