Escentric Molecules Series 05 Reader’s Choice Winner


Escentric Molecules 05 Molecule and Escentric review

 Geza Schoen: All molecules I chose need complexity. Most or let’s say at least 99% of all aroma chemicals need other synthetic or natural products with them to conquer their linear olfactoric appearance. Cashmeran has got that capacity. First of all it is kind of a hybrid between a woody and a musky ingredient. Secondly, I see a piney note and even a slight fruity note in it. Ultimately it is always the molecule itself which leads to the concept of the corresponding Escentric fragrance. Thanks to the generosity of Luckyscent we are offering a bottle of either Escentric Molecules 05 or Molecule 05 for one registered reader or Looking Feeling Smelling Great Subscriber in the USA only. The random winner is Rosemarie Dages who chose Escentric Molecules Escentric 05.  Please email with Escentric Molecules Escentric 05 as your subject, your full name and mailing details as well as your phone number by April 13, 2020 6 PM DST. THIS IS A DEADLINE AND NO EXCEPTIONS IF YOU ARE LATE. A warm thank you to for this wonderful gift in your email to us would be greatly appreciated as we do forward what you write exactly to our generous perfumers, retailers and creative directors. Please use the email from your comment so we know it is you.

We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like Çafleurebon and use our blog feed… or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume


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Please note that there may be a delay in getting this to you, so allow for 3-5 weeks.  Also due to the world wide COVID- 19 pandemic, please allow even more time as certain areas and countries are on lock down. When you receive your perfume, please let us know!!!