You Tube-Gogol Bordello: Start Wearing Purple
[I know Dawn would approve!]
Dawndear is a formidable painter, as well as perfumer; her active, curious intelligence leads her to explore synaesthesia on many levels.
Why not perfume as color?
I’m choosing to explore a color / fragrance that may be problematic for some-
But not for me.
It makes me happy, happy, happy.

Quinacridone Violet is a larger-than-life, effervescent explosion of blossom, bud, leaf, fruit underscored with cedar, a kiss of musk and a murmur of incense.
It is ebulliently Electric Day-Glo Violet- as in “plugged into a generator “.
I say this with great affection for its unapologetically playful nature.
Oh, such luscious fruit!
Peel of lime, plum, tart quince romp merrily with cherry blossoms; so many lovely flowers grace the heart of the matter- aglaia, neroli, osmanthus, sweet pea, and violet [a little violet leaf tossed in as well].
Cassis adds its fruitiness to the base of barely-there musk, incense, and cedar.
[Something has to anchor this balloon!]
We are treated to a sweet-tart blend of fragrant goodwill.
I challenge anyone to feel blue or burdened while wearing this ….
Perfume as Prozac.
Dawndear refers to QV as ‘shocking’.
I guess it could be construed as such-
But probably only by folk who begrudge others their pleasure, good fortune, or happiness.
It’s a wild, wacky, wonderful ride… be thoroughly enjoyed, while tempus is fugiting !
Photo Credits:
Eugene Hutz:flickr.comhutz
Quinacridone Violet:danielsmith.comQV
Dawn painting, c/o Facebook and DH Ed Hurwitz!
Ren and Stimpy :
Quinacridone Violet image:
Purple plums:
Lime zest:
Tempus Fugit:
–Ida Meister, Senior Editor