Cultus Artem Discovery Set Winner

cultus artem perfumes

At Cultus Artem not only am I the creative director and founder but additionally the perfumer. So many founders have gone a more traditional route of hiring outside fragrance houses to manufacture on their behalf. We manufacture inhouse – we have incredibly strict procedures and vet the creative process thoroughly with our own in-house chemist as well as an independent toxicologist who’s based in Europe and runs analysis for compliance.Thanks to Holly Tupper of Cultus Artem we have a discovery set valued at $285 for a USA ONLY reader.The random winner is Camille Sheil. Please email michelyn at with Cultus Artem Discovery Set  as your subject and your complete mailing and phone details by March 22, 2020 5PM DST. Be sure to use your email from your comment so we know it is you. THIS IS A DEADLINE AND NO EXCEPTIONS IF YOU ARE LATE. A warm thank you to Holly Tupper of Cultus Artem  for this wonderful gift in your email to us would be greatly appreciated as we do forward what you write exactly to our generous perfumers, retailers and creative directors. Please use the email from your comment so we know it is you.

At this time more than ever support independent and artisan perfumes by purchasing samples!!!  They need to stay in business to continue to bring us pleasure during these unsettling times,

We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like Çafleurebon and use our blog feed… or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume


This is our Privacy and Draw Rules Policy

Please note that there may be a delay in getting this to you, so allow for 5 weeks minimum.  Also due to the world wide COV 19 pandemic, please allow even more time as certain areas and countries are on lock down. When you receive your perfume, please let us know!!!