CaFleureBon Fragrant Awakenings: Oriza Legrand Rêve d’Ossian (Hugo Lambert) 2013

That night, I understood my perfume. I understood my purpose. That night, with Oriza Legrand Rêve d’Ossian, I stepped out of my dream.
That night, I understood my perfume. I understood my purpose. That night, with Oriza Legrand Rêve d’Ossian, I stepped out of my dream.
Histoires de Parfums 1969 triggered clear memories of childhood. The feelings that were unearthed, some so personal that I still well up with tears.
2012 was a year of my fragrant awakening: Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme by Jerome Epinette my first niche perfume & the year I started Chemist in the Bottle
Elena Cvjetkovic – ‘The Plum Girl’ as a young girl growing up in Bosnia age 7 I was born in a small town in central Bosnia. Well before time, underweight, feet first. First photos of me show an extremely skinny, wrinkled, jaundice-yellow face with a prominent thin, long nose. I lived, the nose didn’t change …
I was now seized by the actual magic of a perfume. L’Artisan Parfumeur Timbuktu transports your soul to a place you have never been, and may not even exist.
Juliette Has A Gun Lady Vengeance. Juliette has a who? What the heck kind of name is this? Why would anybody name a perfume this? Had they lost their mind? Well, I’m not sure about that but I was definitely about to lose mine