ÇaFleureBon Young Perfumer Series: Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of FLAIR + Sora Dora Red Jovoy Paris Exclusive Giveaway

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of Flair photo byTanguy Sergheraert 09-2023

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of Flair photo by Tanguy Sergheraert 09-2023

Born amidst the rugged beauty of southern Brittany, where the winds and tides sculpted the coastline, I eventually found my calling in the bustling streets of Paris, the vibrant epicenter of perfumery. My journey into the world of scents began early, shaped by the unique upbringing in an independent perfume boutique lovingly curated by my mother. Each day, the store welcomed a diverse array of individuals on a quest to discover their olfactory identity. It was here, amidst the shelves adorned with countless bottles of essence, that my fascination with perfumery took root.

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN grew up in Brittany

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of FLAIR childhood in Brittany

My first profound encounter with scent occurred when I was barely ten years old. In the fragrant ambience of the boutique, I playfully sampled perfumes at random until my senses were captivated by an elegant, transparent oval bottle. As I lifted it to inhale its essence, I was unexpectedly transported to a distant memory, a forgotten moment from my childhood resurfacing with vivid clarity. In that instant, I was awakened to the transformative power of perfume—the ability to evoke emotions, memories, and even alter moods. From that day forward, I harbored an unwavering determination to someday wield this alchemy of scents myself.

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of FLAIR’s mother in the perfumery shop

My formal entry into the perfume industry came at the age of fifteen, when Rémi Ricord, then commercial at Fragrance Resources, graciously offered me an internship opportunity. Those initial days spent in the laboratory amidst vials of compounds solidified my resolve to pursue a career as a perfumer. Armed with a modest assortment of raw materials, a cherished gift from Fragrance Resources, I eagerly honed my skills while awaiting the commencement of my higher education. At seventeen, I bid farewell to the serene shores of Brittany and embarked on a transformative journey to Paris, where I enrolled in a rigorous five-year program at the École Supérieure du Parfum.

Perfumer Margaux LE PAIH Guerin


The years that followed were a tapestry of discovery and growth as I immersed myself in the art and science of perfumery. Internships provided me with invaluable insights into the industry, allowing me to observe its inner workings from multiple perspectives. Weekends spent at Nose further enriched my understanding of niche fragrances and emerging market trends, fostering a holistic approach to my education. Upon completing my studies, I ventured beyond French borders for a pivotal internship at LUZI in Zurich, Switzerland, where I served as a perfumer analyst.

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of Flair working at Nose

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of Flair working at Nose

There, I delved deeper into the intricacies of fragrance formulation and gained firsthand experience in evaluating diverse raw materials. Alain Alchenberger, the Director of Creation, coached me in formulation and provided invaluable advice on perfumery creation. Despite the enriching environment, my heart yearned to return to Paris, a city alive with the dynamism and creative energy essential to my aspirations. Thus, I embarked on a new chapter, joining Firmenich as an assistant perfumer before finding my true niche at Flair, where I was welcomed as a junior perfumer.

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of Flair with Flair team in Paris Amélie Bourgeois, Anne-Sophie Behaghel, Camille Chemardin, and Sandra Barré

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN with FLAIR team

Joining forces with visionary colleagues—Amélie Bourgeois, Anne-Sophie Behaghel, Camille Chemardin, and Sandra Barré—marked a turning point in my career. Their unwavering trust and collaborative spirit empowered me to explore increasingly ambitious projects, each one a testament to our shared dedication to innovation and excellence. The nurturing environment at Flair continues to fuel my passion for perfumery, providing fertile ground for continuous learning and personal growth. Every day brings new challenges and opportunities to push the boundaries of creativity.

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of Flair with flair team for Flair's 10th anniversary

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN with the team for FLAIR’s 10th anniversary

Finally, in my life, I feel fully fulfilled. Every day, I am in contact with inspiring and stimulating people. I am trusted, which makes me even more motivated to give my all for my company. This sense of accomplishment drives me to push my limits and strive for excellence in everything I do. Being surrounded by such a positive and supportive environment has transformed my professional and personal growth. I wake up each morning excited for the challenges and opportunities ahead. My enthusiasm is contagious, and it’s reflected in the energy of our team. Together, we are achieving great things, and I couldn’t be happier.

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN created Born to Stand Out Wabi Sabi

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of  FLAIR with wabi sabi Born to Stand Out bottle

On a daily basis, I am fortunate to collaborate with artists, facilitated by Sandra Barré, who is conducting research on aestheticism in art. Her thesis focuses on how scents serve as vehicles for artistic experiences. Through this endeavor, I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with artists such as Quentin Derouet, Florian Mermin, Chloé Jeanne, Io Burgard, for the International Perfume Museum of Grasse, for the Olfactory art Keller in New York, for ‘Horizons Olfatifs’ exhibition in Toulouse as well as photographers like Tanguy Sergheraert and Jonathan Bertin. These creative projects complement my work with brands and enrich my approach to perfume creation with a higher artistic dimension.

artist Quentin Derouet

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of FLAIR and artist Quentin Derouet

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of Flair exhibition Toulouse 2023 - Horizons Olfactifs

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of FLAIR exhibition Toulouse 2023 – Horizons Olfactifs

Artist Chloé Jeanne

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of FLAIR and Artist Chloé Jeanne

I am deeply grateful for the chance to collaborate with these inspiring individuals who work across different media. Together, we explore innovative ways to integrate scent into visual and conceptual artistry, pushing the boundaries of traditional perfumery and expanding the sensory landscapes we create. Each collaboration not only broadens my creative horizons but also deepens my understanding of how fragrance can evoke emotions, memories, and narratives within artistic contexts. This interdisciplinary exchange fuels my passion for perfumery and reinforces the belief that scent is a powerful medium for artistic expression, capable of resonating on profound aesthetic and emotional levels.

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of Flair at the exhibition Al Atlas x Tanguy Sergheraert

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of Flair at the exhibition Al Atlas x Tanguy Sergheraert

All these artistic experiences enrich me every day. Creation occupies a significant part of my life: I design clothing, I paint, I draw—and I firmly believe that being an only child, experiencing boredom, and growing up alone, forced to entertain myself by weaving imaginary worlds around me, sparked this intrinsic, visceral need for constant creation. This early immersion into the realm of imagination cultivated a fertile ground for creativity to flourish. Whether through fashion design, where fabrics become canvases for my ideas to materialize, or through painting and drawing, where colors and lines express emotions and narratives, each medium allows me to channel my innermost thoughts and inspirations.

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of FLAIR and her sewing piece

The process of creation is not merely a pastime but a fundamental aspect of my identity—an essential means of expression and exploration. It is through this act of making that I find clarity, purpose, and a profound connection to myself and the world around me. Each stroke of the brush, each stitch in fabric, carries with it a piece of my essence, reflecting my experiences, aspirations, and emotions. The ability to transform raw materials into tangible forms of expression is a testament to the power of creativity to transcend boundaries and connect with others on a deeper level.

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of Flair and Impressionism project

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of FLAIR  and Impressionism project

In essence, my journey as a creator is fueled by a deep-seated passion for bringing ideas to life, for exploring the endless possibilities of artistic expression, and for sharing narratives that resonate with authenticity and emotion. Each creation is a testament to my journey—an ode to the transformative power of imagination and the enduring quest for meaning and connection through art.

Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of Flair’s drawing

I firmly believe that becoming aware of the presence and power of all our senses through artistic expression allows us to elevate and educate ourselves in profound ways. In a world where the future is increasingly uncertain, art becomes a powerful tool for catalyzing change.


In conclusion, my odyssey from Brittany to Paris, passing through Zürich, has been defined by a deep-seated passion for perfumery and an unyielding commitment to honing my craft. Guided by mentors who believed in my potential and inspired by a city that pulses with artistic fervor, I am driven to create fragrances that resonate deeply with individuals and elevate their everyday experiences.

This journey is not merely a profession but a profound vocation—an ongoing pursuit of olfactory artistry that promises to leave an indelible mark on the world of perfumery. –Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of  FLAIR

Michelyn’s note:  Unless otherwise stated all photos belong to Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN  and Flair Paris and cannot be reproduced without permission. Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN anticipates 15 new release through the end of the year!

Some perfumes by Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of FLAIR

Born To Stand out – Dirty Heaven

Born To Stand out – Happy Nuts

Born To Stand out – Wabi Sabi

Bleu Nour – Cannacrush

Sora DoraJany

Sora Dora – Red (x Jovoy)

Dee April – Dee April perfume

Les Eaux Primordiales – Iris Palladium

100BON – Bois de Mangrove

Perroy – Goldfawn

Perroy – Pink Fire

Maison Evandie – Rêver de Fleurs

Notes de Bas de Paje – Towédé

Badar – Estelle

Collaboration with artists: Four Eyes X Jonathan Cohan / Florian Mermin / Quentin Derouet / Tanguy Sergheraert

Art pieces – “Klaké on the Floor” (with perfumers from Flair) / Olfa Meta (for the Olfactory Art Keller)

Magique studio – perfume for the restaurant in Paris “Jungle Palace”

Anthese – Blooming woods

Enfance Paris – Au Jardin

Sniph – 008 Popcorn

Sniph – 007 Mango

Malo – Role play

Jamini – Masala Chaï Candle

Worldwide Exclusive Jovoy x Sora Dora RED

Thanks to the generosity of a Jovoy Paris, we have a bottle of Sora Dora  RED x Jovoy Paris available for one reader wherever Jovoy ships (see here). You must register or your entry will not count. To be eligible, please leave a  QUALITY comment saying what what you found fascinating about Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of Flair and her path to perfumery, her artistic and  creative approach, if you are familiar with any of the fragrances she signed and where you live. Draw closes 6/ 29/2024

Please watch the video on the creation of RED with Francois Henin of Jovoy Paris, Quentin Dorado and Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN here

London Contributor Oli Marlow’s Review is here

Follow us on Instagram: @cafleurebonofficial @margaux.lepaih.guerin @flair.paris @jovoyparis @francoisheninjovoy @sora___dora

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We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like ÇaFleureBon and use our blog feed… or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume



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  • Ramses Perez says:

    Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of Flair Has lived many lives within the perfume industry until she finally found her footing and inspiration at Flair. I can see going from being an intern, to an assistant and then later a proper perfumer, she was exposed to many different types of perfumes and styles of perfumery and she then drew upon each one to make now her own creations. I love the idea of combining fragrances with art pieces and how each artist can draw inspiration from the other to make art. Whether the perfume gets created first or the art piece, the ecosystem of both gives the audience the full picture if you will. I am familiar with Born To Stand Out and Sora Dora and the perfumes she has signed but I have not had the chance to try any as they’re a bit to find here. I have only heard amazing things for Jany so Red I’m sure will be even better if possible. Dirty Heaven by Born To Stand Out it’s another one J wanna try. 15 new release by the end of the year though? Flair as their work cut out for themselves. Cheers from the USA.

  • redwheelbarrow says:

    It sounds like Margaux LE PAIH GUERIN was truly meant to be a perfumer. Her life reads like a fairy tale to me. I can only imagine growing up in a fragrance boutique! And to start at such a young age shows is so impressive. I have enjoyed several of her fragrances and she surely has a truly bright future. Thank you for this glimpse into a perfumer’s life. I’m in the US.

  • KleinJörg says:

    Margaux’s journey to becoming a perfumer is incredibly inspiring. Her story, from her early fascination with scents in her mother’s boutique in Brittany to her formal education and international internships, showcases a deep-seated passion and dedication to her craft. I am particularly captivated by her interdisciplinary approach to perfumery, where she seamlessly integrates fragrance creation with visual and conceptual art. This innovative blend not only broadens the traditional boundaries of perfumery but also enriches the sensory experiences she creates. While I am not personally familiar with the fragrances she has signed, her collaboration on projects like “Born to Stand Out – Wabi Sabi” and “Sora Dora – Red” intrigues me, as they reflect her commitment to pushing creative limits and her ability to evoke profound emotional responses through scent. Her work at Flair, alongside visionary colleagues, seems to be a testament to her continuous pursuit of excellence and artistic expression in the world of perfumery.

    I am from the EU

  • What a strong, dedicated young lady!
    It was inspirational to read about Margaux’s path, her fragrant awakening, her many interests and talents and how she pursued this difficult, yet fascinating path at only seventeen. She does indeed sound like an accomplished, complete individual now and her portfolio looks more than impressive. Many achievements and the true vocation nurtured at exactly the right time and place.
    I have read about Sora Dora Red from other sources – what a delightful fragrance it seems to be, and what an ample pyramid! Truly sounds like a complex, mouthwateringly delicious perfume.
    I will definitely follow Margaux in her future activity.
    Commenting from the EU.

  • phuongmtran says:

    What a rich and fulfilling path to her present day. I appreciate that Margaux’s journey began at the young age of ten, and that she relentlessly followed her passion for fragrance. I love Iris Palladium and Happy Nuts. I am in the US.

  • WeAreScentient says:

    This was lovely to read, you can feel Margaux’s love for perfume and creativity, sounds like shes got a deep understanding of it from all her experiences. I’m loving the olfactive art works too, have to go look up that Horizons Olfactifs exhibition!

    Very excoed to smell more of her work in the future and Red sounds amazing!
    Bubblin in Dublin as usual 🙂

  • Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN of Flair is truly a fascinating perfumer. What I find most captivating about her path to perfumery is her artistic and creative approach. She has a unique ability to combine different scents and create captivating olfactory experiences. Her passion for exploring unconventional ingredients and pushing the boundaries of traditional perfumery is truly inspiring. Margaux’s dedication to craftsmanship and her commitment to creating unique and memorable fragrances is evident in her work. She has a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the emotional power of scent. Her approach to perfumery is not just about creating a pleasant smell, but about evoking emotions, capturing memories, and telling stories through fragrance. This combination of artistry and creativity sets Margaux apart and makes her an exceptional perfumer in the industry.
    USA reader
    Thank you

  • What’s intriguing about Margaux is her affinity for “free spirit” creation going beyond the conventional and exploring experimental scents. She collaborates with visual artists to infuse olfactory identity into their work, creating multi-sensory experiences which is something very beautiful. I’m not really familiar with any fragnces she signed but they sure seem interesting! I live in Trzebnica, Poland, EU.

  • FragranceIsMe says:

    Wow! What a journey Margaux has experienced. I could imagine her creating an olfactive work of art that has been totally inspired by her life, so far. I’d buy it 🙂
    While I am not familiar with the house of Sora Dora, it is one I’d like to learn more about and experience. Red sounds like a beautiful creation.
    Warmest regards from the USA

  • I am have not tried any perfumes by Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN but I’ve heard of them and I would love to know to get my nose on them.
    This was a lovely and thorough fragrant biography. I loved reading how her creative process is deeply rooted to place (both small and large) as well as her creative process in general. She reminds us that “boredom” is fertile ground for creativity and imagination.
    I am in the U.S.

  • Must have been amazing growing up in an independent perfume boutique, being awakened to the transformative power of perfume – the ability to evoke emotions, memories, and even alter moods – when only 10 years old.
    I can only imagine how that was.

    Then her whole journey into fragrances – internship at Fragrance Resources at the age of 15, leaving for Paris at 17, then for LUZI in Zurich, Switzerland, where she served as a perfumer analyst before finding her true niche at Flair, where she was welcomed as a junior perfumer, collaborating with many artists which enriched her approach to perfume creation with a higher artistic dimension. .. Such colorful young age and path to her true love in work and creativity!

    I must admit that I haven’t tried any of her creations.

    Hugs from EU.

  • What a lovely story! It’s touching to read about Margaux’s upbringing in her mother’s boutique and the opportunities she was offered at such a young age. It is inspiring to have a look inside of her journey as a blossoming creator. I’m so happy to see that she was able to attain such success. I was most impressed by the list of fragrances she has done already. There are some heavy hitters in there, a couple of which I recently tried. Sora Dora Jany is a potent gourmand that left the scent of baked apples and buttery pastry in my home for days after sampling it. Iris Palladium from Les Eaux Primoridales was my scent of the day yesterday and I will certainly be buying a bottle. It is a beautifully carefree iris blended with a touch of cardamom and a base of sandalwood and vanilla – silky smooth and comforting.

    I am eager to experience what Margaux has created in collaboration with Sora Dora and Jovoy. The brand describes Red as a three stage journey of bergamot, jasmine, and sandalwood that is “reserved for the initiated”. Margaux then claims Red be “terribly sensual”. In Oli’s review, Red was heralded for its floral accords blended with vanilla, sugary caramel, and punches of spice. It truly does sound like a night out in Milan. Count me in! Best of luck to all. I live in NC, USA.

  • I appreciated her take on being an only child and how that boredom and loneliness almost forces you into a hyper-state of Imagination. Hard relate!! I do think it helps you to be both generally creative and ingenious about solving problems creatively due to lack of resources, less hands on deck, less variety of skill etc. I also noticed she seems to thrive or at least like to work in collaborations or teams now. I have Iris Palladium from her and it’s exceptionally good!! I love it and look forward to trying more of her work. I am located in US.

  • This line stood out to me “Finally, in my life, I feel fully fulfilled”. Not familiar with any of her signed fragrances. US

  • jlsteckley says:

    I liked how it entailed a complete journey. From green beginner to fully fulfilled.

    From the USA

  • David Furman says:

    This was a nice break from the norm. Rather than speak on the creation we learned about the creator. How she draws inspiration from daily life and the passions that often go overlooked. She’s had one heck of a background in perfumery and now is taking her craft to all new heights. This was a long read but well worth the wait. The jovoy red sora dora sounds interestingly delicious. I would love to become the proud owner of it. From Jacksonville, NC.

  • My first profound encounter with scent occurred when I was barely ten years old. In the fragrant ambience of the boutique, I playfully sampled perfumes at random until my senses were captivated by an elegant, transparent oval bottle. As I lifted it to inhale its essence, I was unexpectedly transported to a distant memory, a forgotten moment from my childhood resurfacing with vivid clarity. In that instant, I was awakened to the transformative power of perfume—the ability to evoke emotions, memories, and even alter moods. From that day forward, I harbored an unwavering determination to someday wield this alchemy of scents myself. A personal and beautiful experience just highlighted the power of smell and past memories. I was really surprised at the perfumers catalogue. Thanks a lot from the UK

  • Alexandra says:

    So I remember trying Jany for the first time, I immediately fell head over heels in love with it. It was such an amazing take on a gourmand perfume. Little did I know that Margaux actually saw my post on Instagram, she shared my picture and review I posted, appreciating the love for her creation I shared. After trying Jany, I wanted to try more creations by Margaux, I discovered Goldfawn and Happy Nuts which I also very much love! Besides that, reading this article, I can even resonate more with her, I had the exact same experience as a child, that feeling of being transported to a distant forgotten memory. I was also always very artistic and studied to become a fashion designer and after my studies I continued to pursue mixing my love for painting with fashion by customizing clothing and accessoiries with artworks. I feel the need to express myself in the art forms I feel passionate about, and I feel that Margaux is the same way in that sense. Perfume has always been in my life, I always was touched or more by a perfume, I always wanted something unique, something nobody was wearing. Perfume has now gained even more attention from me, and has become a bigger part of my life as I agree with Margaux, it has the ability to evoke emotions, memories and even alter moods. That is why I think fragrances are so fascinating, one morning I will wake up feeling down and I can put on a perfume and my mood can be more uplifted. I also see perfume as a form of (aroma) therapy and I wish for so many more people to discover this! Thank you Margaux so much for you lovely creations, I can’t wait to see (and smell) what you come with next and of course I would love to try ‘Red’!

  • There, I delved deeper into the intricacies of fragrance formulation and gained firsthand experience in evaluating diverse raw materials. Alain Alchenberger, the Director of Creation, coached me in formulation and provided invaluable advice on perfumery creation. Despite the enriching environment, my heart yearned to return to Paris, a city alive with the dynamism and creative energy essential to my aspirations. Thus, I embarked on a new chapter, joining Firmenich as an assistant perfumer before finding my true niche at Flair, where I was welcomed as a junior perfumer. I was really taken aback by the perfumers desire, determined and single mindedness to reach the apex. Thanks a million from the UK

  • Tivoli_Bam says:

    Massive YES to upscale niche perfumery, daring approaches and aesthetics , and people with the same mindset as Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN.
    She reaches high, for the fragrance stars and definitely dreams big knowing her goals. Settling down is not an option for her , she follows her passion not afraid to work hard and sacrifice. Such mindset is not allowing anyone to limit your dreams. We share quite a lot with Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN , my attitude is pretty much the same , i love being busy and like her I also experience boredom if I don’t learn or do new things .
    I love how I love how Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN took all chances from young age from her mother’s perfume shop and first internship , because as most people know sometimes there is no next time, no second chance and no time outs. Sometimes it’s now , or never , that’s how she ended up in FLAIR.
    Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN is the author of one fragrance i love – BORNTOSTANDOUD Happy Nuts
    From Oli Marlow essay

    “In the accompanying video released ahead of the launch, Le Paih-Guérin refers lovingly to a “mango note” called ‘mandora’ – which a cursory search reveals to be a fruit that is a cross between a mandarin and an orange.”

    Sora Dora RED is a contemporary gourmand, and I’m particularly interested in the mango like note called “mandora”.
    Thanks a bunch

  • Muravei42 says:

    Working your dream job ,doesn’t matter the field is so rare. Good to know Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN was so committed to succeed from the very beginning after all if you want to be successful in this world, you have to follow your passion first, not a paycheck. It’s remarkable how she received internship offer at the age of 15 ,worked with multiple established professionals in the fragrance industry, all of them shaped her into becoming what she is at the moment , a bright prospect who’s always expanding the sensory landscape she creates.
    I went to Oli Marlow article like we we suggested and i love the idea of blending together the scent of a local independent flower shop and a wanton flash of glamorous vanilla .
    I believe Sora Dora RED is half romantic and cozy , half daring and passionate fragrance , showing vividly how all forms of attraction are complicated
    Thank you for the generosity

  • Uncle1979 says:

    Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN brought up so many beautiful memories of my life in Paris
    She’s literally living the story he wants to tell , every self-driven person should push the boundaries, I do it all the time, and I’m glad Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN is doing the same thing. I can definitely relate to her , because in a very similar manner I had the honor of meeting, training for years, and working under the great Pierre Hermé, top 3 Pastry Chefs and Chocolatiers in the world.
    I’m glad lots of renowned perfumers and other professionals took Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN under their wing because now we can buy , and enjoy fragrances by not by some apprentice but a future master perfumer.
    ☆ “Finally, in my life, I feel fully fulfilled. Every day, I am in contact with inspiring and stimulating people. I am trusted, which makes me even more motivated to give my all for my company”
    Love it ,exactly how I feel every single day early in the morning when I open my bakery 🙂
    ☆ “I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with artists such as Quentin Derouet, Florian Mermin, Chloé Jeanne, Io Burgard, for the International Perfume Museum of Grasse”
    I’ve collaborated (cooked for) with different artists, from musicians to niche brands, and 3 times with museums. Last time with diversified menu for Copper Hewitt (part of Smithsonian) the Historic and Contemporary Design Museum Gala Event in Upper East Side , in the beautiful ex Andrew Carnegie Manhattan mansion. Different and memorable experiences .
    Oli Marlow take on Sora Dora RED again made me think of Paris, and in particular learning how to make German Chocolate Cake with Hazelnuts , Cajeta (aka Mexican Caramel) and Coconut. I imagined eating the cake while drinking freshly squeezed mandarin juice.
    The only Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN fragrance that i know is Jany , again made by Sora Dora. To me it smells like I’m eating Crème Fraîche Plum Cake with Caramel and drinking apple juice. Top quality gourmand
    Appreciate Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN essay, Oli Marlow review , and the giveaway campaign

  • WillRhodes says:

    What an incredible draw! I recently got my nose on Red and it’s a love. I absolutely adored this on the tester. So nice, airy, spicy, edible sandalwood. You get the spices and creamy coconut and florals in the opening. It’s bright and rounded, “transparent” but with some body, creamy and gourmand without being too sweet. Reminded me of Carner Barcelona’s Rima Xi if you were to amp up the sandalwood. So wonderful, mood boosting even. Exceeded my expectations honestly.

  • sherin thomas says:

    Lovely review ! I feel like like Margaux was truly meant to be a perfumer. Her life reads like a fairy tale to me. I can only imagine growing up in a fragrance boutique! And to start at such a young age shows is so impressive. I have enjoyed several of her fragrances and she surely has a truly bright future. Thank you for this glimpse into a perfumer’s life. From, PA,USA

  • As a Nashville resident and a passionate enthusiast of perfumery, I was captivated by the story of Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN’s journey from the rugged beauty of Brittany to the bustling streets of Paris. Her early experiences in her mother’s boutique, where she first encountered the transformative power of perfume, resonated deeply with me. Margaux’s dedication to honing her craft, from her internships to her studies at the École Supérieure du Parfum, is truly inspiring.

    I am particularly fascinated by her interdisciplinary approach, integrating scent into visual and conceptual artistry. This fusion of media, evident in her collaborations with artists like Quentin Derouet and Florian Mermin, highlights her innovative spirit. Her ability to evoke emotions and memories through her creations is a testament to her profound understanding of the art of perfumery.

    While I am not yet familiar with all the fragrances she has signed, I am eager to explore them, especially “Born to Stand Out – Wabi Sabi” and “Sora Dora – Red (x Jovoy).” Margaux’s story and her creative journey have certainly piqued my interest and admiration for her work. Thank you for sharing this enlightening piece.

    I live in Nashville, TN, USA

  • Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN certainly has had an interesting path to perfume creation. Her upbringing in Brittany and early experiences experimenting with scents in the boutique provided a solid foundation. I appreciate her free spirit approach to fragrance and am impressed by the collaborations she has with other artists. I’ve sampled 100BON Bois de Mangrove. MD, USA.

  • When I was starting my journey , working shifts on top of training with the vision of becoming Master Barber, at the barbershop i was working back then , there was a framed quote on the wall “To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart” .
    Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN may very well has the same quote hanging somewhere in her office
    Not yet familiar with her work but dreaming big is a must for every self driven person, young perfumer like Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN or a barber like me , the based on creativity approach i like a lot. She definitely strives for continuous improvement, and knowledge, instead of imaginary perfection , great things are in the store for her.
    I believe living freely is one thing, but inactivity in my opinion equals decaying for the body , mind and soul and I’m glad Margaux is keeping herself fulfilled with clothing design and other artistic collaborations.
    Sora Dora RED toffee tinted suntan lotion with hints of chocolate and giving the fragrance an unique spin , according to Oli Marlow a punchy glamorous vanilla.
    Thanks to all involved

  • Timothy_knows_well says:

    Hello from UK
    Never been to the worldwide famous Jovoy Paris , but Jovoy UK boutique in Mayfair is my go-to place to shop niche fragrances , the place I discovered Sora Dora fragrances , and bought Orchidee Rouge. The fragrance is not made by Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN but it’s a collaboration between Amelie Bourgeois, Anne-Sophie Behaghel and Camille Chemardin , her beloved and visionary colleagues from FLAIR. Jany is a gorgeous gourmand made by Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN I’ve smelled when I bought Orchidee Rouge , RED i haven’t smelled yet .
    All nuances of Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN journey do have a familiar tune , from his childhood wandering and exploring fragrances at her mother’s perfume shop ,to his time in Zurich as a perfume analyst, to Paris as FLAIR perfumer, she traveled a lot, learned a lot while keeping his sight forward and never looked back. I’m impressed how she always worked hard and had fun in what she did , that’s exactly when a person is more successful. The thing is you not only have to think about it, you have to choose to do it just like Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN did.
    I’d love to win RED , based on Margaux journey , Oli Marlow review and my previous experience with Sora Dora and Jovoy UK, I’m envisioning excellence
    Thank you so much

  • Her path to perfumery sounds like a fairy story! It’s sort of magic; she started so young and achieved so much so fast, with an amazing array of people to work with, the lifetime chance collaborations with other amazing people, travelling all over the world… it’s quite a story. I also have had that moment when a scent has taken me vividly back in time. it’s one reason why I am so into mixing scent myself, though only for personal use. And her story made me very happy that I grew up with sisters; being along sucks, even if it does encourage such creativity. and I would’ve swapped as a kid! I know better now. I live in the USA. Iris Palladium is on my Want To Try List.

  • North_pole_express says:

    EU subscriber
    The brand of Sora Dora I’ve heard on Instagram , the young perfumer Margaux Le Paih Guérin i just found out about thanks to the Cafleurebon and the her mini memoirs.
    Other than a gifted young perfumer , Margaux Le Paih Guérin could easily lecture not just students but also professionals on the “Work hard , never give up, dream big but don’t forget to loosen up in between” topic . It’s always been hard for me when I work on certain projects to not think of non-stop of deadlines, but she seems to be so cheerful all the time.
    I also believe Margaux Le Paih Guérin found her happy middle ground between work ,hobbies and friends. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for her, maybe one day he’ll become a bigger name than all her famous mentors.
    It’s important to know the young perfumer traveled all over the world, which I believe changed his perspective quite a lot even though he does cherish all the traditions and heritage that comes from her southern Brittany roots.
    Coconut, toffee nuts and chocolate are favorites of mine ,let alone how Oli Marlow said there’s flashes of lemon madeleines, exquisite pleasure i can’t wait to try.
    Thank you very much Jovoy and Margaux Le Paih Guérin , and thanks to Oli Marlow for the nice work

  • Le travail de Margaux Le Paih Guérin dans le monde de la parfumerie est tout simplement fascinant. En tant que parfumeur basée à Paris, elle apporte un mélange unique de créativité et de compétences techniques à son métier, travaillant principalement par le biais du studio indépendant de création de parfums Flair.

    Le parcours de Margaux, qui a grandi entourée de parfums dans la parfumerie indépendante de sa mère en Bretagne (Étant breton cela me fait chaud au coeur).

    Ce qui distingue vraiment Margaux, c’est sa passion pour les créations « à l’esprit libre », qu’elle décrit comme la capacité à aller au-delà des parfums conventionnels et à se plonger dans des parfums expérimentaux et avant-gardistes.

    La volonté de Margaux de repousser les limites de la parfumerie traditionnelle se reflète dans ses contributions à des marques de niche comme Sora Dora.
    Sa capacité à capturer l’essence de l’identité d’une marque et à la traduire en un parfum unique témoigne de son talent et de sa créativité.

    J’ai beaucoup apprécié le travail de Mme Margaux L sur le parfum “Red” de Sora Dora. Son talent pour capturer l’essence de l’élégance et de la passion dans une fragrance est véritablement remarquable.

    “Red” de Sora Dora se distingue par ses notes de tête vivifiantes de bergamote qui cèdent la place à un cœur floral de jasmin, pour ensuite se fondre dans une base luxuriante de bois de santal. Cette composition harmonieuse est à la fois extravagante et sophistiquée, offrant une expérience olfactive inoubliable. Margaux a su transformer une idée abstraite en une réalité sensorielle captivante, créant ainsi un parfum qui séduit par sa profondeur et sa richesse.

    J’ai été egalement surpris pas son travail sur le “Wabi Sabi” de Born to Stand Out. Son interprétation de l’esthétique japonaise du wabi-sabi, qui valorise la beauté dans l’imperfection et l’éphémère, est captivante et innovante.
    Les notes initiales de mûre et de jasmin offrent une fraîcheur délicate qui évolue harmonieusement vers des accords méditatifs de bois de hinoki et de cyprès japonais.
    Le cœur du parfum, enrichi d’encens et de résine élémi, ajoute une dimension spirituelle et apaisante, tandis que les notes de fond de safran, bois modernes, vanille et ambre gris complètent la composition avec une touche luxueuse et sophistiquée.
    Bravo a elle et encore merci.

  • Traveling is my thing , and I hope one day I’ll be lucky enough to visit real deal fragrance lab like the one Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN is working in, the Flair lab .
    I’m new to Sora Dora but Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN convinced me that I need to explore as much as possible of the fragrances she created. I was so caught off guard by her dedication , not just the a perfumer but a wishful thinker.
    Her whole path and Sora Dora RED gentle fruity-nutty and chocolate gourmand appeal , together with the iris combination comes as a gentle reminder of how there are still brands like Sora Dora and perfumers like Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN who still posses imagination, and are not afraid to be adventurous
    EU subscriber

  • Angel_St_8 says:

    The idea of speaking with perfumers and brand founders adds another layer of enjoyment to the whole ballgame

    “Joining forces with visionary colleagues—Amélie Bourgeois, Anne-Sophie Behaghel, Camille Chemardin, and Sandra Barré—marked a turning point in my career. Their unwavering trust and collaborative spirit empowered me to explore increasingly ambitious projects, each one a testament to our shared dedication to innovation and excellence. The nurturing environment at Flair continues to fuel my passion for perfumery, providing fertile ground for continuous learning and personal growth. Every day brings new challenges and opportunities to push the boundaries of creativity.”
    I can emphasize to the FLAIR perfumer words , to click so well with a group of people is so special and so rare, so and I’m glad Margaux Le Paih Guérin , Amelie Bourgeois, Anne-Sophie Behaghel and Camille Chemardin bonded so well on personal, professional and creative level, that they i believe will continue to work together for a long period of time.
    Red from Sora Dora is based on a gourmand hints of chocolate and nuts , buttery lemon madeleines, modern and memorable vanilla to use Oli Marlow words.
    Thank you Jovoy, Margaux Le Paih Guérin, Oli Marlow and also thank you for the generosity

  • petergigov says:

    What a read !!
    I have high regards for dedicated women , who wants to succeed and compete with the world’s best , Margaux Le Paih Guérin is moving forward by working hard, having their own vision of the world , and being warm and caring .
    Her journey could be summarized by one of my favorite quotes ever

    “People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.” — George Bernard Shaw, playwright

    Inactivity is fine only for a certain periods , or hours of the day when I’d like to blow up the steam, otherwise it’s not. I have my own obligatory duties, I actually like to perform because according to my perspective an action is almost all the time better than inaction. Boredom is a feeling i don’t like to experience in long term, Margaux Le Paih Guérin thinks the same way.
    Sora Dora RED is modern, multifaceted clubbing fragrance with a high compliment factor.All nuances Oli Marlow told us about i find attractive, the floral heart , the fresh aspect, the toffee and especially the nuts , chocolate and sandalwood.
    Overly exciting giveaway, USA

  • olgAPOISON says:

    Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN has established herself as a notable figure in the field of design with her contributions at Flair. Her innovative approach and keen eye for detail consistently result in high-quality, aesthetically pleasing, and functional designs. Margaux’s ability to blend creativity with practical solutions has earned her recognition and respect within the industry. Her work at Flair reflects a deep understanding of contemporary design trends while maintaining a unique personal touch that sets her a part. I love wabi sabi. Im from eu

  • Shibuichi2000 says:

    It’s always a pleasure to read about the creative voyages of this marvelous category of people – the fragrance creators.
    Maybe because I like perfume so much, that the act of creating it seems otherworldly to me
    Margaux was very lucky to be born surrounded by scents and it’s amazing that she , starting from a very young age, comitted to this art (and seemingly, other kinds,too), taking the chances and the necessary steps to excel ar her craft.
    Bravo, and I wish her many, many successful endeavours in the future.
    I only know, from her works, Iris Palladium, which I love.
    I’m in EU.

  • My_Life_My_Terms says:

    The quote from Margaux Le Paih Guérin essay i want to share:

    Joining forces with visionary colleagues-Amélie Bourgeois, Anne-Sophie Behaghel, Camille Chemardin, and Sandra Barré marked a turning point in my career. Their unwavering trust and collaborative spirit empowered me to explore increasingly ambitious projects, each one a testament to our shared dedication to innovation and excellence

    I enjoy greatly Margaux Le Paih Guérin positivity , honestly and friendly approach , and also I’ll never forget how i too was “no one ever heard of me” just got out of the college guy , and regional manager of a major global hotels and resorts chain decided to trust me in a similar manner. Years later i became hotel manager at the same hotel i started my career. She had very similar experience when Rémi Ricord offered her an internship at the age of 15. Margaux tenderness for art , not just perfumes but clothing design and drawing is essential for her character.
    Thanks to Oli Marlow I’m really for one sophisticated gourmand with “mandora” note , caramel and hazelnuts , I’m ready for Sora Dora RED
    Thanks a million

  • On a daily basis, I am fortunate to collaborate with artists, facilitated by Sandra Barré, who is conducting research on aestheticism in art. Her thesis focuses on how scents serve as vehicles for artistic experiences. Through this endeavor, I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with artists such as Quentin Derouet, Florian Mermin, Chloé Jeanne, Io Burgard, for the International Perfume Museum of Grasse, for the Olfactory art Keller in New York, for ‘Horizons Olfatifs’ exhibition in Toulouse as well as photographers like Tanguy Sergheraert and Jonathan Bertin. These creative projects complement my work with brands and enrich my approach to perfume creation with a higher artistic dimension.
    – Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN

    Speaking like a true adept, It has been a great pleasure learning about her journey from very young age to her current FLAIR not a job but a happy place. Not a lot of people feel the need to create, but with her definitely comes from within.
    I really like how Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN is implementing more classical , and artisanal approaches , instead of futuristic technology.
    I’m a fan of beautiful things, upscale gourmands , chocolate , jasmine and sandalwood , with the help of Oli Marlow i think I found an excellent new fragrance
    Much obliged

  • roxhas1cat says:

    what a busy young lady. Who knew someone could get an internship at such a young age, I was just busy trying to get my homework done. Interesting that so much talent is attributed to being an only child and having to entertain herself. That blouse she sewed is beautiful!! Thanks for the list of fragrances by Margaux, I must get my nose on these. USA.

  • My formal entry into the perfume industry came at the age of fifteen, when Rémi Ricord, then commercial at Fragrance Resources, graciously offered me an internship opportunity. Those initial days spent in the laboratory amidst vials of compounds solidified my resolve to pursue a career as a perfumer. Armed with a modest assortment of raw materials, a cherished gift from Fragrance Resources, I eagerly honed my skills while awaiting the commencement of my higher education. At seventeen, I bid farewell to the serene shores of Brittany and embarked on a transformative journey to Paris, where I enrolled in a rigorous five-year program at the École Supérieure du Parfum.
    – Margaux Le Paih Guérin

    Not one but two once in a lifetime opportunity, I’m glad she didn’t miss her chances. Her character and everything she went through from her mother’s perfume shop, to Switzerland, back to Paris and now at FLAIR all is pointing out to Margaux Le Paih Guérin noble and full of energy way of doing things.
    I’m hardly ever super impressed by a vanilla fragrance, but a scent of independent flower shop, glamorous vanilla with a freshly baked spin description of Sora Dora RED by Oli Marlow grabbed my attention right away.
    I’m new to Margaux Le Paih Guérin fragrances, thanks for her essay , Oli Marlow fun review and the giveaway
    From EU

  • I never ever thought about it before but thanks to Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN i started thinking about finding a design tutor, and getting an introduction to fashion design, maybe even designing my own clothes in the future wow
    Every fragrance should have a story to tell , good to know Margaux is exploring the innovative ways to integrate scent into visual and conceptual artistry making the story of the fragrance she’s creating unique.
    No arguing over how others should live their lives, however just like the young perfumer I firmly believe an active mind cannot exist in an inactive body.
    I’m now curious about Sora Dora RED and the way it evolves , thanks Oli Marlow. The contrast between the the citruses and spices, the creamy sandalwood , woody haze and of course caramel aroma is so posh, clubbing in Milano vibrancy delivered.
    Thank you, and fingers crossed
    Lisbon Portugal (EU)

  • Josh_Elington_77 says:

    For the record the name of my favorite Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN fragrances is a bit naughty , but that’s her choice or maybe the brand’s choice so don’t censor it . The fragrance is called Happy Nuts and the name of the brand is BORNTOSTANDOUD , instant love and instant buy. By coincidence UK branch of Jovoy is the only place in the country where BORNTOSTANDOUD fragrances are available.
    Since Happy Nuts is my fave , and Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN complex and devoted nature is similar to mine I’d like to say I’m thankful for the chance of winning Sora Dora RED.
    Taking into consideration my impressions of the life she had up until now , i’m convinced the more daring nature of her do slightly prevail , It seems like she’s a passionate dreamer yet an adventurer to a greater extent , who stars a career in perfumery at the age of 15? The lady wants to create emotional connections with the users , and her visionary colleagues at FLAIR. Good to know she also valuing her memories , intimacy and wants to feel fulfilled by everything she does, from fragrances, to design and everything craft.
    I’m thrilled by the article and Sora Dora RED
    Many thanks , UK

  • Margaux Le Paih Guérin life diary really paints a picture of her intricate character . What really grabbed me in was her extensive journey , from hanging around her mother’s perfume shop, to internships at really young age , to collaborations with inspiring people from different areas , and her state of felicity at FLAIR.
    I’m keen on parting in Milan with sharp citruses , toasted nutty feel , rich woody vanilla and caramel , Sora Dora Red sounds great
    Thanks for the draw, from the USA

  • Utmost respect for people who have high standards, and goals yet do not forget where they came from, and who helped them out!!!
    《My formal entry into the perfume industry came at the age of fifteen, when Rémi Ricord, then commercial at Fragrance Resources, graciously offered me an internship opportunity. Those initial days spent in the laboratory amidst vials of compounds solidified my resolve to pursue a career as a perfumer. Armed with a modest assortment of raw materials, a cherished gift from Fragrance Resources, I eagerly honed my skills while awaiting the commencement of my higher education.》
    Reading the essay made me think of how very few people know the true meaning of words like loyalty and gratefulness , good job Margaux Le Paih Guérin !
    I enjoyed learning how she started , why exactly she’s a fan of craftsmanship in every form , paying attention to every detail made me think perfumery is an art for her first , and not just a well paid job . I know she’s still in early stages of her career but considering her talent she’ll be able to engineer a lot of magnificent fragrances in the future.
    Keeping in mind the zealous examination of Sora Dora RED by Oli Marlow i know she did a splendid work , vivid atmosphere of caramel and vanilla , orris and sandalwood stepping on foundation of depth and complexity, RED is elaborate fragrance i’d really like to win
    Thank you kindly, from EU

  • feel.me.flow says:

    Sora Dora has been releasing gems lately, one after another and RED seems to be a high karat diamond.
    I looked at the provided list of fragrances to check if I’m familiar with fragrances Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN signed and I am – Sora Dora Jany , stone fruits delicious gourmand.
    I genuinely love dedicated women who do not rely on relatives or beauty , but on inner drive for improvement in the field they chose. Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN determination is remarkable , at the age of fifteen i was working at Pizza Hut and had no future plans at all, but she even received internship offer from renowned person in the fragrance industry, I’m impressed. I like how she broadens her creative horizons through different artistic collaborations.
    I have a penchant for high grade vanilla fragrance, and when I read about how Oli Marlow called Sora Dora RED a glamorous vanilla with flashes of lemon madeleines and even iris i though “what a fragrance Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN signed” .
    Thank you very much

  • Cotton_touch says:

    Hey there
    I have an Olympic triathlon gold medalist in my family and Margaux Le Paih Guérin journey instantly reminded me of all the “blood sweat and tears” stories I’ve heard. All the resolutions, faithfulness to achieve the final goal to step on top of the Olympic games podium i can relate to what the energetic young perfumer from Flair went through.
    What greatly helped Margaux Le Paih Guérin in her journey is her extroverted character, diverse interests not just perfumery but in art in general. Designing clothing, painting and drawing , all contributed to her success by not allowing her mind to not get overwhelmed .
    The best is still to come for the happy Flair team member , no wonder everyone there embraced her right away.
    I’m not familiar with any of the fragrances Margaux Le Paih Guérin signed.
    The unique merging of alluring vanilla, floral density , nuts and freshly baked spin are the most appealing sides of Sora Dora RED . I’m expecting a soft chocolate woody haze that came as a result of the merging.

  • Jacob_Rogan says:

    I am familiar with with Sora Dora and with one fragrance by Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN , my impressions are most people associate the house with Jany , loved dearly on all social media gourmand.
    I find the Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN autobiography remarkable for , in no particular order a) het sensual character b) her elegance c) original based on craftsmanship narrative d) her desire to learn new things e) her almost multidimensional way of life f) her interest in everything refined
    Sora Dora RED fits me well, I like clubbing and I’m definitely interested into refined vanilla fragrances mixed with a couple of different nuances , from sweet to woody and floral.
    It’s been a pleasure

  • Interesting profile—Margaux’s path to perfumery is very different than many of the self-taught perfumers profiled here recently. Growing up by an extensive and curated selections of perfume was clearly formative. I was also struck by how Margaux described each of her career opportunities, focusing on what she learned, but also on the connections she made. The collaborative art she shared here also sound like enriching experiences. I haven’t tried any of Margaux’s fragrances listed here, but I’m impressed by the fifteen planned releases by the end of the year.

    I’m in the USA.

  • IvanVelikov says:

    I was trying to make my own fragrances at the age of 15 but blending a few different colognes with rather awful results , but when Margaux Le Paih Guérin was at the same age she already was a trainee wow
    I like how she even though highly motivated never rushed, but took her time to steadily develop her skills from trainee to perfume analyst and junior perfumer at Flair. Talent and dedication are very important sure, but patience is the key. I do believe i’m quite talented and yet I was apprentice for 10 years before I even started calling myself a tailor.

    “All these artistic experiences enrich me every day. Creation occupies a significant part of my life: I design clothing…..This early immersion into the realm of imagination cultivated a fertile ground for creativity to flourish. Whether through fashion design, where fabrics become canvases for my ideas to materialize…. each medium allows me to channel my innermost thoughts and inspirations”

    Wait…what? Margaux Le Paih Guérin is not only a perfumer but also design clothing? Wow such a talented lady, I’m impressed by her life journeys , I truly am. She started from his mother’s perfume shop , went to Switzerland, worked with multiple creative people always looking for new opportunities and knowledge. I admire people who know what they want in life, and most importantly how to achieve their goals .
    I know Sora Dora but not the fragrances Margaux Le Paih Guérin made . Red is joyous bubble of vanilla , caramel and chocolate soften up with creamy sandalwood and iris , dress to impress bespoke all black everything Three Piece suit i’d pair with the fragrance.
    Thank you Margaux Le Paih Guérin, Jovoy, Sora Dora, Oli Marlow

  • Captivating read, no mistake I even read it three times in a row , no joke.
    I can’t help but to be impressed how Margaux Le Paih Guérin was able to achieve so much by his rather young age. She’s eager to acquire knowledge and to improve, to become better and better. It seems like she was able to remove all the things that get in the way of hes dreams. All the headaches, the drama, the things that could slow hem down are out of Margaux Le Paih Guérin life. I can easily tell she loves her work and her hobbies, all those drama free habits are the compound interests of self-improvement.
    Other than wanting to win the contemporary high-end Sora Dora fragrance called RED , I’d also love to visit Flair lab in Paris, sounds like fun
    EU , thank you very much

  • Happy_Coco says:

    I’m happy, self-reliant, creative and persistent in whatever I do. Positivity all the way through , that’s why my Cafleurebon nickname starts with “happy” and I think I found a soul mate in Margaux Le Paih Guérin 🙂
    I read the essay, and the quote i selected is:

    ‘My formal entry into the perfume industry came at the age of fifteen, when Rémi Ricord, then commercial at Fragrance Resources, graciously offered me an internship opportunity’

    I guess Rémi Ricord , and later onAlain Alchenberger saw the magnitude of Margaux potential, because giving platform to a novice, even if very talanted is something very few business owners would do.
    It’s also remarkable that Margaux Le Paih Guérin found the work-life balance. It’s never a one solution fits all concept , but about finding what works best for you and being intentional about where you invest time and energy. To Flair perfumer the solution is based on ambition , creative approach , love for perfumes and then relax by designing clothing , drawing and working with other artists.
    Like everything in real life some components of Sora Dora RED are gentle like the oris , green and floral density, some delicious like the caramel, chocolate and vanilla and others serene like the sandalwood, the balance between smooth and sharp that Margaux Le Paih Guérin created is what I’m looking for the most
    I’m not familiar with the fragrances she signed
    From EU. Many thanks

  • Dedication is a must for the 21st century competition , and expectations are high for everyone , in particular for fragrance brands and perfumers .
    Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN work ethics are noteworthy. Being striving for perfection kind of person i can see it’s everything she does, taking the best that exists and making it better. She learned from big and experienced people in the industry , however she also possess the need to create, and design. After I read about about Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN first steps in his mom’s fragrance shop smelling the fragrances , the way she likes to relax , and how he ended up in FLAIR i think not just her , but the whole team there accepts nothing nearly right or good enough.
    Oli Marlow honest opinion, and how ecstatic he is describing Sora Dora RED all makes me feel free will sophisticated fragrance with gourmand appeal is on horizon.
    Thank you

  • WaltherP99 says:

    In the fragrance wold Jovoy Paris is literally The GOAT place, the epitome of niche fragrances with the knowledge and service like no other. I even had the absolute blast of meeting Francois Henin in person at the first Jovoy Paris boutique.
    Sora Dora is a brand I really like , and I closely follow Margaux Le Paih Guérin development , there’s a good reason she composed my two favorites from the brand. Overall my favorites are:
    1. Jany by Sora Dora
    2. Red by Sora Dora/ Happy Nuts by BORNTOSTANDOUD
    3. Dirty Heaven by BORNTOSTANDOUD
    With so much negativity all over the place a lot of people will tell you things like “No” , “Won’t happen” ot “You’ll fail” , but Margaux Le Paih Guérin is one of those people who found something she believes in SO hard, so she can just smile to such people and just tell them “Watch me” . From the previous things I read about her on Cafleurebon and other sources, and after reading her thoughts of the world, I now believe Margaux learned to take rejections and temporary failures as motivation to prove people wrong. I’m thrilled how she refuses to give up, no matter what always looking for new challenges and adventures. Young, talented and almost unstoppable force, best of luck in all you do Margaux , fragrances or design you name it.
    Red is a marvelous gourmand done in an unusual way, I do understand the motto is “Clubbing in Milano” but it’s not a childish fragrance by any means. The scent changes quite a bit from the opening to the heart and the drydown, no questions it’s a grown ups gourmand with slightly funky nuances coming in my opinion from the cloves.
    All profiles I already follow, @waltherp99bg
    Thanks a lot

  • Wow again, I was so not expecting such autobiographical type of read, so vivid and full of positive energy.
    I’m well dressed, healthy, happy and full of confidence , I guess that’s what crossesMargaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN mind every single day 🙂 She is built differently, i work with bright young people who are in his age bracket, and I can say it’s so uncommon for such accomplished individual to have modest personality.
    Remembering her first steps in southern Brittany,her journey in Switzerland , and enjoying his current pit stop in FLAIR , what a journey. I think she genuinely looks to craft soul rewarding experiences not only for the buyers , but for herself too.
    Her overall attitude towards life leads me to believe Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN will never settle down, she’ll always look to improve . It could be a new collab , cultural impact , new hobby or a new ingredient but I know he’ll be there to methodically analyze it.
    I am familiar with Sora Dora Mandorle , but not yet with fragrances Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN signed
    Thank you for the whole experience

  • I had already written a comment, but guess if I posted it just as the cafleurebon site crash took place… 🙂 How nice. The thing I found most intriguing about Margaux’s path to perfumery is how she dared to take risks in order to reach what she believed to be fulfillment. I am happy to hear that she has reached that place, now! I really like how she views art pieces as something that can catalyze change, and I find it admirable that she aims to do this with her perfumes! I am aware of some perfumes that she has made, such as the BORNTOSTANDOUT perfumes, and Jany! I have never tried them, though. I would be very pleased to win!

    I live in Sweden, EU.

  • foreverscents says:

    What an inspirational path! I can imagine how growing up in Brittany and then moving to Paris shaped Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN’s trajectory as a perfumer. I am particularly interested in her collaborations with visual artists, how the colors and shapes of painting influence the notes she chooses for her fragrances. Both painting and fragrance can powerfully evoke memories and emotions.
    I live in the USA.

  • Phillip_Barkley says:

    There is no place like Jovoy Paris and I mean it. I no longer live in Paris but I still visit once a month and I always try to find some time to visit and try something new , that’s where I discovered Sora Dora and was told about Ms Le Paih-Guérin first.
    I live how she took her time to step by step develop her skills in perfumery , for example all jewelers are taught that they have to wait because perfection is attained by slow degrees, it requires the hand of time.
    With the help of renowned mentors and her inner drive she’s now junior perfumer at Flair. Ms Le Paih-Guérin is not just a perfumer though, she’s looking for artistic experiences on daily basis.
    Sora Dora Red I’ve already smelled at Jovoy and I like it a lot, it’s a delicious gourmand with powerful spicy and woody nuances.
    Thank you, American living in EU

  • relax_your_mind says:

    The right way to start with Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN life story is with the past , and then go to the present time.
    Apparently she was a bright mind at young age with interest perfumes , art and creativity , soaking all kinds of knowledge in her mother’s perfume shop. It’s clear that her mother taught her well , and he developed passion for craftsmanship and beauty together.
    From her young age , to her internships and now in FLAIR Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN goals are still the same , triggering past and forging future artistic memories
    By her words alone I can tell in FLAIR she found not just a great colleagues , but kindred spirits

    “Joining forces with visionary colleagues—Amélie Bourgeois, Anne-Sophie Behaghel, Camille Chemardin, and Sandra Barré—marked a turning point in my career. Their unwavering trust and collaborative spirit empowered me to explore increasingly ambitious projects, each one a testament to our shared dedication to innovation and excellence. The nurturing environment at Flair continues to fuel my passion for perfumery, providing fertile ground for continuous learning and personal growth. Every day brings new challenges and opportunities to push the boundaries of creativity”

    I’m new to the fragrances she made and with some help of Oli Marlow I think Sora Dora RED is elegant sweet fragrance with hidden bolder personality
    Million thanks EU

  • Stefi_Sofi says:

    Hey there
    I just love Margaux Le Paih Guérin cosmopolitan personality . It’s excellent to know how step by step she’s climbing up the ladder of her dreams . She had a vision from a young age, goals, plans she achieves one by one , strive for improvement all leading to her success. The good thing is she’s quite humble, just a young and very much gifted perfumer with bright future ahead of her.
    I haven’t yet experienced fragrances made by Margaux Le Paih Guérin still i have a keen interest in Sora Dora RED because of how develops , from fresh to tasty sweet , to woody
    Thank you kindly EU

  • photo_perfection says:

    Margaux Le Paih Guérin is such a aesthete , surely with her own inimitable style.
    Her affection for art , craftsmanship and business emerged when she spent time with her mother, and her small perfume business. Even as a teenager she was a confident optimist, knowing that that she has to be different and not be influenced by other successful brands or artists. I like how she involved not only her colleagues from Flair , but also other craftspeople into her dream, so they can create together pieces of art.
    When I read the recommended article by Oli Marlow I started thinking about toasted nutty feel , caramel and chocolate ,the textured woodiness of Red from Sora Dora.
    Thank you for the draw EU

  • Considering the stressful times we’re living in reading about Margaux Le Paih Guérin recollections was like a mental getaway trip ♀️
    Often people striving so hard for perfection do forget the joy of life itself. It’s the steady progress, the journey , the struggle, the fun ,the reward of reaching different goals , in my opinion people should not focus on some imaginary final stop destination. I’m happy to know Margaux Le Paih Guérin is on the same page with me , she’s enjoying every moment because nothing tops making a living off your passion.
    I really like the part when she said all of her outside of work interests and activities do bring her joy and happiness , and at the same time nurturing her creativity.
    Such an interesting, adventurous, and at the same time cozy fragrance, I can make a statement wearing Sora Dora RED.
    My favorite Margaux Le Paih Guérin is another Sora Dora fragrance called Jany
    Thanks for the draw

  • One of the biggest advantages of Cafleurebon is that all the information makes you wonder, especially such 1st hand journals .
    Since I enjoyed everything I read I’m not sure where should even start with. Should I start with Margaux Le Paih Guérin training process under Rémi Ricord, Alain Alchenberger , her passion for art , craftsmanship and beauty , the special memories growing up in French countryside in Brittany , or maybe the emotional connection with Parisian culture and artistic scene , all allowed her to portrayal the French perfumery the best way possible .
    Thanks to Oli Marlow i know Sora Dora Red is so bubbly and delicious , i can feel it
    Haven’t smelled any fragrances signed by Margaux Le Paih Guérin

  • Ducati.Paniagale.V4.S says:

    Even though I have a lot to learn about niche perfumery with just 9 bottles in my possession , one of those 9 is Jovoy fragrance called Les Jeux Sont Faits .
    In my view dedication and treating everyone with certain level of respect are traits anyone could learn, but with all optimism, modesty and affinity for craftsmanship it has to come from within, there is no other way around. That’s also how it worked out with Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN.
    I love clubbing and Sora Dora RED is just perfect for the times i’m going to more high end parties.
    EU Thank you

  • Painting_and_basketball says:

    As usual there’s no basic information on Cafleurebon, everything is multidimensional , talking to brand owners and perfumers is high valued , and one of my favorite things on Cafleurebon.
    I wish I had a childhood and teen years like Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN , relatives to teach me about fragrances , art and crafts.
    I know niche fragrances and with the fearsome competitiveness on the market i need something to really grab my attention, craftspeople involved in Margaux Le Paih every day activities, how happy she is in FLAIR and how she loves painting and drawing like me , all made me believe I’d highly enjoy her fragrances.
    Through Sora Dora RED I can book a flight to Milan , go to a club whiteout actually being there. You can’t beat that
    Cheers EU

  • “Be grateful in your own hearts. That suffices. Thanksgiving has wings, and flies to its right destination.”
    —Victor Hugo

    Quite a colorful personality, something no one would disagree with , currently junior but future master perfumer i expect, painter, fashion designer artist and forever student of the fragrance world , well Hello Margaux Le Paih Guérin
    I like the fact that everything she accomplished for her young age was not because of her being a relative to some big name in the fragrance industry, she came to the position of junior perfumer at Flair all by herself. It’s good for her that at Flair there’s a proven team she can trust and rely on
    I had the pleasure of smelling Happy Nuts by the trendy brand of BORNTOSTANDOUD , one of Margaux Le Paih Guérin creations
    Sora Dora RED is sophisticated with a few interesting ideas and twists. The delicious chocolate and caramel , spices , subtitle oud and hazelnut blend is so posh , I need to try the fragrance as soon as possible.
    For the protocol Jovoy Paris is by far the best fragrance boutique i’ve ever been to , no US boutique comes even remotely close , or it will ever be.
    Thank you for the opportunity

  • What differentiates Margaux Le Paih Guérin from a lot of other even more accomplished perfumers is that she’s focusing on the whole package, and not just on one or two aspects. She doesn’t want to think and work fragrances 24/7 , that’s unacceptable, to deliver only the best of the best from A to Z , she needs to feel fulfilled by doing different things like drawing, painting, sharing ideas with other artists and general thinking outside of the box
    Just by reading her thoughts I visualized the exact same moment when Rémi Ricord offered her an internship , I can almost see the delightfulness in Margaux Le Paih Guérin eyes
    Sora Dora Red caught my eye immediately , almost started drooling because of Oli Marlow delicious caramel, chocolate with iris and oud review
    Thank you for the effort

  • chess_is_fun says:

    Hello Cafleurebon
    Honestly I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a read so much . She may be young but Margaux LE PAIH GUÉRIN like experienced Grandmaster (GM) is moving all the pieces with ease on her own chessboard. In a game he would be the Queen. She had all the time prior to develop all het skills, starting with his French Countryside childhood in Brittany, moving to the Paris permanently, and finding joy and fulfillment at FLAIR
    I never had a chance to smell her fragrance, Sora Dora RED is so addictive , i can’t even imagine how good it is. Absolutely I’d like to win a bottle
    I’m based in EU , thanks