CaFleurebon Top Ten Resolutions for 2013 (The Ones We Hope Perfumistas, Perfumers, Perfume Peeps & Veeps Make)


the last day of disco studio 54 new years eve  1978

CaFleureBon Editors time travel to the last New Year's Eve at Studio 54

We’ve spent the last week looking back on 2012 and now it is time to close the books on what was a pretty good year for olfactory art and fragrance. The editors of CaFleureBon now have our vision on the New Year of 2013 and we thought we would share with you our Top Ten hopes and wishes for the New Year. This is also a chance to congratulate Valerie Vitale as she becomes our newest editor.

new years 2013 cafleurebon

Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief

1. No More Vial-ence

I wish that more Perfumers, Retailers and Fragrance Companies would  invest in sprayers instead of vials. I receive on average of 30 sampIe vials a week and when I open them, the perfume spills everywhere creating a cacophonous mess.  I don't want to  test fragrance in a bio secure environment and the veneer of my desk is wearing a bit thin now. While I have your attention, please label fragrance samples even if they are carded because  at this very moment I have over a dozen UFOs (unidentified fragrance objects) and not a clue as to what they are. One smells amazing and I would like to give it perfume props. Unlabeled samples may work for Chandler Burr's Untitled series on Open Sky but not for me.

2. It's a Small World After All

 When my readers in China or Russia act as scent mules because some perfumers and their publicists believe there are borders in cyberspace it's time to rethink brand marketing strategy.  By the time some publicists send me the press release and sample, chances are one of our writers have reviewed the perfume months ago.

 P.S. What am I supposed to do with press releases on new fragrances without notes and photos? Pantomime?

andy warhol new years eve  1987

Andy Warhol, New Year's Eve 1987 New York City

Mark Behnke, Managing Editor

3. A Crossover Indie Scent

There are times I feel like there are only a few of us who really know, or care, about all of the creativity happening on the artisanal/indie side of olfactory art. I wish for at least one of these talented artists to catch popular fire in a way that shines a light on the community as a whole. It feels like we are close to an indie “big bang” and I’m hoping 2013 is the year for it.

4. Greater Niche Availability

Now that Sephora has begun to carry some niche brands again. I am hoping this is an idea which has started to spread among other department stores. I hope 2013 sees an expansion of true niche brands into more accessible places. Those of us who live in the big metropolitan areas shouldn’t get to have all the fun.

perfume resolutions 2013 cafleurebon

Tama Blough, Senior Editor

5. Less Snobbery, Please

I would love to see an end to perfume snobbery. I know many who will not even try a perfume that is not considered niche. I have found some gems not only on the department store counters, but at the drugstore. Cost does not equal quality. Trust me, I smelled some terrible niche perfumes this year, and some lovely mainstreamers. Equal time for all, please.

6. More Self-Editing, Pretty Please

This might seem harsh, but I want perfumers to learn to edit themselves. When a perfumer releases a collection of more than three or four perfumes in a season, they are throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. I would rather smell and write about two or three interesting, unique scents, than wade through an overwhelming number of similar scents that add nothing new to the conversation. Give your audience time to digest and appreciate the work before you overload their plates.

7. Better Mainstream Releases, Pretty Please With A Cherry on Top

I also wish for an expansion of the tiny trend toward more interesting designer and mainstream releases, especially at the men’s counter. Viktor & Rolf set the bar pretty high with Spicebomb, but it can be done.  There were a few rather passable celebrity scents this year, and I would like to see some actually live up to their hype.

John Reasinger, Editor

 vintage perfume ads


8.  A Return to Glamour

Remember the days when a scent was unique, instantly recognizable and there was no mistaking it? We’ve had some this past year. Perfumers used to take years to get a particular formula just right, as opposed to a new release coming out every month. I would rather wait a year or more (quivering with antici…..pation) for the next iconic perfume then have to sniff more mediocre scents.

9. The Flanker Name Game

Although some solid flankers were released last year, most were unimpressive. Many wonderful scents, released as flankers, could have stood on their own as separate scents. And please, no more renaming newer (actual flanking scents themselves) perfumes with the name of their original predecessor

 perfume resolutions  2013 michelyn

Valerie Vitale, Contributing Editor

   Slow Down and Smell the Roses (extraits, EDPs, colognes, etc.)   

My wish for the New Year is to see less people frantically running around searching for a scent, and hopefully more people slowing down to listen to what truly resonates for them. Fragrance can embolden and humble us. Perhaps many more might stumble upon the many perfume blogs that can be a lighthouse to tired travelers in search of a better direction. My glass ball prediction for 2013 is the resurrection and deep reflection on rose fragrances.

Happy New Year to all of our readers it has been another record year for CaFleureBon thanks to you. Be sure to leave a comment on your perfumed wishes/resolutions for 2013 and you will be eligible for a goody bag with carded vials of Italian, French,  and Luckycent niche as well a few natural perfumes that are making Michelyn cranky (she thinks there are some mystery L'Artisan Parfumeur Mon Numeros in the lot as well). The winner will be announced on January 5, 2013 and there is no spilled perfume unless a vial explodes.

The Editorial Staff of CaFleurebon

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  • I hope this is the year for indies and great naturals too! Happy new year to everyone and thanks for waking up my nose last year!

  • These posts are always so inspiring and interesting, thank you for all your work during this year and I wish the coming year is full of beautiful surprises! I wish to return to the days of discretionary income (not so prevalaent in the country I´m living in at present), just so I can snag a full bottle of my favorite of the last year (Rose Anonyme/Atelier Cologne), which I discovered through this site – of course! Happy 2013 to all – and yes, less snobbery can´t hurt! 🙂

  • My resolution is to stop dilly dallying with buying 100 samples waiting for THE one and buy a full bottle or three of what i like when i like it instead of looking at p touch generated decants
    I also wish that a certain etailer stop charging outlandish prices for 1ml samples cuz they aren’t even sprayers and they aren’t even full
    Show some respect and I will buy more

    I”ll take those vials off your hands no problem who knows the goody bag may have THE one
    Happy New Year and love these photos especially the trio of essence of dreams, wish tonic , love elixer above Tama Blough’s name

  • Janet in California says:

    30 ml bottles please. Or even 15 ml! I would be much more likely to buy full bottles instead of decants. Travel sizes are wonderful.

    Have a wonderful new year!

  • My wish is for samples to become more readily available (in a spray bottle for preference). I realize that some perfumers and big online sites offer sample vials but a whole lot still don’t and there have been some really lovely sounding releases this year that I haven’t tried because I just can’t afford to blind buy an entire bottle. Which brings me to wish #2 which is smaller friggin’ bottles. I could maybe handle a blind buy if I knew I wasn’t going to be stuck with a gallon of something I might not like. One of the reasons I love SSS is that Laurie offers spray samples and purse sprays that I can buy without major guilt (and they are all worth buying!).

  • My goal for 2013 is to explore more of the “lesser known” houses. There are so many wonderful things being created that don’t have wide distribution. This year I fell for Sonoma Scent Studio, Carner Barcelona, and Ann Gerard’s fragrances in a big way. Thank you for educating me daily.
    I also hope that some houses slow down their release schedules and put out a beautiful, well-crafted product – Vero Kern is a great example of a house offering nothing but the best. And Xerjoff is on the opposite end of the spectrum releasing almost 50 scents in 4 years that are so aspirationally priced, I don’t even want to explore them.

  • I am still laughing about the desk veneer! My resolution is to practice more and practice patience. Its so motivatinng to be reminded greatness in any art form can takes years! I would be most interested in natural perfume samples.

  • Guilty of scent snobbery so I want to explore some of the more ready available fragrances including SpiceBomb
    I wish folks would stop using the term olfactive art so much because its in danger of becoming a cliche
    Oh have you smelled my olfactory art could soon be a reality unless we remember sometimes perfume is just perfume
    Cracking up over the title stop the vial ence
    Except I would wouldn’t mind the goody bag because I have steady hands and a Formica counter
    Thank you for a year of great posts and eloquent interviews
    Happy New year

  • My perfume wish is for the European Union responsible for the IFRA regs to be taken out by a meteor strike.

    I couldn’t agree more about vials versus sprayers. I find that you can’t even get a proper appreciation of a scent unless it’s sprayed.

    Happy New Year!

  • I was laughing out at Michelyn’s call for an end to the vial-lence!! I could not agree more. I so prefer sprays and hate to lose precious juice in those stupid vials.

    My resolutions for the new year are to try more indie lines (I have a few in the queue) and to work through some of my sample backlog!

  • My resolution is to keep a diary of how I feel when I wear a perfume
    I want to explore the idea of why I wear certain scents on certain days
    Also thou shall not covet thy neighbors perfume
    I will never have a 200bottle collection and have to stop thinking its a competition

    Here’s to sniffing in 2013

  • Hear, hear. Excellent points and I’ll chime in with my favorites: smaller bottles, less snobbery, more accessibility. Out here on the prairie in many parts of the planet the internet is the only lifeline so please, perfume people, name your stuff so it’s easy to Google, offer plenty of info so I can figure out if it’s worthwhile to seek out a sample, make labeled samples accessible and affordable. Welcome, Valerie, and best wishes to everyone at CaFleurebon. I appreciate your hard work very much.

  • I’m on board with less vials and more sprayers! I agree with the above posters about making samples more readily available, and smaller sizes too. This year, I resolve to try more mainstream fragrances.

  • My resolution is to stop buying unsniffed full bottles. I totally agree that sample vials should be sprays. I only open over the bathroom sink. Learned my lesson! Agree with the snobbery also. Two scents I love on my husband are Curve and Jovan Sex Appeal for Men. There, I said it.

  • My resolution is to stop buying and enjoying all the bottles I have.
    Happy New Year to Cafleurebon and to all readers as well.

  • I hope Cafleurebon is enjoying the holiday season.

    My wishes for 2013 are for peace, happiness and more beautiful perfume releases.

    My perfume resolutions are…
    1. I will not be so impulsive in regards to making perfume purchases.
    2. I will try and use what I already own and not give in to temptations.

    I seem to be going well so far. Thanks for the draw!

  • I fervently second the motion for a meteor strike at IFRA Headquarters and the wish for smaller bottles.

    I have no beef with vials per se, and in fact I generally prefer scents daubed rather than sprayed, but if you only offer your perfumes in spray bottles then you ought to be forced by any means necessary to offer only spray samples! Some fragrances are markedly different when sprayed. I have 3 FBs that I absolutely would not have bought had I sampled them as sprays.

    Olfactory Art Snobbery is just fine by me, since it means Our Holy Olfactory Betters will keep their hoity-toity noses off my beloved Loves Baby Soft Jasmine. I go forth in constant fear of the price being driven up above 5 dollars a bottle…..

    My resolutions include enjoying what I already have, resisting tacky bottles and getting my hands on a sample of Aqua di Parma Profumo. Are there really no samples of this for sale anywhere??

    Thank you CaFleuerbon for a wonderful place to learn and discover. I hope your generosity is returned to you all tenfold!

  • oh I couldn’t be happier with your glass ball prediction for the new year. roses. sigh. there’snothing grand-mtherly about this multifaceted, multi-dimensional, so nuanced as to be extravagantly so, note.

    My own perfume wishes are so lustful I should heed your resolution to ‘slowdown’ and heed my own inner voice, to hat resonates for me. I guess if I really think hard my resolution/wish is notso much to fulfill my Luckyscent sample shopping list as it isto enjoy those perfumes I have gathered thus past year – Sl Tubereuse Criminelle, NV Mohur, Trayee, Bomaby Bling, L’Artisan Mure et Musc, Premier Figuier, Mona di Orio Oud.
    happy 2013 to all.

  • I also wish for smaller bottles and agree on the sprayed samples!

    Just like Melli I really love the photo of the trio of bottles. Where is it from? Would love a print of it!

  • My resolution is simple, I want to be healthy and happy! My health has not been good for the past few years and I’m determine to improve my health.

  • The trio of bottles are charms from Waxing Poetic, I believe. I have Essence of Dreams and Love Elixir. (NO affiliation!)

  • My perfume resolution is to never buy a full bottle after only one sniff/experience with a scent. I’ve learned the hard way that mad passionate love at first sniff isn’t always reliable!

  • I’m a new user and this is my first post on the first day of this new year!!
    I wish you all a happy scented 2013 and for me I wish to discover a lot of new fragances and…at least thirteen (20..13) UNIQUE WONDERFUL scents not still born .

  • I agree on the labeled spray samples. More sprayers please. Yeah for an indie “big bang” and greater availablility of niche scents. I will try to be less of a niche snob. Although I’m willing to try and do adore a few mainstream perfumes. I also agree on the self editingness of perfumers. Quality and uniqueness above quantity. Ah, a revival of the roses. I really hope so….

    Somewhere in the comments I’ve read that smaller bottles are desired. I agree on that one too. Perfumers, please take a look at Maria Candida gentile. She’s got it right with the 15 ml. travel bottles. (bless you for that, Maria Candida Gentile).

    My own one. Look beyond the ingredients you feel comfortable with. When I started out I had a huge list of ingredients I didn’t want in my scents. As times passed by I really feel that every ingredient in the right dosage can be appreciated. So my wish is let’s all sniff beyond our comfort zone and let’s not dismiss a scent purely on notes.

  • I agree with the comment about being more open to notes that I may not normally appreciate.
    I should also stop panick buying samples of every new perfume that comes out…I have lots of FBs that I love, so must take a deep breath, literally, and enjoy them more!

  • Happy New Year to all! I wish this year brings joy and happiness!
    As to my perfume resolutions, yes, my vote to labeled samples in sprayers and please worldwide shipping. When I see some perfume sites do not ship to my country I get really upset and can’t understand the reasons.
    More personal approach from indie perfumers! It’sooo nice when they just hand write a few words on a card, that makes the whole fragrance experience funnier.
    And the final but the most important for me: no hardly standable synthetic musks! Pleeeeease!!!
    Thanks for the great draw and happy new fragrant year again!

  • Queen Cupcake says:

    Great resolutions, Michelyn! I can only echo what others have already commented… I like the one about not buying a full bottle after only one trial! And sprayers…yes, please! Warm wishes to you and all your readers for a happy and healthy 2013!

  • My resolution is to not spend as much money on perfume as I did last year…OK.. great thought but will it really happen??! Thanks for the draw.

  • My goal is to not want to try everything under the sun and utilize that which I have in my perfume wardrobe. And I love comment no 5-less snobbery,please. Years ago some of my most beloved quality fragrances were the ones I could afford from Avon, the drugstore and department stores. (now I would probably be embarrassed to name them 🙂 !!).

    Happy New Year to all at CaFleureBon and all the readers as well!

  • just breathe says:

    as a person new to the world of perfume my goal for next year is to expand my perfume horizon by sampling more of the great juiced available!
    happy new year!

  • Christine B. says:

    I’m adding my voice to the wish for smaller bottle sizes and I resolve to spend more time learning about perfume in general ; history, styles, notes etc.

  • In 2013 I would like to go to a parfume exhibition and not finding many new fragrances with the same notes (oud or saffron or etc….)
    In 2013 I would like to find a fragrance that reminds me the scents i tasted in the big house of my grandma when I was child….
    happy 2013!!!

  • My personal perfume resolution: Out with the old and in with the new!

    I want to pass on the many samples/decants I have that I just don’t wear, and stop keeping most of them ‘for reference’ (some classics I’m glad I did, but most should find new homes). I want to sell, swap, or gift the decants and bottles that just don’t work for me. Have gotten a running start on this and hope to keep up the momentum through 2013!

    And, after making some room, I hope to buy those indie sample sets on my wishlist–many like Olympic Orchids I read about here! I actually love samples and small decants and don’t necessarily need fbs but I love when a smaller size is available, and also regret not stocking up on frequently worn loves. Will try to do so in the coming year so I have no regrets.

    Also for myself–less snobbery and more real education. Actually finish The Secret of Scent and understand the science bits. Keep jadedness at bay and remember the wonder and transcendence of fragrance. Be more generous with gifts and less paralyzed by ‘what if they hate it’. Wear perfume every day, boldly if there is no reason not to, wear what I love and love everything I have–if it’s not love, just ‘that’s nice’ then away it goes. Wear my grandmother’s scents.

    For perfumery generally, a great big YES to all your resolutions!

  • My mean wish is LESS SNOBBERY, please! I’m not looking to anybody, Mr. Kilian, but I want less story-telling, less “made with the finnest materials availables”, “masterfully blended”, blah blah blah, and more real perfumery, like Vero Kern’s work, for example. Let your art speak, please, and put it in a bottles of 30 ml o 15 ml, you can put it into a 100ml bottle if you want, but give me options!

    Thank you!

  • I have to agree with the smaller bottle sizes- 15ml size is perfect and makes more expensive perfumes affordable for those of us who are having to tighten our purse strings.

    Also, I think e-tailers should begin a rewards program for loyal customers- this would encourage more sales while at the same time helping the cusotmer save a little. Why is it I can go to a local yogurt shop or drug store and cash in “points” to save money but, online perfume stores dont do this? and in fact charge top prices and add ridiculous shipping charges? For instructions on great customer service, please contact Zappos.

    Lastly, thanks for great blogs like this one as I have learned so much about the world of perfume and had several gut busting laughs reading some articles and associated comments =)

    Happy New Year to all!

  • My big and selfish wish is that more retailers will be willing to ship samples to my country
    I would like to see 10-15 ml bottles- the perfect size

    a great year to you all

  • Anna in Edinburgh says:

    Resolutions time: fewer impulsive perfume buys but more and more Rose perfumes too;-)

  • Love these resolutions! And I second Janet and Joaquim’s comments about 15 or 30ml bottles.
    My scented resolutions are: to sample as many of my wish list as possible (many of which are from your year end posts) and also make my way through some samples I already have. I also want to read Coming to my Senses and Diary of a Nose. And, I hope to trade a few bottles I have that I don’t wear.
    Happy 2013 to everyone!

  • I resolve to a.) try harder not to let pushy or snooty SAs spoil my pleasure when sampling in stores, and b.) make an effort to explore indie lines this year.

    Happy 2013, everybody!

  • Happy 2013! How the heck did that happen?

    I like this list a lot, particularly the self-editing and the less snobbery points. I also know people who won’t sniff anything at the drug store — they’re missing out. More for me?

    I’m hoping for niche superstars too, this year, but really, I’m sure I have missed out on a lot of hits from the past, so I’m going to be catching up both ways. 🙂

    Thanks for the draw!

  • Are we allowed to ask questions at this blog? I’m wondering because mine never seem to be answered.

    My resolution is to post no new questions to blogs where my questions are never answered. Starting now.

  • Happy 2013 to all! I wish more perfumers would sell scents in smaller bottles. I would love to see more perfumes offered in 10, 15, 20 and 30mL sizes. My resolution for this year is to organize what I own, samples, splits and full bottles, so that I’m not constantly losing and searching for a scent I know I already have.

  • My perfume resolutions are:

    1: Downsize to a more manageable perfume crowd in my cabinet.
    2: Sample before buying FB’s
    3: No impulsive jumping on the crazy bandwagon purchases only if I have sampled it and love it.
    4: Not basing my perfume opinion on the sometimes crazy snobby opinions of others.

    Since I already love Indie and Natural Scents no need for introduction here. I am an equal opportunity perfume wearer.

  • In a perfume and spiritual sense, I would like to simplify. I have so many gorgeous perfumes that I need to appreciate more, but I also need to own the thrill of hobbyist collecting and sampling new scents. Balance in all things.

    For perfumelandia I most hope for less 100ml only bottles. It may be too much to ask for official 10ml or 15ml bottles but I’m feeling cheeky today.

  • Happy New Year to the CFB team! 🙂

    I couldn’t agree more with your resolutions – I have several UFOs lying around and I have no idea what to do with them. And some are just so lovely!

    This year has taken its toll on my free time so I finally decided to stop and smell the roses – so to speak. Meaning, I will finally try and give my collection the time it deserves before getting to new things. I haven’t enjoyed much of what I have and it doesn’t deserve such treatment.

  • Hear, hear to NO more vials. I really want to start wearing what I have and quit buying so much………plus I have about a GOZILLION samples I need to wear.
    Thanks for the draw!

  • My resolutions:
    1. Be very discretionery before ordering any more samples, as I have many I haven’t tried yet…
    2. Delve into splits rather than full bottles. This is a hard one as the bottles can be part of the allure.
    3. Start enjoying and wearing what I have more, rather than looking for something new.
    Thenk you, Cafleurebon, for a great year of perfume reviews!

  • Thanks for the giveaway – the samples sound amazing! My resolution for 2013: purchase a select few bottles that have been on my wish list. Smell Amouage Interlude. Thx for the opportunity.

  • My Wish : for more niche fragrance makers like Josh from Slumberhouse and also another Josh from Imaginary Authors to enter the world of perfumery, especially in the United States

    My Resolution : to avoid blind buying for an entire year, made quite a few unfortunate purchases this year and need to show more self-control than just relying on glowing reviews.

  • I want to squelch my impulse blind-buying. I want to LOVE what I do buy.

    As for unlabeled vials . . . ARGH! How thoughtless can the marketing be?

  • Happy New Year everyone!!!! Well I couldn’t agre more with your resolutions!! Especially with the perfume snobism that I encounter sometimes.
    Myperfumed resolutions are to visit Roja Dove’s Harrods store and sniff till my nose falls off my face and manage to buy 3 Guerlains that I am wishing for quite some time!!! Thak you for the draw!!

  • I want to continue educating myself by sniffing more perfumes at my local retailers, without my snobbish blinders on. And no blind buys!

  • Happy New Year! Great resolutions list. Me, I never make personal resolutions.

    #1 Resolution resonates here. Ever take a vial to reapply throughout the day/ night and end up spilling it at work or someones home?!? Loser! lol

    No more vials (kinda like no more wire hangers)! Sprayers pretty please.

  • My wish would be for better niche distribution and more accessible indies. Living in the boonies is hard enough!

  • Unlike most of the people here, I don’t have tons of experience with perfumes, so my resolution is to go out and sniff more! I really want to familiarize myself with all the basic scents and figure out what I like, so I can focus my purchases on those. Thanks for the draw and happy new year!

  • Happy New Year Cafleurbon!

    My wish is for more perfumers to offer discovery sets, and smaller bottles. 7ml, 10ml, 15ml or even 30ml.

    My wish for me is to refrain from buying anything over 5ml unsniffed!!

    Thanks for your continued support of niche and independent perfumers.

  • I agree with HeatherP – it’s hard enough living in the sticks, better access to niche and indies would be grand.

  • Tomate Farcie says:

    I’d like to see more honest, independent reviews and smaller bottles and less marketing from the big houses that might translate to more affordable perfumes.

  • aiiyy! the unlabeled vial. That’s narcissism at its finest, assuming that your only focus- ever- will be that carded sample. Or else they’re just cheap.

    My wish is for all Houses to slow down. Put more thought into the product – we don’t need 5 releases in one year from the same House.

    Also…size does matter, especially in these economically tough, ADHD times. 15ml is a great gateway size. Trust me, if we love it, we’ll buy more.

    Just my 4 cents (the answer to 5-1 😀


  • I wish all niche fragrance houses will produce different sizes bottle;. Some don’t even offer 50ml, Of course at reasonable prices. I think niche market has become even more commercialized as they keep producing more and more fragrances with ridiculous prices.
    I like to test new fragrances but I’m not a collector so I only buy a full bottle if it becomes very special to me.

  • Actually I don’t mind vial samples as much as reading about a fragrance without any notes or makeshift photos
    a blogger with the initials PS does that and I can’t figure out why there is such a rush if you don’t have all your ducks in a row
    My resolution is to buy those bottle of MCG sideris and Aedes de Venustas I keep staring at this year
    I will just spring for these two and be happy
    Not a fan of roses unless its Rosé Pasteum but as #10 says these two resonate
    I am too selfish for splits and I like owning a bottle

  • I loved reading these well-written and thought-out resolutions. The comment that rang a bell was that one should slow down to experience which perfumes resonate for him or her. I am guilty of “searching” for THE ONE.

    My resolution is to not buy a FB unsniffed. I fell for that temptation recently and it did not go well!

  • My perfume resolution is to enjoy the fragrances I am lucky enough to have. I want to spend time with them, get to know them, and really appreciate the nuances. Thanks so much for the draw!

  • Happy New Year!

    My resolutions:

    – To try more new perfumes, niche or mainstream. I have tried very few in 2012 because of my pregnancy and having the baby.

    – To finish at least a full bottle.

    And a wish:

    That Sephora in Spain started to bring niche fragrances. I was there yesterday and there weren’t any.

  • I hope this year will be the year I share my collection with all of you. Looking forward to meeting someday too 🙂

    Good vibes to everyone 🙂