CaFleureBon Profiles in American Perfumery: Kim Spadaro Of Spadaro Fragrances + Georgia O’Keeffe Draw


 Kim Spadaro

PROFILE:  Born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida.  Family life was about exploring and discovering.  My mother was always creating beauty concoctions and we loved experimenting with fragrances from resources we had at hand, citrus and floral essence right from our yard and I especially loved patchouli oil.    Many summers were spent with my mother’s family in Charleston, South Carolina, on sprawling farms full of colorful produce and flowers.  Waking up in the country, windows open, the scent of the morning dew, fresh cut grass and newly turned earth veiled the air. 


Kim with her dad Gordon and her sister Karen


In Florida, we loved anything to do with water, from riding the surf at the beach, the heat of the sun and warm salty ocean to sailing the rivers with my dad.  I vividly remember the scent of the river breeze billowing the white sails, to the sound of the water lapping the hull of the boat. The aroma of freshly oiled teak, wafted in the air.  


Kim with her mom Barbara Renyolds, her sister, brother and their family dog Skoch


As a young girl I would lie in the grass looking up to the sky as planes flew over.  I was wander stuck at the thought of traveling the globe.  It wasn’t until I married my Sicilian husband in the 80’s that I began to explore destinations abroad. Through the fortunate opportunity of his business, we were able to visit cultures that we found fascinating and beautiful.   Each year, we picked a different destination and set out on a journey to engage in every aspect of the culture.  Romancing by sunsets, hikes in rainforests, diving in seas, sailing in high seas of the Baltic, supporting cooperatives in Morocco all the while being guests of ancient restored castles, palaces and villas.  Not only does scent inspire my creations, but music and visual elements.  All the exposure I have had, so fondly remember and find such comfort in rightfully formed my passion of capturing moments in time both past and present.

Although I was scenting homes using cold air nebulization and heat delivery as part of my environments design vision; I had a real desire to use my time working with charities to combine the aromatherapy aspect by creating blends to aid cancer, and depression patients.  I was studying aromatherapy, but set out to gain more knowledge by taking clinical aromatherapy classes.   During the time of study, I began making scents inspired by my travels, in particular a trip to Majorca, Spain.  This scent (“Noche Del Fuego”) became so highly demanded by men and women, I was making dozens of 7mL blends a week.  During this time, a friend, losing her battle with cancer, encouraged me to pursue my fateful destiny to turn this blend into a perfume.  It was that moment I began my journey into the perfume world.


  .   Canna Red and Orange"  -Georgia O'Keeffe 


AMERICAN ART:  I grew up with a family of artisans and inevitability was a painter myself. My favorite American Artist, I would have to say is Georgia O'Keeffe.  I’ve always been a fan of her florals.  “Canna Red and Orange” is a favorite.  There is something sensual about her composition of each flower.  I was thrilled when my young daughter’s art teacher submitted for judging, one of her painting from art class, a Georgia O’Keeffe, and it won in every category”.  My saying is "each perfumer and perfume designer is an artist, with a canvas of their own.  Our interpretation of that which inspires us, no mater how similar will be a true original.  Even when given the same ingredients, we each put our own personal fingerprint on it making it unique in its own."


Oriental Poppies-Georgia O'Keeffe


AMERICAN PERFUMERY: With the knowledge of have gained in the past five years, I keep saying I’ve earned my Masters degree in the field.  It’s a truly exciting time to become part of the American Perfumery life.  Resources that have opened up to niche/indie perfumers have been growing and gaining a wider audience.  Witnessing this with my own line, its great to have the editors, bloggers, perfume organizations,  and resource groups all recognize those of us who create from personal experiences.  Each and every element of my line, as well as other indie lines, is soulfully and originally derived.  With the competition of the mass market brands saturating the shelves and magazines, I believe that is still a great deal of informed and sophisticated consumers that want a fragrance as original and unique as we create.  As I travel the country launching in different markets, I embrace those stores, boutiques and luxury departments that bring support and market awareness to indie perfumery.  It is incredibly beautiful and gratifying to write a profile of a fragrance from an experience so personal, whether sensual or pure, and drop-by-drop turn that interpretation into a perfume. 


Kim Spadaro, Founder and Creative Director Spadaro Luxury Fragrances




For our Draw: Kim is offering CaFleureBon Readers a choice of one of her three gorgeous perfumes-Solo Nero, Noche Del Fuego or Doux Amour. Each Eau de Parfum retails for $155. To be eligible, please leave a DETAILED comment with what you found fascinating about Kim's profile (a favorite quote, childhood, or her perspective on American Perfumery) AND your choice if you should win the draw. Draw closes May 8, 2012.



Editor's Note: May 6, 2012 Kim will be a guest speaker at  Sniffapalooza Spring Fling in NYC as one of the perfumers in Team Karens' Extraordinary Artists Uncorked Series (EAU). Our own Mark Behnke will be the key note speaker for the Sunday Luncheon.


Michelyn Camen, Editor-In-Chief


We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilt perfume.

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  • Janet in California says:

    I love the imagery of the smell of the water, the sounds of the sails, I can imagine the warmth of the sun on my skin. I am happiest when on the water.

    All of your bottles are lovely as are the descriptions of the scents. I would like the Doux Amour.


  • Maryevans says:

    First Kim is a gorgeous woman has anyone else noticed how attractive indie perfumers are!
    Kim seemed like she was surrounded by love in her life from her parents to her husband and as a proud mother
    I wish I was going to Sniffapalooza to meet her because she seems to be a warm and outgoing person

    All the fragrances sound beautiful but I will go with her first noche el fuego
    The choice of both O Keefes was a real treat visually

  • I found it sad but at the same time inspiring how such a tragic event as a dying friend can trigger a decision. At least it’s a good thing which she will always be able to thank that friend for. Naturally, that perfume is the one I’d like to try: Noche del Fuego. Night of the Fire!

  • scentual healing says:

    I love this series because I discover perfumers I hadn’t heard of
    There was a lot of fascinating facts about Kim
    Majorca and Moroccan influences on her perfumes is one as well as her decision to become a perfumer after her friend lost her battle with cancer really touched me
    The bottles are beautiful and my choice in this very generous draw is doux amour
    I looked at the about us section and loved that her mom was such an influence melting lipstick bullets and creating incense Glamorous women run in that family

  • Christy C says:

    What is fascinating to me is the many places she gets to visit and have adventures in! I have always wanted to visit Morocco–how fantastic. I would want to try Noche Fuego–sounds gorgeous!

  • cheesegan says:

    To be eligible, please leave a DETAILED comment with what you found fascinating about Kim’s profile (a favorite quote, childhood, or her perspective on American Perfumery) AND your choice if you should win the draw.

    I found it interesting that she came to perfumery by way of aromatherapy and that her first perfume was from a blend inspired by her travels to Majorca Spain but that the push and encouragement to become a perfumer cam from a friend who was dying of cancer who urged her to turn “Noche Del Fuego” into a perfume.
    I did not know there was such a thing as clinical aromatherapy, I think it is something I would like to explore myself,

    If I was to win, I would chose Noche Del Fuego.

  • Thanks for the draw. I would like to win Solo Nero. I find it interesting that she makes scents inspired by her travels.

  • I love this so much: “I had a real desire to use my time working with charities to combine the aromatherapy aspect by creating blends to aid cancer, and depression patients.” As someone who has loved ones who have suffered from depression and from cancer, this is a great thing that Kim has done. I read all of the perfume descriptions, and although these aren’t specifically aromatherapy they all do sound uplifting to some degree.

    It was a tough choice, but if I win I would love a bottle of Noche Del Fuego.

  • I came to love perfumes at a time when I was very ill and feeling quite down and out. Perfume was one thing I could turn to that would both distract me and put a smile on my face.
    The fact that Kim has taken into consideration the potential effects that perfumes can have on someone suffering from a terminal illness is beautiful. I’ll include this quote, “I had a real desire to use my time working with charities to combine the aromatherapy aspect by creating blends to aid cancer, and depression patients”, as a way of showing how thoughtful this woman really is. Perhaps she has experienced a period of suffering herself.

    If I was lucky enough to win I would love a bottle of Doux Amour. Those white floral components sound divine!


  • I love fragrance so much for its purely pleasurable elements that I sometimes forget how important aromatherapy can be. I was, like the previous commenter, so moved by Kim’s work with cancer patients, and even more so by the fact that her founding Spadara as a business was inspired by a friend dying of cancer. Noche del Fuego sounds like a scent that’s right up my alley! Thanks for the lovely story.

  • I liked how Kim expresses her experience in travel (and her spirit of adventure) in her perfumes. Her quote that the perfumer has a canvas all her own is a wonderful perspective

    All three of these fragrances sound gorgeous. I would probably pick Noche del Fuego.

  • MichelleLee01 says:

    It’s sad but wonderful at the same time, that the loss of Kim’s friend had inspired and encouraged her into perfumery. Her experiences around the world have influenced her fragrances. I would choose Noche del Fuego.

  • I really liked when she said as a young girl she would lie in the grass and stare at planes going by and was wonderstruck. That really takes me back to my youth when I would spend my time just dreaming about all the places I would see. Her scents sound lovely I am really excited about Noche Del Fuego. Thanks for another great read.

  • Teddy Oliver says:

    I really respect what she has done. This is a really nice take on making news things come to life. “Through the fortunate opportunity of his business, we were able to visit cultures that we found fascinating and beautiful”

    Noche Del Fuego seems like a winner for me. Thank you for the draw.

  • What I find fascinating about her profile is her rich sources of inspiration, and how well they stayed with her in her memory, all those feelings, those smells, sensations that she experienced. Kim Spadaro had a beautiful childhood and now has a very interesting and full life, exploring so many cultures and amazing places all around the world. I would love to test her perfumes,

    My choice for this draw will be Noche Del Fuego.
    Thank u!

  • Kim Spadaro`s foray into perfumery is such an inspiring and touching story; Bravo for exploring her passion and being inspired by her travels to create scents as I believe that the most beautiful creations are inspired by memories and personal experiences and Ms Spadaro does that brilliantly. I also share a passion for Georgia O`Keeffe`s florals so I am sure her creations would be as amazing.
    My choice would be doux amour

  • marcopietro says:

    I did not know Mrs. Spadaro, but I find the article very interesting as its profile as her work.
    I was particularly welcomed the mention of her husband, Italian like me, and the remember of her sick friend.
    My first choice about the perfume I’d like to try is Noche del Fuego.

  • i relate so well to the impact that growing up around water has on a person. i grew up in minnesota on a lake and spent nearly every moment possible on the water. the magic experienced out there from the scents and sounds to the way the light hit the tress at different times of the day has all shaped my life and love of nature. though i loved my lake, i always wished it was an ocean,
    i would love to try doux amour if my name is drawn, thanks!

  • Loved reading about Kim’s life experiences and the way they influenced her creations. She seems a person well anchored in life and that makes her fragrances even more interesting. And why not lively.
    “It is incredibly beautiful and gratifying to write a profile of a fragrance from an experience so personal, whether sensual or pure, and drop-by-drop turn that interpretation into a perfume. ”

    I know I would love to have Doux amour.

  • I didn’t know nothing about Kim, but I found very interesting this article. I liked this phrase very much ¨each perfumer and perfume designer is an artist, with a canvas of their own¨ she’s so artictic.

  • As a chronically ill person with a genetic disease, I’m very touched by Kim’s work with aromatherapy to help aid those with cancer and depression. I have worked (as a patient) with aromatherapy and it there is indeed some profound healing that takes place through scent. It’s especially meaningful to me that a friend who was dying of cancer encouraged Kim to begin her journey into the perfume world. Kim sounds like a very talented woman with an open heart. Two things, I believe, imperative for work in scent healing. Thanks for sharing about a lovely person who seems to have created some fantastic scents!

    Were I to win, Doux Amour would be my choice.

  • Wow – I love when you post profiles of perfumers – it’s always so inspirational to hear their stories, how they think and feel, what inspires them.

    Kim, it sound like you are passionate about life. What a great education to be able to travel the world! Travel makes passion so much richer – experiencing different cultures, traditions, sights, smells. Love it!

    I also love your passion for helping others – inspiring others who are ill, using scent to heal. I’ve never thought of using it in this way. But wow – does it make sense! Scents can evoke such wonderful thoughts and feelings.

    I’d love to try Noche Del Fuego, the one that started it all!

  • What a fascinating woman. I am excited to hear her speak this weekend at Sniffa! I love how she said that her perfumes are inspired not only by scent but by music and art as well. And, because I am in a healing profession, I love that her background is in aromatherapy and that she created healing scents.
    I would love to win Doux Amour.

  • I have never heard of this line, but I’d love to try it. I love that she started as an aromatherapist and she created the first scent to heal patients. I’d love to try that first fragrance…Noche Del Fuego. Thanks for the draw.

  • I love the description of how she lay on her back as a girl to look up on the planes in the sky and dreamed of travelling the world!
    I would love to try Doux Amour

  • Her love of patchouli oil is evident in her perfumes from childhood I think because her mother used it together with other ingredients from their yard to make beauty concoctions and experiment with fragrances. Also I find fascinating all her traveling with her husband…. all that inspiration is evident in her creations. I would love to win Doux Amour if I am lucky, thank you!!

  • I have been looking at her fragrances numerous times and here is a write up…wonderful….I love her saying :” “each perfumer and perfume designer is an artist, with a canvas of their own. Our interpretation of that which inspires us, no mater how similar will be a true original. Even when given the same ingredients, we each put our own personal fingerprint on it making it unique in its own.” as it is very true. My pick would be Noche del Fuego 🙂 Thank you for the wonderful draw.

  • Victoria Casey says:

    I love her passion for travel & art. It really comes through in her vivid descriptions. If I’m lucky enough to win I would love to try Noche del Fuego. Thank you for the draw!

  • kastehelmi says:

    What an exceptional woman Kim is! I was amazed by the details and adventure she shared in such quick and matter-of-fact short statements–I know some great perfumers talk about coming from a family of artisans and playing with different media to satisfy their creative urges, but one who creates and dedicates herself to cancer patients, but speaks with simple gratitude of the fortune to be able to travel the world and share romantic nights on different continents, without making it sound like she traveled only among the elite, only selling luxury goods, only experiencing the luxury market. In short, Kim seems elegantly humble and uncontrived. I would love to try all of her creations, but especially Noche del Fuego–a night of fire is one of those delights that will never dull the imagine, ever exciting to experience, as I imagine this perfume would be!

  • What a fascinating life full of cosmopolitan adventure Kim has had! I like that Mallorca was the inspiration for Noche del Fuego.

    I would like to win Noche del Fuego.

    Thank you for this draw!

  • Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever read such evocative descriptions of perfume! Her journey through life and how she came to create her assuredly amazing perfumes leave me wanting to try them all. I especially enjoyed her family photos, she is a beautiful woman both inside and out. Her story about her friend with cancer truly touched me. It’s rare to find someone in the business world that I feel that I can relate to.

    Thank you for this draw, and I would love to try the Sole Nero.

  • the story behind Noche del Fuego is a moving one. I also find interesting that her experience in perfumery is rooted in aromatherapy.

    I would like to experience Noche del Fuego for myself

  • The thing that struck me as most compelling was the way that Mrs. Spadaro said:

    “Each perfumer and perfume designer is an artist, with a canvas of their own. Our interpretation of that which inspires us, no mater how similar will be a true original. Even when given the same ingredients, we each put our own personal fingerprint on it making it unique in its own.” BRAVA!!

    I was also struck by how she went from aromatherapist and became a perfumer when her dear friend (who was dying of cancer) said she should make her scent blends into perfume. An achingly poignant starting point.

    Noche del Feugo sounds amazing (like a fire dance at night) and that is the one I would like to win, should I be so blessed.

    Fascinating, Captain…simply fascinating. Thanks for the draw and “turning me on” to an obviously gifted artist and perfumer! 🙂

  • ineverwas says:

    I was impressed by her friend that died of cancer and how she inspired her to go forward with her passion and start a real business in the perfume world. As a person who also lost someone to cancer, I’m profoundly touched by her wish to help those with cancer and depression with aromatherapy… perfume can make life better, I know it for a fact 🙂

    As for my pick… I would choose Doux Amour, sounds like something I would love.

    Thank you for this draw.

  • d3m0lici0n says:

    First and with all respect I say that she is a gorgeous woman, and this is the second profile from a perfumer that I read that comes from the clinical side of aromatherapy, and sounds fascinating that she takes inspiration from her travel.
    Favorite part is this one:
    “Each and every element of my line, as well as other indie lines, is soulfully and originally derived. With the competition of the mass market brands saturating the shelves and magazines, I believe that is still a great deal of informed and sophisticated consumers that want a fragrance as original and unique as we create”
    Yes we all read and look all the time for that “perfect” scent, it is a never ending journey.
    My choice if I win is Noche del Fuego.

  • LauraSays says:

    I find her love for adventure and thirst for discovery fascinating. It´s those kind of personality traits that enlighten and nurture creative minds and souls.
    And though it was a tragic event that finally made her take the decision of going from aromatherapy to perfume, she took a courageous, commited, inspired by love and right decision.

    I would love to try Sole Nero, If I was the lucky one to win the draw.

  • I found this interview interesting, and one thing that struck me is that she is also an artist. One of my fav perfumers, DSH, is also an artist. And in your various interviews with perfumers it seems that many have interest in art, food, wine…the finer and sensual things in life. I would like to think that we perfume lovers are also more attuned to the sensory exploration of our world. I also identified with her, because I also have gotten to explore the world by virtue of marrying a foreighner who works overseas. It has greatly contributed to my curiousity and appreciation of cultures. If I won I would pick Noche del Fuego.

  • tomatefarcie says:

    I resonate with the world of travel and the smells familiar and unfamiliar that you encounter. I also resonsate with growing up on water and the nixture of smells. I especially like her memory of the smell of teak oil combined with the sea water. I think Americans who have the opportunity should travel and learn about other cultures. It certainlyhas enriched my life. I would love to try Sole Nero.

  • First off, her dress in that photograph totally looks like the one’s in the glass shop on Suburgatory.

    I find it fascinating how vivid and full her scent memory is! I just spent the last few minutes trying to fathom how a river breeze smells from my less full memories.

    It is quite inspiring how driven she is to aid in uplifting the spirits of those who are ridden with illness.

    If I win I would love love love Noche del fuego. It sounds so unique and fiesty!

  • As someone whose profession is health care, I most liked the story behind Noche del Fuego. Aromatherapy for depression and cancer patients is very interesting to me.

    Would love to try the Noche del Fuego. The bottles are all beautiful!

  • I was fascinated to learn that Kim’s launch into perfumery was born from the encouragement of a friend battling with cancer. That out of a difficult situation something beautiful was born.
    I would be happy to win any of the 3 perfumes but especially Noche del Fuego

  • How compassionate, when she mentioned that she had created blends to help cancer and depressed patients. Noche del Fuego would be my choice.

  • “Resources that have opened up to niche/indie perfumers have been growing and gaining a wider audience. Witnessing this with my own line, its great to have the editors, bloggers, perfume organizations, and resource groups all recognize those of us who create from personal experiences. ” —- I found it interesting and very true of her to recognize the role of editors, bloggers and perfume organizations in the US as spreading awareness and appreciation of niche/indie perfumers.

    I would choose Doux Amour.

  • Oh wow! I *love* seeing creators of fragrances writing guest posts for blogs!

    The most interesting parts to me were the comments about aromatherapy/cancer leading her to perfume creation. And I was also pleased to know that Kim is from Florida and South Carolina (that’s the same as me!).

    Kim, did you see any results from using aromatherapy for cancer treatment/prevention? My aunt has been battling breast cancer for years and is an avid perfumista; any information that youcould share would be very valuable (the joy one gets from perfume is a sort of treatment in itself). My aunt also says that perfumes smell “funny” on her since her radiation and chemo. I wonder if you have any recommendations for people who are experiencing this post-treatment? Maybe certain notes to stay away from or try?

    These all sound lovely. I’ve seen many people commenting on basenotes about the beauty of the bottles. Congrats on the launch!

    Though they all sound lovely, I think I would pick Doux Amour. Casablanca Lily, Amber and Sandalwood sound *lovely* together and a true match for that packaging (and those boxes are beautiful!)

  • I LOVE the varied perspectives that Kim brings to her art (and that she insists on calling it an art as well). I also really appreciated her comments on the unique, passion-filled perspective of the indie perfumer. Really, this is why so many of the things I love and wear frequently are either indie, from funky niche lines, or vintage. I feel as though much of modern marketing has focus-grouped the intelligence and soul right out of perfumery, and you can feel, almost smell, that lack in the fragrances. It’s so rare for me to really get excited over a mass-market fragrance, and I really feel that’s the reason.

    It sounds as though that’s DEFINITELY not an issue with Kim’s work, which makes me even more eager to try it. I think that I’d most like to try Noche del Fuego (but it’s a close call, as the others also sound terrific).

  • Love this quote by kim,My saying is “each perfumer and perfume designer is an artist, with a canvas of their own. Our interpretation of that which inspires us, no mater how similar will be a true original. Even when given the same ingredients, we each put our own personal fingerprint on it making it unique in its own.” I would love Doux Amour.

  • Wow, I love this profile! Always love reading about early scent-memories and early fragrance experiments, but I especially love reading about journeys: literal journeys which inspire creation, and the journey each artist takes into perfumery. And Kim Sparado has experienced both.
    So, my favorite bits were:

    “Each year, we picked a different destination and set out on a journey to engage in every aspect of the culture. Romancing by sunsets, hikes in rainforests, diving in seas, sailing in high seas of the Baltic, supporting cooperatives in Morocco all the while being guests of ancient restored castles, palaces and villas. Not only does scent inspire my creations, but music and visual elements….

    “I had a real desire to use my time working with charities to combine the aromatherapy aspect by creating blends to aid cancer, and depression patients. I was studying aromatherapy, but set out to gain more knowledge by taking clinical aromatherapy classes. During the time of study, I began making scents inspired by my travels, in particular a trip to Majorca, Spain. This scent (“Noche Del Fuego”) became so highly demanded by men and women, I was making dozens of 7mL blends a week. During this time, a friend, losing her battle with cancer, encouraged me to pursue my fateful destiny to turn this blend into a perfume. It was that moment I began my journey into the perfume world.”

    This last part was very moving; it made me think about all the ways that people who are gone still touch our lives and shape the world.

    I’d choose noche del fuego.

  • I really enjoyed reading this profile. Though the vivid descriptions of Kim’s childhood in Florida piqued my imagination, it was her work using aromatherapy to aid cancer, and depression patients, that affected me in the deepest way. This really hits home right now, and I’m inspired by her work. We are lucky to have creative and generous folks like her in the perfume world. I would love the chance to try Sole Nero.

  • Kim seems to have lived and still live a charmed and charming life. I enjoyed her descriptions of the farm and sailing in Florida. She is filled with joie de vivre!

    If I were to win I’d love Noche del Fuego.

  • What beautiful bottles. “This scent (“Noche Del Fuego”) became so highly demanded by men and women, I was making dozens of 7mL blends a week. During this time, a friend, losing her battle with cancer, encouraged me to pursue my fateful destiny to turn this blend into a perfume. It was that moment I began my journey into the perfume world.” Noche Del Fuego is the perfume I’d love to win.

  • Using her aromatherapy to help those who were in times of need
    speaks volumes about her character. My choice would be Noche del Fuego

  • Excellent profile! Kim was most impressive at the recent Sniffapalooza Spring Fling Sunday lunch presentation. Her description commentary brought her scents to life. Her bottles/packaging/scents are first class. And, the lady is gorgeous! A winning recipe.