Kim Spadaro
PROFILE: Born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida. Family life was about exploring and discovering. My mother was always creating beauty concoctions and we loved experimenting with fragrances from resources we had at hand, citrus and floral essence right from our yard and I especially loved patchouli oil. Many summers were spent with my mother’s family in Charleston, South Carolina, on sprawling farms full of colorful produce and flowers. Waking up in the country, windows open, the scent of the morning dew, fresh cut grass and newly turned earth veiled the air.
Kim with her dad Gordon and her sister Karen
In Florida, we loved anything to do with water, from riding the surf at the beach, the heat of the sun and warm salty ocean to sailing the rivers with my dad. I vividly remember the scent of the river breeze billowing the white sails, to the sound of the water lapping the hull of the boat. The aroma of freshly oiled teak, wafted in the air.
Kim with her mom Barbara Renyolds, her sister, brother and their family dog Skoch
As a young girl I would lie in the grass looking up to the sky as planes flew over. I was wander stuck at the thought of traveling the globe. It wasn’t until I married my Sicilian husband in the 80’s that I began to explore destinations abroad. Through the fortunate opportunity of his business, we were able to visit cultures that we found fascinating and beautiful. Each year, we picked a different destination and set out on a journey to engage in every aspect of the culture. Romancing by sunsets, hikes in rainforests, diving in seas, sailing in high seas of the Baltic, supporting cooperatives in Morocco all the while being guests of ancient restored castles, palaces and villas. Not only does scent inspire my creations, but music and visual elements. All the exposure I have had, so fondly remember and find such comfort in rightfully formed my passion of capturing moments in time both past and present.
Although I was scenting homes using cold air nebulization and heat delivery as part of my environments design vision; I had a real desire to use my time working with charities to combine the aromatherapy aspect by creating blends to aid cancer, and depression patients. I was studying aromatherapy, but set out to gain more knowledge by taking clinical aromatherapy classes. During the time of study, I began making scents inspired by my travels, in particular a trip to Majorca, Spain. This scent (“Noche Del Fuego”) became so highly demanded by men and women, I was making dozens of 7mL blends a week. During this time, a friend, losing her battle with cancer, encouraged me to pursue my fateful destiny to turn this blend into a perfume. It was that moment I began my journey into the perfume world.
AMERICAN ART: I grew up with a family of artisans and inevitability was a painter myself. My favorite American Artist, I would have to say is Georgia O'Keeffe. I’ve always been a fan of her florals. “Canna Red and Orange” is a favorite. There is something sensual about her composition of each flower. I was thrilled when my young daughter’s art teacher submitted for judging, one of her painting from art class, a Georgia O’Keeffe, and it won in every category”. My saying is "each perfumer and perfume designer is an artist, with a canvas of their own. Our interpretation of that which inspires us, no mater how similar will be a true original. Even when given the same ingredients, we each put our own personal fingerprint on it making it unique in its own."
Oriental Poppies-Georgia O'Keeffe
AMERICAN PERFUMERY: With the knowledge of have gained in the past five years, I keep saying I’ve earned my Masters degree in the field. It’s a truly exciting time to become part of the American Perfumery life. Resources that have opened up to niche/indie perfumers have been growing and gaining a wider audience. Witnessing this with my own line, its great to have the editors, bloggers, perfume organizations, and resource groups all recognize those of us who create from personal experiences. Each and every element of my line, as well as other indie lines, is soulfully and originally derived. With the competition of the mass market brands saturating the shelves and magazines, I believe that is still a great deal of informed and sophisticated consumers that want a fragrance as original and unique as we create. As I travel the country launching in different markets, I embrace those stores, boutiques and luxury departments that bring support and market awareness to indie perfumery. It is incredibly beautiful and gratifying to write a profile of a fragrance from an experience so personal, whether sensual or pure, and drop-by-drop turn that interpretation into a perfume.
–Kim Spadaro, Founder and Creative Director Spadaro Luxury Fragrances
For our Draw: Kim is offering CaFleureBon Readers a choice of one of her three gorgeous perfumes-Solo Nero, Noche Del Fuego or Doux Amour. Each Eau de Parfum retails for $155. To be eligible, please leave a DETAILED comment with what you found fascinating about Kim's profile (a favorite quote, childhood, or her perspective on American Perfumery) AND your choice if you should win the draw. Draw closes May 8, 2012.
Editor's Note: May 6, 2012 Kim will be a guest speaker at Sniffapalooza Spring Fling in NYC as one of the perfumers in Team Karens' Extraordinary Artists Uncorked Series (EAU). Our own Mark Behnke will be the key note speaker for the Sunday Luncheon.
–Michelyn Camen, Editor-In-Chief
We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilt perfume.