ÇaFleureBon Holiday Gift Guide 2020 + Scented Presents Draw (Part 1)

Best perfumes for Holiday gift giving

ÇaFleureBon Holiday Gift Guide 2020 illustration created for us by the brilliant Massimo Alfaioli

Black Friday seems to be hanging on, we hope you #shopsmall and tomorrow, November 29th, is Cyber Monday (which for many of us is really 365 days a year). If you are a regular reader of CaFleureBon you know I don’t believe in blind buying perfumes as a Holiday gift unless it is a much-wanted bottle and I have reservations even then. 2020 is different. With worldwide lockdowns, brick and mortar stores doors shuttered because of COVID-19, my way of thinking had to adapt to the times; samples are a great way to test fragrances you have read about and yes buy-blind. Times are tough for many consumers, for retailers and for small independent brands, so this year I encourage you to buy from and support small businesses. Each holiday gift I curated are from small independent fragrance companies.

Best Perfume Holiday Gifts That Aren’t Perfume

all natural Scented shea cream is a great holiday gift

DSH Perfumes Aoud Blanc organic shea cream, is great to wear on those rare days you don’t feel like spritzing on perfume. This luxurious body cream hydrates as well as makes skin feel silky smooth, with a scent trail that lasts for 8 hours. It’s also beautiful to layer with many fragrances you already own. The taif rose and sandalwood along with the soft ‘white oud’ in Aoud Blanc is especially wonderful to bring a sense of luxury, as well as an open heart to the Holiday. 4.5 oz $45.00



Many fragrance companies have beautiful candles, but why not give or get a scented candle that soothes the soul for a Holiday Gift?  MIZU Brand Palo Santo oil candle are hand poured by Mason Hainey, and sell out quickly. Palo Santo wood is said to ward off evil and induce a sense of tranquility. It may be a long winter staying home, so scent your atmosphere with a candle that doesn’t smell like a cupcake. Buy a few. 100% Natural / Sustainable-Harvested, 8 oz / up to 50 hour, American-Grown Soy Wax /$32 (15% site wide check it out until November 30, 2020).

Providence Perfume Co tea sampler makes a great holiday gift

It’s the everyday things that can sometimes surprise me with their fragrant twist. Providence Perfume Co A•POTH•A•CARE•TEA: Organic, Fair Trade Certified, Perfumed Loose Tea is one of those unexpected pleasures.  Perfumer Charna Ethier offers a sampler set that includes all six perfumed teas  specially packaged in tea test-“er” tubes. Orange Blossom Oolong Tea (a beautiful oolong with notes of neroli and orange) is particularly soothing and relaxing;  each sip eases the day’s stress. 6 tea vials for $30


Aftelier Perfumes skincare

Let’s face it behind that mask and  under those sweat pants … you aren’t getting any younger. Aftelier Organic skincare and body care from Mandy Aftel, THE QUEEN of GREEN will help you love the skin you’re in. Mandy created the elixirs and balms because she could no longer use commercial products. Each are a luxurious combination of fragrance and richly nourishing ingredients; leavimg a veil of fragrance on your skin or in your hair that mixes beautifully with your body chemistry while enhancing wellbeing. This is a custom set for this holiday gift guide and contains minis of Berry Cleansing Balm, Vetiver and Frankincense Face Elixir, Rose Face Elixir, Geranium Cleansing Oil, Ancient Resins Body Oil, Jasmine Face Elixir, Lavender Face Elixir.


I think I hear someone whispering but Michelyn, ÇaFleureBon is a perfume site, and you HAVE to put in perfume. You said you would, and I will…. so simmer down.

 best Ineke perfumes  

Fragrance A-J: Give your special someone, (and that might mean you) a holiday gift of a perfume from Ineke Ruhland of INeKe. One of the most talented indie perfumers on the planet, every perfumista I know loves at least two or three of her award-winning fragrances. The Deluxe Sample Collection includes seven of Ineke’s gorgeous perfumes from the powdery lilac of After My Own Heart to the newest Jaipur Chai, her first gourmand (reviewed by Lauryn here).  Until midnight November 30, 2020, order a full size Ineke order any full-size fragrance and the sampler is added as a bonus. Need some help choosing, Read Sr. Editor Ida Meister’s The Three You Should be Wearing.


La Jardin Retrouve Holiday gift set

  La Jardin Retrouve, the first “niche house” created by Yuri Gutsatz and now restored by Michel Gutsatz and his wife Clara Feder, transports you to one of seven magical scented gardens with their Nomad Collection of 7 perfumes – 3ml Mini Sprays housed in a unique textile pouch, from Arlette Gutsatz’s textile vast collection imported in the 1990s from India.  Each  set are turned into a pretty pouch and are made at the Medical and Social Institution for Protected Work that allows the integration of disabled people. $31.50.



DSH Perfumes Oud in Chiaroscuro Holiday Gift Set

One of the highlights of any fragrant year is a gift from DSH Perfumes. Loving Dawn Spencer Hurwitz believes in second chances, so she brought back the “Oud in Chiaroscuro” set from 2018 for Holiday 2020. They’re yin and yang, layer so beautifully (read Lauyrn’s review here.) The Oud in Chiaroscuro gift set evokes the two faces of oud: light and dark.  2 x10 ml EDPs $95 DSH Perfumes is running their annual CYBER MONDAY SALE 20 $ off sitewide + gift with purchase code: bright20 check out their Instagram page @dhsperfumes for more deals.



Strangelove NY gold potion pendant is a great gift for the holidays

Bling in the Holiday Season with a gift that will melt her/his heart. The Strangelove Potion pendant with Meltmyheart is my pick for ME (hint hint). The dusty cocoa¸ buttery orris and ylang feels plush. My personal favorite of their collection, there’s a hint of oud and is my go-to “comfort scent” of late.  Suspended on a gilded chain, the pendant allows you to keep the oil warm against your skin to maximize the power of each ingredient.  $180 (From now through the end of November, strangelove is offering a fantastic 30% off promotion on orders over $200 on their website, http://strangelovenyc.com. Code: transported)

Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief

This year every one of the 8 perfumed Holiday gifts in the two-part guide will be for draw and each brand is independently owned.  More often than not, these are the folks that sponsor our numerous draws. NOT LARGE Corporations. Please support them this holiday season.

Worldwide: Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection x7 ml in textile pouch

USA and Canada ONLY:  Many Thanks to Ineke for her Deluxe Discovery Collection x7 and which bottle they would choose should they win.  https://www.ineke.com/shop-perfumes

USA, UK and EU Only: Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant

USA ONLY: She’s the QUEEN of green and super generous -Mandy Aftel of Aftelier Perfumes skincare and body set

USA ONLY: From the ever-generous Dawn Spencer Hurwitz Oud in Chiaroscuro holiday gift set

Worldwide: Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream (all natural)

 CON USA ONLY: MIZU Brand Palo Santo oil candle (all natural)

CON USA ONLY: Providence Perfume Co. Organic Perfumed Teas – Providence Perfume Co.

To be eligible for our 2020 Holiday Gifts for perfume lovers Part 1 please leave a comment with someone in your life who really deserves a great holiday gift and why, where you live and as many of  these eight you would hope to win and are eligible for. You must be a registered reader. You can do so here,  Draw closes December 4, 2020.

This is our Privacy and Draw Rules Policy

We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like Çafleurebon and use our  blog feed…or  your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

Follow us on Instagram @cafleurebon @aftelierperfumes  @provperfumeco. @inekeperfumes  @lejardinretrouve @dshperfumes @strangeloveny @mizubrand

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  • Shamrock1313 says:

    They all sound fantastic.
    My girlfriend is just starting her fragrance journey and she’s the best thing that has ever happened to me.
    She always puts others first & would love to gift her any that are available since I’m eligible for the whole list by being a US resident.
    Pennsylvania USA

  • My partner deserves a great gift for putting themselves on the line going into work for these 8 months of quarantine! They love a freaky scent as much as I do. They would love the Strangelove Pendant (!!), Aftelier Perfumes Skincare Set, MIZ Palo Santo Candle, or the Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection. Based in US.

  • The nurses, doctors and scientists fighting to eradicate Covid 19 all deserve anything their hearts desire. If lucky: Oud in Chiaroscuro, Nomad Collection, Ineke Discovery Collection x7 and I would choose Jaipur Chai, Miz candle, Providence Perfume teas. Thanks for another fabulous draw! Mich USA

  • My spouse is a medical provider and he, his colleagues and medical providers all over the world deserve so much praise for their heroic efforts to help Covid patients. I would love to gift them any of the following: Le Jardin collection, INEKE collection, Strangelove pendant, Aftel set, or the DSH Oud Chiaroscuro set. Commenting from MD, USA.

  • I love this article to see all the really awesome things Michelyn has to share. Most of these things I had not heard of. My Mom is who I would give this gift to if I win. She’s recently had surgery and of course (as for everyone) the year has been tough. I’d love her to receive the DSH Oud, Melt my heart (she loves golden things) or the tea. Those test tubes are super cute. Thanks for exposing us to these small brands who needs support now. USA.

  • The person who deserves a wonderful holiday gift is my very giving best friend S.

    My choices are:

    Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant

    Dawn Spencer Hurwitz Oud in Chiaroscuro holiday gift set

    Mandy Aftel’s skincare and body set

    Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream

    In the USA.

  • My daughter deserves this very much. Ever since this pandemic had begun, my daughter has brought weekly groceries, picked up my and my partner’s medications, ran errands, and took us on doctors’ appointments. She did all this while working a full time job and carrying for her teenage daughter(my granddaughter). Oh, she put up my Christmas tree and my outside Christmas lights while we cooked Thanksgiving dinner together. I’d love to win the following for her:
    Aftelier Perfumes skincare and body set
    Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant
    Dawn Spencer Hurwitz Oud in Chiaroscuro holiday gift set
    Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection
    Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream

  • Great read thanks! My girl deserves a wonderful gift, she deserves far more than I can give her as does my mother. Moms a nurse working hard during covid and still being amazing. My girl is helping people with mental illness and or addiction as well as raising her son and being wonderful to me. Not to mention running a charity group and constantly giving to others less fortunate even though we are not in the best financial shape it could be worse and is for some so thanks to her we do our part.

    Prizes I’d choose:

    USA and Canada ONLY: Many Thanks to Ineke for her Deluxe Discovery Collection x7 and which bottle they would choose should they win (Chemical Bonding)

    USA, UK and EU Only: Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant

    Worldwide: Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection x7 ml in textile pouch

    USA ONLY: From the ever-generous Dawn Spencer Hurwitz Oud in Chiaroscuro holiday gift set

    From CT USA. Thanks to everyone involved for this generous draw.

  • Amazing selection a very thought out one I honestly think I am nominating myself , this year because of the pandemic Salon was closed for 4 months then my mom stayed in hospital for over a month almost died and still I managed to loss 81 lbs.,open my mini hair studio and launch my YouTube channel

  • Worldwide:

    My mother is not a fan of perfumes but I am trying to make her appreciate this hobby or passion. She is selfless and always puts others first so I think she deserves something a little bit special. Thanks a million from the United Kingdom. If I am lucky I would love it if I won the following
    Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection x7 ml in textile pouch
    USA, UK and EU Only: Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant
    Worldwide: Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream (all natural)

  • My Brother has been my hero since my childhood so he very rarely uses perfume but I am trying to change his mind he is always ready to help anyone strangers or family he is my inspiration I think he deserves something special. If I am lucky to win I would love to win the following
    Worldwide: Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection x7 ml in textile pouch Worldwide: Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream (all natural)USA, UK and EU Only: Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant. Cheers from the United Kingdom

  • What a lovely draw! If I were to win, I would go with Strangelove’s potion pendant. It would make a great gift for my mother. Looking at the notes, I am sure she would love it.
    Thank you and good luck to everyone!

  • My niece works in the medical field and provides support for those who have coronavirus. For her is a continuos battle as well, and she would deserve a token of appreciation in the form of something perfumey.
    We are both in EU and as I know her and knowing that she loves to wear jeweles, Strangelove Meltmyheart would be a great gift to her.
    Many thanks!

  • Claumarchini says:

    I live in Milan, Italy, so I am eligible for 3 of the gifts: definitely LOVE the MeltMyHeart! But also the Shea cream would be fantastic… I have recently lost my beloved dad due to Covid, so I deserve extra tenderness and sweetness these days…

  • I would gift something special and unusual to my daughter. Unlike me, she does not have a burning passion for perfumes. Perhaps with this gift she will reconsider it haha.
    Europe so Strangelove or Jardin Retrouve for us. Thank you!

  • My girlfriend and soon-to-be wife works in the pharmaceutical industry and these months have been very hard, especially for her, and rewarding her with a perfumed present would be a wonderful thing to do! She deserves to be rewarded for all her hard work and all the hours that she spent over the usual schedule, just to make sure that everything goes smooth and every single person benefits from the treatement and gets well quickly.
    I would choose either the set from Jardin Retrouve or the pendant from Strangelove.
    Thank you and stay safe!

  • Previous years I nominated others, this year is very hardcore special and I want to make and give gifts to myself… (my family are not so interested in perfumes anyway).

    I live in the EU and would love to win:
    – Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection x7 ml in textile pouch,
    – Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant.
    Thank you and be strong, people!

  • Hi I would choose both my Aunty who has been incredibly strong during a difficult time and supported the family. They both deserve treating and they will be.
    I would love the Strangelove Melt my heart pendant I so want to try them and this looks and sounds wonderful.
    I am in U.K.

  • As this year was a strange one, I think everybody I know deserves at least one small gift to brighten their days, and that includes me also :). I currently live in Bucharest, Romania, and I would love all the fragrances listed and all the fragrances in the world, because I cannot help myself when it comes to perfumes :), but if I have to chose one, than Le Jardin Retrouve is my favourite, because I have been following the house from quite some time and I didn’t get the chance to try them.

  • My best friend has had a tough year (on top of the current pandemic), so I really think she deserves a great holiday gift this year, to at least try and end it on a cheerful note. If I were to win, I’d choose the Strangelove Potion pendant with Meltmyheart and the DSH Perfumes Aoud Blanc organic shea cream. I live in the EU.

  • I would love to gift this to my girlfriend. Really looking forward to some time off and sharing some quality time together. Living in the EU and eligible for all the EU items 🙂

  • My ister in law deserves a fragrant gift. She is so strong in personal style, but hasn’t found her voice in the amell department yet. She’s my great friend and I would,love to ahare my perfume obsession with her.
    I ‘d,love ro win Meltmyheart, Le jardin retrouve and oudh body butter.
    I’m in Slovenia,EU

  • Daniel Fisher says:

    I love love love this. I try and buy indie almost as a rule now with a only a few irresistible delicacies from major labels like Dior. I feel much better supporting someone I can talk to. If I won I would give a MeltMyHeart pendant to my grandmother because she would adore it, and I would give the MIZ candle to my sister because she is obsessed.
    From Texas with Love.

  • If this is part 1, I cannot imagine part 2!!
    Each of these gifts are just fabulous. My sister I would give the Strangelove pendant and my best friend D the Ineke samples and After my own heart. A lot of thought went int this guide and i am bookmarking it. Thank you Michelin and all the great small companies

  • I love holidays and giving and receiving gifts. I would love to gifts some nice things to my partner. We are both big fragrance lovers. He is working so hard and has been under a lot of stress lately. So I’m trying to gather nice things for his Christmas presents. We live in Illinois, US. Our of the presents in this post I’m mostly interested in: Ineke for her Deluxe Discovery Collection (for full bottle I would pick Field notes from Paris!). also Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection, Oud in Chiaroscuro holiday gift set, Organic Perfumed Teas – Providence Perfume Co.

  • My mother would deserve a gift, and many more. She always takes care of everyone else and puts herself last, so she is a genuinely selfless and beautiful person.
    I would pick the Le Jardin Retrouvé Nomad Collection set, the strangelove meltmyheart pendant or the Aoud blanc shea butter cream. I am in the EU.

  • What a wonderful draw! It is always a wonderful and kind gesture to give a gift to somebody you hold dear! As for me, if I were to win I would give one of these goodies to my wife as she is there for me all the time and because she still has not kicked me out (haha joking of course). Yeah, you know how it is… I think we all have that one special other who completes us.
    I think she would love the pendant from Strangelove at is such a strange and unique perfumed gift.
    Europe. Thank you!

  • My niece deserves a great holiday gift. I live thousands of miles away from my family, who are going through quite a lot this year. My niece is there holding everything together. Taking care of my Mom and her Mom and her brothers. She has really come through for everyone.

    I am in Kansas, USA. and would really like to win ALL of the things. Here they are in order of desirability
    1) Aftelier Perfumes skincare and body set
    2) Strangelove Meltmyheart gold potion pendant
    3) Mizu brand palo santo oil candle
    4) Aoud Shea butter cream
    5) Ineke discovery set, particularly Field Notes from Paris.
    6) DSH Oud in Chiaroscuro holidy gift set
    7) Le Jardin Retrouve collection
    8) Providence Perfume Company Perfumed Teas

  • This year I think I would gift something to… me!
    As Michelyn wrote above, I would gift myself the Strangelove strange-odd-bizare-unique pendant. It is the first time I see such a thing and I am very curious and intriguied.
    Good luck to everyone and stay safe!

  • The Plum Girl says:

    This is absolutely superb!
    Well, Michelyn really deserves a great holiday for everything she has done in 2020: meltmyheart pendant is a perfect present for her! I’m in EU and would love to win Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream, and if I should win the meltmyheeart, send it to Michelyn. ❤️

  • All my friends deserve to receive great gifts, but my husband is the most eligible: he supports me doing my work from home since march :)) And I am not the prettiest when I work :)) I really felt in love with The Strangelove Potion pendant with Meltmyheart, but alsom Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection x7 ml in textile pouch sounds great. Greetings from EU (Romania)

  • It is such a generous draw, thank you very much for the opportunity!
    I would like to gift The Strangelove Potion pendant to my beloved sister.
    It has been a tough year that helped us to become closer to each other, and gifting her this pendant would mean creating “an eternal bond between kindred spirits”.

    I would love to win The Strangelove Potion pendant with Meltmyheart – I live in the UK.

  • Naomi Ruth Sawyer says:

    My mom, who has been cloistered a thousand miles away from family, grandkids and friends for months and will miss out on holidays with us this year, is most deserving of a special gift of fragrance this year. She is one who loves beauty in art, nature and fragrance, and would be uplifted by a precious scent gift. We both live in the US (but opposite ends!). I would be thrilled to win ANY of the eight gifts, and excited to eligible for all!

  • I don’t have to think about this one. My girlfriend. She survived a heart attack, a covid infection and lost one of her friends to the aforementioned virus. She’s physically and mentally exhausted and I promised her we’re going on a holiday after Christmas. I would LOVE to win the Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant for her.

    I live in the UK.

  • My friend who took me and 3 others in who were displaced because of the wild fires in our area. She was great and kept everyone safe and sane and positive. People who are cool headed and generous in a crisis are a treasure and if I won, I would gift her the The Strangelove Potion pendant, she’d love it. I am in the US.

  • What a generous draw – so many wonderful people in one’s life that one can give these as gifts to. Spouse, relatives, friends… and I would love to give a gift of these to myself too 🙂 [Perfumes do that to you…]

    Winning any of these would be great, but here they are in my order of preference:
    1) DSH Oud in Chiaroscuro holiday gift set
    2) Strangelove Meltmyheart gold potion pendant
    3) Le Jardin Retrouve collection
    4) Aoud Shea butter cream
    5) Ineke discovery set, particularly Field Notes from Paris.
    6) Aftelier Perfumes skincare and body set
    7) Providence Perfume Company Perfumed Teas
    8) Mizu brand palo santo oil candle

    Writing from the USA, so please consider me for all draws.

  • vickalicious says:

    I love holiday gift guides, and this one is fantastic!! I love that it is featuring small business and independent artists…and I like that there are some non-perfumed items included! My mom, who is a nurse, deserves a great holiday gift. She moved during COVID, started a new job, lost a job, suffered a major health event, started a new job…it’s been a roller coaster for her. I would be grateful to win any of the items mentioned. Thank you for the giveaway. Located in Texas.

  • I would give a gift to my sister-in-law who is a nurse. She is so selfless. The Ineke A-J and I would choose Field Notes.

  • bigscoundrel says:

    my wife deserves a great holiday gift for everything. I hope to win Strangelove Meltmyheart gold potion pendant, DSH Oud in Chiaroscuro, Shea butter cream. I’m eligible for all. New Jersey, USA.

  • I think that my mother really deserves a great holiday gift just because of all the stress that she has had to deal with this year from the pandemic and the fear of losing her job. I think a great holiday gift would be something wonderful I would like to do for her. I live in Florida, US. I am eligible for all eight of the gifts in this giveaway but the ones that interest me most are the Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad collection, the Ineke discovery set, the melt my heart pendant, and the DSH Oud in Chiaroscuro set.

  • We probably all deserve really great gifts this year, but my best friend definitely deserves one for adjusting her go go personality to this very stop stop situation with grit and grace.

    I would chose:
    Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant
    Dawn Spencer Hurwitz Oud in Chiaroscuro holiday gift set
    Mandy Aftel’s skincare and body set
    Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream

    I live in the USA.

  • I would give the gift to my wife of course! I live in the EU (Finland) and would like to participate in winning either:
    – Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection x7 ml in textile pouch,
    – Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant.
    – Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream (all natural)

  • Iuno Feronia says:

    Thanks for these ideas, my mother deserves a great holiday gift, she is all alone with my fahther in need of care, due to Covid-19 we cannot travel and help. I live in Austria, EU and I would like to win
    Nomad Collection x7 ml in textile pouch
    Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant
    Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream (all natural)

  • My sister deserves a grand gift this Christmas! She has played a critical role in the hospital during this quarantine. She’d love any of your gifts – the Strangelove NYC pendant, the Le Jardin Retrouve collection, the DSH oud gift set, the MIZU candle, the Aftelier Perfumes set, the Providence Teas, the Aoud Blanc Shea butter, the Ineke discovery collection. Thanks for this draw! – CA, USA

  • I would gift a little perfumed present to my hubby. Something we both share. I am looking at you Michelyn with your suggestion of Strangelove’s pendant filled with that magical elixir of love which is Meltmyheart.
    Europe. Thank you!

  • This year I would gift something to myself. I know I am selfish, but no other person in my family has a passion for perfumes, so I am the one who would deserve a fragranced gift haha.
    I am in Europe, and if I were to win, please do surprise me with something fragrant as long as it is available to European readers. Thank you!

  • This person would definitely be my mom. She helped me so much this year, she is always there when I need her and anytime I ask her what she wishes to get for her birthday or nameday or Christmas, she says she doesn’t need anything from me, that I should buy something for myself.
    So I would love to win Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection or
    Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant or Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream (all natural).
    Hugs from Romania

  • marcopietro says:

    This year all the attention and gifts will be for my sister and her family. It has been a really complicated and difficult year between caring for our elderly and sick parents and the fears of covid-19. We supported each other and this deserves affection, respect and, why not, gifts! I’m really fascinated by Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant and I choose it in addition to Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection and Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream.
    Thank you so much!
    I live in Italy, EU.

  • My partner deserves a great gift. He held my hand throughout this pandemic. He kept me going.
    I would choose:
    Aftelier Perfume skincare set
    Oud in Chiaroscuro holiday gift set
    MIZU Palo Santo candle
    Ineke discovery set
    Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection

    I live in the USA.

  • My grandmother deserves a special holiday gift for sure! It is her 85th birthday today and this year has been extremely hard for her. She is very active and usually goes out to play bridge, reads to people in a old people’s home (ironically) and goes on trips to Switzerland with her twin sister. She also wanted to celebrate her birthday with a massive party, but none of that could happen due to Covid-19 as she is in the risk group. She has been stuck in isolation and she deserves something to cheer her up! The MeltmyHeart pendant from StrangeLove sounds perfect. It is beautiful and smells delicious. Marit in the UK

  • The person who deserves a really good holiday gift is my boyfriends. He is always by my side, no matter what… he is my ride or die. I would love to be able to gift him an incredible perfume, something that he could wear anytime and enjoy it as much as I enjoy fragrances.
    I would love to win Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection, Strangelove MeltmyHeart or Aoud Blanc Shea cream.
    I live in Romania.

  • I like to think that most people in my life deserve great holiday presents, but if I were to pick only one, that would be my mom – she deserves it all.
    I live in Europe and I’d like to have a chance to win/sniff the Nomad Collection by Le Jardin Retrouve.

  • My daughter who works in a hospital and has given up traveling to see us, her family due to safety for us and the rest of the family. She would love the Mandy Aftel set or DSH body cream in rose, her favorite scent. Any of the wonderful gifts would be great. Thank you for letting me share how proud I am of her. USA California

  • Andreea Florica says:

    My future husband and my long time best friend is the one that should deserve a gift. We had plans to have our wedding this year in spring, but due to covid, everything was cancelled and we now want to have it next year. Let’s hope we get back to normality.
    He is not very picky when it comes to perfumes, therefore if we are to win, everything goes.
    We are in Europe.
    Thank you!

  • fun time of year and great ideas! my daughter who is such a strong, wonderful woman deserves a great holiday gift – she’s a great mother, a wonderful daughter and never fails to amaze me! – I’d love to win: DSH Perfumes Aoud Blanc – sounds absolutely yummy!
    Ineke Ruhland of INeKe, La Jardin Retrouve, DSH Perfumes Oud in Chiaroscuro, Strangelove Pendant, MIZU Brand Palo Santo oil candle (all natural)
    thank you so much 🙂

  • I would like to win the DSH Aoud blanc cream for my mom, she deserves always the best simply because she is my mom, the best mom in the world. Thanks for the opportunity. Regards from Mexico.

  • Thank you for the very generous giveaway!
    I am in awe of all the Frontline Healthcare Workers. They deserve such praise, making major sacrifices to care for those in need.
    I live in the USA and would love to win the following.
    Palo Santo candle
    Mandy Aftel set
    DSH set

  • wandering_nose says:

    My boyfriend deserves a great holiday gift as well as gifts without particular occasions – he is the most caring and amazing person I have ever known (right after my wonderful mother) and I have had many happy moments with him. Due to my influence he has started developing fragrance passion over time which is the most heartwarming feeling – I love gifting him fragrances as he can truly appreciate them and wears them beautifully and with utmost enjoyment! I am in Ireland. If I win, I would like the below:

    Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection x7 ml
    Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant
    Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream

    Thank you for this fantastic draw!

  • they all sound wonderful! i would love the Meltmyheart pendant, any of the sample sets (my favorite way to find a new perfume). My mom doesn’t care for scented products, but she may like the Afetelier custom skin care set. I would share the tea with my hubby, and my family would enjoy the MIZU palo santo candle. After that i would enjoy any of the other prizes, they are just all so lovely. Thank you for the draw and the gift ideas! in the US.

  • These are all great gifts. The person who comes to mind that I would like to gift is my friend Pam. She was widowed at a youngish age and her financial situation was not exactly what she expected but she is always upbeat, optimistic and fun to be around. Thanks for a fun list!

  • Well done !
    Great gift ideas that I will use for myself. I would give my gift to my friend Joey who is a front line worker and loves oud frags
    My picks
    For me the Strangelove pendant would cheer me up
    Connecticut here

  • My mum deserves all the gold in the world for putting up with me. I already have a present for her, adding Le Jardin Retrouve or DSH Perfumes Aoud Blanc cream would be wonderful. Thank you all for this draw.Stay safe, everyone!

    I’m from Russia

  • My husband definitely deserves a Christmas gift this year – he’s been working from home since March and dealing with my emotional stress from my work sector (live entertainment) completely shutting down. He ceded control of the kitchen to me for the duration of the pandemic so that I had something to focus on in cooking for us both, in addition to the irregular work I’ve been able to pick up. Unfortunately he only tolerates my perfumes, so the best gift he could receive would be me NOT wearing any gourmand or patchouli scents inside, which I already do my best at!

    I’m in Canada and would love to win either the Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection, the Ineke Deluxe Discovery Collection x7 (Balmy Days and Sundays would be my FB for sure, sucker for green florals), or the DSH Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream!

    Thank you so much for this article!

  • Juan_hernan says:

    I think that my girlfriend really deserves a great holiday gift just because she recently got into perfumes and she has been waiting to try everything and explore all that there is in the world of perfumery. I think a great holiday gift would be something that she would like for her fragrance journey. I live in the US so I am eligible for all eight of the gifts in this giveaway. The ones that interest me the most are the Ineke discovery set, the melt my heart pendant, Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad collection, and the DSH Oud in Chiaroscuro set.

  • Both the wonderful women in my son’s lives deserve very special gifts this year. My DIL has a toddler and another baby coming on Dec. 29. She faces extra health concerns as does her mom, so there’s lots of worry. My future DIL became a nurse in February, from school to NYS Covid crisis. I would love for one of them to have the strangelove pendant. I live in NY.

  • My best friend almost had a stroke and he has other health problems. He’s recovering in regards to some aspects of his health problems and he’s not having the despair that he was having at this time last year, but his recovery will take a while. If I were to win and be able to gift him with these things, that you have available for the giveaway draw, then that would be helpful to him: he enjoys perfumery. I want to win all of the prizes that you have available and I am eligible to win any of them; I live in MD., U.S.A. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.

  • zacharyari23 says:

    The special person in my life that who really deserves a GREAT holiday gift would be my spouse, Dawne. She and I are parents to three beautiful children, the oldest of whom is significantly handicapped. We deal with medical trauma in our home on the daily, and our basal level of anxiety is really, REALLY high. She works harder than anyone I have ever known, and she deserves the world. Since I’m eligible for the eight draws, I would enter in all. Of particular interest would be the Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection, the Strangelove Meltmyheart Gold Potion Pendant, and the MIZU Palo Santo candle.

    Thank you all again, and best holiday wishes from Zachary in Colorado

  • I would say that my sister deserves a great holiday gift since she is a worker in healthcare, trying to minimize the damage of the Corona virus. I think that she would really deserve something nice for the work that she does. I live in Florida, US so I am able to win any of the eight in the giveaway. I would really hope to win the the Oud in Chiaroscuro set by DSH, the Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad set, the Ineke discovery discovery collection, the Strangelove meltmyheart pendant, the Atelier perfumes skincare and body set, the Providence Perfume Co. Organic perfumed teas, the Aoud blanc shea butter cream, and the Mizu Brand Palo Santo oil candle.

  • Amanda32828 says:

    what a fantastic gift guide this one is. I’ll love to be able to win every single item on this list to give them to my mom. She more than anyone deserve all of these goodies because of her courage and strength. She is a cancer survivor, in remission for a year. Since her surgery she has experienced a physical change and a lot of different nutritional difficulties and weight problems but she is strong and a fighter. She does not give up. She love fragrances, she loves candles, she loves oil, and she love the smell of palo santo. I will love for her to be able to look through all of them and try them all and play with all…she totally deserve it. Commenting from Orlando, Fl USA.

  • wallygator88 says:

    My closest friend in KC deserves a really nice holiday gift/pick me up. She’s at a difficult point in her life where she is trying to institute changes so that she is set up well for the future. She’s intelligent, fun and has a strong work ethic and just cares so much about people.

    I would like her to win all of these – she deserves it.

    Cheers from WI, USA

  • My sister-in-law who is a mother, wife, nurse and loves fragrances. This has been an extremely traumatic year for her due to Covid19. I’d love to to win these for her:-
    1. Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection
    2. Ineke Deluxe Discovery Collection
    3. Dawn Spencer Hurwitz Oud in Chiaroscuro holiday gift set

  • Michael Prince says:

    My wife really deserves a great holiday gift this year. I would like to win Le Jardin Retrouve Nomad Collection, Ineke Deluxe Discovery Collection, Dawn Spencer Hurwitz Oud in Chiaroscuro holiday gift set, Aftelier Perfumes skincare and body set, Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream, Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant, Providence Perfume Co. Organic Perfumed Teas, and  MIZU Brand Palo Santo oil candle. I am from the USA.

  • First, thank you for the draw. The person in my mind who deserve o gift from the list for me is my aunt, a nurse who work in a hospital with Covid infected patients. She is a single mom who also got infected (now she is ok) who did not let the hard situation to put her down and now she continue to care and treat those in need. I am eligible for Les jardin!retrouve gif, Stangelove melt my heart, Aoud blana Shea butter. I live in Italy

  • I am eligible 3 prizes, but to be honest aiming for one – meltmyheart pendant. It would be a perfect gift for my grandma for christmas. She’s not well lately, but every time i visit her despite poor health she always pretend to be apure enegry, and always smiling so i won’t be sad. AND that melts my heart. Just it. Poland, EU

  • The one that deserves a great gift is my wife, she’s been working really hard to help people with their stress as a therapist through this crazy year, we all need something to cheer us up. This year has been insane
    My picks are
    Mizu Palo Santo candle
    Oud in Chiarooscuro
    Aftelier Skincare and body set
    I live in the US

  • My sister just because I love her and she loves perfume like me.
    I would like to win Aoud Blanc Shea butter cream, Strangelove MeltmyHeart gold potion pendant and Le Jardin Retrouve
    and I’m from Denmark