Sultan Pasha Attars Juriah Winner

Sultan Pasha Attars Juriah review

The start of Sultan Pasha Attars Juriah is rumbling and pummeling and pungent and LOUD- eyes may water, that is, and minds may blow in a severe and organized according of instruments. Like the orchestra tuning in the pit, right before the first melodic measures you smell, equally determined, heavy-hitters: oud (of what kind, I do not know- Sultan Pasha Attars Juriah is both creamy and herbal at the same time); animalics howl like a lion roars—for the pleasure alone (fresh civet, haute fur (castoreum?), and a very alive musk); piney ambers; a distinguishable—at least for my nose—fermented pomace. Sultan Pasha Attars Juriah opens horizontally with elegant force, building up a wide support structure laced with harmonizing tones: saffrony suede provides texture; a tea-like note provides liquidity and movement. All of this overwhelms and humbles, until—similar to the end of tuning- you almost smell a white sound, like when all the instruments are playing the same note.

Thanks to the largess of perfumer Sultan Pasha we have a 3.3 ml of Sultan Pasha Attars Juriah (£399.00 approximately $490.00) for one registered reader in worldwide. The random winner is Anne.  Please email michelyn at cafleurebon dawt com with 3.3 ml of Juriah  by 10/10/2019 2 PM EST along with your complete mailing details, phone number and name. This is a deadline and NO exceptions if you are late. A warm thank you to in your email to Sultan Pasha would be greatly appreciated. Please use the email from your comment so we know it is you.


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