Baruti Perverso Review (Spyros Drosopoulos) +  Palette of Attraction Draw

Perverso. Photo by a_nose_knows


Look, that is how, if you do not come,

I shall crawl to my ending.—Rainer Maria Rilke

 Black-haired girl with high skirt (detail). Egon Schiele

If everything had a taste, what would attraction taste like?  Would it be metallic and salty, a shiny pole for an undiscovered talented dancer lowering thick eyelashes over eyes not slept for days? Would it be floral and wet, with violet dark circles and covered in Victorian lace, powdery and pale, lying in abandon in the nostalgic sepia of a forbidden daguerreotype? Would it be herby, earthy, and painfully sunny like that ‘80s vacation in Aegina, when you kissed your first kiss, curly and shiny and tanned and always smiling, with whom you never shared a language? Would it be jammy and onctuous, striking-eyed, thickly-bearded, lean stature and angular shoulders smiling with a grass blade in his mouth in the afternoon shade of a date palm?

 Kitagawa Utamaro Poem of the Pillow (Utamakura), 1788

Or, further yet, would it be milky and delicately sweet, wrapped in silk stockings and wooden platform shoes, lifting inky brushes with pearly hands, swift but of studied torpor? Would it be none? Would it be all? From the universal laws of physics to parapsychology, attraction, this most simple of truths, covers the widest ocean of sapient realities: gravity. Polarity. Complementarity. Surface Tension. Electronic deficit. Inertia. Rhythm. Rhymes. Rituals. Positive thinking. Puzzles. Color wheels. Fashion. Pheromones. Perfume. Leave them to their own, and voila!– satisfaction. Gravity pulls things down and wins. Electronic deficit makes salt and wins. Puzzles can only be made one way and they win. Pheromones brought us to 7 billion people, so, clearly, they win. 

 I Can't Get no Satisfaction video still. Directed by Hector Santizo. (C) 2015 ABKCO Music & Records, Inc.

Satisfaction always finds a way to be (ponder on this: even I Can’t Get no Satisfaction is, if push comes to shove, a way to get some satisfaction). And that is, luckily for us, thanks to the myriadical palette of ways attraction manifests in the eye of the beholder.

Dr. Spyros Drosopoulos of Baruti courtesy of Baruti

In the eye of this beholder (or, to be technical, the nose), Baruti Perverso by Spyros Drosopoulos plays with my attraction (yes, I collapsed in languor) and my favorite attractions (from concept to visuals to notes) enough that I didn’t put up any fight- satisfaction came easily and with a grin. The initial blast brought the cleanest raw hazelnut accord I’ve ever experienced save from a tree- nutty, fat, creamy, and unmistakable rich, doubled by a hint of black walnuts, a huge blast of cedar, and a slight boozy tinge for balance. As it dried, the oily gave room to dusty, with an improbable mix of cocoa powder, rocks, and a nostalgic cigarette tobacco. Even further still, Baruti Perverso fused with my anatomy to release an improbable combination of sticky notes (wild rosemary, labdanum, benzoin, quince jam) on top of an indecent bed of salty milk.

Satisfaction, if I ever received it.               

Official notes: Rum, roasted nuts, cocoa powder, caramel fudge, fig, tobacco, styrax, musk, ambergris

Disclaimer: Sample of Baruti Perverso kindly provided by Baruti. My opinions are my own.

dana sandu, Contributor

Perverso by Baruti

Thanks to the generosity of Spyros Drosopoulos of Baruti, we have a bottle of Baruti Perverso for one registered reader in The EU, USA and Canada . You must be registered to be eligible. Please leave a comment saying what sparks your interest in Baruti Perverso based on dana’s review and where you live. Draw ends 4/11/2019

Coming soon to @indigoperfumery

Follow us on Instagram @cafleurebon @barutiperfumes  @a_nose_knows

We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like Çafleurebon and use our  blog feed … or  your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

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  • fazalcheema says:

    I think the taste of attraction is determined by the era we live in or that is the lesson I get from this article. In this era, it might be sweet as gourmands are all the rage. In 80s or 90s, it might have been big florals. US.

  • This sounds like a nice dense gourmand, something you could smell and melt away into.  To me attraction would taste buttery and salty, something you would want to take another bite of, without much self control.  Canada!

  • Wonderful article as always coming from the talented writter and reviewer Dana. I appreciate a lot of gourmand type fragrances, but i think this one could be very special. I’m really curious and i would love to try this juice, especially that Dana mentioned about this house before, in our romanian community, so it must be a good house and a good juice.. Thank you a lot for the chance, and of course thank you Dana for a great reading. I am in the EU.

  • roxhas1cat says:

    Love the notes, all of them.  I think this sounds amazing.  Love gourmands.  I'd love to win this one.  Thanks.  Usa.  

  • I didn`t have the opportunity to test any fragrance from this house, but oh boy, this sounds absolutely delish! I have to put my nose on it since I am such a gourmand lover :). Thank you Dana for taking the time to write about Baruti, and i hope more reviews will come,maybe Nooud or Cha. I m from EU, Romania;)

  • Dubaiscents says:

    I am so glad Dana and Cafleurebon took the opportunity to review the newest release from Baruti! I was so happy to be able to try this ahead of its official release when Spyros came to NYC to launch his amazing collection of scents at Corso Como. I’ve been a long time fan of his unique scents since first coming across them in Dubai and this one exceeds my expectations! Gourmand but sexy and so long lasting! The review was spot on. I have been eagerly awaiting its launch here in the US so I could get a bottle to add to my collection (I love so many of them, including Tinderer and Winter in Berlin and Nooud…). I’m in the US. 

  • Doni Light says:

    Difficult to find a good hazelnut note that doesn't come off too dry or synthetic.  Hence, Dana's description of the opening of Perverso really captured my attention.  Add to that some of my favourite supporters – booze, wood and tobacco – and the description alone has blood rushing away from my head.  Can't say too much about the salty milk accord, but it reminds me of….never mind.  Canada.

  • sukhbirgill says:

    WOW!!! what a review as per Dana's review Baruti Perverso is very hypnotic, I love to try this and want to experience similar.U.S.A.

  • What Sparks my interest is Dana describing the hazelnut note as the cleanest raw hazelnut not she has experienced. I have tried perhme with hazelnut note in the past and love them and this seems to surpass that I absolutely live Gourmand fragrances would be so grateful to try this beauty.

    USA, North Carolina

  • Another great review by Dana!  Very poetic, indeed!  I love the idea of of roasted nuts and rum.  Makes me think of my first adult cocktail at an elegant bar.  I felt sexy and rich.  I'd love Baruti Perverso to transport me back.  Thanks for the giveaway. In the USA.

  • I'm no stranger to being passionate for gourmands. The creamy walnut accord in Yesterday Haze by Imaginary Authors is one of my all-time favorites in this category. But the way Dana has described Baruti Perverso makes it sound soooo decadent, something I could douse myself in if I really wanted to indulge. I wonder if this fragrance would satisfy my "attraction" to sweets or make me crave more…

    Anyone would be lucky to win this, but I'd be especially pleased should it be me 🙂

    I'm from the US.

  • redwheelbarrow says:

    What a beautiful review. Attraction for me definitely includes food and booze so this one sounds so lovely. I love gourmands but Dana makes this one sound other worldly and sinful. I would love to experience this one. I am in the US. 

  • This fabulous fragrance sounds like a winner. I absolutely love all of the notes, especially the caramel and roasted nuts! It's added to my "to try & buy" list. Thanks so much for the opportunity to sniff! USA 

  • Elizabeth T. says:

    Ooooh, that is a great list of official notes! I would love to smell that raw hazelnut accord. This fragrance sounds so rich. Thank you for telling us about it and for the generous draw! I'm in the USA.

  • NiceVULady says:

    I've never sampled anything from this house, but this sounds like a really interesting first try.  What an interesting array of notes.  Sounds delicious.  Loved the review.  Thanks for the draw.  I'm in the USA

  • Loredana O says:

    This Dana's review cames with satisfaction to me

    … it sounds amazing…the notes are delicious…I woild love to tri

  • It sounds like a combination of my favourite notes and I'm always on the lookout for salty perfumes. I'm from Romania

  • Well after reading Dana`s description I think it`s impossible to have a love affair without wearing this perfume! I`me very intrigued by the notes, they match my "smell" in seduction, but the way Dana describes it`s impecable. 

  • I love gourmand smells and Dana's description about Baruti Perverso makes it sound so delicious, I absolutely love all of notes, especially caramel and roasted nuts!

    I live in EU.  Thank you for the lovely opportunity to experience such a "gem" smell.

  • I like the combination… caramel fudge !Dana’s review is very important to me and the pictures is fantastic!Romanian girl want Perverso parfum!

  • Well, the official notes sound very intriguing (Hazelnut especially), as does the name of the fragrance 😉 And Danas review simply was great fun to read, full of humor and fitting images (and those parts missing of them )

    Living in EU, Germany

  • adelinatomescu says:

    Dana knows for sure how to make someone curious about a fragrance. I loved the part regarding the taste of attraction. Made me wonder how I would see things and which scent would I associate with attraction. Sweet, sweaty, decadent or ingenue? 

  • Ambrosium says:

    I absolutely love gourmand fragrances, and since I haven’t come across this house yet, I’m quite intrigued to experience this.

    From EU, Germany.

  • Looking at Dana's photo I thought: wow, it must be so juicy! And the name of this perfume in my native language is like calling someone in a very intimate manner, behind close doors, a pervert! But it is more like a very sensual name calling. "you, pervert, you! Come here, I love you!" 

  • An animalic gourmand is an interesting combination. I Love the description of sticky notes. And styrax. Would love to try this. I am in Germany

  • Great review, i would love to smell this, the quince jam note sounds great, i love to eat it, so curious how it would smell on the skin. I`m from Romania.

  • aurora_ru says:

    I love how Dana plays with words, designing different sensations. The notes sound fantastic – hazelnut in a salty milk caramel bed, blended with woods and booze and jams. Definitely, Perverso is now on my try-list! I have tryed only one perfume from this house, I remember it was very longlasting and it changed several times – from very dense and intense to delicious, then to very relaxing.

    Thanks for the draw, I am in the EU, Latvia.

  • Ha I wouldn’t wanna miss out on this one and whichever of the metamorphoses Dana so temptingly mentioned above. So come on, Perverso, let’s see what you’ve got! Romania, if you dare.  

  • Dana is a specialist in catching the eye right from the beginning and so she did this time as well with the opening photo she chose for Perverso! About the fragrance itself, I am always interested in physical, lived-in perfumes, especially when they’re not civet and other animalics or cumin-based. I mean, I love those too, but they kind of have their own category where they belong and I kind of know what to expect when I see those noted listed in the composition. I am eager to experience what a salty, nutty (omg) gourmand can offer, in terms of physicality. Thanks for the draw! i am from Romania.

  • Universe’s greatest secrets seems to be hidden in this perfume according to Dana's description.  As all the truths come tumbling into the light with Havana's scents, i feel satisfaction as well 🙂

  • Freesia Rose says:

    I have just really enjoyed reading this, “What would attraction taste like?” I couldn’t begin to describe it half as well as the questions in this review! What wonderful and enchanting notes for a fragrance, just the description attracts me. I find I am lately drawn towards gourmand fragrances. I love the photo too. Thank you for this great review and the chance to take part in the draw. I live in the UK (for now in the EU!) 

  • I have much respect for the work of Spyros, which I follow since the beginning. 

    This Perverso (apart from the marketing buzz which I don't like that much), in Dana's words, reminds me a lot of good things I love (sticky, powdery, tobacco-ey perfumes) so….I can't wait!
    I live in Italy. Thanks for the draw!

  • bigscoundrel says:

    Dana asked what attraction tastes like and found an answer in this fragrance. My curiosity is through the roof to discover how this fragrance transforms on my skin. I love hazelnuts. Combined with tobacco? Sign me up. I’m in the USA. 

  • marcopietro says:

    This scent sounds really great! It reminds me of certain traps for birds or insects that use attractive and viscous substances that once caught their prey do not leave them free from their intoxicating embrace. No one will be saved!

    I live in EU. Thanks!

  • Enjoyed this review. Dana's insightful comments are truly unique. This parfum sounds really delicious.

    I live in EU, Romania

  • I can't think of a perfume with a better name than Perverso that I'd be proud to wear. US

  • Pheromones, attraction, satisfaction!! And the name of the perfume is so appealing to me! Let the perfume come my way! ❤  I'm so intrigued by Baruti Perverso! Send it to EU, Romania. 

  • This is a new perfumer and house for me but his passion for his work really shows in this review.  The perfume sounds almost like a gourmond and I love the note of rum in any perfume I come across.  The idea behind it also sounds interesting in attration and wonder what that smell like to Mr. Spyros.  Thanks for the giveaway.  In the US.

  • d3m0lici0n says:

    What a name! And what a description for this Perverso creation!

    Sounds like the perfect gourmand with booze!

    I live in the US and would love to get this bottle.

  • I could nearly taste the description of this fragrance. I really enjoy a boozy gourmand and it sounds like this wont dissappoint. USA

  • mariagry13 says:

    Beautiful description. Very interesting note : rum, cocoa powder, fig , roasted nut-perfect gourmand. Romania-UE.

  • adriana860 says:

    This sounds exquisite! I love gourmands and anything boozy and nutty! Fragrance is supposed to become lighter during these months but I still pull for these notes. Would love to try. From CT USA. 

  • Great review sounds delightful ,I think the hazelnut accord and black walnut is what got my ears all perked up,havent tried anything like that before and i adore unique and different creations……cant wait to sample,please put me in giveaway ,thank u very much.



  • Oh, boy, does this sound like a delicious fragrance!! I absolutely LOVE gourmands that include nutty notes, especially hazelnut. It adds such great dimension to a perfume. It's one of the reasons I love Hypnotic Poison so much.

    I live in the USA.

  • To be honest this perfume sounds surrealistic and Dana made it sound even crazier. I like Spyros's fragrances and especially love the notes in this frag. Great Pic, Dana! Would love to win this daring scent. I am in  Germany 

  • Uncle1979 says:

    Perverso? Lol

    Raw hazelnut accord , black walnuts,  cedar with boozy vibe? What a start . Cocoa powder,  tobacco , a bit herbal,  resins and quince jam ? Beyond intrigued at the moment. Quince jam is bringing so much childhood memories. Hard to get quality one where I live. Tried twice farm markets,  and I was unpleasantly surprised. 

    Never heard of Baruti before,  but unusual combination of notes makes me want to get get my hands on some samples. 

    Interesting review – thank you. 

    Appreciate the giveaway campaign. 


  • Hazelnuts and figs!Well, wonderfully described by Dana, loved the correlation with music and paintings, the whole article depicted a trully sensuous, unique smell that I'd love to try! What i'm interested in mostly is how this perfume develops and envelops the skin.

  • Nicoleta.Tomsa says:

    As always, such cool rhythm and fire in Dana's review, love it!  With a new-found love for the the gourmand family and a life-long love of Nutella, the words "realistic haselnut" had the efect of Pavlov's bell on my brain. So I drool & look forward to smelling this 😀 I m from EU, Romania

  • By some odd coincidence I'm eating big Lindt chocolate with hazelnuts and caramel. Maybe I should sip some rum , and smoke some "nostalgic" cigarette tobacco , so I can emulate a bit the smell of Perverso 🙂 

    I'll rate this review 9/10 . Even though I enjoyed it a lot , I have to take 1 point away. Nowhere in her review Dana shared her impressions of Perverso's performance.

    Thanks for the generosity

    In Us

  • dana.sandu says:

    Thank you all, I really appreciate your feedback. Y'all know how hard it is to explain a sense in words, so trying I will continue until told to stop. 

    On a different note, this was. such. fun. to wear and write about and photograph for 🙂

  • Hi! Hazelnuts with tabacco, coco and fig are interesting combination and sweet a little is my favorit type of scent. I am from Europe- Romania, Thank You!

  • Thank you, Dana for this review.

    Nice game of words, and talk about "what would attraction taste like".

    Unfortunately, I have never tasted Baruti perfumes.

    Labdanum, benxoin- sounds very interesting:


  • What sparked the interest in Baruti Perverso based on Dana's review is the note of hazelnut and the creamy, rich, nutty scent with a slight booziness! I live in Arizona United States! Thank you for the opportunity to win this lovely fragrance!

  • Hm, so I guess you avoided the term gourmand on purpose? I guess if you used it in the headline I would have skipped this article, but now I am intrigued! Would love to win this to Germany, thanks for the draw. 

  • saadfragrance says:

    This was the most well written and entertaining review i hahave ever read. It's gorgeous, i love the notes in this, the sweetness it sounds beautiful and i love gourmands from Canada

  • doveskylark says:

    I'm excited for a new Baruti fragrance. I love Tindrer and Dame Koupa so much. I loved this review with the theme of attraction. Definitely hazlenut and tobacco notes would attract me to a person. But I think the strongest attraction is when one is being attracted by another person. 

    I live in the USA. 

  • Great poetic review by Dana! This description of the fragrance seemed to evoke so many memories and feelings of satisfaction for Dana, it is a very interesting fragrance that I would love to try and experience! I live in the USA!

  • Gabriela Gorea says:

    What sparks my intrest in this perfume is the roasted nuts note because I'm a huge fan of nuts and I think in this combination with rum notes and carmael fudge it's the perfect perfume for me. From EU, Romania

  • Wow, the name, the notes and the subject looks very interesting and provocative. Analysing the notes it is really hard to predict how it will smell like. Very interesting concept and perfume. I live in Poland.

  • IvanVelikov says:

    If everything had a taste, what would attraction taste like?

    Like peach cobbler with raw hazelnuts and rum  . My all time favorite dessert. Well there's no peaches in Perverso , but judging by Dana's top notch review i will get big time satisfaction wearing it . Bottle looks good too.

    Thank you.


  • taskphorce says:

    Awesome review! I can also concur that is often very difficult to put your own description of a scent into words, without being repetitive. You are trying to explain an olfactory response to, in most cases, numerous notes/accords blended into one fragrance. Opening, Mid, Base. Where to begin? Where to end….it's not easy so, I give the reviewer much credit here.  Attraction is subjective and means different things to different people (and at different times.) For instance, in the summer and spring, I adore the fresh clean scent trail from by my wife but in the fall and winter months, I find the dark florals and spicier fragrances to be so fitting.  One thing is for sure, this fragrance "Perverso" has piqued my curiosity. Thank you for the draw. I am in the USA.

  • I know the name of the house – Baruti , but never had a chance to smell any of their creations.

    The initial blast brought the cleanest raw hazelnut accord I’ve ever experienced save from a tree- nutty, fat, creamy, and unmistakable rich, doubled by a hint of black walnuts, a huge blast of cedar, and a slight boozy tinge for balance. As it dried, the oily gave room to dusty, with an improbable mix of cocoa powder, rocks, and a nostalgic cigarette tobacco. 


    Come on  – first Sebastian with Sweetie Aoud , and now now Dana with Perverso. First i'm on a diet , and second i need to spare my CC – did a lot of "damage" lately , and buying 3 niche fragrances since 1st of march , because of positive Cafleurebon reviews contributed a lot. Don't do this to me Dana .. 

    Nice pics too and fantastic review – i'll try to get a sample when Perverso is out.

    Back and forth between USA and Scotland . 1 week in US -> 1 week in Scotland (EU/UK) .Basically both USA and EU at the same time.

  • What interest me about this fragrance is that it is might be the avan gard gourmand of my dreams. I often find gourmonds or gourmond leaning fragrances not suit me or men in general. This fragrance is going to have character and the stories seem to make it out as a perverse fragrance in the right way. The black walnuts as a note aslo interest me. Could be the brother to the beloved carlen Men of Blame ?

    I live in the USA and would love a chance to win this most intriguing fragrance !

  • DulciusExAsperis says:

    WOW what a review, I'm swooning! First off, I love any fragrance with nutty notes. Second, the description of how the fragrance blooms with herbs (!) is right up my alley. Sign me up! I'm in the USA.

  • Thanks for the review. Can't wait to try how Spyros does the gourmand.

    Cheers from Switzerland.

  • This review is simply amazing. I almost can smell this wonderful gourmand scent while I'm reading the review. I would very love to try this perfume. I love all of the notes. Thank you for chance. I live in the EU.

  • Dana, your review is an wonderful essay about desire and seduction. I read your words and I really want to ''taste'' this perfume. Thank you. UE

  • I got interested the moment I read about hazelnuts with a tobacco edge. That sounds like a very unisex gourmand to me and I would love to try it. Thank you! From Finland.

  • Dana, your review is an wonderful essay about desire and seduction. I read your words and I really want to ''taste'' this perfume. Thank you. UE

  • Dana, your review is an wonderful essay about desire and seduction. I read your words and I really want to ''taste'' this perfume. Thank you. UE

  • Dana, your review is an wonderful essay about desire and seduction. I read your words and I really want to ''taste'' this perfume. Thank you. UE

  • Just based on the notes this seems like one of really enjoy. Like the color of the juice as well. First hearing of this and like to get a chance to check it out. Enjoyed this article and thanks. U.S

  • I’m intrigued by the blast of cleanest raw hazelnut accord and the combination of sticky notes. 

    I live in USA. 

  • What truly sparks my interesting in this sensual fragrance from Dana's review is the hazelnut and tobacco along with the sticky notes. This one sounds so amazing to say the least. Powerful and yet sexy. I live in CA, USA. Man would I like to try this one out. One Love! Great review Dana! 

  • Oh my gosh  your description of the hazelnut note just sounds so good intriguing, I can't wait to try it  thanks for the draw and the review  

  • Do i still have a chance?! I thought i already post my comment, but it seems that i didn't. I would like to enter especially since Dana mentioned a true hazelnut accord. I'm in Spain. Thank you! 

  • I like the notes. Slightly boozy hazelnuts smoking cigarettes on top of an indecent bed of salty milk. Together with the name (Perverso) it creates interesting images in my head. Would love to try it. I live in the EU.

  • The reviewers description of the hazelnut accord, and the mixture of the tree nuts with a cocoa powder vibe sounds lovely. Cheers from the USA!

  • Great review by Dana! I love gourmands and the booziness of the hazelnuts and cocoa powder has sparked my interest. This sounds like a fragrance that is meant to be smelled up close. My favorite lines were: "The initial blast brought the cleanest raw hazelnut accord I’ve ever experienced save from a tree- nutty, fat, creamy, and unmistakable rich, doubled by a hint of black walnuts, a huge blast of cedar, and a slight boozy tinge for balance. As it dried, the oily gave room to dusty, with an improbable mix of cocoa powder, rocks, and a nostalgic cigarette tobacco. " Thanks for the generous giveaway and I live in the US!

  • citizenkage says:

    The hazelnut accord definitely sparks my interest the most. But coupled with the other notes like rum, cocoa, tobacco and musk make this sound absolutely fantastic. USA.

  • I haven’t smelled any other fragrances from this house, but Dana makes this one sound deliciously gourmand and I’m sold by the hazelnut accord. I love nutty, fatty, creamy scents and this one sounds more complex than most. I’m in the US. Thank you for the review and draw!