ÇaFleureBon Behind the Bottle: Ophiucus Natural Perfumers Guild Internet Project + “Epione” by Jane Cate Perfume Draw

Epione was the Goddess of Soothing who was married to Asclepius . In astrology, Asclepius became Ophiuchus the Serpent Holder, god of healing and medicine. In fact, the original Hippocratic Oath was actually an invocation “I swear by Apollo the Physician and by Asclepius…” Jane is a children’s mental health care professional as well as a perfumer and her fragrance Epione honors her professions,

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CaFleureBon Profiles in American Perfumery: Miriam Vareldzis of 40NotesPerfumes + Frank Lloyd Wright Draw

Miriam Vareldzis, founder of 40notes Perfume has a life-long relationship with scent. Miriam worked as a professional fragrance evaluator with International Fragrance & Flavors (IFF), where she was mentored by world-renown noses and perfumers.Her clients have included Donna Karan, Calvin Klein, Unilever, Gap, Banana Republic, Bath&Body Works, Victoria’s Secret, as well as celebrity and niche perfumery projects

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