A Perfumed Spiritual Island – DSH Perfumes Cardamom and Khyphi + Anais Nin Draw

Dawn Spencer Hurwitz

“This is not a needle, I am not going to poke you, she said reaching toward my arm with a super thin tube. You do not need a ton of this stuff on,” said she putting on me the tiniest amount of her Special Formula X out of a skinny test tube that was, in fact, soft, and not pokey at all. Then she leaned into my arm and breathed in. I waited impatiently until she raised her head and looked at me. “What does it smell like to you? Which of your perfumes will suit me? I want to smell, too!” I blurted out all three sentences as if they were one word. I was getting ready to have one of the best smelling experiences of my lifetime. I was already having a blast.

This is a picture from my actual consultation

This is how my smell and tell fragrance consultation with Dawn Spencer Hurwitz started. A few minutes later the entire large counter of her Essence Studio was covered by bottles with the sprayed papers sitting out. Dawn was bringing in more fragrances, telling me about them, spraying them on paper and sorting them on the counter. I was giving enthusiastic yeses, unapologetic nos, “could you please put this aside, I’d like to know where it’s going”, “I am really not sure about this one.”

Red Dahlia Mandala

Another fragrance invoked a more complex response from me. Quieletes Rouges made me recall some of my childhood dreams that had never come true – that I actually chose not to pursue, choosing other dreams and other plans over them. Ira Progoff, a specialist in intensive diary writing, recommends a journaling exercise on just these kinds of crossroads of our lives, the roads we took and did not take. Back then, I did not know about this exercise, but on the smell and tell consultation with Dawn I found a perfume for a woman I would have become had I taken the road I dreamed of as a child. I found a perfect perfume for her – but now I needed to find one for me.

Khyphi incense

Cardamom and Khyphi was one of those “could you set this aside please” ones. I waited out the top notes dominated by cardamom, as if I just had ground some light green pods for my morning coffee and wanted to see what a day would be like if it started with such a perfect morning cup.  I was curious about khyphi, the incense made from precious woods and resins, sweetened by dry fruit, the recipe survived through the centuries coming to us from ancient Egypt. Dawn was working on a collection of perfumes of Egypt (I was hoping to buy one of her perfume bottles a day later in the Denver Art Museum but could not locate it in the museum store).

Persephone with the Pomegranate by Charles Moffat (2008)

On my skin the smell rose up toward my nose, and I looked at Dawn, confused. Sitting in a cloud of spicy lightly sweetened incense, I was at a loss for words. I was catching a thick smell of perfectly blended magic. But what could I make of it? I could not describe the magic in words, I could only experience it.  Finally, I said very slowly, “I love the way it smells. I just can’t imagine I would be able to wear it anywhere except home.” I did not add that I had a hard time imagining wearing it around anyone except myself, but I did think that, too. This unique combination of spicy cardamom and cinnamon, light touch of honey, and the earthiness of resins had a power to pull me into my inner world. I almost heard a soft click of an oyster shell around me as if I had become a pearl inside. From out of the shell I said, “Just like Persephone, you know, getting pulled into the World of the Depths, Hades, for the very first time.” Just like Persephone I knew I was being drawn in and did not know if I would ever be able to come out. Dawn looked at me and said calmly, “I know many people who have a perfume that is just for themself. They only wear it on their own – when they meditate. When they paint. When they…” “When they write,” echoed I, “when they journal.”

Anais Nin

My journal! One of the few things I’d take with me to a deserted island.  It can be an island in itself, populated, not deserted, but always providing the air of solitude that is so easy to breathe in, a workbench and a playground, a place to be one with myself, a safe haven for restoration and growth.  Anais Nin who kept a journal all her life said that it became “an island in which I could find refuge in an alien land, write French, think my thoughts, hold onto my soul, to myself” (from Conversations with Anais Nin).  It started out as a letter to her father – a letter never sent to a man who was never to return – it became a spiritual island, it was blamed by her famous lover Henri Miller and her no-less famous psychoanalyst Dr. Otto Rank as her obsession, but she kept making the time for herself, kept writing secretly in a journal, and it had become a nourishing well of creativity and a source for strength.

Green Mandala

I understood the importance of a perfume for me alone, so I took a sample with me and bought a bottle before the end of the year. It was my companion through a lot of writing, cleaning house, inner work on grounding and centering myself, stressful deadlines, finishing the projects, and grading a mile high pile of final papers a week before Christmas. It was my companion through many things I did by myself. The liquid in the bottle crept toward the label line, then lower (you do not need a whole lot, it projects wonderfully). My spiritual island had in it a sense of a home, a hearth, a spiritual center that is also nourishing to the things of the Earth. Incense and smoky resins, baking spices and a touch of sweetness – I needed it all and could not have one without the other.

Anais Nin Veiled

One day I was spending a weekend with friends. We planned relaxation near the fireplace, good laughing, and some board games. I decided to wear my me-perfume to this company. It did not go unnoticed – my friend asked me what I was wearing – is there any patchouli in it, he asked? (his wife volunteered the info “patchouli means he likes it”). She sniffed my neck and we all kept playing and laughing.  Simply, just like this, the secret inner woman in me had made her move out. First, she showed herself to friends she was most comfortable with. Then she followed with a wider and deeper footprint. Again, I could find my thoughts echoing with Anais Nin’s experiences of integrating the secretive woman of a journal, an inner woman of dreams, fantasies and poetry, and an outer woman who acted as everyone’s cheerful helper in the world:

“I started out terribly engrossed in dreams, the spiritual, the reverie.  […] I had lived in books and imagination so […] I had to find the earth. […] When I balanced the two worlds – earth and imagination – then came the period of greatest creativity.  I began to produce almost a book a year” (from Conversations with Anais Nin)

Persephone with the Pomegranate by Kris Waldherr

By now I have worn Cardamom and Khyphi to lectures and symphony concerts, to friends, to parties, and an occasional airplane ride. This perfume became a bridge on which something of me that was the innermost went into the outside world, on sure footing. Like Persephone with a candle going back down to the depths of the Underworld all by herself and by her own will – this time not pulled by her husband Hades, coming in; not assisted by beautiful messenger Hermes, coming out. Like Persephone who had already gotten into the habit of going in and back out, out and back in, navigating both these worlds and their widths and depths on her own.

Thanks to DSH Perfumes we have a 1dram mini of Cardamom & Khyphi to giveaway. To be eligible leave a comment on  the perfume you wear "just for yourself" or your favorite Dawn Spencer Hurwitz perfume. We will draw one winner on November 26, 2012.

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

Olga Rowe, Contributor

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  • Oh gosh, to choose a favorite. Ambre is the closest perfume that I have found that smells like me. I also fell deeply in love with Cafe Noir and Kohl Gris.

  • Its hard to pick just one favorite from Dawns perfumes so here are my favorites: Mata Hari, Verte pour Madame, Cimabue, Rose en Vie, Euphorisme d’Opium, Lautrec…….and I could go on and on and on….you get the picture, I am a fan. Thank you for the draw.

  • Terry Maloney says:

    A just for myself perfume is Rose Nacree du Desert. I love it and spritz on my arms before bed. So lovely to fall asleep with. Thanks for the draw!

  • Funnily, one of my me-scents is a DSH creation: Celadon…a soothing calming scent evoking freshly cut grass and freshly spruced vegetation…
    Thank you for the draw…

  • The Dawn Spencer Hurwitz perfume I really like is Ruba’iyat. I am too crazy about cardamon myself these days so I would be uber curious to see what dawn has worked here! Sure to be wonderful 🙂

  • Apres L’Ondee is the one scent that I wear just for myself… a melancholy side of me that are perfect for cloudy, drizzly days =)

  • My scent just for myself is BPAL’s Lilith Victoria. Its my scent that is like a personal blanket to me, and makes bad days infinitely better.

  • I wear ” Mecca Balsam” just for myself-it seems to have a magical power of ” bringing me back to my inner me”
    thanks for the draw

  • I love wear “just for myself” Pour Lui by Oscar de la Renta , it wake up so many memories…
    My favorite DSH scent is Prince.

  • The perfumes I wear for myself only are most certainly the ones I put on when I am staying in. There have been many over the years but lately I only use a drop of 20% Labdanum Absolute rubbed between the wrists. I just find it completes me.

  • Olga, thank you for sharing such a personal story.
    I actually read it three times…so good!
    My personal scent is Guerlain Gourmand Coquin.
    It comforts me unlike anything else…
    Thanks for the draw!

  • Just for myself I like to put a dab of Teint de Neige for bed to sleep with. But I don’t use it daily because it is too powdery for wearing for me.
    Thank you for this fantastic draw!

  • The perfume that I wear just for myself is Mandy Aftel’s Cacao, the orange opening is wonderful and the sillage is minimum, anybody can smell what i’m wearing, just me, it’s something special
    Thank you for the draw!

  • What a lovely and evocative post, thank you. Dawn’s Inner Sanctum is my absolute favorite incense rose perfume, and my favorite winter perfume. I need to get the lotion!

  • The perfume I wear “just for myself” is The Neela Vermeire Créations Trio, in particular Mohur.

  • I wear Chergui, Caron Tabac Blond, and SSS Tabac, Shalimar, L’Heure Bleue, Prada L’Infusion Iris, Chanal 5, and Poeme for myself… liberally. 🙂 Thanks for the draw.

  • Lovely article and I enjoyed following you on your journey at DSH studio
    There are so many of Dawn Spencer Hurwitz’s fragrances I wear just for myself but pamplemousse especially when I need a lift and mahjoun when I want to feel warm and secure

  • What a beautiful and emotionally generous post. My just for myself fragrances are Luctor et Emergo EDT,Philosykos, and Ambre Russe.
    I have yet to try any of Dawn’s creations, partially because they seem so personal and I fear that just ordering samples randomly by listed note might leave me confused and disappointed. Maybe I should just be brave and try them.

  • Favorite DSH…hmm… I love Hippie Chic and Bois du Chocolat, There are many more I want to try!

    For-myself fragrances…Ormonde Jayne Ormonde, SL Santal de Mysore and MKK. I love them and don’t care if anyone else smells them or what they think when they do.

  • What a delightful article! Admittedly I have a few samples of DSH perfumes and they all are amazing..I love the Vanille Botanique as a base when layering some perfumes..Thanks for the opportunity in the draw. Either way this one is right up my alley.

  • That’s a wonderful article; thank you for sharing! ELdO’s Like This is a scent that’s mostly for me (particularly since my husband has immortelle issues…).

  • I wear Liz Earle Botanical Essence No. 1 just for me . I love the way it smells so fresh and spicy but since it is a natural perfume it does wear close to the skin. Thanks

  • Christine B. says:

    The fragrance I wear for myself if Aftelier Cepes et Tuberose. I find it contemplative but uplifting at the same time.

  • I haven’t tried any DSH perfume yet, so I can’t pick one.
    The scent I wear just for myself is Agua de Lavanda by Agua de Sevilla.
    I wear it when I go to bed because lavender helps me to relax.


  • I don’t really have a perfume I wear for just “me” although I understand the significance. I think that I would really like American Beauty from the DSH line.

  • I am only beginning to explore this intriguing and vast line, but so far I have found Tubereuse to be my favorite.

    Many more left to experience! (-;

  • The perfume I wear just for me is the first perfume I bought: Lutens Ambre Sultan, so soft and grounded, it makes me feel warm and cuddled. I have yet to discover DSH creations, maybe this wonderful Khyphi scent will be my introduction… Who knows?
    Thanks for sharing your fascinating journey and for the generous draw.

  • The perfume that I just wear for myself is The Different Company Osmanthus. I have not tried any DSH perfumes yet. Thanks.

  • I love Dawn Spencer Hurwitz perfumes, especially Cimabue and Lumiere – which is one of the scents I often wear for me. I also wear Tauer L’Air du Desert Marocain and Vera Profumo Onda for myself. I’m excited to try a new scent form DSH.

  • This sounds lovely. There are so many things from this line I have yet to explore. I wear several perfumes just for myself (Usually heavy-hitters that are too strong for work) – SL Fumerie Turque, SL Chergui, PdE Ambre Russe and Cuir Ottoman, FM Musk Ravageur, Le Labo Labdanum 18, and Tauer’s LDDM.

  • I have several perfumes I wear just for myself. Both of the Tableau de Parfums scents fall into this category. Also Chanel Cristalle.

    My favorite Dawn Spencer Hurwitz perfume thus far is Beach Roses.

  • This is such a wonderful idea – and I can imagine that someday i will have a perfume that I wear for myself. I dont know if I will find it from searching for it or will it just come to me. I dont own any of Dawn’s perfumes but have read numerous reviews of her inner sanctum, and it is calling to me. I have only just started exploring perfumes so it’s all confusion and excitement just at present.i would love to be entered in this draw. I adore cardamom in my tea. Cardamom is, by the way, a a wonderful antidote for nausea on road trips.

  • Farawayspices says:

    I would visit Dawn’s shop long ago, I don’t remember all the names but I had a lovely time sniffing and getting custom blends which, if I would smell them now, would remind me of a long- ago me, just starting on my journey.
    For my present day perfume, one I wear just for me is l’artisan Tea for Two.

  • My “just for myself” perfume must be Omnia by Bvlgari. It’s real close to the skin, almost anonymous, but there is an addictive, long-lived mandarin note in there that just makes me smell my wrist all the time when no one is looking.

  • Dzing, L’heure bleue, Ormone jayne Woman, Vero Profumo Onda. These are the perfumes i wear for myself. They all have this soft, mysterious and introspective quality that I love

  • Right now my favorite DSH is her Musk eau Natural, which I don’t think she makes anymore, so my little bottle of parfum is especially precious. However, that could be nudged out of first place by the samples of Cimabue and Celadon that are on their way to me right now.

  • Carla Fracci Odette – I wear it to lift my mood in summer, D&G Anthology La Lune 18 is my fav transparent scent for whole year…

  • I am not familiar with Dawn Spencer Hurwitz perfumes but friends have mentioned that her dirty rose is exceptional
    The fragrance I wear for me is by Christopher Brosius At The Beach 1966
    It takes me back to childhood days

  • DSH perfume sounds so wonderful! I have not had the opportunity to try her works yet, but hopefully soon! The perfume I wear “just for me” is Frederic Malle Lys Mediterranee–I’m not sure why, but the ginger lily and sea salt make me absolutely unreasonably happy.

  • What a wonderful story! Thanks so much for sharing it, and thanks for the draw! I haven’t tried any DSH scents, but they sound so interesting! One of my current favorite “just for me” scents is Halloween: Las Vegas by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab.

  • lovethescents says:

    Oh that sounds delicious! I adore DSH and have so many favorites, really: Indus, Guimauve en Soie, Cimabue, etc. All of my perfumes I wear just for myself. I cannot choose just one!

  • Beautifully written, thanks for sharing, Olga. I have been longing to try DSH and already ordered a couple of samples. A perfume that I wear for myself (just for me) is Chamade vintage edp. Thank you for the generous draw!

  • I like so many of Dawn’s perfumes it’s hard to name a favorite. Vert Madame, the carnation one, Piment chocolate, Sweet Dreams, the list could go on and on.
    I am wearing Eau de Shalimar just for myself right now. A surprise favorite, since I don’t enjoy regular Shalimar.
    I don’t need to be entered in the draw as I already own a sample of this perfume. I just wanted to give DSH some love!

  • Thanks everyone for lovely comments! I love sharing my ever-fragrant journeys in poetry, dreams, visions, and emotions with cafleurebon readers.

    Amy, it is a coincidence – but I have been on a huge Mitsouko kick these days, mostly inside and almost no connection. I wore it for me only.

  • I often wear Bulgari Black just for myself, because it reminds me of someone special. Not that it’s not a great unisex, but the rubber hits such a wonderfully sexy masculine note.

  • I have a lot of fragrances that I wear fro myself, but Lush Breath of God comes to mind. It is so compelling, and definitely weird. But I love it and it takes me to a lot of places.

    Nice story, Olga! I would love to visit Dawn. I wear several of her patchoulis, most often to bed. They are comforting.

  • I have so many DSH favorites, but I will try to pick the one I cherish the most. I would have to say….Vert pour Madame. Or maybe Pandora. But my most recent purchase is Ruba’iyat, a wonderful incense-oud-rose creation. Sigh. She’s a marvel with scents!

  • I haven’t tried any DSH perfumes yet, but have been longing too! Sample spree in my future 🙂

    I wear L’heure Bleue a lot for me…I don’t wear it “out” often as it is an emotional, sad fragrance for me. I wear it when I’m feeling introspective, melancholy.