The Winner and Finalists of the 2017 OSA! Outsider Scent Awards at Smell Festival in Bologna, Italy

 The announcement of the perfume winner of the 2017 OSA! Outsider Scent Awards was held in a ceremony Sunday May 28 at 4.00pm at the Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica in Bologna and closed out a weekend of seminars, panels, workshops and discussions.


The Finalists, Winner, Robert Dario and Ermano Picco  who is the founder of the awards in collaboration with Smell Festival Director Francesca Faruolo 

The theme was “Roots”, and as in 2016, the judging was blind; the submissions are given an anonymous tracking number and the members of the Jury (this year’s Jury is listed here) are kept secret until all submissions are in to prevent any possible bias.

  Michele Bianchi  (Russia/Italy)“Humus” was awarded The 2017 OSA Scent Award

The jury of experts considered the composition fully pertinent to the “roots” theme and has greatly appreciated the concept connecting the creator’s childhood memories to the earthy aroma from the sugarbeet fields in Puglia for a bright composition with a sharp and hyperrealistic cut that places it close to the great contemporary ambery-woods rich with contrasts across atmospheric, mineral and edible suggestion. In particular Michele Bianchi stands out for a meticulous choice of the olfactory palette featuring oud, rhum, geosmine and patchouli roots oil, balancing so at best tradition and innovation, nature and synthesis to tinge Humus with an ancestral yet contemporary sensuality. About Michele: He is born in San Paolo di Civitate, a small village close to Foggia (Puglia), where he grew up and where he keeps his apulian “roots”. He moved to Macerata (Marche) to study grad Russian language and translation.

In Second place is MARCO CERAVOLO's “Memorhyza” (Italy)

The voting jurors have greatly appreciated  the perfumers ' interpretations of Roots, the vegetal interpretation of the theme slices like in botanical charts branches and leaves, rhizomes and mushrooms from the kitchen garden which basic element are the roots.The result is an original composition with great character. He was awarded with a special mention from the Perfume Lovers Community of Adjiumi. Marco was born in Ferrara, he is studying composition with perfumer Martino Cerizza and is an avid perfume collector.

Photo via Tanja Bochnog

In Third Place: TANJA BOCHNIG's “Pink Wood – Pink W(oud)” Germany

The jurors have particularly appreciated the nomad interpretation of the roots theme that highlights elements from the ground and from underground from different corners of the earth. Brightening up dense essences like oud and incense thanks to vivid pink strokes, the composition stands out for balance and for the particular choice of raw materials. Tanja Bochnig is the perfumer and founder of April Aromatics, the highly regarded all natural perfumery and is based in Berlin.  Pink W(Oud will be  available for sale sometime in the future

LEA HIRAM “Light’n the Roots” took fourth place (France)

The jury of experts particularly appreciated the interpretation across earth and sky exalting this contrast releasing all the energy of another root: ginger. Coupling it with the brightenss of lemon and geranium in a chiaroscuro effect with Vetiver from Haiti, the creation shines for balance showing a noteworthy mastery of the expressive medium.

VALERIA SARGU “Racines Danseuses” was the fifth finalist and is from Italy

The members of the jury have particularly appreciated the composition build around vetiver, the most praised root in perfumery and therefore particularly pertinent to the “roots” proposed theme. The care in choosing raw materials and the balance of the composition highlight its woody character with floral notes of ylang ylang and the soft freshness of orange.

We will keep you updated and announce next year’s theme and deadlines which will be,  as always, open to anyone, professional or beginner perfumer  anywhere in the world.

Via Ermano Picco, 

Without The Smell Festival these awards would not be possible

-Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief


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  • Roger Engelhardt says:

    Thank you so much for introducing us to these wonderful new perfumers and their works.

  • Hikmat Sher Afridi says:

    The theme was amazing – Roots. I love earthy perfumes and now saving the names of the finalist and their creations to buy. Congratulations to the winners!