New Perfume Review: Roxana Illuminated Perfume Figure 5: Bois + Into the Woods Draw

11351242_1 roxana illuminated  figure 5 bois

Greg Spalenka

Myth must be kept alive. The people who can keep it alive are the artists of one kind or another.”

Myth speaks to the journey of the soul, of the evolutionary process of our lives; handed down by the great religious, psychological and spiritual traditions of the world. Joseph Campbell took great length to describe and collect these small stories containing the universe, and it is in this methodology Roxana Villa of Roxana Illuminated Perfume provides small vials of archetypal aromas- Figure 5: Bois being the latest rendition of the The World Tree.


God is the experience of looking at a tree and saying 'Ah!'”

Aptly named for sketching the micro and macrocosms, a “figure” is the sketch of what something looks like, is described as or is perceived to be, and “bois” a French word meaning “wood”- Figure 5: Bois offers what is above in the leaves and whispering branches as well as what is below in roots and secretive soil. We all must venture into the woods, a theme from primate past to fairytale following, in order to discover our authentic selves- this journey begins with a familiar voice asking a different question. A cedar beckons into a honeyed forest alive with green leaves and fresh unknown.


To answer the call is to enter the truth inherent in every fable; to see our pitfall and it's possible prevention. Figure 5: Bois is the result of a conference of trees, a representative from the species globally; Cypress, Sandalwood, Palo Santo, Agarwood, Guiac and Ho imply guardians of knowledge which form the stories of their indigenous cultures and religions. Together with Roxana they grow a new forest psychology, and a sweet and sincere forest aroma with an all too familiar, very real message yet softened by the loving way Roxana has of interpreting and storytelling (skills invaluable in the passing on of sacred knowledge.)

Myths often act as warnings of big bad wolves, and there is one well hidden in the glorious aesthetics of Roxana Illuminated. You may see him out of sheep's clothing- but know myths are mirrors with which we see ourselves, collectively acting as a whole.


If you want to change the world, you have to change the metaphor.”

Because neither forest nor myth can be absorbed on esoteric notions alone- we need roots, something from which our own realizations may blossom- Figure 5 Bois gives root far reaching inward as canopy does outward with cypriol and grounding resins highlighted by the earth level mushroom and coffee- hinting at the psychotropic level where Roxana's work is created.** Balsam gives hope to our tale- birthing Branch Theory which provides if the conference of woods is the limb of our World Tree, these middle accords are the differentiation of what fruits are born- all variations on the offerings every culture and land, leaf and bud bring to the entirety of the living forest. As all woodlands, these great lungs, both Earth's and our own, bound together in whatever bounty we can fertilize- will find joy in the exchange of life giving aroma, carbon dioxide for oxygen, seedling for sawmill, and the interplay of requisite reliance. Implied notes of charred wood bring a sense of the circular nature of the journey, while there may be no such note in Figure 5 Bois, it gives the notion of wood forever changed, forever giving back it's self to the forest floor.

figure 5 bois roxana illuminated

The role of the artist I now understood as that of revealing through the world-surfaces the implicit forms of the soul, and the great agent to assist the artist was the myth.”

Roxana Illuminated is that forest, that singular tree in Figure 5: Bois- using botanical materials which, by their very cultivation, are preserving the forest for the tree, and offering the World Tree back to us, both literally as perfume to inhale and exhaling it again to the mystery of perfume inhaling us.

Notes: cedar, cypress, sandal, guiac, ho, agar, palo santo woods, balsam, cypriol, coffee, mushroom along with leaves, resins and roots.

-Einsof, Natural Perfume Editor

(disclosure: my sample was provided by Roxana Illuminated for review)

Our Review for Figure 1 Noir which was released in 2013 is here

musing the goddess

Musing the Goddess

*Roxana's husband, Greg Spalenka, creates the visual imagery which accompanies Roxana Illuminated. Like any mythical marriage, this leads to a greater storytelling, for the truth and the myth become intertwined and one harmony in the multiverse. Greg's current exhibition Musing the Goddess is on display at Cornell Winery in Agoura Hills, CA starting June 20th.

Marriage . . . is not a love affair; it is an ordeal.”


**Roxana has recently opened a real world version of this workshop (including art, retail and perfume classes) located within the Atrium of the Whizin Market Square tucked in the Santa Monica Mountains of Southern California.. Its birth and the birthing of so much of Roxana's process can be viewed through her online journal/blogsite.

Myth is much more important and true than history. History is just journalism and you know how reliable that is.” All quotes from Joseph Campbell.

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Thanks to Roxana we have a sampler pack with the solid and the EdP for our US and Canada registered readers. To be eligible, please leave a comment with why you would love to win Figure 5 Bois based on Einsof’s review and if you have a favorite Roxana Illuminated Perfume. Draw closes 6/22/2015

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

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  • madeleine gallay says:

    because I am simply in love with the language and craft of perfumery, the evocative tendrils and happiness and because of the elements of nature considered so carefully … thank you

  • I think the one I tried was Figure 1: Noir (I ran out, it was a solid). So for now that’s my favorite. I like natural wood perfumes. 🙂 USA

  • fazalcheema says:

    this review is so philosophical and deep it took some effort to get the message 🙂 in short, one of the artist’s jobs is to keep old stories alive so that they continue to inspire awe and suspense and pave way for the future development and growth of culture..Einsof also believes in paying close attention to the nature whether it is woods or something at the microscopic level because they stir our imagination..thanks so much for the draw. I have not tried a Roxana Illuminated creation yet. I am in the US

  • I would love to win because it sounds so soothing and incredible. The notes sound amazing and this definitely will be a great fragrance! I haven’t tried any scents from this house but I surely will in the future.

    I’m in Canada and thank you for the draw!

  • because perfume enlivens the most primal sense where from myth and archetypal births come from : they create and recreate and allow us to re-member who we are as sensate beings.

  • Roxanna was my first introduction to natural perfumes. Her stories and perfume are perfection. This review really supports her whole style. The meaning and beauty. The transformation. My favorite perfume (so far) is hedera helix. Also a woodsy powerful scent. Thanks for your lovely review.

  • The World Tree imagery is wonderful, and I always enjoy seeing Greg Spalenka’s paintings. Roxana’s perfumes are wonderful and some of them really seem to come from another world. I’d love to try her new one!

  • I love the woods and would be so excited to experience her interpretation of it. I’m in the US.

  • The imagery is amazing! I also love woody perfumes, and once you mentioned wood mushrooms and coffee notes I was hooked 🙂 I am in the US, thank you!

  • I love woodsy scents – would be delighted to try this one. I’m in the US and also love Roxanna’s Rosa perfume.

  • ah yes, i would LOVE to taste (smell, wear) this fragrance because woods — particularly the california pine forests — are where my soul truly soars. the fact that roxanna lives here and uses ingredients from here (and is inspired by the landscape — olfactory and otherwise) is all the more wonderful to me. my favorite of her’s is (and has been) rosa — a perfume inspired by the califonria rose which grows along streams or wet slopes in higher elevations here in southern california and does, indeed, smell intoxicating. and so. yes. i would love to have figure 5 bois. as an aside, i actually do not believe that marriage is an ordeal (or if it is, then something went awry) — i do believe that it is a practice.

  • I am just discovering woody scents and would love to try this one out. I am so far unfamiliar with her work but would like very much to change that. US.

  • I would love to win Figure 5 Bois based on Einsof’s review because “Bois offers what is above in the leaves and whispering branches as well as what is below in roots and secretive soil”. This sounds so appealing. I have not yet had the pleasure of wearing a Roxana Illuminated Perfume.

  • “Marriage is an ordeal…”

    a bit tongue-in-cheek, but more this also speaks to the collision of worlds, of sacred compromise and the transcendent nature which love presents.

    it is ‘a primitive form of trial to determine guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused person to fire, poison, or other serious danger, the result being regarded as a divine or preternatural judgment.”

    and in the case of marriage, it is the findings of a jury of two- the accused is convicted innocent- which divinity favors- or certainly in the cooperative of Roxana & Greg.

    Thank you Harper for pointing this out- lest i seem foreboding or dismissive of any union. and a BIG thank you for pointing out the sensate’s desire to make the primal urge to go from smell to taste! as a perfumer friend says even time to hands me a new project: “DO NOT DRINK THIS!” 🙂

    thank you all for your continued comments <3

  • dear einsof — ah, yes, in *that* sense, marriage *is* indeed an ordeal. in fact, may be *the* ordeal if there ever was one, to determine — what — the capacity for *that* particular union, i suppose. or, as badiou would have it (in much abbreviated form): love is not found, but made. (of course, my own take on this is that there is no such *thing* as love — that we are looking at a verb here, not a noun, or, in other words: at the practice of loving. which is what i meant earlier by saying that marriage is a practice. and yes, i do see: also an ordeal 🙂

  • JazzBelle says:

    I love the connection between scents and myth. Being a big fan of Joseph Campbell, this perfume speaks to me.

    Einsof’s review of Figure 5 Bois reads like a myth in and of itself. Oh how I would love to experience a perfume that captures the scent of the deep dark woods – what does mushroom smell like in a bottle?!

    My favorite Roxana illuminated creation is Aurora. It’s divine!

    I’m in the USA, am a registered user, and have liked the CaFleureBon Facebook page.

    Thank you!

  • I love fragrances that have such deep meanings and stories attached to them. The woody elements of this one sound great! I think it would be a terrific add to any collection. Unfortunately I have not tried any scents from this house. I’m in Canada

  • I’d love the chance to win figure 5 bois because the scent of trees makes me happy. I have yet to try any Roxana. I’m in the US, thanks!

  • I love the visuals of this review, as well as the lyrical and mystical descriptions. Figure 5 Bois is something I really want to try because I love the feeling of connectedness when walking barefoot in the woods, the sun coming through the pines like a cathedral, the way it feels like we’re all breathing the air together, the plants and the animals and the people and me… and it’s hard for me to get out there for real. So I love centering myself through fragrance, experiencing vicariously. Botanical perfumes seem especially suited to this because of a connection to the components as well as to the whole vision they create.

    Thanks for the draw, I’m in the US

  • Greg Mayne says:

    That article was beautifully written. I now feel that I know how this will smell. I know the experience that I’d have with this fragrance. It sounds elegant and masterful. Hopefully I can get lucky and win!

    I haven’t tried anything from this house but I wouldn’t mind checking them out in the future.

    Canada and thank you so much for the draw!