Thanks to Hypoluxe and Tauer Perfumes, we have a draw for a sample for each of five random US readers, and a sample for each of five random readers in the UK and Europe (excluding Russia, Ukraine, Italy, and Greece). That makes ten samples we are giving away
Kim Morgan
Cynthia Richardson
Patty P
Donna Spiegel
The INTL Winners:
Lubka K
Christine B
If you are one of the 10 winners above please follow these instructions: in your subject TAUER COLOGNE DE MAGHREB indicate if you are USA or INTL, include your complete mailing details and phone number as well to tama at cafleurebon dot com by June 27, 2014 NOON EST. If you are late we will choose other readers who entered the contest so all ten samples will be given. There is no spilled perfume