L’Artisan Parfumeur Mon Numero 10 by Bertrand Duchaufour is Back -Perfume Review

MonNuméro10 artisan

In 2011, L'Artisan Parfumeur produced eight limited edition fragrances that were sold as city exclusives.  All were signed by Bertrand Duchaufour.  Mon Numero 10, which was sold only in New York, became a customer favorite and now it will be part of the permanant collection as of June, 2014.

In our review of the Mon Numero series we wrote, " Mon Numero #10 is the fragrance which combines some of the notes which have comprised some of M Duchaufour’s greatest fragrances. A boozy opening segues into an incense heart only the High Priest of Fragrant Resins can seem to create. The base is where M Duchaufour’s skill at coaxing yet another new turn of phrase in amber is on display as traditional oriental spicy amber comingles with ambergris and its unique quality. Mon Numero #10 is like a perfect 10 in gymnastics as all of the required routines are stuck perfectly and the artistic component  is outstanding.

100ml /145 Euros and will be sold worldwide at online, L'Artisan Boutiques and stockists.

Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief


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