Tiziana Terenzi White Fire, March XIX, Gold Rose Aoudh and Ectasy Perfumes – The Winner


Tiziana Terenzi is a company founded in 1968 by Guglielmo Terenzi and Luigia Mancini in Terenzi that encompasses three generations of perfuming and candle making expertise

Thanks to the generosity of The Fragrance Group (the US Distributor)  and Tiziana Terenzi, we have a sample set or A FULL BOTTLE of White Fire, MarchXIX, Gold Rose Oud  or Ecstasi to give away to one reader in the US. The winner of the random draw is Wendy who chose March IXI. Please contact michelyn at cafleurebon dot com  with MARCH XIX TIZIANA TERENZI by 2 PM EST 3/19/2014. This is a deadline and no exceptions can be made if you are late

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.