Esxence -The Scent of Excellence Calender of Events 2014


The world's leading Exhibition of global artistic perfumery will be held March 20, 2014- March 23, 2014 in Milan… Esxence. For its 8th edition, the organizers have put together a stellar calendar of events ranging from lectures, workshops, book presentations, contests and conferences on a wide range of subjects from places near and far. CaFleureBon is an official media partner and Deputy Editor Tama Blough will be live blogging and bring you the highlights of this spectacular Show.

esxence events milano

Courtesy of Esxence

Thursday March 20

12:30 pm Artistic Perfumery- The links between Art and Perfumery

3:00 pm Book Presentation Giardini di Saffo

4:00 Conversation about the Images  with Mustafa Sabagh

5:30 Polysensorial Journey inside the Perfumes of Edmond Roudnitska (please register

Friday March 21

10:00 am Workshop Conflict Management to 'Pas ' de Deux'; Towards harmonious Niche brand/retail interface

12:30 pm Artistic  Perfumery in the Middle East-Revolution Parfumee

2:30 pm The Chemistry of Perfume: Source of Creativity

4:30 pm Smells of Saudi Arabia

6:00 pm Amarone: Smell and Taste the Great Red Italian Wines and perfumed notes

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Saturday March 22

11:00 am Michael Edwards -The Man behind Perfume Legends, Fragrances of the World and The Fragrance World

12:30 pm Workshop of Mouillettes & Co

2:00 pm Scent Culture in East Asia

3:30 pm Fragrances and myths of Arabia: The Frankincense Route and Rose Gardens

5:00 Les Lignes de Parfumerie Alternatives Maisons de Luxe vs. Maison de Niche

Sunday March 23

10:30 Tribute to Sandrine Videault

11:00 am Book Presentaion- Parfums Rare

2:00 pm Contest Award Ceremony – the  winner of the  bottle design competition for Alex Lee's Etoilelegance parfum (winner of the scent of excellence 2013)

3:00 pm Workshop by Mouillettes & Co

See You in Milano!!!!

Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief


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  • So jealous of those that get to attend! When I retire, I’m going to spend all my time (and money) attending every single scent related event in the world. Or at least in my quarter of the country. I can’t even imagine listening to Michael Edwards talk about perfume. Or Roudnitska! So jealous. So jealous.