July’s Spilled Perfume “3399 Bottles of Perfume” + 9 Niche and Natural Fragrances

perfume bottles classic

 When you write for a perfume blog,  chances are you may have more bottles in your  fragrance collection than the average person. The number of perfume bottles (not including samples, decants and minis) that Valerie, Michael, John, Tama, Mark and Michelyn own collectively is 3399. This month to claim spilled perfume and to add to your own collection, match the Editor with their flacons from Column 2

COLUMN 1                COLUMN 2

1. Valerie owns…        A. 206 bottles

2. Michael owns…       B. 1501 bottles

3. Tama owns…          C. 15 bottles

4. John owns…           D. 321 bottles

5. Mark owns…           E. 59 bottles

6. Michelyn owns…      F.1297 bottles

This month's spilled perfume!

mito  vero profumo galbanum

 vero.profumo 50 ml Mito EDP WORLDWIDE

cafleurebon neilmorrisET5 header

Neil Morris Fragrances of 15mL bottles of both Vision in White and Vision in Black perfumes WORLDWIDE

seth kornegy perfume

50mL bottle Seth Kornegay Petra  WORLDWIDE

violette fumee mona di orio

5mL rollerball Mona Di Orio Violet Fumee  WORLDWIDE

phaedon paris_eaux-parfums-azur_25

50 ML Phaedon Paris Pure Azure courtesy of Osswald NYC USA RESIDENTS ONLY


 Sample Set of  EX VOTO Paris Eau de Lux Ginger  and Eau de Lux Black AmberThanks to Osswald NYC USA RESIDENTS ONLY 

elise pearlstine tambela 1carmendances

15 ml  Tambela Carmen Dances USA ONLY


10 ML decant  CREED Millésime 1849 USA RESIDENTS ONLY

Pirouette #4 Sample set CaFleureBon

Full set of samples of  Pirouette perfume by Karyn Gold-Reineke USA ONLY 

Let's see how well you THINK you know John, Mark, Michael, Michelyn, Tama and Valerie and their perfume collection . To be eligible: you must try to match all six of us to  the number of perfumes of at least 30 ml in our individual collections. Wild guesses count! We do not announce if someone gets it right until we post the winners

The first  commentor who matches the editor to  the correct number of perfume in their collection wins two fragrances of their choice above, so be sure to include the two scents you would like to win in your comment (country restrictions apply) or your comment won't count!PLEASE USE THE EXACT FORMAT THAT FOLLOWS OR YOUR COMMENT WILL BE DISQUALIFIED: (NAME OF EDITOR OWNS….BOTTLES). Answers like 1B WILL NOT COUNT.  If you are a INTL reader please leave that in your comment too. Draw ends  August 6, 2013, 2013

If no one guesses correctly, it is a random draw.

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume



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  • Clove Pink says:


    1. Valerie owns 15 bottles

    2. Michael owns 321 bottles

    3. Tama owns 59 bottles

    4. John owns 1501 bottles

    5. Mark owns 1297 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns 206 bottles

    I live in the U.S. and would like to win Mito and Violette Fumee. Thank you!

  • Valerie owns 321 bottles
    Michael owns 59 bottles
    Tama owns 1501 bottles
    John owns 206 bottles
    Mark owns 1297 bottles
    Michelyn 15 bottles

  • 1. Valerie owns…59 bottles
    2. Michael owns…1501 bottles
    3. Tama owns…321 bottles
    4. John owns…15 bottles
    5. Mark owns…206 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns…1297 bottles

    I’m an international reader and I would love to win Mito and Violet Fumee

    Thank you!

  • Valerie owns 1297 bottles
    Michael owns 321 bottles
    Tama owns 206 bottles
    John owns 1501 bottles
    Mark owns 59 bottles
    Michelyn owns 15 bottles.
    I live in the U.S. and would l I kept to win Vero Mito and the Neil Morris.
    Thank you!

  • Interesting…over a thousand bottles, wow.

    My picks :

    1. Valerie owns…15 bottles

    2. Michael owns…1297 bottles

    3. Tama owns…59 bottles

    4. John owns…206 bottles

    5. Mark owns…321 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns…1501 bottles

    If I did manage to get it right, I’d be interested in 50 ML Phaedon Paris Pure Azure and the 50mL bottle Seth Kornegay Petra.

    Thanks for the fun little contest!

  • 1. Valerie owns 206 bottles.
    2. Michael owns 59 bottles.
    3. Tama owns 321 bottles.
    4. John owns 15 bottles.
    5. Mark owns 1297 bottles.
    6. Michelyn owns 1501 bottles.

    US reader and I would choose Mito and Neil Morris. Thank you, fun game!

  • Valerie owns 1501 bottles.
    Michael owns 15 bottles.
    Tama owns 1297 bottles.
    John owns 321 bottles.
    Mark owns 59 bottles.
    Michelyn owns 206 bottles.
    I am in the USA and would love the Mito and Mona Violettte.

  • 1. Valerie owns 15 Bottles

    2. Michael owns 1297 Bottles

    3. Tama owns 206 Bottles

    4. John owns 1501 Bottles

    5. Mark owns 59 Bottles

    6. Michelyn owns 321 Bottles

  • Valerie owns 206 bottles.
    Michael owns 321 bottles.
    Tama owns 59 bottles.
    John owns 1501 bottles.
    Mark owns 1297 bottles.
    Michelyn owns 15 bottles.

    Would love Mito or Pure Azuree pleaseeee and thank you

  • 1. Valerie owns 59 bottles.
    2. Michael owns 1501 bottles.
    3. Tama owns 206 bottles.
    4. John owns 1297 bottles.
    5. Mark owns 321 bottles.
    6. Michelyn owns 15 bottles.

    I live in the US and would love to win Mito and Pure Azure. Thanks!

  • 1. Valerie owns 59 bottles.

    2. Michael owns 206 bottles.

    3. Tama owns 15 bottles.

    4. John owns 1297 bottles.

    5. Mark owns 1501 bottles.

    6. Michelyn owns 321 bottles.

    I would love to win Vero Kern Mito and Neil Morris Vision in White & Vision in Black. I am in the U.S. Thanks!

  • 1. Valerie owns 321bottles
    2. Michael owns 1501 bottles
    3. Tama owns 206 bottles
    4. John owns 1297 bottles
    5. Mark owns 59 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns 15 bottles

    I’m in the US, and I’d love Mito and the Neil Morris fragrances.

  • Valerie owns 15 bottles.
    Michael owns 59 bottles.
    Tama owns 1501 bottles.
    John owns 1297 bottles.
    Mark owns 206 bottles.
    Michelyn owns 321 bottles.

    Thank you so much for the draw! It’s fun seeing how passionate all the writers are about perfume, you all have quite extensive collections!

    I would love petra (zomg scotch!!! I have someone who would be perfect to bring over to the dark side of niche perfume with this mwahahha), Mona Di Orio Violet Fumee, Carmen Dances, or Mito

    I am a US reader 🙂

  • 1. Valerie owns 206 bottles
    2. Michael owns 1501 bottles
    3. Tama owns 15 bottles.
    4. John owns 321 bottles.
    5. Mark owns 59 bottles.
    6. Michelyn owns 1297 bottles.
    THANK YOU, USA here.
    10 ML decant CREED Millésime 1849 & 50 ml Phaedon Paris Pure Azure

  • Valerie owns 15 bottles.
    Michael owns 206 bottles.
    Tama owns 321 bottles.
    John owns 1297 bottles.
    Mark owns 59 bottles.
    Michelyn owns 1501 bottles.

    What a fun draw! I am US Reader. My choices are: Mito by Vero Profumo and the Neil Morris Vision in White and Vision in Black fragrances. Thanks!

  • Valerie owns 206 bottles.
    Michael owns 1297 bottles.
    Tama owns 1501 bottles.
    John owns 59 bottles.
    Mark owns 321 bottles.
    Michelyn owns 15 bottles.

    LOVE to have the Mona Di Orio Violet Fumee and the Neil Morris Fragrances. 🙂
    conus – Thank you guys.

  • 1. Valerie owns 59 bottles
    2. Michael owns 321 bottles
    3. Tama owns 1297 bottles.
    4. John owns 15 bottles.
    5. Mark owns 206 bottles.
    6. Michelyn owns 1501 bottles.

    I’m in the US. On the remote chance that I win, I’d like (well, love would be more accurate!) Mona Di Orio Violet Fumee and Seth Kornegay Petra.

  • 1. Valerie owns 206 bottles.
    2. Michael owns 321 bottles.
    3. Tama owns 59 bottles.
    4. John owns 15 bottles.
    5. Mark owns 1297 bottles.
    6. Michelyn owns 1501 bottles.

    I’m in the US and am swooning over the Violet Fumee and Mito.

  • Valerie has 1,501 bottles
    Michael has 1,297 bottles
    Tama has 59 bottles
    John has 15 bottles
    Mark has 321 bottles
    Michelyn has 206 bottles

    If I win I would like Mito (50 ml )from Vero.Profumo and Violet Fumèe (5ml rollerball) from Mona Di Orio

  • 1. Valerie owns… 59 bottles
    2. Michael owns… 206 bottles
    3. Tama owns… 15 bottles
    4. John owns… 1297 bottles
    5. Mark owns… 1501 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns… 321 bottles

    I’m in the US. My choices would be Phaedon Paris Pure Azure and Neil Morris Fragrances Vision in Black & White set, although truly I’d be happy with any of the prizes! 🙂

  • Valerie has 1,501 bottles
    Michael has 206 bottles
    Tama has 59 bottles
    John has 15 bottles
    Mark has 321 bottles
    Michelyn has 1,297 bottles

    This U.S. reader would delight in Violet Fumèe and Mito. Merci!

  • ElizabethN says:

    1. Valerie owns 206 bottles
    2. Michael owns 1501 bottles
    3. Tama owns 15 bottles
    4. John owns 321 bottles
    5. Mark owns 59 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns 1297 bottles

    I would love Mito or Petra!

  • These are wild guesses from a US reader! I’d be interested in Carmen Dances and Mito. Thanks for the draw!

    1. Valerie owns… 206 bottles

    2. Michael owns… 1297 bottles

    3. Tama owns… 15 bottles

    4. John owns… 321 bottles

    5. Mark owns… 59 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns… 1501 bottle

  • 1. Valerie owns 206 bottles.
    2. Michael owns 59 bottles.
    3. Tama owns 321 bottles.
    4. John owns 15 bottles.
    5. Mark owns 1297 bottles.
    6. Michelyn owns 1501 bottles.
    I would love to win Vero Kern ´s Mito or Neil Morris ‘ Vision in Black.
    I am an international reader. Thank you for this draw.

  • 1. Valerie owns… 15 bottles

    2. Michael owns… 59 bottles

    3. Tama owns… 321bottles

    4. John owns… 206 bottles

    5. Mark owns…1297 bottles

    I would like Millesieme 1849 and Pure Azure and am in the US.

    6. Michelyn owns… 1501 bottles

  • 1. Valerie owns 206 bottles.
    2. Michael owns 321 bottles.
    3. Tama owns 1297 bottles.
    4. John owns 15 bottles.
    5. Mark owns 59 bottles.
    6. Michelyn owns 1501 bottles.

    I would love the Mito and the Pure Azure…thanks much!

  • newvilledude says:

    1. Valerie owns… A. 206 bottles

    2. Michael owns… B. 321 bottles

    3. Tama owns… C. 15 bottles

    4. John owns… D. 1501 bottles

    5. Mark owns… E. 59 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns… F.1297 bottles

    if i guessed this right , i would be interested in 50 ML Phaedon Paris Pure Azure and the 50mL bottle Seth Kornegay Petra

  • Valerie owns 321 bottles.
    Michael owns 206 bottles.
    Tama owns 15 bottles.
    John owns 59 bottles.
    Mark owns 1501 bottles.
    Michelyn owns 1297 bottles

    Live in the USA and would like the Seth Kornehay Petra and the Phaedon Paris Pure Azure. Thank you.

  • Valerie owns 59 bottles
    Michael owns 1297 bottles
    Tama owns 1501 bottles
    John owns 15 bottles
    Mark owns 231 bottles
    Michelyn 206 bottles

    I live in the USA and I would like Pure Azure and Visions in White and Black.

  • leathermountain says:

    Valerie owns 1297 bottles.

    Michael owns 59 bottles.

    Tama owns 321 bottles.

    John owns 206 bottles.

    Mark owns 1501 bottles.

    Michelyn owns 15 bottles

    in USA, I choose:
    5mL rollerball Mona Di Orio Violet Fumee, and
    vero.profumo 50 ml Mito EDP

  • 1. Valerie owns 59 bottles
    2. Michael owns 1501 bottles
    3. Tama owns 15 bottles
    4. John owns 1297 bottles
    5. Mark owns 321 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns 206 bottles

    US. I choose Pure Azure and CREED Millésime 1849

  • 1. Valerie owns 15 bottles

    2. Michael owns 59 bottles

    3. Tama owns 206 bottles

    4. John owns 321 bottles

    5. Mark owns 1297 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns 1501 bottles

    I’m an international reader and would love to win Mito and Petra. Thanks.

  • Valerie owns 206 bottles
    Michael owns 15 bottles
    Tama owns 321 bottles
    John owns 1501 bottles
    Mark owns 59 bottles
    Michelyn owns 1297 bottles

    I live in the U.S., and my top two choices are vero.profumo Mito and Mona di Orio Violette Fumee, followed by Phaedon Pure Azure, Creed Millesime, Tambela Carmen Dances…Thanks!

  • 1. Valerie owns 15 bottles
    2. Michael owns 1297 bottles
    3. Tama owns 59 bottles
    4. John owns 206 bottles
    5. Mark owns 1501 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns 321 bottles

    I am in the US. I would love Creed Millesime 1849 and the Ex Voto samples. Thanks!!

  • 1. Valerie owns… 59 bottles

    2. Michael owns… 15 bottles

    3. Tama owns… 206 bottles

    4. John owns… 321 bottles

    5. Mark owns… 1297 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns… 1501 bottles

    I live in the US and I’d pick Mito, Creed 1849, Pure Azure

  • Chapeau Clack says:

    1. Valerie owns 15 bottles
    2. Michael owns 206 bottles
    3. Tama owns 321 bottles
    4. John owns 59 bottles
    5. Mark owns 1501 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns 1297 bottles

    I’m Intl and I’d like to win Vero Profumo Mito and Mona di Orio Violette Fumee.

  • Valerie~ 1297
    Michael ~ 206
    Tama ~ 59
    John 1501
    Mark~ 15
    Michelyn~ 321
    Sheesh this is not an easy one.. Would love Mito or Carmen Dances..

  • 1. Valerie owns 321 bottles.
    2. Michael owns 15 bottles.
    3. Tama owns 206 bottles.
    4. John owns 59 bottles.
    5. Mark owns 1297 bottles.
    6. Michelyn owns 1501 bottles.

    My two choices are Mito and Pure Azure.
    Thanks for the draw!

  • my guess is:
    1. Valerie owns 15 bottles

    2. Michael owns 1297 bottles

    3. Tama owns 206 bottles

    4. John owns 321 bottles

    5. Mark owns 1501 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns 59 bottles
    I am an international reader and would like to win 5mL rollerball Mona Di Orio Violet Fumee and Neil Morris’ 15mL bottles of both Vision in White and Vision in Black perfumes
    thanks a lot

  • 1. Valerie owns… D. 321 bottles

    2. Michael owns… B. 1501 bottles

    3. Tama owns… E. 59 bottles

    4. John owns… A. 206 bottles

    5. Mark owns… F.1297 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns… C. 15 bottles

    I would love to win Mito and 15ml bottles of Neil Morris’ Vision in White and Vision in Black =)

  • Steve Raul says:

    In the US. I chose Creed Millesime 1849 and Mona Di Orio Violet Fumee
    My guesses:
    1. Valerie owns 1501 bottles

    2. Michael owns 321 bottles

    3. Tama owns 15 bottles

    4. John owns 1297 bottles

    5. Mark owns 59 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns 206 bottles

  • 1. Valerie owns 15 bottles

    2. Michael owns 59 bottles

    3. Tama owns 206 bottles

    4. John owns 1501 bottles

    5. Mark owns 321 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns 1297 bottles

    Mito and Petra would be my choices should I win this draw. Fingers crossed… (international reader)

  • 1. Valerie owns 15 bottles
    2. Michael owns 59 bottles
    3. Tama owns 1501 bottles
    4. John owns 206 bottles
    5. Mark owns 321 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns 1297 bottles

    I live in Europe and I would like to win Violette Fumme and Neil Morris.

  • Marcopietro says:

    1. Valerie owns…206 bottles
    2. Michael owns…59 bottles
    3. Tama owns…321 bottles
    4. John owns…1297 bottles
    5. Mark owns…15 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns…1501 bottles

    I’m an international reader and I would love to win Neil Morris Visions and Mito by Vero Profumo.

    Thank you!

  • 1. Valerie owns 321 bottles

    2. Michael owns 59 bottles

    3. Tama owns 206 bottles

    4. John owns 15 bottles

    5. Mark owns 1297 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns 1501 bottles

    I’d like to win Mito and the Neil Morris fragrances.
    I’m an international reader,

  • 1. Valerie owns… A. 206 bottles

    2. Michael owns… B. 1501 bottles

    3. Tama owns… C. 15 bottles

    4. John owns… D. 321 bottles

    5. Mark owns… E. 59 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns… F.1297 bottles

    I would like to win : Mito and Violet Fumée . INT reader.

  • Nancy Brach says:

    1. Valerie owns… 15 bottles

    2. Michael owns… 206 bottles

    3. Tama owns… 59 bottles

    4. John owns… 321 bottles

    5. Mark owns… 1501 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns…1297 bottles

    15 ml Tambela Carmen Dances and 50mL bottle Seth Kornegay Petra

    US Reader

  • Here goes:

    1. Valerie owns… E. 59 bottles
    2. Michael owns… F.1297 bottles
    3. Tama owns… A. 206 bottles
    4. John owns… C. 15 bottles
    5. Mark owns… D. 321 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns… B. 1501 bottles

    I’m in the US and would love to win Mito and Mona Di Orio Violet Fumee.

  • 1. Valerie owns… B. 1501 bottles

    2. Michael owns… A. 206 bottles

    3. Tama owns… F.1297 bottles

    4. John owns… E. 59 bottles

    5. Mark owns… D. 321 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns… C. 15 bottles

    I live outside the US and I choose: Mito and Petra.


  • 1. Valerie owns 59 bottles

    2. Michael owns 206 bottles

    3. Tama owns 321 bottles

    4. John owns 1501 bottles

    5. Mark owns 1297 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns 15 bottles
    I would choose vero.profumo and Neil Morris Fragrances.

  • Fazal Cheema says:

    1. Valerie owns…321 bottles

    2. Michael owns…15 bottles

    3. Tama owns…206 bottles

    4. John owns…59 bottles

    5. Mark owns…1297 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns…1501 bottles

    My first choice is vero.profumo Mito and second choice is Seth Kornegay Petra

    I am based in the U.S.

  • 1. Valerie owns… B. 1501 bottles

    2. Michael owns E. 59 bottles

    3. Tama owns F.1297 bottles

    4. John owns… C. 15 bottles

    5. Mark owns… D. 321 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns A. 206 bottles
    I would choose to win-Carmen Dances or Vision in White and Vision in Black

  • Valerie owns 321 bottles
    Michael owns 206 bottles
    Tama owns 1501 bottles
    John owns 15 bottles
    Mark owns 59 bottles
    Michelyn owns 1297 bottles

    I’m an International reader and I would love to win the bottle of Petra by Seth Kornegay and Mito by Vero Profumo

  • Valerie owns 321 bottles
    Michael owns 206 bottles
    Tama owns 59 bottles
    John owns 15 bottles
    Mark owns 1501 bottles
    Michelyn owns 1297 bottles

    I’m an international reader and my choices are Mito and Petra.

    Now that I see so many bottles u guys own, it makes me feel better and wanna expand my collection , hahaha

    Thanks for the draw!

  • Valerie owns 321 bottles
    Michael owns 1501 bottles
    Tama owns 206 bottles
    John owns 1297 bottles
    Mark owns 15 bottles
    Michelyn owns 59 bottles

    I’m an outside US reader and I would like to win a bottle of Petra by Kornegay and Mito by Vero Profumo

  • 1. Valerie owns…15 bottles
    2. Michael owns… 321 bottles
    3. Tama owns… 206 bottles
    4. John owns… 1501 bottles
    5. Mark owns… 1297 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns… 59 bottles

    Wild guesses of course!!! I live in the UK so my choices are any from international preferably Mito , Neil Morris & Mona’s Violet Fumee
    Thank you!!!

  • 1. Valerie owns…E. 59 bottles
    2. Michael owns…D. 321 bottles
    3. Tama owns…A. 206 bottles
    4. John owns…C. 15 bottles
    5. Mark owns…F.1297 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns…B. 1501 bottles

    From the prizes I’m interested in:
    Vero Profumo Mito
    Neil Morris Fragrances
    Seth Kornegay Petra
    Mona di Orio Violette Fumee

    I’m in Poland, Europe.

  • Valerie owns 321 bottles
    Michael owns 59 bottles
    Tama owns 206 bottles
    John 15 bottles
    Mark owns 1297 bottles
    Michelyn owns 1501 bottles
    I live in Ireland and I would love to win Mito and Petra. Thank you

  • Valerie owns 206 bottles
    Michael owns 1297 bottles
    Tama owns 15 bottles
    John 59 bottles
    Mark owns 1501 bottles
    Michelyn owns 321 bottles

    Outside US. I would love Petra and Mito. Thanks

  • 1. Valerie owns… 206 bottles

    2. Michael owns… 1501 bottles

    3. Tama owns… 15 bottles

    4. John owns… 321 bottles

    5. Mark owns… 59 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns… 1297 bottles

    I live outside US. I’d love Vision in White and Vision in Black and Mito )

  • Oh my gosh, how fun! I can’t wait to see the answers!

    1. Valerie owns… 1297 bottles

    2. Michael owns… 206 bottles

    3. Tama owns… 321 bottles

    4. John owns… 15 bottles

    5. Mark owns… 59 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns… 1501 bottles

    I live in the US, and my choices would be vero.profumo 50 ml Mito and the 5mL rollerball Mona Di Orio Violet Fumee, but qny would be most welcome.

    Thanks so much; I love these little glimpses into your perfume closets!

  • Let’s see. Here are my wild guesses:

    Michelyn 1501
    John 1297
    Mark 321
    Tama 206
    Michael 59
    Valerie 15

    The two I would like to win are Vero Profumo Mito and Mona di Orio Violette Fumeée. I am in the USA.

  • Valerie owns…206 bottles
    Michael owns… 59 bottles
    Tama owns… 1501 bottles
    John owns…15 bottles
    Mark owns…321 bottles
    Michelyn owns… 1297 bottles

    I live in the U.S. and would prefer Vero Profumo Mito and Neil Morris Vision in White and Vision in Black perfumes. Thank you!

  • 1. Valerie owns 15 bottles

    2. Michael owns 59 bottles

    3. Tama owns 206 bottles …

    4. John owns 1501 bottles…

    5. Mark owns 321 bottles …

    6. Michelyn owns 1297 bottles

    wow 1501!

    I’d choose Mito and Petra

  • 1. Valerie owns 321 bottles
    2. Michael owns 206 bottles
    3. Tama owns 1297 bottles
    4. John owns 15 bottles
    5. Mark owns 59 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns 1501bottles

    I would choose (in order):
    1. Neil Morris Fragrances 15ml samples of Vision in White and Vision in Black

    2. 50 ml of Seth Kornigay’s Petra

    I’m in the USA. Thank you.

  • 1. Valerie owns A. 206 bottles
    2. Michael owns C. 15 bottles
    3. Tama owns E. 59 bottles
    4. John owns D. 321 bottles
    5. Mark owns B. 1501 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns F. 1297 bottles

    I live in the US
    My choices are Neil Morris duo and Mono di Orio Violet Fume
    thanks for this great draw!

  • Let’s give this a shot.

    1. Valerie owns… 206 bottles

    2. Michael owns… 15 bottles

    3. Tama owns… 59 bottles

    4. John owns… 1297 bottles

    5. Mark owns… 1501 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns… 321 bottles

    I’m a US reader, and I would choose:
    The Neil Morris pair, and Petra.

  • susie frankel says:

    Valerie…owns 59 bottles
    Michael…owns 206 bottles
    Tama…owns 1297 bottles
    John…owns 15 bottles
    Mark…owns 321 bottles
    Michelyn…owns 1501 bottles

    My choices: MITO and PHAEDON PARIS.

  • Valerie owns 15 bottles
    Michael owns 59 bottles
    Tama owns 206 bottles
    John owns 321 bottles
    Mark owns 1501 bottles
    Michelyn owns 1297 bottles

    Definitely random guesses! I would like to win the Phaedon Paris Pure Azure and the Neil Morris Vision in White/Black set. I’m in the US.

  • 1. Valerie owns… 59 bottles

    2. Michael owns… 206 bottles

    3. Tama owns… 15 bottles

    4. John owns… 321 bottles

    5. Mark owns… 1501 bottles

    I would like the Mito and Pure Azure.

    6. Michelyn owns…1297 bottles

  • 1. Valerie owns… A. 321 bottles

    2. Michael owns… B. 206 bottles

    3. Tama owns… C. 59 bottles

    4. John owns… D. 1501 bottles

    5. Mark owns… E. 15 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns… F.1297 bottles

    I’m INTL reader.

    My choices would be Seth Kornegay Petra and Mito. Thanks!

  • 1. Valerie owns… B. 1501 bottles

    2. Michael owns… A. 206 bottles

    3. Tama owns… D. 321 bottles

    4. John owns… E. 59 bottles

    5. Mark owns… C. 15 bottles

    USA Resident

    Would Like Mitro, Petro & Pure Azure

    6. Michelyn owns… F.1297 bottles

  • 1. Valerie owns 321 bottles.
    2. Michael owns 1297 bottles.
    3. Tama owns 206 bottles.
    4. John owns 59 bottles.
    5. Mark owns 15 bottles.
    6. Michelyn owns 1501 bottles.

    I am in the U.S. and I would pick Seth Kornegay’s Petra and the Pirouette samples. Thanks!

  • soupersusan says:

    Gosh, I really don’t know! Here are my guesses:
    Valerie owns 15 bottles
    Michael owns 59 bottles
    Tama owns 206 bottles
    John owns 321 bottles
    Mark owns 1297 bottles
    Michelyn owns 1501 bottles

    If I’m the lucky reader/sniffer I would ask for Creed Millesime and the Ex Voto Paris set. (I live in the US.) Thanks, Michelyn et al.!

  • 1. Valerie owns…206 bottles

    2. Michael owns…59 bottles

    3. Tama owns…321 bottles

    4. John owns…15 bottles

    5. Mark owns…1501 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns…1297 bottles

    I would love to win Mito and Pure Azure.
    Thank you!

  • GregorySop says:

    Valerie owns 321 bottles
    Michael owns 59 bottles
    Tama owns 1297 bottles
    John owns 15 bottles
    Mark owns 206 bottles
    Michelyn owns 1501 bottles

    From USA
    Would Love Pure Azure, Mitro & Petra


    1. Valerie owns… 59 bottles2

    2. Michael owns… 15 bottles

    3. Tama owns… 206 bottles

    4. John owns… 321 bottles

    5. Mark owns… 1501 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns… 1297 bottles

    I would love Pure Azure, Mito or Violet Fumee

  • 1. Valerie owns 321 bottles
    2. Michael owns 1501 bottles
    3. Tama owns 15 bottles
    4. John owns 59 bottles
    5. Mark owns 1297 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns 206 bottles

    I live in the US. I would like Pure Azure and Creed Millesime 1849 if I win. Thank you very much.

  • 1. Valerie owns 206 bottles.
    2. Michael owns 1297 bottles.
    3. Tama owns 59 bottles.
    4. John owns 15 bottles.
    5. Mark owns 1501 bottles.
    6. Michelyn owns 321 bottles.

    I am located in the US. Thank you for the draw. I would like Creed Millesime 1849 and the Pirouette samples

  • 1. Valerie owns 59 bottles

    2. Michael owns 206 bottles

    3. Tama owns 15 bottles

    4. John owns 1501 bottles

    5. Mark owns 1297 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns 321 bottles

    I would choose Petra by Kornegay and Mito by Vero Profumo. I’m international. Thanks for the draw!

  • Valerie owns 15 bottles.
    Michael owns 59 bottles.
    Tama owns 1501 bottles.
    John owns 1297 bottles.
    Mark owns 206 bottles.
    Michelyn owns 321 bottles.

    I’d like to try Mito and Carmen Dances. I live in the U.S.

  • 1. Valerie owns 59 bottles

    2. Michael owns 206 bottles

    3. Tama owns 1297 bottles

    4. John owns 15 bottles

    5. Mark owns 321 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns 1501 bottles

    I live in the US. I would love my top two choices to be Vero Profumo Mito, and 10 ml decant of Creed Millesime. Thank you!

  • Valerie owns 15 bottles
    Michael owns 206 bottles
    Tama owns 59 bottles
    John owns 1297 bottles
    Mark owns 321 bottles
    Michelyn owns 1501 bottles

    I’m interested in the Neil Morris and the Phaedon.

  • Tourbillion says:

    1. Valerie owns… A. 206 bottles

    2. Michael owns… D. 321 bottles

    3. Tama owns… F.1297 bottles

    4. John owns… C. 15 bottles

    5. Mark owns… E. 59 bottles

    I’d like to try Mito and Violet Fumee, USA.

    6. Michelyn owns… B. 1501 bottles

  • 1. Valerie owns 321 bottles.
    2. Michael owns 1297 bottles.
    3. Tama owns 15 bottles.
    4. John owns 59 bottles.
    5. Mark owns 206 bottles.
    6. Michelyn owns 1501 bottles.

    I would love to win the Millesime 1849 by Creed and also Pure Azure. Thank you

  • 1. Valerie owns… F. 1297 bottles
    2. Michael owns… A. 206 bottles
    3. Tama owns… D. 321 bottles
    4. John owns… E. 59 bottles
    5. Mark owns… C. 15 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns… B. 1501 bottles

    I would love to win Mito and Violette Fumee.

  • 1. Valerie owns… 206 bottles
    2. Michael owns ….321 bottles
    3. Tama owns ….59 bottles
    4. John owns…. 1501 bottles
    5. Mark owns…..1297 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns….15 bottles

    I would love Creed 1849 and Violet Fumée. Thanks for the draw!!

  • David Johnson says:

    1. Valerie owns… D. 321 bottles
    2. Michael owns… E. 59 bottles
    3. Tama owns… A. 206 bottles
    4. John owns… C. 15 bottles
    5. Mark owns… F.1297 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns… B. 1501 bottles

  • Daniela Schuch says:

    1. Valerie owns… 15 bottles

    2. Michael owns… 59 bottles

    3. Tama owns… 206 bottles

    4. John owns… 1297 bottles

    5. Mark owns… 321 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns… 1501 bottles

    I would love to try Phaedon Paris and Mona di Orio! I’m in the USA

  • 1. Valerie owns… 321 bottles
    2. Michael owns… 206 bottles
    3. Tama owns…15 bottles
    4. John owns… 59 bottles
    5. Mark owns… 1297 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns… 1501 bottles

    I would love to win Tambela Carmen Dances and the Pirouette sampler. Thanks!

  • 1. Valerie owns 59 bottles

    2. Michael owns 15 bottles

    3. Tama owns 206 bottles

    4. John owns 1501 bottles

    5. Mark owns 206 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns 1297 bottles

    I would love to win Mito and Petra. I’m international.

  • Valerie own 1297 bottles
    Michael owns 59 bottles
    Tama owns 15 bottles
    John owns 206 bottles
    Mark owns 321 bottles
    Michelyn owns 1501 bottles

    If I win, I would like Creed Millesime and Neil Morris Vision in White and Vision in Black. I live in the USA.

  • Please allow me to resubmit, this time using the RSS option.

    Valerie owns 1297 bottles.
    Michael owns 59 bottles.
    Tama owns 15 bottles.
    John owns 206 bottles.
    Mark owns 321 bottles.
    Michelyn owns 1501 bottles.

    If I win, I woud like Creed Millesime and Neil Morris Vision in White and Vision in Black. I live in thr USA,

  • ChristineB says:

    Valerie owns … 1297 bottles
    Michael owns … 59 bottles
    Tama owns … 206 bottles
    John owns … 15 bottles
    Mark owns …1501bottles
    Michelin owns …321 bottles

    I would like to win Mona di Orio Violet Fumee and Vero Profumo Mito. I live in the UK.

  • Valerie owns 59 bottles.
    Michael owns 15 bottles
    Tama owns 206 bottles.
    John owns 321 bottles.
    Mark owns 1297 bottles.
    Michelyn owns 1501 bottles.
    I would like to win Mito or the Neil Morris perfumes. I live in the US

  • Awesome draw, thank you. I am in the US. If I win I would like the bottle of Pure Azure and decant of Millesime 1849. Here goes nothing

    1. Valerie owns 59 bottles

    2. Michael owns 321 bottles

    3. Tama owns 15 bottles

    4. John owns 1297 bottles

    5. Mark owns 206 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns 1501 bottles

  • 1. Valerie owns 321 bottles
    2. Michael owns 15 bottles
    3. Tama owns 59 bottles
    4. John owns 1297 bottles
    5. Mark owns 1501 bottles
    6. Michelyn owns 206 bottles

    I’m a US reader, and I would LOVE to win Vero Profumo Mito and Mona Di Orio Violet Fumee

  • Valerie owns 321 bottles
    Michael owns 15 bottles
    Tama owns 59 bottles
    Mark owns 1297 bottles
    Michelyn owns 1501 bottles
    I am an International reader and I dream of
    Vero profumo Mito, Neil Morriss Vision inwhite and Vision in Black
    Seth Kornegay petra
    and Mona Di Orio Violette fumée
    Thanks for the generous draw!

  • Igor Kipnis says:

    1. Valerie owns…1501 bottles

    2. Michael owns…321 bottles

    3. Tama owns…59 bottles

    4. John owns…15 bottles

    5. Mark owns…1297 bottles

    6. Michelyn owns…206 bottles

    I’m a US reader and would be interested in these: Vero, Neil Morris fragrances, Petra, Pure Azure, creed 1849