February’s Spilled Perfume: CaFleureBon Profiles in American Perfumery “Niche and Noses” + 6 Fragrant Prizes

cafleurebon profiles in american perfumery

 Last   month we featured the top five Artisans perfumers in spilled perfume, so we close the circle and we recognize the noses and niche perfumers in our CaFleureBon Profiles in American Perfumery Series.

Your task to claim spilled perfume is to rank the TOP FIVE NOSE AND NICHE PROFILES IN AMERICAN PERFUMERY IN ORDER OF MOST READ.  Below are 10 listed in alphabetical order only

Carlos Huber of Arquiste Parfumeur

Carlos Vinals of Symrise

DelRae Roth of Parfums DelRae

Jessica Dunne of Ellie D

Kari Arienti of Symrise

Kelly Jones of Kelly and Jones Wine perfumes

Kim Spadaro of Spadaro Luxury Fragrances

Ulrich Lang of  Ulrich Lang New York

Stephen Nilsen of Givaudan (is it us or is Contributor Michael Devine Stephen's twin)

 Sarah Barton-King of the Pink Room

 The six perfume prizes:

cafleurebon LILIANA flacon&box 7

50 ml of Tocca Liliana- USA

line up

ImaginaryAuthors CHOOSE ONE Bull's Blood, The Cobra & The Canary, Falling into the Sea, L'Orchidee Terrible, Memoirs of a Trespasser, The Soft Lawn or Violet Disguise US winner (or if you have a US address he can ship to)

For Strange Women Draw Prizes

 For Strange Women a choice of either a  Deluxe Sampler of 14 solid  scents, or a 7.3 ml bottle  of Winter Kitty perfume oil

bombay bling edp neela vermeire creations

55 ml of Neela Vermeire Creations BOMBAY BLING


Parfums Mercedes Legend

Nasreen perfume 

 100 ml of Parfumerie Nasreen's signature scent  Nasreen , created by M. Micallef USA and Canada Only  

This is what you need to do : list the top five in numerical order and the first reader to guess correctly which were the most read, wins their choice of two of the six (note: be sure to read country restrictions AND BE SURE TO LIST YOUR TOP TWO CHOICES). If no one guesses correctly, than it goes to a random draw.  

Draw ends March 13, 2013.

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume. 



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  • 1. Ulrich Lang of Ulrich Lang New York
    2. DelRae Roth of Parfums DelRae
    3. Jessica Dunne of Ellie D Perfumes
    4. Sarah Barton King of The Pink Room
    5. Stephen Nilsen of Givaudan

    My choices are Neela Vermeire Creations BOMBAY BLING and the Strange Women Deluxe Sampler Set.

    Thanks for the draw!

  • 1 Carlos Huber
    2. Sarah Barton King
    3. Delrae Roth
    4. Kim Sparado
    5. Stephen Nilsen

    Would love Bombay Bling and Nasreen…Thanks

  • 1 Carlos Huber
    2. Sarah Barton King
    3. Delrae Roth
    4. Stephen Nilsen
    5. Kim Spadaro

    Bombay Bling and The Soft Lawn …thank you kindly

  • d3m0lici0n says:

    1 Carlos Huber
    2 Del Rae Roth
    3 Ulrich Lang
    4 Kim Spadaro
    5 Sara Barton King
    My choices are Bombay Bling and Nasreen.

  • 1.Carlos Huber (that cutie)

    2. Sarah Barton King

    3. Stephen Nilsen

    4. Jessica Dunn/ Ellie D

    5. Ulrich Lang

    I love the idea of Tocca Liliana and Nasreen

    thanks for the draw and the easy multiplication question!!


  • 1. Ulrich Lang
    2. Stephen Nilsen
    3. Carlos Huber
    4. Sarah Barton King
    5. Kim Spadaro

    My choices would be Winter Kitty and Nasreen

  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Ulrich lang
    3. DelRae Roth
    4. Kim Spadaro
    5. Sarah Barton-King

    My two choices are Bombay Bling and Nasreen. Also would choose Memoirs of a Trespasser!

  • FearsMice says:

    1. Carol Huber
    2. Stephan Nilsen
    3. DelRae Roth
    4. Ulrich Lang
    5. Kim Spadaro

    My choices are Nasreen and Bombay Bling.

  • FearsMice says:

    Sorry for typo; that’s Carlos Huber as 1.
    Stephan Nilsen as 2.
    DelRae Roth as 3.
    Ulrich Lang as 4.
    Kim Spadaro as 5.

    Choices are Nasreen and Bombay Bling.

  • I’m going to go with:

    1. Carlos Huber
    2. Ulrich Lang
    3. Delrae Roth
    4. Sarah Barton King
    5. Kim Spadaro

    Would love the Bombay Bling and the Strange Women sampler.

  • 1. Ulrich Lang
    2. Carlos Huber
    3. Delrae Roth
    4. Steven Nilson
    5. Kim Spadaro

    I’d choose Tocca Liliana and Falling into the Sea. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  • 1. Delrae Roth
    2. Carlos Huber
    3. Kim Spadaro
    4. Sarah Barton King
    5. Ulrich Lang

    Thanks for the draw. I would choose Tocca Liliana and Bombay Bling!

  • 1.Carlos Huber of Arquiste Parfumeur
    2.DelRae Roth of Parfums DelRae
    3.Sarah Barton-King of the Pink Room
    4.Kim Spadaro of Spadaro Luxury Fragrances
    5.Kelly Jones of Kelly and Jones Wine perfumes

    I would love to win Bombay Bling and Nasreen!

  • Heather F says:

    My guesses:
    1. Carlos Huber
    2. Stephen Nilsen
    3. Ulrich Lang
    4. DelRae Roth
    5. Kim Spadaro

    And I would love Imaginary Authors Memoirs of a Trespasser or Bombay Bling. Thanks!

  • 1-DelRae Roth
    2-Ulrich Lang
    3-Carlos Huber
    4-Stephen Nilsen
    5-Carlos Vinals

    I would love Nasreen and Bombay Bling.
    Thank you
    (Sorry forgot to number then)

  • 1.Carlos Huber
    2. DelRae Roth
    3.Kim Spadaro
    4. Stephen Nilsen
    5. Ulrich Lang
    My choices would be Bombay Bling and Imaginary Authors Falling Into the Sea. Thanks!

  • laceruffles says:

    1. Sarah Barton-King of the Pink Room
    2. Kim Spadaro of Spadaro Luxury Fragrances
    3. Jessica Dunne of Ellie D
    4. Kelly Jones of Kelly and Jones Wine perfumes
    5. DelRae Roth of Parfums DelRae

    My choices would be Bombay Bling and For Strange Women a choice of either a Deluxe Sampler of 14 solid scents. Thanks!

  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Kim Spadoro
    3. Kelly Jones
    4. Jessica Dunne
    5. DelRae Roth
    I would choose Bombay Bling and Tocca Liliana. Thanks!

  • ElizabethN says:

    1. Stephen Nilsen
    2. Ulrich Lang
    3. Carlos Huber
    4. DelRae Roth
    5. Carlos Vinals

    Bombay Bling and Nasreen, please!

  • Laurentiu says:

    1. DelRae Roth
    2. Kim Spadaro
    3. Ulrich Lang
    4. Kelly Jones
    5. Stephen Nielsen

    7.3 ml bottle of Winter Kitty perfume oil and Bombay Bling


  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Ulrich lang
    3. DelRae Roth
    4. Kim Spadaro
    5. Sarah Barton-King

    I would choose Bombay Bling or Legend (non-USA), thanks!

  • Carlos Huber
    Ulrich Lang
    Steven Nilsen
    DelRae Roth
    Kim Spadaro

    I would choose Bombay Bling and Nasreen (USA)

  • 1-Stephen Nilsen of Givaudan

    2-Kim Spadaro of Spadaro Luxury Fragrances

    3-Ulrich Lang of Ulrich Lang New York

    4-Carlos Vinals of S

    5-Kari Arienti of Symrise

    I would choose: WINTER KITTY and BOMBAY BLING

  • 1. DelRae Roth
    2. Kim Spadaro
    3. Carlos Huber
    4. Jessica Dunne
    5. Kelly Jones

    I’d like to win Bombay Bling! or Legend(non USA)

  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Sarah Barton King
    3. Kim Spadaro
    4. Kelly Jones
    5.DelRae Roth
    I would like to win Winter Kitty and Bombay Bling ( non US)

  • 1. Carlos Hubert
    2. Kim Spadaro
    3. Delrae Roth
    4. Ulrich Lang
    5. Stephen Nilsen

    Bombay Bling or Winter Kitty for me

  • 1. DelRae Roth of Parfums DelRae
    2. Kim Spadaro of Spadaro Luxury Fragrances
    3. Ulrich Lang of Ulrich Lang New York
    4. Sarah Barton-King of the Pink Room
    5. Carlos Huber of Arquiste Parfumeur

    My choices are Nasreen and Bombay Bling.

  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Ulrich Lang
    3. Kim Spandaro
    4. Delrae Roth
    5. Sarah Barton

    Bombay Bling or Winter Kitty. Thanks

  • 1. Stephen Nilsen of Givaudan
    2. Carlos Huber of Arquiste Parfumeur
    3.Carlos Vinals of Symrise
    4. Kim Spadaro of Spadaro Luxury Fragrances
    5.Ulrich Lang of Ulrich Lang New York
    My choices are Neela Vermeire Creations BOMBAY BLING and the Strange Women Deluxe Sampler Set
    Thank you for the draw!!

  • 1. Ulrich Lang
    2. Kim Spadaro
    3. Carlos Huber
    4. Sarah Barton King
    5. Stephen nilson
    Nasreen or Memoirs of a Tresspasser (USA)
    thank you for this generous draw!

  • 1. Kim Spadaro
    2. DelRae Roth
    3. Carlos Huber
    4. Jessica Dunne
    5. Sara Barton King

    My choice: Bombay Bling, Winter Kitty perfume oil

  • 1 Carlos Huber
    2 Kim Spadaro
    3 Stephen Nilson
    4 Ulrich Lang
    5 Del Rae Roth
    My choices are Legend and Neela Vermeire Creations BOMBAY BLING

  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Ulrich Lang
    3. DelRae Roth
    4. Stephen Nielsen
    5. Kim Spadaro

    My picks: Tocca Liliana and Bombay Bling. Thank you.

  • 1 Carlos Huber
    2 Del Rae Roth
    3 Ulrich Lang
    4 Kim Spadaro
    5 Sarah Barton King
    I would love to win NVC Bombay Bling and Legennd
    Thank you for this draw!

  • 1 Carlos Huber
    2 Kim Spadro
    3 Ulrich Lang
    4 Kelly Jones
    5 Sarah Barton King

    Picks: Bombay Bling & Nasreen
    Thanks for draw!

  • DelRae Roth
    Stephen Nielsen
    Carlos Huber
    Kim Spadaro
    Jessica Dunne

    My picks are Bombay Bling and Memoirs of a Trespasser.

  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Ulrich Lang
    3. Sarah Barton-King
    4. Kim Spadaro
    5. Stephen Nilsen

    I would love Nasreen and Tocca Liliana. Thank you!

  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Kim Spadaro
    3.Del Rae Roth
    4.Ulrich Lang
    5.Stephen Nilsen

    I would like to win Nasreen and Bombay Bling. Thanks!

  • Fazal Cheema says:

    i have a feeling i will be close to actual ranking..here is mine

    1. DelRae Roth
    2. Carlos Huber
    3. Jessica Dunne
    4. Sarah Burton
    5. Ulrich Lang

    my choices are Nasreen and Bombay Bling. I am from NY, USA

  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Ulrich Lang
    3. Kim Spadaro
    4. DelRae Roth
    5. Sarah Barton-King

    My choices are Nasreen and Bombay Bling.

    Thank you for the draw! 🙂

  • 1-Carlos Huber
    2-Ulrich Lang
    3-Sarah Barton-King
    4-Jessica Dunne
    5-DelRae Roth

    I would love to win Nasreen and Bombay Bling. Crossing my fingers! Thanks for the draw!

  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Ulrich Lang
    3.Sarah Barton-King
    4. Kelly Jones
    5. Kim Spadaro

    I would choose Soft Lawn & Bombay Bling. Thank you!

  • 1 Carlos Huber
    2. Sarah Barton King
    3. Delrae Roth
    4. Sephen Nilsen
    5. Ulrich Lang

    I would love to win Bombay Bling and Nasreen!

  • 1. DelRae Roth
    2. Carlos Huber
    3. Ulrich Lang
    4. Stephen Nilsen
    5. Kim Spadaro

    My choices are Bombay Bling and Liliana. Thank you!

  • 1. Ulrich Lang
    2. Carlos Huber
    3. Stephen Nilsen
    4. DelRae Roth
    5. Kim Spadaro

    My choices would be Winter Kitty and Violet Disguise, I live in the U.S. Thank you!

  • 1. Kim Spadaro of Spadaro Luxury Fragrances
    2. DelRae Roth of Parfums DelRae
    3. Ulrich Lang of Ulrich Lang New York
    4. Sarah Barton-King of the Pink Room
    5. Carlos Huber of Arquiste Parfumeur
    My choices are Nasreen and Bombay Bling.

  • Mary Carol says:

    1. Carlos Huber
    2. DelRae Roth
    3. Ulrich Lang
    4. Stephen Nilsen
    5. Sarah Barton-King

    My choices would be Bombay Bling and Nasreen. I live in the US. Thank you for this drawing!

  • 1. DelRae Roth
    2. Ulrich Lang
    3. Kim Spadaro
    4. Carlos Huber
    5. Jessica Dunne

    I would choose Bombay Bling and Nasreen and I live in the US.

  • wefadetogray says:

    1.Carlos Huber
    2. Del Rae
    3. Ulrich Lang
    4. Kim Spadaro
    5. Stephen Nielsen
    I would love to try the Nasreem fragance and the sample of 12 solid perfumes by For Strange Women
    Thanks for the lovely giveaway. I live in USA

  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Ulrich Lang
    3. Delrae Roth
    4. Sarah Barton King
    5. Kim Spadaro

    I would choose Nasreen and Bombay Bling. Thanks for the draw! 🙂

  • 1 Carlos Huber of Arquiste Parfumeur
    2 DelRae Roth of Parfums DelRae
    3 Kelly Jones of Kelly and Jones Wine perfumes
    4 Ulrich Lang of Ulrich Lang New York
    5 Sarah Barton-King of the Pink Room

    I would choose Bombay Bling andan Imaginary Authors…thank you for the draw, as always!

  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Ulrich Lang
    3. Delrae Roth
    4. Kim Spadaro
    5. Jessica Dunne

    I live in the US, and my two choices are Nasreen and the sampler set of solid perfumes by For Strange Women.

    Thank you!

  • 1.Carlos Huber
    2. Del Rae
    3. Ulrich Lang
    4. Kim Spadaro
    5. Stephen Nielsen
    I would love to win Bombay Bling and Legend..
    Thank you for the draw!

  • 1. Ulrich Lang
    2. Kim Spadaro
    3. Carlos Hubor
    4. DelRae Roth
    5. Jessica Dunne

    Toca Liliana & Nasreen

  • 1.Carlos Huber
    2.Roth Delrae
    3.Ulrich Lang
    4.Kim Spadaro
    5.Kelly Jones
    My choices would be Bombay Going and Nasreen. I live in Ireland. thank you

  • susie frankel says:

    1. Carlos Huber
    2. Kim Spardo
    3. Ulrich Lang
    4. Stephen Nilsen
    5. DelRae Roth

    My draw choices: Tocca Liliana and Nasreen

  • Anna in Edinburgh says:

    My guesses are:

    1) Carlos Huber of Arquiste Parfumeur
    2) Sarah Barton-King of the Pink Room
    3) Ulrich Lang of Ulrich Lang New York
    4) DelRae Roth of Parfums DelRae
    5) Kelly Jones of Kelly and Jones Wine perfumes

    My choices are For Strange Women a Deluxe Sampler of 14 solid scents and Neela Vermeire Creations BOMBAY BLING, and I live in Scotland:-)

  • just breathe says:

    1.Carlos Huber
    2.Ulrich Lang
    3,Kim Spadaro
    4. Stephen Nielson
    5.Jessica Dunne
    Would love to win Bombay Bling or Lilianna (USA0
    thanks for the draw!

  • 1. Ulrich Lang
    2. Carlos Huber
    3. Kim Spadaro
    4. Jessica Dunne
    5. Stephen Nielson

    Thanks for the draw.
    I would pick Bombay bling and Legend


  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Sarah Barton King
    3. Kim Spadaro
    4. Del Rae Roth
    5. Kari Arienti

    I would love to win the bottle of Bombay Bling and Nasreen!

  • Datura5750 says:

    1.Carlos Huber
    2.Ulrich Lang
    3.Kim Spadaro
    4.Stephen Nielson
    5.Jessica Dunne
    I would love to win Bombay Bling and Nasreen

  • 1. DelRae Roth
    2. Carlos Huber
    3. Jessica Dunne
    4. Ulrich Lang
    5. Sarah Barton-King
    Wow, another chance for Bombay Bling. And I would also pick Nasreen.

  • Patty Pong says:

    1. Ulrich Lang
    2. Carlos Uber
    3. Jessica Dunne
    4. Carlos Vinals
    5. DelRae Roth

    Choices – Bombay Bling or Nasreen. CONUS

  • I am going to go with:

    1.DelRae Roth
    2.Kim Spadaro
    3.Jessica Dunne
    4.Ulrich Lang
    5.Sarah Barton-King

    My top two choices are Nasreen and Liliana. Thank you for the draw! I am from the US.

  • 1. Jessica Dunne
    2. Carlos Huber
    3. Sarah Barton-King
    4. DelRae Roth
    5. Ulrich Lang

    I live in the US and would choose Nasreen and Violet Disguise. Thank you!

  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Ulrich Lang
    3. Kim Spadro
    4. DelRae Roth
    5. Jessica Dunne

    I live in the US and my choices are Bombay Bling and Nasreen! Thanks for the draw! 🙂

  • 1 Carlos Huber of Arquiste Parfumeur
    2 DelRae Roth of Parfums DelRae
    3 Ulrich Lang of Ulrich Lang New York
    4 Kim Spadaro of Spadaro Luxury Fragrances
    5 Sarah Barton-King of the Pink Room

    Would love Tocca and Nasreen

  • Igor Kipnis says:

    1. Ulrich Lang of Ulrich Lang New York
    2. DelRae Roth of Parfums DelRae
    3. Sarah Barton-King of the Pink Room
    4. Kari Arienti of Symrise
    5. Stephen Nilsen of Givaudan

    Choices: Narseen and MEMOIRS OF A TRESPASSER

    Great draw thank you

  • Ulrich Lang
    Stephen Nilsen
    Kim Spadaro
    Carlos Huber
    Kelly Jones

    I live in the U.S. and my top-two choices are Bombay Bling and Parfum Nasreen. Thanks!

  • 1. Ulrich Lang
    2. Kim Spadaro
    3. Carlos Hubor
    4. DelRae Roth
    5. Jessica Dunne

    I live in the US. My choices would be: Tocca Liliana & Nasreen

  • My guesses:

    DelRae Roth
    Ulrich Lang
    Carlos Huber
    Jessica Dunne
    Stephen Nilsen

    My picks would be Bombay Bling and Nasreen. I’m in the US. Thanks!

  • 1. Kim Spadaro of Spadaro Luxury Fragrances
    2. DelRae Roth of Parfums DelRae
    3. Carlos Huber of Arquiste Parfumeur
    4. Jessica Dunne of Ellie D
    5. Ulrich Lang of Ulrich Lang New York

    I’m in EU, thats why I’d like Bombay Bling and Winter Kitty!

    Thank you for the spectacular draw!

  • 1-Kim Spadaro of Spadaro Luxury Fragrances
    2-Carlos Vinals of Symrise
    3–Ulrich Lang of Ulrich Lang New York
    4-Kari Arienti of Symrise
    5-Kelly Jones of Kelly and Jones Wine perfumes

    As international reader, I choose Bombay Bling and Winter Kitty.

    Thanks for the draw!

  • 1. Carlos Huber
    2. Ulrich Lang
    3. Delrae Roth
    4. Stephen Nilson
    5. Kim Spadaro

    I’d like to win Bombay Bling and Nasreen. Thank you!

  • Sarah Lathrop says:

    1.) Delrae Roth
    2.) Carlos Huber
    3.) Kim Spadaro
    4.) Jessica Dunne
    5.) Sarah Barton-King

    I live in the U.S. and would love to win the Bombay Bling and Nasreen. What an interesting contest… thank you for the opportunity! This one encouraged me to do a bit of reading and research.

  • 1.) Delrae Roth
    2) Jessica Dunne
    3) Carlos Huber
    4) Stephen Nilsen
    5) Sarah Barton-King

    Thanks for the draw. I would choose the ‘For strange women’ sampler and Bombay Bling.