The Winner of the Laboratorio Olfattivo Rosamunda Perfume Draw

Valentine Rose: A Painting of a Red Rose by Paul Wolber

I first became aware of Laboratorio Olfattivo two years ago and I was drawn to it because Pierre Guillaume had composed one of the first four fragrances in the line. Since that initial introduction I have continued to look forward to each new Laboratorio Olfattivo release and I took the time to become more familiar with Mme Marie Duchene’s portfolio with Italian niche brand Nobile 1942. Both of those pursuits happily broadened my olfactory horizons. The new release from Laboratorio Olfattivo, Rosamunda, brings Mme Duchene back for an encore

 We have a sample of  Rosamunda to give away.  The winner of the random drawamundo is Sherapop(amundo). Please email with Rosamunda as your subject and your mailing details by December 2, 2012 1PM EST

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume

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