The Winner of Providence Perfume Co. Moss Gown Perfume Draw

Moss Gown is like a dissertation in how to create a perfume from the heart, trends and people-pleasing be damned. Ms. Ethier took the sweet moment of reading a fairy tale to her daughter and transformed it into a fragrance that covers the same ground for perfume lovers. This is a perfume that is compositionally brilliant and it achieves its desire on every stated level and more. If that isn’t olfactory witchy woman magic, I’m an evil stepsister.

Disclosure: This review was based on a sample of Moss Gown provided by Providence Perfume Co.

Thanks to Providence Perfume Co we have a full 1oz. bottle to give away. The random winner is Dari. Please email with MOSS GOWN as your subject and your mailing details by November 7, 2012  6 PM EST. This is a deadline

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.