May’s Spilled Perfume: Globetrotting for 11 Fragrant Prizes

Mary Jane Russell,a leading fashion model of the 1940's and '50's was a favorite of the photographer Louise Dahl-Wolfe

Is it the Spring weather? We don't know why winners of draws in May were no shows, but we have quite a bit of spilled perfume…

Did you know that from June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2012 via Google Analytics our top ten countries in readership are:
1.) United States
2.) United Kingdom
3.) Canada
4.) France
5.) Italy
6.) Australia
7.) Germany
8.) India
9.) Russia
10.) Spain

Your mission if you wish to claim some spilled perfume dear CaFleureBon readers, name the next five countries  where we  have the most readers.To help you out,  they are four European countries and one South American country. Please place them in order from 11-15 in your answer .

Thanks to Caron Fragrances Boutique in New York for a 50 ml edt of Aimez Moi

From Dr. Ellen Covey of Olympic Orchids: 15 ml bottle of Golden Cattleya

From Miriam Vareldzis: 40 Notes Perfume Sampler


From Kerosene: Your choice of  100ml Copper Skies, R'Oud Elements, Creature, Whips and Roses or Santalum Slivers

From Kim Spadaro of Spadaro Fragrances your choice of  Solo Nero, Noche Del Fuego or Doux Amour

From 50ml Montale Powder Flowers which is available at MiN New York

From Mona Di Orio Parfums three 7ml flacons of the award winning Les Nombres d'Or Oud to one winner (CaFleureBon 's Managing Editor Mark Behnke votes this the best fragrance of 2011)


From Christi Meshell of House of Matriarch 2 oz of all natural Happy Baby ($160) Parfum


From Elise Pearlstine, the Natural Perfumer of Belly Flowers a 15ml ($65.00) of Tea Olive 



Thanks to Parfums Belle Fleur one of the four "purple roses" in  the Sa Majesté La Rose  candle collection  Rose Immortelle  Velvet Santal  Imperial Oudh


Thanks to the generosity of MiN New York we have a sample set of all six Sospiro fragrances  (USA only)  



Eleven prizes and 9 winners; the reader who guesses the #11-15 ranked countries exactly in order IS THE GRAND PRIZE WINNER and will win THREE of the ten prizes of their choice (which should be named in your comment as well); in case of more than one accurate guess, the first comment will win their favorite 3 picks). The 8 runners up will be randomly assigned a prize.


June 8, 2012: When a choice from one perfume company is given pick one please. In addition, the  runners up will be determined is as follows:  the reader who guesses it exactly of course wins the grand prize, but if no one guesses  the 5 countries in exact order…the reader who is the  closest wins the grand prize. If more than 8 readers get 5 out of 5 or perchance 4 out of 5, their names will be drawn by Readers who guess 5 of 5 will be favored!

Draw closes June 10, 2012 EST.


We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

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  • OK….I hope that my exchange students and my family bring me luck!
    11. Switzerland
    12. Brazil
    13. Belgium
    14. Austria
    15. Sweden

    My top choices if I would be a winner would be Tea Olive, Happy Baby, and Oud.

  • 11. Brazil
    12. Austra
    13. Sweden
    14. Switzerland
    15. Romania

    My top three choices would be Happy Baby, Noche del Fuego and Kerosene Santalum Sliver. Thank you so much.

  • My guesses:
    11. Netherlands
    12. Belgium
    13. Switzerland
    14. Poland
    15. Brazil

    My 3 choices would be: Kerosene Copper skies, Les N’Ombres d’or Oud, Spadaro Solo Nero


  • Joshua Ryan says:


    Kerosene would be the one I would be most interested in… and maybe Montale & the candle 🙂

  • Linnea Wiedeman says:

    13.Dominican Republic
    14.Costa Rica
    (really have no idea lol)
    I would chose Whips and roses, imperial oudh and Min new york

  • I love this question.

    11. Austria
    12. Switzerland
    13. Brazil
    14. Netherlands
    15. Sweden

    My choices would be Kerosene, Montale, and Mona di Orio!

  • 11. Brazil
    13. Sweden
    14. Ireland
    15. Netherlands
    I’d choose Kerosene Copper Skies, Spadaro Noche del Fuego and Mona di Orio’s Oud, if I were to win.

  • Let’s guess))
    11. Netherlands
    12. Switzerland
    13. Belgium
    14. Austria
    15. Brazil
    If I win I’d choose Creature by Kerosene, Tea Olive and Sole Nero by Spadaro

  • Heather F says:

    11. Brazil
    12. Austria
    13. Netherlands
    14. Sweden
    15. Belgium

    I’d choose Kerosene R’Oud Elements, the Sparado perfume choice, and MdO’s Oud, if I won.

  • 11. sweeden
    12. norway
    13. denmark
    14. brazil
    15. greece

    copper skies, doux amour, and Les Nombres d’Or Oud


  • 11. Brazil
    12. Ukraine
    13. Poland
    14. Netherlands
    15. Romania

    I’d choose Golden Cattleya, Spadaro Noche del Fuego and tea Olive

  • amberosmanthus says:

    My guesses are:
    11. Brazil
    12. Netherlands
    13. Poland
    14. Belgium
    15. Sweden

    My 3 choices would be: Les Nombres d’Or Oud, Tea Olive and Golden Cattleya (which I won once already and didn’t claim in time!). Thank you for the second chance. 🙂

  • 11. Norway
    12. Brazil
    13. Switzerland
    14. Austria
    15. Sweden

    Choices of perfumes: Xerjoff Sospiro, Spadaro Solo Nero, and Santalum Slivers. Thank you!

  • Brazil

    But what are the odds! 🙂 I’d pick Happy Baby, Tea Olive, and Kerosene Whips & Roses

  • 11. brazil
    12. netherlands
    13. switzerland
    14. sweden
    15. poland

    my choices would be Noche Del Fuego, Kerosene Copper Skies, and R’oud Elements.

  • Caitie O. says:

    I would like 40 Notes perfume sampler, and Creature and Santalum Slivers from Kerosene.

    11. Brazil
    12. Sweden
    13. Ireland
    14. Belgium
    15. Netherlands

  • 11. Sweden
    12. Brazil
    13. Norway
    14. Greece
    15. Netherlands

    Mon Di Orio, Montale, and Sospiro would be my three picks. As always, thanks for the chance to participate in the draw.

  • I am surely bad at this, but…

    11. Brazil
    12. Sweden
    13. China
    14. Switzerland
    15. Mexico

    I would choose Xerjoff Sospiro, Les Nombres d’Or Oud and Montale Powder Flowers. Thanks!

  • 11. Brazil
    12. Switzerland
    13. Sweden
    14. Netherlands
    15. Greece

    I have no idea, really, lol
    I would want the Mona Oud, the Creature, and Powder Flowers.

  • 11.netherlands
    Montale white flowers aimez moi. Whips and roses

  • My guess is:
    11. Austria
    12. Brazil.
    13. Sweden
    14. Netherlands
    15. Belguim

    I’d pick Kerosene Santalum, Whips and Roses and Copper Skies.

  • d3m0lici0n says:

    11. Brazil
    12. Switzerland
    13. Sweden
    14. Austria
    Picks: Creature, Powder Flowers, Noche del Fuego

  • 11. Netherlands
    12. Brazil
    13. Switzerland
    14. Austria
    15. Belgium

    Perfume choices – Les Nombres d’Or Oud, Happy Baby and Copper Skies.

  • Janet in California says:

    Let’s guess))
    11. Brazil
    12. Switzerland
    13. Netherlands
    14. Austria
    15. Sweden
    If I win I’d choose Doux Amore

  • 11. Belgium
    12. Brazil
    13. Switzerland
    14. Netherlands
    15. Greece
    I’d pick Kerosene Copper skies,, Mona Oud, and the candle.

  • 11.Brazil

    Top three perfume choices:

    1.Mona Di Orio Les Nombres D’or Oud
    2.Montale Powder Flowers
    3.Spadaro Doux Amour

  • 11 Ireland
    12. Brazil
    13 Greece
    14 Netherlands
    15 Portugal

    And my choices would be

    1. Monda Di Orio Les Nombres
    2. Tea Olive
    3. Spadaro

  • 11. Netherlands
    12. Austria
    13. Greece
    14. Poland
    15. Brazil

    My prize choices would be (ha ha):

    Mona di Oro Les Nombres d’Or Oud
    Matriarch Happy Baby
    Kerosene R’Oud Elements

  • taffynfontana says:

    11. Netherlands
    12. Brazil
    13. Denmark
    14. Belgium
    15. Sweden

    I would love Spadaro Noche De Fuego, Montale Powder Flowers and Kerosene’s Copper Skies.

  • my guess is:
    4. Poland
    My choices are:
    1. Mona di Orio Les Nombres d’Or Oud
    2.Olympic Orchids: Golden Cattleya
    3. Kerosene: Copper Skies
    thanks for not spilling it

  • Paul Bunch says:

    My guesses are:
    11. Netherlands
    12. Poland
    13. Brazil
    14. Sweden
    15. Belgium

    My choices of fragrance are:
    Noche Del Fuego
    Tea Olive
    Mona Di Orio Oud

    Thank you!

  • 11. Brazil
    12. Sweden
    13. Greece
    14. Denmark
    15. Poland

    The fragrances I would choose are:

    Mona Di Orio Oud
    Caron Aimez Moi
    Montale Powder Flowers

  • Austria
    I would choose: Les Nombres d’Or Oud by Mona di Orio, Powder Flowers by Montale and Noche del Fuego by Spadaro.


  • Tourbillion says:

    Here are my guesses:
    11. Netherlands
    12. Brazil
    13. Poland
    14. Sweden
    15. Belgium

    ^Should these prove to be correct:
    Noche Del Fuego
    Whips and Roses


  • My guess is
    11. Netherlands
    12. Sweden
    13. Argentina
    14. Ireland
    15. Belgium
    My choices are Montale, Mona di Orio & Olympic Orchids
    Thank you!!!

  • My guess would be:
    11. Belgium
    12. Switzerland
    13. Brazil
    14. Netherlands
    15. Sweden

    My first 3 favorites would be Mona Di Oirio Oud, Montale Powder Flowers, and Spadaro Doux Amour. Thanks for the draw!

  • Hi everyone, my guesses are as follows….

    11. The Netherlands
    12. Brazil
    13. Greece
    14. Sweden
    15. Belgium

    I would love to win Aimez-Moi, Doux Amour and Les Nombres d’Or Oud.

    Thanks for the draw!

  • Laurentiu says:

    11. Netherlands
    12. Denmark
    13. Romania
    14. Brazil
    15. Poland

    I would like to win Mona di Orio Oud, Noche del Fuego and Copper Skies


  • 11.Brazil

    My choices would be Mona di Orio Oud,Olympic Orchids Golden Cattleya and Parfums Belle Fleur Velvet Santal

  • marcopietro says:

    11. Brazil
    12. Switzerland
    13. Netherlands
    14. Ireland
    15. Portugal

    I’d choose Kerosene Creature, Spadaro Noche del Fuego and Mona di Orio’s Oud.

  • hmmmm…. Brazil and Switzerland were the two that occurred to me but I drew a blank on the others… Just guessing, really have no idea:

    11. Netherlands
    12. Switzerland
    13. Brazil
    14. Austria
    15. Ireland

    my top 3 picks:
    Mona di Orio Oud;
    Matriarch Happy Baby;
    Kerosene Copper Skies

  • 11. Netherlands
    12. Brazil
    13. Greece
    14. Poland
    15. Sweden

    My top three fragrance choices:
    Mona di Orio Les Nombres d’Or Oud
    Kerosene Whips and Roses
    Parfums Belle Fleur Rose Immortelle candle

    Thanks for the generous draw opportunity. (It amazes me that so many wonderful prizes were left behind.)

  • 11. Romania
    12. Austria
    13. Brazil
    14. Sweden
    15. The Netherlands

    Top perfume choices: Doux Amour, 40 notes sampler, Montale Flowers

  • 11- Austria
    12- Switzerland
    13- Netherlands
    14- Brazil
    15- Belgium

    My picks are:

    Kerosene Santalum Silvers
    House of Matriarch Happy Baby
    Belle Fleur Pétales d’Amour

    Thank you very much!

  • 11- Brazil
    12- Netherlands
    13- Belgium
    14- Austria
    15- Switzerland

    and my three choices would be: Kerosene Creature, Spadaro Doux Amour and Les N’Ombres d’or Oud

  • 11- Brazil
    12- Netherlands
    13- Belgium
    14- Austria
    15- Switzerland

    And I choose Kerosene Creature, Spadaro Doux Amour and Les N’Ombres d’or Oud as my top choices

  • 11 Netherlands
    12 Austria
    13 Sweden
    14 Argentina
    15 Poland

    my picks: Kerosene R’Oud Elements, Mona di Orio Oud, Sospiro sampler

  • Romania

    Kerosene, Spadaro, House of Matriarch

  • My guesses:
    The Netherlands

    My 3 choices would be: Kerosene Copper skies, Les N’Ombres d’or Oud,
    Sospiro Sampler

  • I hope it’s
    11. Sweden
    12. Denmark
    13. Brazil
    14. Turkey
    15. Poland

    I’d love to win Kerosene Santalum Slivers, Mona Di Orio Oud, and Sa Majeste La Rose Imperial Oudh.

  • 11. Poland
    12. Switzerland
    13. Brazil
    14. Austria
    15. Belgium

    My 3 choices would be Copper Skies, Noche del Fuego, and Oud.


  • 1. Netherlands
    2. Brazil
    3. Norway
    4. Romania
    5. Sweden

    My choices are… Kerosene Copper Skies, Mona di Orio Oud and Powder Flowers.

    Thank u, great draw!

  • Heather P says:


    11. Denmark
    12. Sweden
    13. Switzerland
    14. Argentina
    15. Austria

    I’d like Noche del Fuego, Oud, and a Kerosene (copper Skies, maybe?).

  • ringthing says:

    1. Austria
    2. Ireland
    3. Denmark
    4. Brazil
    5. Switzerland

    Kerosene Copper Skies, Les Nombres d’Or Oud, Spadaro Doux Amour. Thanks!

  • I’ll take a guess with:

    11. Brazil
    12. Turkey
    13. Poland
    14. Ukraine
    15. The Netherlands

    Montale Powder Flowers, Mona Di Orio Parfums, and Happy Baby. Thanks!

  • JAntoinette says:

    My guess would be:

    11. Brazil
    12. Switzerland
    13. Austria
    14. Netherlands
    15. Sweden

    Belle Fleur Imperial Oudh, Caron Aimez Moi, Les ombres d’Or Oud

  • 1. Turkey
    2. Brazil
    3. Ukraine
    4. Poland
    5. Netherlands

    Kerosene Copper Skies, Mona Di Orio Les Nomres d’Or Oud, and the 40 Notes Sampler, please.

  • Anna in Edinburgh says:

    Guessing that it’ll be:

    Switzerland; and

    because they sprang to mind first!

    On the off-chance that I’m right, I’d opt for:

    Tea Olive, Golden Cattleya, and LNd’Or Oud.

    cheerio, and I’m looking forward to finding the real answers:-)

  • Queen Cupcake says:

    11. Netherlands
    12. Denmark
    13. Austria
    14. Brazil
    15. Ukraine

    If I win I would choose: Kersosene Whips & Roses, Mona di Orio Les Nombres d’Or Oud, and Parfums Belle Fleur’s candle Velvet Santal. Fingers crossed!

  • My guess is:
    11. Austria
    12. Brazil.
    13. Sweden
    14. Netherlands
    15. Belguim

    Sorry for not reading the directions correctly before. My pick would be Mona di Orio, Kerosene Santalum and Sapadaro Solo Nero.
    Thank you.

  • 11. Poland
    12. Vietnam
    13. Brazil
    14. Hungary
    15. Malaysia

    If I were to win, My 3 top choices would be: Mona di Orio Oud, Kerosene R’Oud Elements, or the Montale that I missed the first time around.

  • TimeaZsofia says:

    My guess is:

    11. Argentina
    12. Poland
    13. Austria
    14. Sweden
    15. Checz Rebublik

    If I would be one of the lucky one I would choos Montale Powder Flower, Mona Di Orio Les Nomres d’Or Oud nad Kerosene Santalum.

    Thank you for this fantastic draw.

  • lovethescents says:

    What a great opportunity!

    11. Sweden
    12. Denmark
    13. Holland
    15. Brazil

    If I win, and I HOPE I do, my top 3 choices would be Kerosene Whiips & Roses, Spadaro Doux Amour, and Mona’s Oud. Many many thanks!!!

  • Always fun, if difficult, with these puzzles.
    I’m thinking;
    11) Brazil
    12) Netherlands
    13) Poland
    14) Sweden
    15) Switzerland

    First pick would be Spadaro Doux Amour, then Sa Majeste la Rose Imperial oud and Elise’s tea olive, which sounds exciting.

    Thank you 🙂

  • 1. Switzerland
    2. Brazil
    3. Sweden
    4. Netherlands
    5. Austria

    Kerosene, Montale, Mona di Orio

    Thank you for a wonderful draw!

  • 11. Netherlands
    12. Sweden
    13. Denmark
    14. Switzerland
    15. Brazil

    If I were win I’d like pick up Mona di Orio’s Les Nombres d’Or Oud, or Kerosene’s R’oud Elements, or Spadaro’s Sole Nero.

  • rosiegreen says:

    My guesses:
    11. Brazil
    14.The Netherlands
    15. Switzerland

    My perfume choices:
    Kerosene- Copper Skies
    Spadaro- Sole Nero
    Parfums Belle Fleur – Rose Immortelle

  • I guess:
    12. Brazil
    13. Poland
    15. Sweden
    My choices would be Spadaro Doux Amour, Kerosene Whips and roses and Mona diOrio Oud.

  • My guess:
    13. Poland
    14 The Neatherlands
    15. Austria

    And my choices would be Kerosene Copper Skies, Spadaro Noche Del Fuego and the Caron Aimez Moi

  • 11.Brazil

    I would like to win Kerosene’s R’oud Elements, Happy Baby and Kim Spadaro Solo Nero

  • My guess:
    11. Denmark
    12. Brazil
    13. Netherlands
    14. Switzerland
    15. Austria

    My choices would be Caron Aimez Moi, Les Nombres d’Or Oud and Spadora Noche Del Fuego.

  • TamaraFugate says:

    11. Netherlands
    12. Denmark
    13. Belgium
    14. Brazil
    15. Switzerland

    My choices are Kerosene Whips and Roses, Parfums Belle Fleur Rose Immortelle, Spodaro Doux Amour! Thanks! 🙂

  • Borko Boris says:

    11. Sweeden
    12. Denmark
    13. Poland
    14. Romania
    15. Portugal

    I would go for Oud by Mona, Noche del Fuego and Happy Baby. Thanks!

  • 11. Austria
    12. Brazil
    13. Sweden
    14. Netherlands
    15. Belgium

    I would choose Kerosene Whips and Roses, Spadaro Sole Nero, and Mona di Orio Les Nombres d’Or Oud. Thanks for the draw!

  • 12. Brazil
    11. Netherlands
    12. Sweden
    13. Austria
    15. Poland
    I choose Kerosene Santalum Slivers, Mona Di Orio Oud, and Sa Majeste La Rose Imperial Oudh.

  • 11 Denmark
    12 Netherlands 
    13 Argentina
    14 Poland
    15 Austria

    My 1st choice wold be: Spadaro Noche Del Fuego. Then the sample set of all six Sospiro fragrances, and Mona Di Orio Parfums three 7ml flacons Les Nombres d’Or Oud.

  • 11. Brazil
    12. Austria
    13. Switzerland
    14. Denmark
    15. Netherlands

    My choices would the Montale Powder Flowers, Kerosene Copper Skies, and the three Mona di Orio minis.

  • 11. Netherlands
    12. Ireland
    13. Denmark
    14. Portugal
    15. Argentina

    My choices would be Mona di Orio Oud, Sospiro set, and Golden Cattelya. Thanks so much for the draw!

  • I’m sorry I hit enter before finishing. Please delete my previous post.

    1. Turkey
    2. Austria
    3. Sweden
    4. Poland
    5. Brazil

    50 ml edt of Aimez Moi is my choice, then Golden Cattleya, then Doux Amour from Spadero

  • 11. brazil
    12. netherlands
    13. sweeden
    14. greece
    15. austria

    kerosene copper skies, spadaro doux amour, and les nombres d’or oud

  • 11. Netherlands
    12. Brazil
    13. Czech republic
    14. Sweden
    15. Poland

    Sorry, forgot to name choices
    Caron’s aimez moi
    Elise Pearlstine’s tea olive
    Mona di Orio’s Oud

  • ineverwas says:

    11. Brazil
    12. The Netherlands
    13. Norway
    14. Sweden
    15. Romania

    I forgot to pick the perfumes! 🙂

    Aimez-Moi, Powder Flowers, Golden Cattleya

  • 11 Brazil
    12 Greece
    13 Netherland
    14 sweden
    15 Austria
    I would love to win Matriarch Happy Baby, Kerosene copper element,tea olive by Elise Pearlstine.

  • 11. Brazil
    12. Ukraine
    13. Slovakia
    14. Czech Republic
    15. Romania

    Would love Aimez-Moi; Les Nombres d’Or Oud; Whips and Roses…

  • 11. Sweden
    12. Netherland
    13. Austria
    14. Brazil
    15. Denmark

    My choices are Kerosene Cooper Skies, Belle Fleur Rose Immortelle and Elise Pearlstine Tea olive
    Thanks for the draw!

  • my guesses:

    11. Brazil
    12. Netherlands
    13. Sweden
    14. Austria
    15. poland

    my choices:

    kerosene creature, di orio oud, spolero solo nero.

  • cheesegan says:

    My guesses would be :

    11. Brazil
    12 Sweden
    13 Netherlands
    14 Greece
    15 Romania

    My choices would be
    Kerosene R’oud Elements
    Mona Di Orio Oud
    Montale Powder Flowers

  • My guess:

    11. Brazil
    12. Netherlands
    13. Poland
    14. Switzerland
    15. Ireland

    I would love Mona di Orio Oud, Kerosene R’Oud Elements, and Spadaro Noche del Fuego.

  • 11. Brazil
    12. Romania
    13. Poland
    14. Turkey
    15. Netherlands

    My choices would be:
    Kerosene R’oud Elements
    Montale Powder Flowers
    Mona Di Orio Les Nombres d’Or Oud

  • Deanna G. says:

    11. Brazil
    12. Sweden
    13. Greece
    14. Netherlands
    15. Turkey

    My choices:
    1. Kerosene/ Whips and Roses
    2. Spadaro Fragrances/ Doux Amour
    3. House of Matriarch/ Happy Baby

  • 11. Brazil
    12. Switzerland
    13. Denmark
    14. Netherlands
    15. Austria

    My choices would be
    Kerosene R’oud Elements
    Mona Di Orio Oud
    Montale Powder Flowers

  • Mary Evans says:

    Oh I have no idea but here goes
    11 Netherlands
    12 Sweden
    13 Romania
    14 brazil
    15 Switzerland
    My choices are tea olive, Montale white flowers and golden cattalyea

  • Quichange says:

    12 Brazil
    13 the Netherlands
    14 Romania
    15 Poland
    My choices are Kerosene Santalum slivers , Belle Fleur rose immortelle and Mona di Orio oud if my wild guesses are correct

  • Wow, hard one! Awesome! My guesses:
    11. Portugal
    12. Argentina
    13. Sweden
    14. Switzerland
    15. Greece
    My choices would be Kerosene R’oud Elements, Montale Powder Flower, and Belle Fleur Velvet Santal.

  • 11. Brazil
    12. Netherlands
    13. Switzerland
    14. Ireland
    15. Greece

    My picks
    Mona Oud
    Spadardo Doux Amour
    Kerosene R’oud elements

  • 11) Brazil
    12) Netherlands
    13) Portugal
    14) Sweden
    15) Switzerland

    Tea Olive, Mona di Orio oud and Kerosene R’oud Elements

    So difficult this one!

  • I don’t think I’ll be even close, but here go my guesses:

    11. Brazil
    12. Poland
    13. Sweden
    14. Austria
    15. Croatia (yes, we’re small, but you never know) 😉

    My choices of the prizes would be 40 Notes Perfume Sampler, one of the Kim Spadaro and Mona di Orio.

  • 11) Sweden
    12) Brazil
    13) Netherlands
    14) Turkey
    15) Czech Republic

    Kerosene Copper Skies
    Sole Negro and Noche del fuego

  • 11) Brazil
    12) Czech Republic
    13) Sweden
    14) Netherlands
    15) Greece

    Copper Skie, Noche del fuego, Happy baby

  • 11. Netherlands
    12. Sweden
    13. Brazil
    14. Belgium
    15. Poland

    Noche del fuego, Copper skies, Les Nombres d’Or Oud

  • 11. Argentina
    12. Turkey
    13. Romania
    14. Croatia
    15. Hungary

    Kerosene Copper Skies, Spadaro Solo Nero, HoM Happy Baby

  • 11) Greece
    12) Austria
    13) Brazil
    14) Sweden
    15) Belgium

    Xerjoff Sospiro sampler, SPADARO Noche del Fuego & Bellyflowers Tea Olive are my choices!

    Thanks, amazing draw! 🙂

  • gypsyqueenmother says:

    11) The Netherlands
    12) Denmark
    13) Ukraine
    14) Greece
    15) Brazil

    Caron’s Aimez-Moi, 40 Notes Perfume Sampler and Spadaro’s Sole Nero.


  • My guess is
    11 Netherlands
    12 Brazil
    13 Sweden
    14 Poland
    15 Romania
    I would choose 40notes sampler, Kim Spadaro noche del fuego and Mona di Orio oud samples
    Great draw thanks

  • This is a tough one. I am going to say:

    11. Sweden
    12. Netherlands
    13. Brazil
    14. Austria
    15. Portugal

    My choices would be Copper Skies by Kerosene, Sospiro Set and Mona D’Orio Oud.

    Thanks for the fun draw!

  • ok… so here goes…

    11. Brazil
    12. Turkey
    13. Netherlands
    14. Poland
    15. Ukraine

    if i win… r’oud elements, les nombres d’or oud, and noche del fuego…

    thanks 🙂

  • noetic owl says:

    Wild guess-Brazil, Switzerland, Greece, Austria and Sweden. If I were so fortunate as to win I would love the 40 Notes sampler, Happy Baby and Tea Olive.

    Thanks for the draw!

  • Here’s my guess…

    1. Argentina
    2. Sweden
    3. Greece
    4. Hungry
    5. Romania

    I would love Noche Del Fuego, Happy Baby and Whips and Roses.