A New Year’s Note from the Editor: Plus ça change plus c’est la même chose


One year ago today if anyone would have told me that we would have tripled our circulation, would be acknowledged with four 2011 FiFi Finalists positions for editorial excellence in our first year  AND receive such love from around the world,  I would have thought they drank too much of Mark's champagne perfume.

What is in store for 2012? As the French say "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose "(the more  it changes the more it is the same thing).


Continuing our mission to be a home for artistic perfumery of all genres and pricepoints.

Due to the success of  Behind the Bottle and Profiles in American Perfumery we will continue these popular series.

Look forward to more interviews with your favorite perfumers from around the world

More fabulous draws, reviews, coverage of industry events and articles.

Mark Behnke's Live blogging from Elements Showcase beginning Jan 30, 2012-January 31, 2012

Participation in Natural  Perfumer Guild events.



We will miss Sr Editor and Natural Perfume Editor Chaya/ Ida Meister who is pursuing her personal dreams. Ida joined us in April, 2010 and  will always remain a  true friend. To Dear Ida, we say good luck and much success on all your new endeavors.

"You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free"

-Thich Nhat Hanh


 Elise Pearlstine will continue her monthly articles on natural ingredients

Tama Blough has been promoted to Sr Editor. Look for Tama on Tuesdays.

John Reasinger, a popular fragrance writer (whom  you may know from Fragrantica and FaceBook), joins us as Senior Contibutor as of Jan 18, 2012 and will write weekly on Wednesdays. John will cover natural perfumery, vintage fragrances and perfume passions.

Jasia Julia Neilson joins us as a Monthly Contributor.

We thank all our loyal readers,contributors, advertisers, and friends- in-fragrance and look forward to a stellar 2012
Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief

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  • It saddens me to hear that Ida is leaving. Best of luck to her 🙂
    However, I am happy to read that a new writer will be covering vintage fragrances! Congratulations to Michelyn and Didier, wishing you much success with your new company!

  • chayaruchama says:

    Congratulations to our new Senior Editor Tama- Lou !
    YAY !
    And John and Jasia Julia, too !!!

    Bonne chance, MC and Didier …this is something ELSE you are good at, at bound to succeed.

    I will miss you, too-
    All of you <3

  • JAntoinette says:

    Good luck with your future endeavors, Ida.
    Congrats to all at CaFleureBon on an amazing 2011; here’s to a fab 2012!

  • Ida sweetie, love you as always, from way back in the Stone Age of Internet perfumery forums till forever. Happy trails of sillage! Kudos to the CaFleureBon team and all they have planned for 2012, and a special welcome for the new ones – John, Tama and Julia! And a special recognition to the many fans of CFB who post here loyally, with passion, style and intellect, making this salon a very lovely place to linger and learn. xoxo Anya

  • What a team!! Shout out to Tamam and John:) I am so happy that I can say I knew you when ya know before you were famous;) Much love and blessing tho the team and this is going to be your year I just know it:))

  • Wishing all, fulfilled dreams! I love this quote of Thich Nhat Hanh Michelyn! Friends do become family and always wished the best. Look forward to another amazing year from CFB. Best wishes to all.