Essential Parfums Néroli Botanica (Anne Flipo) 2024 + Nature as Elegance Giveaway

Essential Parfums Néroli Botanica

Essential Parfums Néroli Botanica courtesy the brand

I imagined an androgynous orange blossom that you want to smell again and again…faceted with fusing spices and a bewitching heart of jasmine and neroli, its powerful trail melts into a hypnotic woody base of sandalwood and vetiver.” ~ Master Perfumer Anne Flipo, describing her inspiration for Essential Parfums Néroli Botanica

Anne Flipo and Geraldine Archambault

Master Perfumer Anne Flipo of IFF and Geraldine Archambault of Essential Parfums courtesy the brand

It seems that all things orange blossom are having a very good year indeed: some of the loveliest perfumes over the past year + have concentrated on this waxy indolic flower and its aromatic relatives (neroli, petigrain).

Géraldine Archambault and Anne Flipo in the International Museum of Perfumery in Grasse.

Géraldine and Anne in the International Museum of Perfumery in Grasse via Essential Parfums

Most recently, master perfumer Anne Flipo of IFF has turned her skilled hand to composing all-botanical eau de parfum for Essential Parfums- Néroli Botanica. Given Ms. Flipo’s versatility and willingness to create beautiful fragrances for any number of brands (from the bon marché to the prestigious, more costly ones), I anticipated nothing less than an artistic portrait of the celebrated white flower – a symbol of both innocence (brides, purity, fertility, good fortune) and the potently carnal: I was not disappointed. We have been gifted an endless summer crowned with radiance – a fragrance which is to be enjoyed by all.

best orange blossom perfumes

Orange Blossoms via Essential Parfums

In the recent past, it was common to associate white flowers with femininity due to their irresistible sensual allure. In so doing, we forget that the orange blossom was Louis the XIV’s favorite (and signature) floral – one he wore consistently throughout his life. Queen Victoria forswore the traditional tiara for her marriage to Prince Albert in 1840 (Prince Albert had special jewelry created for Victoria in the form of orange blossoms for the occasion), choosing to adorn herself with a crown of orange blossom instead – as indeed Hera was said to do when she wed Zeus. We owe a debt of gratitude to the 17th C. Italian princess Anne-Marie de Tremoille, Countess of Nerola, for the essence’s very name – neroli – and both Napoléon and Marie Antoinette harbored a particular fondness for it.

citrus aurantium bigaradier in bloom

citrus aurantium bigaradier in bloom in Les Jardins de Luxembourg, July 2022 by Ida

Why neroli and not the name orange blossom? Apparently, it all boils down to the extraction of this indolic essence: solvent extraction is employed in the processing of orange blossom, whereas neroli is obtained by the steam distillation of hand-picked flowers. They also possess differing scent profiles: neroli is known for its verdant, fresh floralcy – which has always been well-suited to colognes and ethereal fragrances; orange blossom tends to be more honeyed, intense and warmer in nature. I find it helpful to remind myself of this periodically when pondering the several aromas which the citrus aurantium (bigaradier) provides.

Essential Parfums Neroli Bontanica

Essential Parfums Néroli Botanica courtesy the brand

Essential Parfums Néroli Botanica embodies the timeless nature of elegance, simplicity, and enticement. I love its introductory burst of two piquant and floral peppers in concert with a zesty ginger note; it conjures a contemporized, more intensified cologne sensation. Ms. Flipo presses several facets of the orange into service: the tenderness of orange blossom water, which underscores European baby care products and is joyfully added to Indian and Arabic cuisine; the variant but related charms of both neroli and orange blossom; and companionable jasmine sambac – which, in itself, mirrors the headier aspects of orange blossom in its fulsome abundance. What happens next is a coup of intuitivity: the loveliest anchoring of solar expression, depicted in earthy tones of smoky Haitian vetiver, sandalwood, and ancient benzoin, with all its attendant layers of nuance. These elements foster a certain transcendence and ensure a lasting tenacity and sillage – qualities which are not always to be expected in a botanical perfume. As we find ourselves in the midst of summer’s swan song, Néroli Botanica is Ms. Flipo’s assurance that the glowing season may linger with us all year ‘round.

Notes: Indian curcuma leaf (turmeric), pink pepper, black pepper, ginger, Indian jasmine sambac, Tunisian neroli, Tunisian orange blossom, orange blossom water, Haïtian vetiver, benzoin, New Caledonian sandalwood

Sample kindly provided by Indigo Perfumery – many thanks! My nose is my own…

~ Ida Meister, Deputy and Natural Perfumery Editor


Néroli Botanica by Essential Parfums

Essential Parfums Néroli Botanica 100 ml bottle in its eco-friendly packaging – ©Essential Parfums

Thanks to Indigo Perfumery, we are offering a 100 ml bottle of Essential Parfums Néroli Botanica for one registered reader in the USA and thanks to Essential Parfums in the EU.YOU must register. There is only one winner. To be eligible, please leave a comment on what sparks your interest in Ida’s review, why you would like to win Essentials Parfums Néroli Botanica, and where you live. Draw closes 9/6/2024. The winner will be announced within 10 days. We will not email you, so please check back.

Follow us on Instagram @cafleurebonofficial @idameister @essential.parfums @indigoperfumery @anneflipoperfumer

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We announce the winners on our site and on our Facebook page, so Like CaFleureBon and use our blog feed… or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.


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  • Neroli…neroli…neroli- when I see, hear or read neroli…this has to be mine. I adore everything that has neroli on/in it and Ida presented this perfume in such a manner that I don’t want to loose any time-I have to give it a nose.
    I’m from Romania

  • Beautiful review of a beautiful scent. I appreciate the historical aspects of the review as well as the distinction between neroli and orange blossom. Didn’t know Louis XIV loved orange blossom so much! I recently was able to get a small sample of this scent and absolutely loved it. It elegantly captures the essence of the whole flower (including the stems) with some green aspects to it. I think it’s a nice unisex scent that gives the wearer a sense of clean freshness, and as such I would love to get a bottle.
    Greetings from CA, USA

  • Neroli is one of my favorite notes and Anne Flipo is one of my favorite perfumeurs, so it would be an euphemism to say that I am excited to try this one!
    Fingers crossed 😉
    Greetings from Germany

  • Sorohan Adriana says:

    Essential Parfums Néroli Botanica embodies the timeless nature of elegance, simplicity, and enticement. I need it! I am from EU

  • Essential Parfums is a great brand offering excellent niche quality at affordable prices. They always collaborate with great perfumers and I am eager to check the new creation by Anne Flipo. Neroli is one of my favourite fragrance notes – so refreshing and energizing. Thanks for explaining the difference between orange blossom and neroli. I didn’t know that 🙂 Greetings from EU.

  • Ida’s description of Néroli Botanica as an ‘endless summer crowned with radiance’ totally hooked me! The blend of orange blossom with that smoky Haitian vetiver sounds like it would transport me straight to a sun-soaked paradise. I’d love to experience that glowing, lasting warmth she mentioned—fingers crossed I get to win this and carry a bit of summer with me all year!


  • Danu Seith-Fyr says:

    Personally I could find myself truly awash in this perfume. It is a romp in heady summers lush undergrowth, crowned with sprays of ebullient orange blossoms swaying in abandon like the flimsiest of muslin skirts barely concealing youthful thighs. It’s a pure, heady delight. I live in SW France. Thank you Ida for the heady inhalations

  • I loved reading about the difference between neroli and orange blossom. I have been looking for an elegant floral spicy fragrance, so Neroli Botanica sounds beautiful, especially with the added notes of ginger and sandalwood. I am in the USA.

  • I deeply appreciated Ida giving us some background regarding the orange blossom – I know that it is the symbol-flower of marriage (in Italy, at least), but I had no idea about Hera wearing an orange blossom crown in her hair, nor did I know about the Countess of Nerola, who lended her name to the species.
    Néroli Botanica itself sounds alluring and gracious, in its pairing with ginger and jasmine, as well as the trio of vetiver, sandalwood and benzoin to grant body and longevity. Why would I like to win it? Because neroli is such a classic, versatile and all-year-round note, and I would love it to pick me up in the soon coming autumn days.
    Greetings from the EU!

  • Ramses Perez says:

    Anne Flipo truly does cranks out fragrances for many houses never missing a step when it comes to the quality of the creations. Orange blossom does seem to be trendy nowadays and it truly is a great note to wear during the hot summer months. Looking at the kite breakdown I se what Ida means by Anne pressing into different facets and characteristics of the orange blossom note to give off a specific texture every step of the wear, going from light to darker tones. I’d love to win this one because I don’t currently have any fragrances from this house and it’s a house Insee everyone talk highly of, very intrigued to get to know it more. I’m located in the USA.

  • Ida’s review of Essentials Parfums Néroli Botanica is captivating because it highlights the unique blend of ingredients and the artistry behind the fragrance. Anne Flipo’s creation is described as a refreshing and elegant scent, combining neroli with spices like ginger and turmeric, which adds a distinctive twist. This makes it stand out from other neroli-based perfumes that often lean towards either a cologne-like or powdery profile. Winning Essentials Parfums Néroli Botanica would be exciting because it offers a chance to experience a niche fragrance that is both sophisticated and versatile. The combination of citrusy, spicy, and woody notes makes it perfect for various occasions. I live in Trzebnica, Poland, EU.

  • It was interesting to read about the note from a historical perspective. Thank you! I’m from the EU.

  • I discovered this perfume house from this blog. I own Divine Vanille and a sample set. They have several scents I enjoy such as Bois Imperial and The Musc. I like that they use sustainable and clean ingredients, which is a major component of their brand. I was curious about their newest creation. This perfume sounds like a lovely tribute to summer.

  • I discovered this perfume house from this blog. I own Divine Vanille and a sample set. They have several scents I enjoy such as Bois Imperial and The Musc. I like that they use sustainable and clean ingredients, which is a major component of their brand. I was curious about their newest creation. This perfume sounds like a lovely tribute to summer. I live in Louisville, Kentucky. Thanks for this giveaway.

  • I’ve only recently begun to get into neroli fragrances. I have found that I love the often soapy and heady feel it provides, as well as the little bitter twinge that seems to hover around the other notes. Such a wonderful material. I really like the sound of it paired with vetiver, a long-standing favorite, and sandalwood. I’d love to give this one a shot. Best of luck to all. I live in NC, USA.

  • Orange blossom, sandalwood and vetiver are three of my favorite notes, and I keep trying and failing to find a replacement for my favorite discontinued orange blossom scent. Maybe this is the one? I’m in the US.

  • I love Ida’s words “The tenderness of orange blossom water, the variant but related charms of both neroli and orange blossom. It indeed sounds like a fragrance that may be worn throughout the year.

  • says:

    What a beautiful scent this must be! I adore me some orange blossom and neroli, such a sweet and fresh floral. I’d love to give this fragrance a home, one where it is used and worshipped. What a beautiful review. I live in Oregon.

  • The way Ida talks about the interplay of different orange blossom elements makes Néroli Botanica sound like a fragrance with so much depth and character. I’m particularly intrigued by the mix of ginger, jasmine sambac, and those earthy base notes. I’ve been searching for a scent that feels both fresh and grounding, and this sounds like it could be it.


  • I love that Ida brought up the historical connections of orange blossom—how cool that it was Louis XIV’s favorite! The fact that Néroli Botanica taps into that timeless elegance while still being androgynous is such a unique twist. I’m super curious to see how it balances that fresh neroli with the warm, smoky undertones.
    Greetings from the EU

  • Oof now this sounds like the Neroli to end all Neeoli! What a glorious balanced bouquet of all the facets and I adore Haitian vetiver in particular. This will be amazing. I was just wearing my Fig Infusion by Essential yesterday. And thinking I need more from this house! I am in California.

  • Ida’s review of Essential Parfums Néroli Botanica truly captures the essence of this fragrance.
    Her vivid descriptions of the fresh, citrusy notes combined with the delicate floral undertones make it sound like a perfect blend of elegance and nature.
    The way she highlights the sustainable and eco-friendly approach of Essential Parfums adds an extra layer of appeal.
    I would love to win Essential Parfums Néroli Botanica because it seems like a versatile fragrance that can be worn on any occasion.
    The idea of having a perfume that not only smells divine but also aligns with my values of sustainability is incredibly appealing.
    Plus, the 100 ml size ensures that I can enjoy this beautiful scent for a long time.

    The Netherlands

  • Neroli is always an elegant scent. Especially Essential Parfums Néroli Botanica with ts introductory burst of two piquant and floral peppers in concert with the zesty ginger.
    I didn’t know the history behind neroli and it was really interesting finding about it.
    From EU.

  • My interest was sparked by reading, “earthy tones of smoky Haitian vetiver, sandalwood, and ancient benzoin, with all its attendant layers of nuance”. Since I haven’t smelled this before I would say I’d like to win it because it’s fun to win things! US

  • jessica.rauch says:

    I was just in Italy and do captivated by the smell of neroli there. I’m sure that Essentials Parfums Néroli Botanical would take me right back to that place and would love to win this fragrance. I love the history of royalty associated with neroli and orange blossom. -New York, NY

  • How fantastic! This sounds wonderful. I like what Ida says about the different facets. Thank you, will be trying this one. In US

  • “An androgynous orange blossom that you want to smell again and again”…How beautiful said!
    And Ida, you are a true artist of words here, on Cafleurebon.

    I would like to dive under the scent of an atypical, androgynous neroli that breaks out of the norm. It’s great that Anne managed to obtain a unique imagination scent for this flower.

    Thank you Essential Parfums and the C team. I live in EU

  • The notes sound fantastic and alive. That’s what intrigues me most. Many fragrances coming out nowadays don’t even sound alive, let alone smell of life. From USA.

  • WeAreScentient says:

    Néroli Botanica sounds stunning! I love a good orange blossom & Anne Flipo does beautiful work.
    And thanks to Ida I now know it was the orange blossom tree in the Les Jardins de Luxembourg that smelled so good as I skipped through over a decade ago to peruse books on Rue Casimir Delavigne then down back through the gardens to Sadaharu Aoki on Rue de Vaugirard for some cakes, I would like to relive that memory with Néroli Botanica if I’m lucky!
    Always bublin in Dublin

  • Neroli Botanica sounds like a ray of sunshine. The combination of citrus; neroli, orange blossom water and orange blossom with golden spices like turmeric and ginger radiates warmth and is reminiscent of Indian and Arabic scents. I’m amazed this is all botanical. MD, USA.

  • What a well rounded account of this fragrance! Id love to know what a more androgynous take on neroli and orange blossom would be. Ive heard such good things about Essential Parfums. Thanks for the draw. I live in the US. ☺️

  • As a neroli lover, I tried this fragrance at Esxence in Milan and it was love at first sniff! I particularly enjoy green citrusy notes and in this I also find something that resembles green tuberose essential oil. It really feels like walking in a botanical garden, and the description Ida made is on point! I’m from Italy, EU

  • I have some of Anne Flipo’s most recent works, such as Jo Malone’s Melancholy Thistle and Frederic Malle’s Synthetic Jungle (now Synthetic Nature) and I love how she is able to create the sensation of walking through nature without making ultra-green perfumes. From the review I sense that this fragrance would make me feel like roaming through an orange tree garden in summer, and knowing Ms. Flipo’s ability to master such images, I would love to try it! I’m from Italy

  • Michael Prince says:

    I loved Ida’s review of Essential Parfums Neroli Botanica. It sounds like Master Perfumer Anne Flipo and Geraldine Archambault of Essential Parfums have came up with a beautiful combination of Neroli and Orange Blossom as well as herbal botanicals such as Turmeric. Ida always does an amazing and detailed job in reviews. I am from the USA.

  • Ida what a great lesson on Neroli and orange blossoms. Essential Parfums has great perfumes and they are eco conscious to. What sparked my interest is that their is longevity in Neroli Botanica for a citrus and the smoky vetiver. EU

  • What a great article about the history and difference between neroli and orange blossom! Two of my favorite scent ingredients. I’ve always been a fan of Essential Parfums and Anna Flipo and I can’t wait to smell this one! I live in New York, NY.

  • Deborah L Murphy says:

    Hi there,

    I was so intrigued reading about steam distillation versus solvent extraction…Maybe this is why I am obsessed with Neroli? I’d love to win this one, to wear while I experiment with orange blossom water as a cooking ingredient! Great smells all around. I live in NYC/USA. Thank you.


  • Neroli is one my favourite note in perfumery and Anne Flipo is one of my favourite perfumers so it’s a no brainer that I want to try this one! Ida’s review gives a concise overview of the background to neroli and her description really brings the perfume to life. Live in NYC.

  • Interesting breakdown of the ways white floral fragrances have been worn historically and the production methods for orange blossom and neroli (I personally lean towards the latter). I’m intrigued by the zingy combination of orange blossom and spice notes Flipo deployed in Néroli Botanica, alluding to refreshing colognes, especially as it segues into smoky vetiver and sandalwood—all in an all-botanical fragrance. Sounds terrific, Ida. I’d love to try it.

    I’m in the USA.

  • I love being gifted an endless summer. Fascinating to know the difference between orange blossom and neroli. I have always wondered that. Those notes sound so good. I love this line, affordable, yet not mainstream blah fragrances. USA.

  • What sparked my interest is the celebration of neroli and orange blossom in this perfume and also Ida’s claim “We have been gifted an endless summer crowned with radiance – a fragrance which is to be enjoyed by all.”

    I’d love to win this perfume because I adore Essential Parfums – already have 2 of their creations – and most of all I looooove neroli!


  • David Furman says:

    Neroli is a bright beautiful note that pops off of skin and compliments most others well. Here there are two different types and it’s seems they are placed in the mid rather than the top or bottom. I’ve never seen a composition open with tumeric so that should be interesting. Would love to own this citrus delicacy, from Jacksonville, NC.

  • Ida’s reviews come always as a learning experience. I didn’t know the difference between Néroli and orange blossom.

    I use orange blossom water in cakes, and yet I’ve never had an orange blossom perfume. And I’ve never experienced a botanical one. It’s a good reason to win a bottle of Essentials Parfums Néroli Botanica, if fate allows it.

    I live in Portugal in Lisbon, a city where oranges grow in public spaces.

  • foreverscents says:

    I enjoyed Ida’s review, especially her explanation of the differences between neroli and orange blossom. Néroli Botanica sounds so elegant and enticing. I am curious about the “solar expression” in the fragrance, brought by using vetiver, sandalwood, and benzoin notes. What a beautifully constructed fragrance.
    I live in the USA.