Olibanum Osmanthus, Tubéreuse, Sacra and Oud (Céline Perdriel) + Layering Set Giveaway


Olibanum Osmanthus, Tubereuse, Sacra, Oud reviews

J’s image of Olibanum Osmanthus, Tubéreuse, Sacra and Oud

Founded by Gérald Ghislain in 2021, Olibanum perfumes have a focus on materials with an olibanum CO2 extract bridging all of the perfumes. I’m a massive olibanum/frankincense fan and regularly heat the resins on my small subitisim heater and more recently have been taking a boswellia sacra supplement. Some people dissolve the resin in water and drink it, which is nicer than chewing it, but make sure your using the medical grade resins for that. Olibanum is a perfume house I’ve been intrigued about since its conception and having read Nicoleta’s fantastic review of Neroli, I had to finally try it and as an incense lover, I was not disappointed.

Olibanum. perfumes

Olibanum Logo courtesy of the brand.

I spent days dreaming trying to work out how to combine a trio to make a summery floral incense perfume that had a top, middle and bottom, working with the vast selection in Olibanum’s line to choose from and having smelled these four, I’m dying to smell more. My first thoughts where citrus and Yuzu for a top, but I wanted to the Osmanthus which also has a fruity fresh opening, Opoponax was also under consideration to give a more resinous base to the layering combination, vetiver and Sandalwood too could easily work. I went for Oud in the end; it gives a little more florals with a darker mystery and woods. Tubéreuse was an instant choice, the Oud had already given me some rose. Sacra was a must try to as it’s the base of many enhanced by fir balsam and musks.

Perfumer Céline Perdriel Gérald Ghislain of Olibanum and Histoires de Parfums

Perfumer Céline Perdriel Gérald Ghislain of Olibanum and Histoires de Parfums courtesy of the brand

Each of Olibanum’s perfumes are already a complete composition by perfumer Céline Perdriel in themselves and deserve a much more in-depth look; they have an evolution but can be layered to create your own unquiet combinations. Having the shared olibanum CO2 extract makes it easy for them to work with each other. Personally, for me when layering it’s less about layering perfumes over each other and more about wearing different ones on various parts of the body. It wafts in the air around you giving you this continually unique experience as you move though the day.

Olibanum Osmanthus

J’s image of Olibanum Osmanthus

Olibanum Osmanthus: Soft apricot florals paired with a cool incense pine smoke musky haze let a soft peachy rose bloom in a cool pine incense haze. Olibanum Osmanthus uses chiaroscuro beautifully not only it light and dark tones, but also textures too. It’s cool smoky incense wrapped around a soft Osmanthus rose with gentle woody facets that also whisper of soft leather. It’s darkly sweet like a kiss you won’t forget. The dry down reveals some woods that have been lurking in the base while the fruity sweetness has become a stunning osmanthus flower with velvety feeling petals again with hints of fir and pine giving those warmth like spiced bodily feel rather than aroma. It’s a delicious osmanthus perfume with some of its softer suede facets wrapping around you as it fades into a soft musky floral haze. Notes: Osmanthus, Rose, Dry Woods

Olibanum Tubereuse

 J’s image of Olibanum Tubéreuse

Olibanum Tubéreuse: A playful fleshly floral elegance drips from Tubéreuse, it’s got a sexy slinky ylang ylang draped over its shoulders giving it a smooth seductive feel. it’s cool icy incense stare counters the whispers of its more bubble-gum playful side as it starts to ooze seductive spices, as the ylang ylang is stripped away revealing tuberose’s smooth voluptuous fleshy petals. As its dries down Olibanum Tubéreuse gets deliciously creamy with its gentle spices humming with desire, its stunning seductive, the kind of plumpness you want to taste as it gently purrs in an almost animalic way. It’s a rather sexy tuberose that likes to flirt. Notes: Tuberose, Ylang Ylang

Olibanum Sacra

J’s image of Olibanum Sacra

Olibanum Sacra takes you deep into the woods, fir and pine aromas vibrate with a bright green hue and feel so citrus fresh like the finest mountain air. Green balsamic facets start to form soft white plumes, almost like clouds with a softly squishy density. More resins give off this fresh terpenic aroma as if you have tapped a tree and the resins tears are forming in front of your nose. You can feel the fir and pine trees as gentle peppery aromas tease your nose. There’s a beautiful sense of calm, as you smell Sacra, it has a thoughtful depth to its seemly endless musky plumes. It’s got just a hint of ambery sweetens to it that conjures images of the resins tears glowing with a blue green hue as light passes through them. Notes: Olibanum CO2 extract, Fir balsam, White Musks.

Olibanum oud

J’s image of Olibanum Oud

 Olibanum Oud: This feels like a darker more night time take on Sacra, while also making be think of traditional Bakhoor with the oud and dark rose facets forming a rich dense incense smoke as those terpenic fir and pine notes swirl around the edges. It has a much darker balsamic smokiness too, but still with coolness that each of the perfumes possesses. It’s a suave and elegant musk cool haze that’s rather delicious to wear, darker woody facets give it depth while a gentle peppery rose unfurls with a soft elegance playing off the deep resins in the base. If you like your frankincense dark Olibanum Oud is stunning.  Notes: Sensual woods, rose.

J’s image of Olibanum Osmanthus, Tubéreuse and Sacra 

Light Layering

With Olibanum Osmanthus apricot fresh brightness right away gets way richer and peachier in a plump floral way, cool florals swirl through fir and pine trees as their sour greenery makes the rich sweetness richer. The tuberose feels more fun here; it’s less flirty and plumper and juicier like its petals are ready to drip with rich fruits. The sweetness is well balanced as it plays against the cool resins found with in each of the perfumes. I really love the way the osmanthus and Tubéreuse play off each other giving it a more adult playfulness. It’s like it’s playfully flirting yet has this icy coolness from the Sacra as those white musks take hold. Osmanthus’ soft fruity facets give this layering combination a rather light playful feel, paired with the sacra and tuberose it feels like happy thoughts and contemplation about love as you walk through a forest on a summer’s day. Tubéreuse creamy side wears like new love with just a whisper of lust.

Olibanum Osmanthus, Oud and Tubereuse are great layered

J’s image of Olibanum Osmanthus, Oud and Tubéreuse


Dark Layering

Again, Olibanum Osmanthus with its fruity facets turn dark, this time it’s a deeper richer, cool peach, while tuberose makes it feel smooth in a really seductive way, it’s ylang ylang & tuberose petals give it’s a silky feel with darker hint of soft leathers and spices as the Olibanum Osmanthus and Tubéreuse merge. A darkly rich balsamic smoke plume gives this a mysterious feel while the florals whisper of sins of the flesh. Imagine cool sweet naked skin sliding on a smooth silk lined leather jacket, its hums with delicate spices of tuberose making rose blush and turn a darker shade of red. Soft woods rise up as this rich haze takes you into the night. More fleshy florals are revealed letting the tuberose shine in this layering combination, the Oud’s darker richer facets make it feel fuller and richer letting the smoke resins cloak it in a soft veil of mystery. As the tuberose gets creamy, a softer rose is revealed giving this combination a fresh rubbery leatheriness, it’s like the resins have bonded to the petals capturing the incense smoke in layers between them. There’s a smooth feeling like cleans sheets that have been warmed by bodies, but still cool as the heat flies away leaving an almost chilled church-like incense feel with a hint of gothic lily. This Olibanum dark layering combination has unlocked a sexy summer Goth perfume.


Each of these perfumes are stunning on their own and I really loved seeing how they worked with each other to make the experience more unique. I’m a big fan of what Olibanum are doing especially as a lover of incense.


Disclosure: Olibanum. Sacra, Oud, Tubéreuse and Osmanthus travel sizes were sent to J for review, thoughts and nose are his own.


-Senior Editor J Wearescentient, artist & olfactive writer.

Olibanum perfumes can be layered

J’s image of Olibanum Osmanthus, Tubéreuse, Sacra and Oud

Thanks to the generosity of Olibanum we have a reader’s choice of either J’s Light or Dark Layering Combination set for one registered reader in the USA or EU only. You must register or your entry will not count. To be eligible, please leave a comment saying what sparks your interest based on J’s individual reviews/ layering suggestions of Olibanum Osmanthus Sacra, Oud, Tubereuse and where you live.  Please leave the names of the perfumes you would like to win as a  3 x 12 ml set: Light Layering is Olibanum Osmanthus, Tubéreuse, Sacra or Dark Layering Olibanum Osmanthus, Oud, Tubereuse.

Available in the EU https://www.olibanum.com/products/

Draw closes 7/23/2024

Please read Nicoleta’s review of Neroli and her 3 you should be wearing Olibanum Sacra, Vanille, Iris.

You can read Michelyn’s interview with Gerald Ghislain here

Follow us on Instagram: @cafleurebonofficial @olibanum.parfum @celine.perdriel.perfumer @wearescentient

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We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like ÇaFleureBon and use our blog feed… or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.  Like our Facebook page: ÇaFleureBon and use our blog feed for new updates and articles

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  • phuongmtran says:

    I would love to try the Light Layering Combination set. Each of the perfumes on their own sound beautiful, and I can imagine the level of complexity and depth you can achieve by layering them. I need to try the tip of layering over different parts of the body, as opposed to on top of each other. I am in the USA.

  • ViktoriiaSw says:

    J’s detailed reviews and layering suggestions for Olibanum perfumes really highlight the unique characteristics and interplay of each scent. The way Olibanum Osmanthus combines apricot florals with cool incense and musky undertones, creating a chiaroscuro effect, sounds particularly intriguing. The layering of Osmanthus with Sacra and Tubéreuse to achieve a light, summery floral incense perfume is fascinating—combining playful, fruity facets with cool resins and florals to create an elegant and multifaceted fragrance experience. Additionally, the dark layering of Osmanthus, Oud, and Tubéreuse, resulting in a seductive and mysterious scent with rich balsamic smoke and fleshy florals, truly sparks my curiosity. It’s impressive how J describes the transition from light to dark nuances, making me eager to experience the evolution of these scents firsthand.

    I would go for Light Layering set.

    I am from the EU.

  • I would love trying out the dark layering Combination set. fresh rubbery leatheriness sounds absolutely fascinating. I live in Trzebnica, Poland, EU.

  • absurd nose says:

    I’m so in love with this concept and I’ve been so curious about this brand since I heard of them. Frankincense is so versatile in itself – I’d love to see where you can find its gorgeous characteristics with all of these pairings. I love the individual reviews as well as the combo of Light & Dark. It’s so nice to not have to choose one but to try them all and create a custom blend. Thanks for the giveaway! If picked I would likely choose the Light Layering set because that Sacra sounds so killer. Thanks all!

  • Wow! I loved reading this review and the description of the scents. Being able to layer scents that are grounded by olibanum sounds like becoming a sort of witch making portions in an apothecary. I enjoyed J’s recounting of other ways to utilize/enjoy olibanum.
    If chosen, I would prefer the Light Layering – Olibanum Osmanthus, Tubéreuse, and Sacra.

    I am in the U.S.

  • Ok, this sounds like exactly what I would love to do – experiment with layering exceptionally well done notes! The Light Layering particularly appeals to me. The light and playful feel of the Tubereuse (“new love with a hint of lust”) and the apricot, woody hints in the Osmanthus really sound delightful. And Sacra seems to meet all the longing for resins and trees. Yes, I think such a trio would bring much joy. Thank you for this generous draw! I live in NH USA.

  • Eris.can.swatch.kaos says:

    I’m very interested in the seductive side of the Dark Layering combination of scents. As a fan of olibanum myself, this speaks to me on an instinctive level. Loving the visual and visceral aspects of this review, and would love to sniff out these fragrances. I live in Oregon.

  • I would love to try the dark layering set. You had me at “sexy summer goth perfume.” That sounds amazing. I love the contrast of floral, leather, and spices.

  • I would love to try the Dark Layering Set. I have tried Olibanum Sacra, and like J said, it’s a wonderful standalone fragrance, but would work wonders as a layering tool. I love the sound of both the Tubereuse and Oud variations, all with that wonderfully cool Olibanum CO2 core running through them. I’m especially curious about Oud because J said it comes across as a darker version of Sacra, and the sound of its smokiness alongside the fleshy tuberose makes my heart flutter. Best of luck to all. I live in NC, USA.

  • chrisskins says:

    Looking to lighten the mood (please) and would love to try the light layering combo. I’m a fan of tuberose, apricot reminds me of my mom (❤️) and musk is always a crowd-pleaser. I live in the light in NY.

  • Layering fragrances in general to me is a very new concept which I might have to start experimenting with what I’ve got so far. J’s overall descriptions of each perfume was beautifully done, especially so for each of the layerings. The light layering sounds both playful yet sophisticated and can definitely see it as somewhat versatile in it’s wearability. Dark layering on the other hand seems more intense in its expression with “sexy summer Goth” describing it perfectly seeing the notes I’m seeing. Very unique concept that I will for sure be delving more into.
    In USA.
    If I were to win, I would pick light layering.

  • Based on J’s reviews, I’d go for Dark Layering with Olibanum Osmanthus, Oud & Tubereuse – as he says “a sexy summer Goth perfume”.

    This is what I like about each of them:
    Osmanthus – a delicious perfume with some of its softer suede facets wrapping around you as it fades into a soft musky floral haze.
    Tubéreuse – deliciously creamy with its gentle spices humming with desire, its stunning seductive, the kind of plumpness you want to taste as it gently purrs in an almost animalic way.
    Oud – a suave and elegant musk cool haze that’s rather delicious to wear,

    Hugs from EU.

  • AromaDulce73 says:

    I’ve been noticing more people on layering fragrances lately, myself included. Also noticing perfumers creating fragrances intended for layering.

    I love the option of being able to layer these or simply just wear them as a stand alone fragrance. I think for my taste I would prefer the dark layering for my collection.

    Los Angeles Ca. USA

  • What an interesting idea of layering these, and maybe not even on same parts of the body. I loved the article and would love to try the dark layering! Living in the EU

  • All of this sounds ds so meditative, grounding, soothing and lovely. What a difficult choice but I think I will lean into Light as my pick if I were to win these gems. I especially love the idea of Osthmanthus with frankincense. I am in California. Thank you for the chance to win.

  • olgAPOISON says:

    I love the Dark Layering combo. Sweetnes of osmanthus, tuberouse is great animalic or flowery and Oud and rose is a winner combo. Excited to play with them. Im from eu.

  • I’m also an incense fan and the dark layering set sounds amazing. I also was very happy to see the suggestion to try layering as single notes on different parts of the body instead of one over the other. I have had little success layering fragrances over one another, but never thought to do it this alternate way! I’m definitely going to be trying that. My choice would be the Osmanthus, Oud and Tubereuse Dark Layering set. I live in the US.

  • AleksCipri says:

    I love incense and resins, and this brand was always high on my radar, but I didn’t;t get a chance to sample it yet. I love Osmanthus with its apricot facets and I like that in Olibanum Osmanthus perfumer also included suede accord. On the other hand Tuberose is another favorite floral. Finally Olibanum Sacra sounds amazing because of its fir, pine and mountain air combination with incense. Since these sounds better to me I would love to vin the Light Layering combo. Cheers from Illinois, US.

  • cynthmarie says:

    I’m in an incense summer state of mind and would choose the Dark Layering with Olibanum Osmanthus, Oud, Tubereuse. I’ve tried serveal of their scents, but not these and would be thrilled to have a set curated by J. The deacriptions here are captivating! In US

  • I love the idea of layering fragrances. It’s the perfect way to be creative and figure out your bespoke scent. The main notes of osmanthus, tuberose and musks or oud seem to lend themselves to so many possibilities. I’m drawn to the dark layering combination set because I appreciate the concept of smoky resins supporting the lush fruit and floral notes. MD, USA.

  • I am positively drooling over all of these! Olibanum Iris has been on my radar since Nicoleta’s review, but Tubéreuse,and Osmanthus sound just as amazing. J made them sound so sensual, with the voluptuous creaminess of the tuberose and the dark sweetness of the osmanthus. I would love the chance to try these! If lucky enough to win, I would pick the Light Layering set, as J’s description of Sacra as “fresh mountain air” really appeals to me. I’m in MN, USA.

  • David Furman says:

    I am interested in the dark collection. This concept is somewhat different, having scents that are standalones but also can intertwine and become something new. Something original that puts the power in the users hands. Oud is one of my favorite aromatics and it’s good to see people’s unique takes and blends that harmonize with liquid gold. From Jacksonville, NC.

  • I found this review incredibly detailed and evocative, especially the descriptions of the scent profiles. The combination of Olibanum Osmanthus, Tubéreuse, and Oud in the Dark Layering set sounds intriguing. I am particularly drawn to the notes of apricot florals mixed with cool incense and musky undertones. This mix, described as creating a chiaroscuro effect, captures my imagination. I can’t wait to experience the seductive, mysterious quality of this dark trio firsthand. Thank you for the chance to enter this giveaway! as i have mentionned i’m really intrigued by the Dark Layering so it would be my choice.
    Thanks I am from France (EU)

  • I found this review incredibly detailed and evocative, especially the descriptions of the scent profiles. The combination of Olibanum Osmanthus, Tubéreuse, and Oud in the Dark Layering set sounds intriguing. I am particularly drawn to the notes of apricot florals mixed with cool incense and musky undertones. This mix, described as creating a chiaroscuro effect, captures my imagination. I can’t wait to experience the seductive, mysterious quality of this dark trio firsthand. Thank you for the chance to enter this giveaway! as i have mentionned i’m really intrigued by the Dark Layering so it would be my choice : Oud, tubereuse and osmanthus
    Thanks I am from France (EU)

  • As a fellow incense-lover (it was my gateway into the fragrance world!), Olibanum’s approach to constructing scents by bridging everything with a common olibanum CO2 extract really appeals to me. I think J’s layering approach of applying each fragrance on a different part of the body, rather than directly on top of each other is a great idea! That way, the perfumes also work more like fine incense, which carries different notes over the course of a listening session.
    As for the individual fragrances, I’m most drawn to Oud and Sacra, of course! I would love to try Olibanum’s take on fragrances with these two ingredients. That said – having to pick between the two, I think the intrigue of the Dark Layering set wins out.
    Best wishes from the US!

  • roxhas1cat says:

    That bubblegum in the Tuberose in the dark set is so intriguing. These independently seem to be like stand alone fragrances. This seems like a lot of fun to play with. I’d love to win the light set, those cool resins have my attention. That Sacra could really take a person on a hike in the forest!! USA.

  • Max Corvinus says:

    I would like to try the Dark layering since it is much more matching with my aesthetic. Oud in particular rocked my word. The review drew me in very much since I’m a massive fan of the oud-rose-frankincense combo and burn bakhoor on the daily. Sacra is also interesting, earthy and mysterious.

    As a superfan of frankincense resin, I would like to smell what Olibanum parfums have to offer. In fact. Oud sounds very similar to Simone Andreoli’s Camouflage – one of my all time favourites. Dark elegance and refinement – that’s my olfactory signature.

    The article is laden with powerful and captivating imagery & I cannot stress enough how impressed I am as a fellow writer. Beautiful prose, Michelyn.

    I would like to win Oud by Olibanum parfums.
    I live in Croatia (EU)

  • I love J’s proposition of layering perfumes on different parts of the body, this opens up soo many possibilities! And it’s great that they propose two curated layering colllections, as layering has always been a bit scarry for me. I would choose the dark variation: Olibanum Osmanthus, Tuberose and Oud.
    I’m in eu

  • I’m excited to enter this giveaway! Based on J’s insightful reviews, I’m particularly intrigued by the Olibanum Tubéreuse, Olibanum Osmanthus, and Olibanum Oud perfumes. The descriptions of the seductive florals of Tubéreuse, the cool peachy sweetness of Osmanthus, and the rich, dark smokiness of Oud have truly captured my imagination. I can almost picture myself enveloped in these complex, mysterious scents, enjoying the interplay of florals and resins throughout the day.

    I live in Nashville, TN, USA, and would love to experience the Dark Layering set of Olibanum Osmanthus, Tubéreuse, and Oud. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

  • peppermoon says:

    I had the pleasure of smelling Osmanthus recently and I would really love to add that one to my collection! I’d love to have an osmanthus single note to layer with anything and everything. I like how this review describes each scent, it does give me a good idea of what each one would smell like.

    I’m in the US, and I would choose the Light Layering pack so that I could try their take on their namesake incense. Thank you

  • wallygator88 says:

    Thanks for the lovely writeup!

    I enjoyed first learning about this brand through CFB. I have always loved frankinsence. Gérald Ghislain is well known for his work with Histoire de Parfums and this is an exciting venture.

    I love the layering combos that J came up with. For some reason, I have never thought of layering as wearing different perfumes on different spots and I really like that concept. There is a lot of truth to the fact that it helps that all of these scents have a common note runnnig throught them.

    I would love the Dark Layering Set of Osmanthus Oud and Tuberose.

    Cheers from WI, USA

  • foreverscents says:

    I am like J in that I love to burn frankincense resin. I enjoyed reading J’s experience layering the fragrances. I am especially intrigued with Olibanum Osmanthus. I can definitely see how its apricot leatheriness could go either light or dark. I love tuberose–and the Tubéreuse fragrance that contains ylang ylang sounds so voluptuous. Finally, Olibanum Oud sounds smokey and deep. I would definitely love to try the Dark Layering set. It must be a rich and gothic combination.
    I live in the USA.