What Will They Waft? (aka Michelyn Marries Didier) + “The French Connection” Draw



The question begs: what will they waft?

 When Madame Michelyn murmurs “ I DO “ in front of the Divine and family, and forms the French Connection?

When Monsieur Didier –Le-Capable whispers “oui” devant le bon Dieu et tout le monde …hmmm?

 I’ll get to that presently…

I’ve so many musical musings swirling about these two intended…



If a gent wants to hit the sweet spot, this is upbeat and absolutely true; without being too saccharine or smushy:

And how shall Mme. M. serenade her Chevalier?

I LOVE this one for her! :

And ensemble, perhaps this celebration of life, just as it is:



You’ve been a fool and so have I

But come and be my wife.

And let us try before we die

To make some sense of life.

We’re neither pure, nor wise, nor good

We’ll do the best we know.

We’ll build our house and chop our wood

And make our garden grow…

And make our garden grow.



I thought the world was sugar cake

For so our master said.

But now I’ll teach my hands to bake

Our loaf of daily bread.



Let dreamers dream what worlds they please

Those Edens can’t be found.

The sweetest flowers, the fairest trees

Are grown in solid ground.

We’re neither pure, nor wise, nor good

We’ll do the best we know.

We’ll build our house and chop our wood

And make our garden grow…

And make our garden grow.


[OK- now I am officially, thoroughly verklempt !]

Wafting- yes, wafting…



La novia craves orange blossom, does she not?



Robert Piguet provides a luscious floral gourmand in which this note is imbedded, fit for such an occasion- surely a woman who loves travel to parts unknown will require this, too.

Y el novio ?


He’s a leather man; although he’s Parisian, he has Burgundian tastes 😉

Remember Dawndear– and Didier’s devotion to cuisine, and you’ve got the picture!

Nothing like food+ leather, my dears.

Come on, folks..

It’s not rocket science-

It’s perfume!



Sweet Joe Garces and Dawndear will provide the bride and groom’s choices to a fortunate winner…

Happiness shared is happiness doubled!

[BTW : I chose the paintings of Marc Chagall because they sang to me and simply felt so right for Michelyn and Didier]



All of us here at CaFleureBon ask you to join us in wishing these two lovebirds tante belle cose

Many beautiful things [aka – all the best !] .

To win leave a comment leaving well wishes for the newlyweds and guess which Robert Piguet Michelyn is wearing and for Didier which scent from  DSH Perfumes. (Click on their banners on our  site). It is so easy mes cheris. I  provided plenty of clues. "it is perfume not rocket science"  Guess wrong its ok, but your vote counts twice if you guess  right. 

There  will be two winners and it's "readers choice" of  the actual fragrance they waft. ( Please specify if you want the DSH or the Piguet)

The draw will close on June 16, 2011  10pm EST

-Ida Meister, Senior Editor and Friend

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  • First of all congratulations to the love birds on their nuptials. I think that Michelyn will be wafting RP Visa….Mysterious and addictive, this gourmand oriental is a spellbinding combination of lush white vineyard peach, pear, bergamot, ylang, rose and orange flower mingled with rich patchouli, sandalwood, vetiver, vanilla beans and a gourmand leathery accord.

    Since i really do not know much about Didier only that he has a sexy french accent i will pair him with DSH Dirty Rose or the new Medici from the Italian Splendor collection……leaning more towards the Dirty Rose.

    Good luck to both and enjoy each other.

  • And the again, maybe he will be wearing Cuir et Champignon……so many great DSH choices for Didier.

  • I wish them both the best!! May there be a lifetime of bliss ahead!

    I don’t need to be in the draw – haven’t found a Piguet that works yet and I have no idea what Didier might be wearing.

  • Right on both counts, Claudia, je crois… Visa and Cuirass et Champignon.
    Best wishes for a lifetime of happiness together!

  • ElizabethN says:

    Hmmm, I don’t know RP, but others seem to, so how about Visa? DSH, on the other hand, I have a passion for, even if I’ve only tried a few. I will guess that Didier wore DSH Le Roi Soleil. Crossing my fingers!

  • :)))))))))))))) 😀

    Happiness!! Centuries of happiness and blessed love for Mr. and Mrs. Cholay! It melts my heart with the love I feel for you two! I shower you with blessings, loves. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  • I will guess the Douglas Hannant for Michelyn , as it is an orange blossom and tuberose scent, emphasis on orange blossom!

    for Didier, there are so very many DSH scents from which to choose – how can I figure out which one? I will guess my own favorite DSH gourmand, Mahjoun, because I want it too! 🙂

  • Michelyn will wear Visa and for Didier, Cuir et Champignon (although Claudia’s suggestion of “Dirty Rose” is an excellent one too!)

    Much happiness to the lovely couple!

  • Much much love, tolerance, patience and happiness to the just married! Of course – she – Visa, he – Cuir. I would prefer to get Visa, if I win. Thanks!

  • Dear Michelyn,
    It should be a greatest day as it will begin the whole lot of happy days of marriage! Love and happiness, peace and understanding – to you both!

    actually Visa Robert Piguet and Cuir et Champignons DSH are so easy to get 🙂 I`d prefer DSH as I`m on the masculine side and DSH perfumes are too rare here…

  • Dear Michelyn and Didier, I wish you all the best. Enjoy perfumes you’ll wear, enjoy each other, enjoy your life together.

    (I do not want to enter into the draw this time)

  • Olala, congratualations and a tons of happines to both of you.
    Well I guess Michalyn will wear Visa and Didier Cuier et Champignons.

  • I’m going to guess before I read everyone else’s comments…and many happy years together you two lovebirds !!

    For the bride , Robert Piguet Baghari , my personal favorite ( esp in parfum )
    and for the groom , Cuir et Champignon , Bon Apetit !

  • Queen Cupcake says:

    I think Michelyn will wear Robert Piguet Visa and Didier will wear DSH Cuir et Champignon. I send congratulations and best wishes to them for a wonderful day and a beautiful future together.

  • Piguet’s Visa for the beautiful Michelyn…embarrassed to say I do not know DSH’s creations well at all so I can’t even begin to guess what the handsome groom wore…

    Voeux pour une vie de bonheur pour vous! xo

  • lovethescents says:

    Congratulations to you both and wishing you a lifetime of happiness and laughter.

  • I hope the happy couple have a wonderful life together. Health and happiness always . It’s fabulous to find the one you love and even more when the love is shared:)
    As for my guesses I think that Dider will be wearing The groom from DSH. And this is a long shot guess but will Michelyn be wearing Bandit.
    Either way I wish the best for them always and know we sure do know the best smelling couple in NYC:)
    Marriage is the embodiment of having your cake and eating it too.

  • RusticDove says:

    Congratulations to the happy couple and best wishes for a strong, happy union and a lifetime of love. My guess for M based on clues provided is RP’s gourmand oriental Visa. My guess for D is DSH’s leather + mushroom Cuir et Champignon. I’d also like to say that the Chagall artwork chosen is perfection. [If I’m lucky enough to win, I would love the prize to be Visa, if that is indeed the correct answer.] Mazel Tov to Michelyn & Didier!

  • I wish you a life of health and happiness and all of the joy a loving union has to offer! Marriage is many days and nights enrobed in love and affection.
    I am late in this but only due to the fact that my iphone would not upload my original comments.
    Anyhow, I thought that there may have been a dedication of fragrence to show how commited they are to one another. I have a vivid imagination.
    Perhaps Michelyn, wore Bandit to show her adoration and affection to her love Didier. Bandit, has the leather notes he enjoys.
    And the groom Mr. Didier, I imagine DSH The Groom! Its all in the name and it claims to be remarkable yet will not interfere with the scent of the bride. That is very romantic.

  • Best wishes to both! I hope that they are very happy together. I think M is wearing Visa and D Cuir et Champignon. I would pick the lovely Visa 🙂

  • Congratulations to Michelyn and Didier.
    I wish you a lifetime of Joy.
    The best is yet to come!

  • To Michelyn & Didier,

    Congratulations to you!

    May your marriage be blessed with goodness, respect and kindness towards each other.

  • Congratulations and all my best wishes for a life of love and creative collaboration. I’m terrible at guessing games, but I see several have chosen Visa for Michelyn, and I have some vintage Visa, I’ll go with that. It’s gorgeous. And dawndear’s CeC seems right for Didier, all leather and sexy.

  • Best wishes for a wonderful life together! Many blessings to you both!

    I say the couple will be wearing Visa (for her) and Cuir (for him). Thanks for the chance! I’d love to try the Visa. 🙂

  • Many congratulations and all the best wishes for your future together as man and wife.
    I hope you’ve enjoyed a wonderful celebration, and that we lucky readers might get a pic or two of the happy occasion.

    (I don’t need to be entered :-))

  • On behalf of Didier and me thank you all for your best wishes.
    Dear Ida who created such a poetic multi sensorial ode to our marriage as rich as a wedding feast!
    To our readers,friends and colleagues
    it is truly heart warming that you care so much for us and for our happiness as husband and wife.
    Today we spend together… no blog, no Facebook…but you are all in our thoughts.

    Didier and Michelyn Cholay

  • Matildaben says:

    Before I even saw the comments, I was going to guess Visa for her. I have just recently discovered it, in the modern formulation, and even though I dislike the mainstream fruity floral, this one stands out and made me a friend of fruitiness. Also, as a traveler, I appreciate the tag line that it is for the woman who travels the world but never gets lost in the crowd. I would love to be entered in the draw!

    And best wishes to the happy couple!

  • congratulations to both of you, michelyn and didier.
    may you enjoy one another
    may you make a home each in the other
    and may you be happy!


    as for the perfume:
    i see michlyn in visa (as everyone else does, but not for the orange blossom so much, but for the kinship with prada/ micallef mon parfum.)
    and didier — well, following ida’s hints it’s *got* to be cec.

  • I wish much happiness to Michelyn and Didier, and a long life together filled with fragrance!

    My guesses are also Visa for Michelyn, and Cuir et Champignon for Didier, they just seem so right.

    Please enter me in the drawing, I am interested in the Piguet if I win.

  • Heartfelt hugs and congratulations to Michelyn and Didier!! Whatever you wear will be RIGHT. 🙂

  • What a lovely ode to a bride and her groom! Beautifully done, Ida, as usual. A house full of blessings to Michelyn and Didier, may your fragrances unite to make a radiant perfume….

  • Michelyn and Didier – wishing you all happiness now and forevermore! Congratulations on your wedding.

    As to the draw, I will be traveling and unavailable to check if I win, so please eliminate me…but I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to toast the happy couple. Cheers!!!

  • chayaruchama says:

    I think you know how I feel, my friends.
    I wanted to wish you well on the behalf of all….

    Many, many years of joy.

  • Michelyn and Didier,
    may you have a long and bright way ahead! May the love lead you and never leave you!
    I guessed Fracas for Michelyn at first, but then I changed my mind upon the gourmand notes – Visa sounds better! I really hesitate about the groom’s choice – either Cuir et Champignon or Le Roi Soleil…If there’s any luck for me, I would prefer a DSH fragrance!

  • I wish them lots of luck, happiness and love to last a lifetime. Make the best of it and enjoy very moment.

    Michelyn’s choice has to be Visa as I don’t find any other R Piguet that could fit the description: luscious floral gourmand.
    DSH has couple of lovely leather fragrances but the only foody one is Cuir et Champignon.

    Even if I am wrong I would still love Michelyn’s pick. 😉

  • mariotgomez says:

    Congratulations to the newlyweds!

    Both wore from the house of Robert Piguet.

    Michelyn wore Douglas Hannant.

    Didier wore Bandit, since he stole her heart away.

  • All the best to the wonderful newlyweds… Congratulations! It sounds (smells!) like Michelyn is wearing Visa and Didier is wearing Cuir et Champignon… If I win, I would love to receive a bottle of Piguet’s Fracas! Merci! : )

  • Wish you both a good new life. Congratulation. Hope you both happy together 🙂
    Michelyn wear Robert Pique Visa
    DIdier wear Cuir et Champignon by DSH Perfumes (i’d like this if i win)

  • JAntoinette says:

    How exciting! My heartfelt congratulations to the happy couple! Michelyn and Dider, I hope the big day is only the first of many, many happy ones.

  • Congratulations to Michelyn and Didier! My best wishes for happy years of married life filled with love, shared pleasures and interests, fragrant hugs and brilliant memories!

    I am guessing a Visa for the bride (Ida, that was so clever — yes, a woman who travels to the parts unknown sure needs that!). I would love to try it myself, sounds pretty amazing.

    And for the groom with Burgundian tastes who loves leather, I am guessing Cuir et Champignon.

  • Congratulations to Michelyn and Didier! Many happy years together and great bonding.

    I will not guess the scents..I feel they have already been written by someone earlier.
