Notes From the Lab: COVID-19 Aromatherapy Scent Rituals+ Five Ways to Keep Calm Draw


Sherri Sebastian in work mode creating scent and apothecary products

Sherri Sebastian in work mode

If there’s any silver lining to be had in these unprecedented & unpredictable times, it could be that we begin to indulge our underutilized senses to bring a much-needed sense of peace and calm to our daily lives.  Instead of listening (to the news) and seeing (the news) non-stop, I’m proposing that we use scent and aroma to calm our nerves and invite a desired mood into our daily lives.

Lavender for aromatherapy

Lavender and bee by Elise Pearlstine©

Instead of the typical aromatherapy suggestions to use lavender scent for calming and peppermint to invigorate, I propose we utilize what we already have in our homes to curate the mood and style we desire.  Besides conserving resources, we can gain a better awareness of how the little things—the feel of our sheets in the morning, the scent of the air outside, and the taste of perfectly spiced food—affect our moods.

As a perfumer I’ve been doing this for years—carefully choosing which shampoo to use lest it steer my desired mood in the wrong direction, and paying particular attention to my dish soap, hand soap, and any soap I use to avoid the dreaded clashing of scent.  I actually thought this was “normal,” but later realized most people don’t spend too much time making sure their conditioner doesn’t clash with the laundry detergent scent on the shirt they’re wearing that day.

If anything good can come of what we’re experiencing, let’s hope that it’s learning new ways to engage with the world around us in a truly mindful manner. Not in the marketing sense “buy this because it’s the newest trend” kind of way, but in the true sense of the word – focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, especially as part of a therapeutic or meditative technique.


Below I outline five ways to engage scent in the 5 W’s of Rituals of our daily lives today.  I’d like to invite you to create your own rituals based on these guidelines:


Waking scent rituals tumeric and honey

 Have you ever noticed how much your mood in the morning can affect your whole day?  Life can be hard and sometimes taking a few extra moments as soon as you wake up can go a long way in setting the tone.  Take a moment to feel the texture of your sheets, the comfort of your favorite blanket. Savor the taste of your favorite morning beverage (in bed preferably), and make a mental note of how you feel nurtured and comfortable.  Lately I’ve been adding turmeric and honey to my usual morning coffee with goat milk. It costs me nothing to go to my cupboard and pull out a few spices, but the feeling I have when savoring this delicious treat each morning is priceless.

 walking during COVID-19 what is safe

The scent of nature on Sherri’s walks


We’re being told to take walks and get some fresh air, keeping with the mandates of social distancing of course.  If you live in a big city you might notice something wonderfully different about the scent of the air these days.  Here in Los Angeles we’re experiencing uncharacteristically fresh air without cars on the streets and it’s incredible! The uninterrupted scent of orange blossoms and pink jasmine wafting through the streets now is a huge mood booster! If you already live somewhere with clean air, take extra notice of the botanicals you pass by, how they scent the air, and how they make you feel.  You might be surprised to find that even a seemingly non-aromatic hedge or tree changes the air quality, if only for a fleeting moment.  Use those moments to bring a sense of calmness into your day, knowing this exists now and will continue to exist in the future.


 Over the years I’ve written thousands of formulations for hair and body care products.  Shampoo and conditioner scents are my specialty and personal favorites when it comes to using scent in my daily life. Think – how many times in a day do you experience a nuance of the tenacious scent from your shampoo?  Same goes for every scented product that you use to wash your hands, body, hair, or clothes.  They are designed to elicit a feeling when you use them and beyond, so why not choose wisely?

Take a look at what you currently use and notice if you detect any scent themes.

Do you tend towards rich creamy scents, fresh green notes, or classic “types” like Dial soap or Tide laundry detergent?  Better yet, why not pull out all of your products and create your own “curated collections.”  There are no rules, so have fun!

provision scents Purify natural deodorant


Right now most of our work is greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Whether you’re working at home or overtime in a hospital, we can all rely on the scent of our deodorant or antiperspirant as a reminder to “bring the calm.”  Like shampoo, being mindful of how your deodorant scent makes you feel is so important since you will no doubt be smelling it throughout the day. I’ve personally been obsessed with deodorant scents since I was a teen, wearing them to bed and having a collection to match with my shampoo scent!  It should come as no surprise then, that I developed what I consider to be the ultimate deodorant for my own line of body care. Purify natural deodorant is fresh and clean, with a nod to classic fougere compositions containing oakmoss.

Lightly mist your pillow with scent before going to sleep

Winding Down

Restful sleep is more important now than ever since we depend upon it to reset our nervous system each night. With nighttime aromas, it’s important to focus on what allows you to fully relax. Taking a bath or drinking a cup of herbal tea is nice, but don’t forget to consider the laundry detergent used on your linens, your face soap, your toothpaste, or any other scents you come in contact with before bed—do they calm or excite you?  Now is the time when less is more so choose wisely.

Rosemary flower by Elise©

If you prefer to go scent-free, you might want to use unscented laundry detergent, open your window and put a few sprigs of your favorite garden herb in a glass next to your bed. I’m particular to going scent-free and choosing only one scent to experience. For me it’s either a candle or room & linen spray.

Sherri Sebastian of Provision Scents meditating

Sherri doing yoga

Here’s my personal scent curation:

Waking: coffee with turmeric, honey, and goat milk.

Walking: pink jasmine and rosemary

Washing: Kevin Murphy Plumping Wash and Rinse shampoo and conditioner, Dial hand soap, Tone bar soap, Tide Free & Gentle laundry detergent

Working: Since my job is to create and evaluate scents I go scent-free when I work

Winding down: Marc Antoine  Barrois No 6 candle, Provision Dream Extract Room & Linen spray

I hope these suggestions will be helpful as you navigate the new normal we’re all experiencing. I wish you and your loved ones many healthy and peaceful days ahead.

Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor

All Art by Sherri Sebastian and Editor Elise Pearlstine of Tambela

Sherri Sebastian is an independent perfumer and founder of an independent beauty brand, Provision Scents.  She’s based in Los Angeles and is the Vice President of the American Society of Perfumers ( is available online and in stores nationwide

Provision Scents Sherry Sebastian scent and apothecary products

Provision Scents line of perfume and apothecary products

For Cafleurebon readers in the USA Sherry is offering us a gift of her entire range of scent and apothecary products site wide at a discount off 25 % the regular retail price through April 12, 2020 (ends 11:59 PM PST). Enter NOTESCFB at checkout to receive 25% while supplies last.

Thanks to Provision Scents and perfumer Sherri Sebastian there is a draw for THREE registered readers for her bestselling Purify deodorant (featured on for three registered CafleureBon readers  (if you are not sure if you are registered click here (you must register on our site or your entry will be invalid). To be eligible please leave a comment with what you enjoyed or learned from Sherri’s Five Ways to Wind down and engage scent article.  What do you do? Draw closes 4/1/2020

Please like The Series on Facebook here and your comment will count twice

You can follow us @cafleurebon @provisionscents on Instagram.

This is our Privacy and Draw Rules Policy

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like ÇaFleureBon and use our blog feed … or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

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  • I’ve enjoyed your article because it prompted me to put some conscious thought into why I’m choosing the scents I am choosing for my home and self-care.

    Lately I have been gravitating toward mint shampoo, or ones with sea based ingredients. Now that I think about it I’m really into ocean scents lately, am using VitaminSea Beauty Sea Kelp w/hyaluronic acid sleep mask, too. My skin feels more dry being cooped up at home lately, and I’ve taken more care to exfoliate as well and am using a scalp scrub found at whole foods called Not Your Mothers bamboo activated charcoal and purple moonstone scalp scrub (it’s unscented I think, you might like it).

    I don’t know why these body care scents are big for me right now, it’s only been the last 6 months I’ve been purposefully gravitating toward them, but they really make me feel fresh, clean and calm.

    I would love to try your deodorant! I’ve been using Degree, and to be honest, I’d welcome something new. If I like it, I would be sure to buy it too. Greetings from California, USA.

  • Camille Sheil says:

    What a delightful day-in-the-life article! I honestly had never thought of matching scents, but then again, had gone relatively scent free for many years. I grew tired of that and have added a few bad, but don’t like strong smelling clothing detergent or handsoaps. I am getting into perfumes more and more so I like to ‘shine’ that way. Btw, our house smells good!

    I love the idea of choosing scents to illicit moods to help facilitate sleep or waking. I will be more mindful this week and see what my habits are! Perhaps I shall see some improvement!

    I appreciate this opportunity! I live in New Hampshire USA!

  • I absolutely adore Provision Purify deodorant and all of Sherri’s body and sleep products ( and of course her perfumes)! Sherri Sebastian is an expert perfumer and aromatherapist and I trust her formulations to smell fantastic and do what they are designed to do. Do not enter me in this draw as I already have a small stash of Purify on hand – and I just took advantage of the great coupon offered above to buy more Dream Extract. Thank you Sherri for the article. Your writing is helping me to stay focused and live in the moment.

  • This sounds very interesting and i have great things about Sherri’s products. Unfortunately hard to get here in the EU, but would love to try!! Living in the EU

  • I like the idea of using specific scents and associate them with specific phases of the day. In a time like this structure would be most welcome and I think an olfactory sense would help with that. USA

  • I havve considered the mixing and matching of scents in my products, but not in this thorough manner. Very interesting. And I wish I lived somewhere with orange blossoms and pink jasmine. Right now here in my corner of Kansas, the air mostly just smells clean with the occasional pleasant yeasty scent from a nearby brewery. Soon we will have blooming lilacs, and then mimosa and honeysuckle.
    I am working from home while University of Kansas campus is closed for the rest of the semester.

  • I really liked Sherri Sebastian’s article. With all the negative news around the world (unfortunately true) one can get overly stressed out and depress one’s immune system even more, panic, and get angry and/or worried, that don’t solve the real problems, but may worsen them. A sort of warrior mentality, a zen calm is required, or as Sherri says “learning new ways to engage with the world around us in a truly mindful manner. … focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, especially as part of a therapeutic or meditative technique.”

    There are some positives coming out of this crisis, as there always are from any crisis. The hyper-craziness of commercialization is less, the traffic is much lighter, the smog and air pollution is less, flu rates have actually gone down, as people pay more attention to hygiene and “physical distancing” (I prefer “physical” to “social” distancing). People are more here and now, more present, though that can lead some people to panic, as the usual distractions are less. By reminding us that being present to small things, one can be more free and fearless, Sherri has done a great job (that is the way I understood this piece).

    Thank you for the article, Sherri, and Cafleurebon for keeping a positive approach during these dark times, and continuing to bring the work of niche, new perfumery artists to light.

    Appreciate also the drawing. I have liked The Series on Facebook for an extra count 🙂 Writing from USA.

  • I loved this article, as I have 5 little girls, so on top of this pandemic I am also trying to find calm and stay safe! I have found my elliptical machine on my back deck and hot showers to work wonders! As well as reading as many books as possible! Baby belly kisses and bubble baths! Thanks for this! I’m in florida USA

  • I loved this article, as I have 5 little girls, so on top of this pandemic I am also trying to find calm and stay safe! I have found my elliptical machine on my back deck and hot showers to work wonders! As well as reading as many books as possible! Baby belly kisses and bubble baths! Thanks for this! I’m in florida USA

  • what a lovely article, i’m trying to be more mindful in my life, and some of these steps would help me here too. I love lavender to relax, and most anytime during the day. i’m also looking for a better deodorant, and what better time to try than when i’m at home all day. i do try to select a perfume that suits the weather and my mood, and during seattle winters, i prefer cozy, spicy scents to protect myself from the gray, wet days.

  • nice! bottles. i loved the article as it reminded me why i chose certain products (unscented or not) as i want to smell the fragrance i’m wearing, which i too match to my activity. thank you for the draw

  • chrisskins says:

    It was fun to read that I’m not the only one matching the scents of everyday products to activity or mood. Right now I’m powering through an orange/clove dishwashing liquid that I don’t like but don’t feel right about wasting, especially now. I also have an array of deodorants to match the day. A bit extreme but this is who we are! I live in NY.

  • Great post. I hadn’t thought about shampoo fragrance and my mood.
    What I liked most? The addition of spices to coffee. I think I’ll try the turmeric and see if I like it as well. Cinnamon is a nice treat but I don’t usually do it. (TX)
    Again, great post and quite encouraging.

  • I learned that I am doing it basically right by using myself aromatherapy and perfumes now 🙂 And gained some valuable ideas for that, thanks! 🙂

    Living in Germany, EU

  • I love turmeric in the morning too. I often sprinkle it into scrambled eggs, and I have a favorite ginger & turmeric tea blend I drink often.

    And pink jasmine! It’s my favorite smell this time of year. I have a little bouquet here on my desk, picked from the vine that grows up a trellis in my front garden.

    When I walk or bike in my neighborhood I always take time to smell the pink jasmine. I run my hands over the buses of rosemary and lavender that grow as big as hedges here.

    My mother has a tangerine tree in her garden. When she gives me the fruit, I enjoy peeling it slowly and smelling the oils that burst from the skin.

    I am also careful with the scent of soaps I use to wash my hands. I recently ran out of my favorite citrus dishsoap from Trader Joe’s and used a bottle of the blue stuff for a few days. The strong smell of that blue dishsoap clung to my hands, it was very distracting.

    At bedtime I love to indulge in Roger et Gallet Lavande Royale cologne. I spray it on my arms and pillows. It’s a lovely way to fall asleep. Thank you to Sherri and CaFleureBon to be more mindful and enjoy scent more at this strange time. I am in the US.

  • NiceVULady says:

    I don’t often think in the terms Sherri described, but I liked it and its very thoughtfulness. I haven’t been using scent much these days, but when I do, it becomes a bright experience. Loved the schedule. Thanks for the draw. I’m in the USA