StrangeLove NYC deadofnight Winner

strangelove nyc deadofnight review

 The company began with a single product; one perfume oil was launched in 2014 at Harrods’ Salon de Parfums … StrangeLove NYC deadofnight. Since then four more oud-based scents were added to their collection:  meltmyheart, silencethesea, lostinflowers (which was the favorite of Sr Editor Robert Herrmann, may he RIP), and most recently, fallintostars (reviewed by Editor dana sandu comparing this fragrance to fractals). Each was composed by Christophe Laudamiel. For this CaFleureBon Contributor Video, Editor Sebastian Jara, a longtime fan of the collection reviews Strangelove NYC deadofnight composed by Christophe Laudamiel, an animalic oud that incorporates real oud,  into its composition, as well as a wonderful mix of natural ingredients as well as unusual synthetics such as  paradisone and wolf wood

Thanks to Strangelove NYC we have an incredible international draw for 50 ml of Strangelove NYC deadofnight for one registered CafleureBon reader and Looking Feeling Smelling Great subscriber in the USA, EU, United Kingdom, and The Middle East. The random winner is Dave Spitcaufsky. Please email michelyn at with 50 ml EDP StrangeLove NYC deadofnight as your subject and your complete mailing and phone details by February 19, 2020 6 PM EST. Be sure to use your email from your comment so we know it is you. THIS IS A DEADLINE AND NO EXCEPTIONS OF YOU ARE LATE. A warm thank you to Strangelove NYC  for this wonderful gift in your email to us would be greatly appreciated as we do forward what you write exactly to our generous perfumers, retailers and creative directors. Please use the email from your comment so we know it is you.

We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like Çafleurebon and use our  blog feed…or  your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.


This is our Privacy and Draw Rules Policy

Please note that there may be a slight delay in getting this to you, so allow for 3-5 weeks. When you receive your perfume, please let us know!!!