LUSH Gorilla Perfume Goddess Winner

 LUSH Gorilla Perfume review

LUSH father-and-son perfume team Mark and Simon Constantine have been providing ongoing olfactory food for thought since 1994, truth be told. I have found many of their fragrances intriguing and several of them to be outstanding: the latter is the case with their latest release Goddess, which also happens to be botanical. LUSH Gorilla Perfume Goddess is a prime example of Less Being More – choose exquisite materials, permit them to play amongst themselves – and watch what happens. LUSH Gorilla Perfume Goddess is a real botanical pleasure. I applaud LUSH’s minimalist approach because it’s very easy to tart up a perfume and add a great many elements until you end up with The Kitchen Sink Syndrome: a muddled well-intentioned mess which doesn’t work. Goddess is satisfying, grand and dries down to a sophisticated leathery floral with that deft satiny sheen which a fine sandalwood imparts. ÇaFleureBon will be offering a 30 ml LUSH Gorilla Perfume Goddess for one lucky reader in the USA, EU and Canada only. The random winner is Cherie.  Please email michelyn at cafleurebon dawt com with LUSH Gorilla Perfume Goddess your subject by 5/17/19 5PM EST. This is a deadline and no exceptions if you are late or misspell CaFleureBon. Please use your email from your comment so we know it is you. It would be wonderful to write a thank you to Lush Gorilla Perfume in your email as we do pass them on to the wonderful sponsors of these draws.


Please note that there may be a slight delay in getting this to you, so allow for 2-3 weeks. When you receive your perfume, please let us know!!!

We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like Çafleurebon and use our  blog feed…or  your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.