Rancé 1795 Laetitia Review + Napoleonic Beauty Draw

courtesy of Rancé 1795

The House of Rancé traces its provenance back to the early 1600s – those days of parfumeurs-gantiers, the scenting of gloves for Grasseois aristocracy. François Rancé garnered the favor and patronage of Emperor Napoléon Bonaparte, thus rendering him the most influential perfumer of his time. In 1795 he moved to Paris and dedicated himself solely to the perfumer’s art, composing fragrances for the imperial couple and those beloved among their scented circle. This tradition has endured for over 200 years withstanding time, taste and Alexandre Rancé’s eventual relocation to Milan in the late 1800s. The House of Rancé continues to flourish within its family origins thanks to Jeanne Sandra Rancé and son Jean Maurice Alexandre. While Rancé may not be a household name, it is very familiar to those who’ve been passionate about perfume and history for a good long while; it’s our hope to rekindle curiosity and invite exploration of their exquisitely composed fragrances. Theirs is a tradition of unremitting quality, devotion to innovation (remarkable scientifically-based skincare, the ongoing creation of new perfumes and scented products) while retaining refinement through employment of superb natural materials.

Maria Letizia Ramolino-Madame Mère​ by Francois Pascal Simon Gerard

One benefits from candor. Years ago there were critics (aren’t there always?) who remarked that Rancé fragrances felt dated. Indeed – fashions, tastes vary over the years: quality, however, does not. Excellent design remains excellent despite the passage of time. A thing of beauty IS a joy forever. Perfumer Jeanne Sandra Rancé has labored over traditional family perfumes with an eye towards re-invigoration of classic receipts so that their appeal might be appreciated by a wider audience. Bearing this in mind, Rancé 1795 Laetitia – so named in honor of Napoléon’s formidable mater familias Maria Letizia Ramolino born in Ajaccio, Corsica (home to those world-renowned violets!), a force of nature whose practicality and discipline shaped both her son and his destiny. Napoléon was to opine of his mother admiringly: “She faced everything – the privations and the fatigue. She endured everything. There was a man’s head on her woman’s body.”

Madame Récamier by Jacques-Louis David

Rancé 1795 Laetitia (translated from the Latin as ‘joy’) is a woody floriental perfume of considerable tenacity and delicacy, elegant and eminently wearable. As we have no access to the original fragrance, we can only speak to current formulation – but I’m tickled by its contrast to her namesake’s purported character. This lady was as no-nonsense as it gets by all accounts, and Rancé 1795 Laetitia is deliciously airy, spicy, a pleasure to don. It exists to please: think of it as a duvet perfume which is pillowy and comforting, one which puts us at ease. Worn before sleep, you yield yourself to the arms of Lethe without reservation; it soothes daylong and softens life’s bumps and bruises with aplomb. Did I mention its beauty? Laetitia is undeniably lovely – this she shares with Madame Mère, who was greatly admired for her physical attributes. My suspicion is that the perfumer intended to create something exquisite for her to adore and perhaps to flatter her (much like portraiture which seeks to embellish the patron/subject). And if he did? Wherever is the harm in that? The aromatic legacy which remains is utterly delightful.

Empress Josephine Jacques Louis David

Rancé 1795 Laetitia opens with a citric burst of juice-drenched fruit and flower in varied hues of apricot (if perfume were a color). Nutmeg and cardamom chime in convivially, beckoning us into the realm of spicy/fruity/floral. While I rarely envision magnolia as primarily spicy, I certainly do smell its presence in rose, peony, and wisteria – and they dance attendance here while magnolia’s creaminess lends a fetching rondeur. This is all very Oriental in feeling and only becomes more so as the base notes fold in like cake batter components: patchouli, Tolu balsam and vanilla present as earthy, woody notes adorned with spice. Labdanum’s leathery amber adds weightless depth, which is a feat in itself. I marvel at how easy Laetitia is to wear: it floats, hovering above the flesh like a benevolent chimera. It will revisit you throughout the day in one guise or another and accumulate compliments along the way. If this is old-fashioned, so be it. Personally speaking, it is a pleasure to array oneself in fragrances which are graciously obliging and smell wonderful no matter what the occasion. I don’t think that’s an overstatement.

Notes: bergamot, mandarin, orange blossoms, Bulgarian rose, magnolia, peony, wisteria, nutmeg, cardamom, patchouli, cistus labdanum, Tolu balsam, Réunion vanilla

Many thanks to the folk at Europerfumes for my beautiful tester! Such a delight. My nose is my own…

~ Ida Meister, Senior Editor and Natural Perfumery Editor

Follow us on Instagram @cafleurebon @official_europerfumes @rance1975

Thanks to the largesse of Europerfumes the US distributor, we have one 100 ml bottle of Rancé 1795 Laetitia available for one registered reader in the USA. Please be sure to register. To be eligible please let us know what appeals to you about Ida’s review and your notion of timeless. Draw closes 3/18/2018

We continue to celebrate Women Perfumers like Jeanne Sandra Rancé

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like ÇaFleureBon and use our Blog feed…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

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  • damianachi says:

    I was given a beautiful set of Rance perfumes by a friend many years ago, so I am especially please to see this release. What I liked of Ida's review is the description of how magnolia plays with the other floral notes and the compelling description of what's timeless. To me, timeless is something that is simply yet persistently elegant. I live in the USA (Dallas, TX).

  • fazalcheema says:

    It seems Rancé 1795 Laetitia tries to combine modern and classic perfumery style. It starts off as feminine before reealing masculine side through leathery and earthy notes US.

  • Oh my gosh  this sounds lovely, and I am intrigued by the idea of it floating above the flesh like a benevolent chimera…. What a lovely review for what sounds like a lovely scent. Timeless is something that you will never get tired of, not necessarily classic for everyone, but classic for you! Thank you for the draw and the review  I must find some Rance perfumes to try!  In the us

  • This one sounds amazing. I love the combination of citrus and flowers and the fact it lasts all day long. Timeless to me means something that lasts from generation to generation. A true classic. 

    I live in USA. 

  • " I marvel at how easy Laetitia is to wear: it floats, hovering above the flesh like a benevolent chimera. It will revisit you throughout the day in one guise or another and accumulate compliments along the way." As always, Ida's review paint this amazing picture of this fragrance.  How could you not like this.  For something to be timeless, it must transcent the restrictions and limits of a specific time and usually space. A fragrance is timeless which would be worn now or could have been worn one hundred year ago. Thanks for another stellar review by Ida and thanks for the generous draw.  I'm in the USA  

  • Laetitia sounds lovely. We all could use a comforting scent after a long and tedious day. For me, a timeless fragrance would be just as pleasurable to wear today as it was the day it was made. USA. Thanks for the opportunity! 

  • Although I have never heard of Rance 1795 before Ida review I love classical perfume and the story of Napoléon Ma mere. Laetitcia sounds gorgeous and I love magnolia and tolu. I live in the USA 


  • doveskylark says:

    The idea of a duvet perfume–one that I can spray before sleeping–appaeals to me greatly. I find nutmeg and cardamom to be very peaceful and calmimg notes. I like that Rance sticks to  traditional concepts, but is also not afraid to modernize. 

    Timeless to me is something that lasts despite current fads. I think timeless things are usually beautiful and joyful and have the power to comfort.

    I live in the USA.

  • I always love Ida's writing.  Always beautifully said.  "I marvel at how easy Laetitia is to wear: it floats, hovering above the flesh like a benevolent chimera. "  wow!  I would love to try this one.  Thank you for the chance.  USA

  • Rance 1795 makes such beautiful fragrances! My favorite is triomphe it's a beautiful woody citrus cologne! The heritage of the house is really cool I mean they literally made fragrances for Napoleon what an awesome history! I hope to try more from them in the future. Thank you for the awesome article and giveaway. I am from the USA in AZ  

  • Ida always brings you a lovely picture with words. This review is no exception.  When I think of "timeless" I think of grace, manners and hospitality.  These three things are forever.  In the USA.

  • andalabanda says:

    A "gracious floriental". Ida's review has a tender and warm tone,like a maternal embrace, and this is how I imagine this fragrance to be. It is a fragrance inspired by a woman, but above all by the mother of one of the most impressive historic figures.  It seems like the mother takes first stage. For me, timeless means Mona Lisa's smile, the smell of a newborn and a cotton black dress. 

  • The history of fragrance is what appealed to me in this review . I am fascinated by the cultures and motivations of people. Here we get to see into this brand and the feeling of that time. I also enjoy the ornate and artistic that this period had. It reminds me somewhat of the baroque period  

    I would love to enjoy this special and win this prize . I am a us resident in ms. 

  • What a stirring, well-penned review from Ida. Believe it or not, this fragrance was already on my radar because I'd seen it compared to a favorite – Neonatura Cocoon – but had I not already been aware of it, I would certainly be seeking it out now. Who wouldn't want to try a scent that was "deliciously airy, spicy, a pleasure to don"? I wasn't aware of the history of the house before, but now I'm curious to know and seek out more of their scents. For me, something that is timeless stands 'out of time', without the changeful markings of its era, and appeals to the parts of human nature that have remained essential throughout history. Fashions may change, but beauty is forever! I'm in the USA and would love to own this beautiful fragrance.

  • I love the idea of a perfume that reveals itself "in apricot hues". Old fashioned perfumes don't scare me away! Laetitia, from Ida's description, sounds like it would cloak the wearer in a beautiful and comforting cape of scented notes. And being a history buff, that makes this line of scent all the more appealing. Thanks for the review.USA

  • Ida has a way of making a perfume come alive on paper and she certainly did this with Laetitia! I had the opportunity to try some of the Rance fragrances recently in a small gift shop and they all seemed classic and nicely done. I was in a hurry, so I didn't spend any time with them, but I was impressed by the few that I quickly tried. In perfumery, timeless makes me think of scents that, although they may be representative of an era or style, do so with grace and elegance. They may become or seem vintage, but they don't feel dated. I'm in the US. 

  • Monica Beaton says:

    Beautiful history of the house and review of Laetitia. I've had the pleasure of enjoying a few fragrances from Rance 1795, and have found them beautiful and elegant – true classics. I live in Australia.

  • Cake Batter comparison intrigues me a lot.  Can't help it – I'm Pastry Chef after all. I have to say bottle design looks stunning . If juice is just as good,  the fragrance will be really good. Appreciate the giveaway campaign. East coast USA 


    Magnolia smell differs quite bit, depending on the species 

  • VerbenaLuvvr says:

    I had not heard of this scent before, so thank you for the introduction.  It sounds as if this one hovers over the skin in the manner of Eau d'Hadrien and Choeur des Anges and is similarly appropriate for most occasions.  Also I enjoy the allure of exploring these old European houses and their creations that have stood the test of time.  I need Laetitia for my collection!  US.

  • Those middle floral notes sound so ethereal. I love your description of how it wears – " I marvel at how easy Laetitia is to wear: it floats, hovering above the flesh like a benevolent chimera". 

    I live in the USA.

  • I'm not familiar with this house , but this fragrance does not sound dated. Spicy/fruity/floral i like , the notes too , Ida's review is positive – should be a nice fragrance for the spring.

    Thank you Ida for the review , and Cafleurebon , Europerfums and Rance 1975 for the opportunity 

  • Ivan.napoleon says:

    Amazing bottle and great appealing mix of notes. Great review!

    Miami Florida Thanks 

  • Spicy fragrance with apricot , reminiscent of cake batter? Say no more. Appreciate the  giveaway campaign. In US

  •  "Opens with a citric burst of juice-drenched fruit and flower in varied hues of apricot … Nutmeg and cardamom …. spicy/fruity/floral….This is all very Oriental in feeling and only becomes more so as the base notes fold in like cake batter components: patchouli, Tolu balsam and vanilla present as earthy, woody notes adorned with spice. Labdanum’s leathery amber adds weightless depth, which is a feat in itself."

    What a top-notch review.Great job Ida -one of your best reviews lately.


  • The initial imagery wasn't resonating with me, but I'm so happy I read the rest of the review! The mix of notes sounds right up my alley! Juicy, spicy, and with depth. I've not tried anything by this house before. My idea of timeless parallels my definition of classic too. It is something that can be easily pinpointed as being from a certain era… it is like it has always existed! Thanks so much for the draw. I'm in the USA.

  • What appeals to me  is the fragrance being described as a oriental feel as I love oriental fragrances. The whole review was great very nicely written. My notion of timeless is something so beautiful it's not affected by the passing of time. 

    Im in The United States thank you for the chance