****WIN**** CaFleureBon Best Fragrance of 2012: Amouage Interlude Woman Perfume

amouage interlude  for women

 Amouage Interlude for Women Perfume

By now we hope you have read  all three CaFleureBon's Best of Scent Top Perfumes of 2012 reviews.

The Best and the Worst Fragrances 2012 by Mark Behnke and Michelyn Camen – draw  for COGNOSCENTI  #1, #16  & #19 still open

2012 The Top 25 Perfumes to Remember  by Mark Behnke–  SLUMBERHOUS PEAR + OLIVE draw still open

CaFleureBon Editors and Contributors Top Ten Perfumes of 2012

 You agreed, disagreed, but most every comment noted  you haven't tried most of our picks and quite a few of you only recently discovered many of our Best of Scent from 2011 . Before we move on to 2013, we want to give one lucky winner a chance to experience one of the most evocative perfumes of the year


Here is your chance to win ANOTHER  full bottle of one of the best perfumes of 2012: Michelyn's Best Fragrance of 2012 and a Behnke Best (#3) for Top 25 Perfume of the Year 2012- Amouge Interlude for Woman from our Creative Director of the Year 2012 Christopher Chong

Where did you buy MOST of your perfumes and colognes in 2012: Department Stores, Online/e-tailers, Specialty Boutiques, or Perfumers Websites AND  what was your last full bottle purchased.  Draw closes January 1, 2013

We announce the winners only onsite and on our Facebook page, so Like CaFleureBon and use our RSS option…..or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.



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  • Living as I do in the veritable shopping wasteland that is Washington, DC, I do most of my perfume purchasing online. My last full bottle was the lovely, discontinued Diptyque Virgilio, my favourite summer fragrance of all time!

  • I buy perfume all over the place, although quite a bit is online. Since I’m broke, my last purchase was Caron Bellogia edp and Chopard Madness from parfum1. I do try to purchase from stores that treat me well.

  • I buy primarily online, from sites like Luckyscent and Fragrancenet. I also buy and trade with users on Basenotes.

    The last bottle I just bought was this morning from Luckyscent, a bottle of Odin No.7 Tanoke, absolutely fantastic scent.

  • Currently being a student, I cannot afford to make too many perfume purchases. I would say most of my perfume purchases occurred online, and a lot of them are simply decanted purchases, and some in Department Stores. I got a great deal on D&G’s The One, so that was my last full bottle purchase. Thank you for the draw, I would love to try Amouge Interlude for Woman.

  • I bought mostly online this year, to take advantage of online discounts and also to buy samples or sample sets, both in the US and abroad. I made purchases in person at Kriegler, Atelier, Molton Brown, and Bergdorf’s. My last full bottle was L’Ambres des Merveilles online.

  • The mainstream perfumes I bought equally online (cheapsmells.co.uk) and in Duty Free in London-Stansted airport.
    The last full bottle I bought was, and probably will be for quiet some time, Amouage Beloved. I smelled it, I fell in love with it and I simply had to buy it. never mind the ruined bank account balance!

  • I get a lot of my scents online now. The niche
    Ones I get from lucky scent or direct from
    The house.
    My last purchase was also online. I got a scent
    From anthropologie on clearance.

  • I buy online, in the main, but will venture into ‘bricks and mortar’ to get samples of new scents. The last scent I purchased was Yatagan.

  • My last FB purchase….Jubilation 25 from MiN New York. Phone order. Before that..uh…….yikes! Oh, I know! The new Diorella (wow. it’s been awhile, huh?). Which I kind of like (it’s very close to the vintage, unlike Diorling, which might’ve been created for Jupiterians. Or zombies. Or Jupiterian zombies.)….anyhoo, If I can get it in person I usually go to my SAs – Andy @ Barneys and Rosie at Saks. They have stuck with me through thick and (now) thin for nearly 20 years…so if I can buy from them I do. MiN are such lovely people, I enjoy working with them.


    ps. do you know I couldn’t remember that 6×7=42? I had to run through the entire table! That’s just pathetic…

    ps. I lied. After the Diorella I plunged into a bottle of Cartier Fougueuse. Mathilde and I have a Forbidden Love.

  • I bought my last perfume at a Deptartment Store and it was CK Summer 2011. I primarily try and make my own natural perfumes with essential oils but sometimes give in to a Sephora spree.

  • I buy at least 60% online – Luckyscent, Fragrancenet, Parfum1. MIN and Beautyhabit have also been on my list. My brick and mortar purchases are usually stores where I have relationships with the salespeople and they are knowledgable about the products and upcoming releases. The last bottle I purchased is Ambre 114 – yesterday!

  • I buy almost all of my perfume online, from sites like BeautyHabit and Luckyscent and Parfum1. As a poor grad student their sales are the only way I can afford this hobby/habit/obsession. My last full bottle perfume purchase was Citizen Queen (and the bottle was way more impressive in person than in pictures) from COBigelow. Thanks as ever for a wonderful draw!

  • The last perfume I bought was actually a couple of years ago, a lovely Mistral Grapefruit Red Currant from Anthropologie.

  • I buy online (Parfum1) and specialty boutiques (ScentBar) and the last full bottle I bought was Bois d’Ascece by Naomi Goodman.

  • i buy most of my perfumes online — and most i bought this year were from niche perfumers (olympic orchids, slumberhouse, velvet and sweetpea … like that.)

    in fact, my last TWO full bottles bought were from velvet and sweetpea: both fir-ever-young (one 5 ml — and then i loved it so much i panicked because it’s a limited edition — and i got a backup bottle of a whopping 15 ml!)

  • I also do much of my perfume shopping online due to the lack of decent fragrance stores in my area. My last Fb purchases were Atelier Orange Sanguine, Hermes Jour d’Hermes and Frapin 1697 all in one day.

  • Janet in California says:

    I do most of my perfume shopping online, mostly decants. The last bottle I bought was Bottega Veneta so it has been a while!

  • Like many, I buy online because of a lack of brick and mortar stores nearby. (It’s a 50 mile round trip to the nearest grocery store; 2 and 1/2 hours one way to the nearest department store) I buy a surprising amount of perfume from Amazon, but I get a fair amount from Luckyscent, Parfum 1, and calling Diane at Caron in NYC.

    My last FB purchase was Regina Harris Frankincense, Myrrh Rose Maroc, I think. Possibly Jubilation 25, or Back to Black, though.

    Thank you!

  • And even though I purchase many of my fragrances online at places like Parfum1 I am hoping to visit NY some day to go shopping for fragrances. Another fragrance purchased recently was MCG Sideris

  • I buy most of my fragrances online (I love vintage!) but I also try to buy from Barney’s in San Francisco as often as possible because they have the most wonderful perfume department (great collection and great staff). My most recent full bottle purchase was Annick Goutal Heure Exquise. My fantasy is to own a full bottle from Amouage!

  • I buy most of my frags online, unless I get some samples or perk at the department store / points at sephora. However, my last purchase was I think Fig Tree or Tabac Aurea (which I’m wearing right now) from Sonoma Scent Studio. In fact, I’m out of Fig Tree and will be repurchasing that + Sienna Musk soon! Merry Holidays to meeee. Thanks for the draw! 🙂

  • I generally buy my fragrnaces in perfume stores, I much prefer a visit to online shopping but do buy online from time to time.

  • I live in a very small town, and the nearest city is three hours or so away. I’d rather buy fragrances in person all the time, but online is usually my only option. My last full bottle purchase was Diptyque Volutes. Thanks for the lovely draw!

  • Most of my purchases are from small boutiques in NYC primarily Aedes de Venustas.I also purchased several online(and a few unsniffed! ).My last full bottle purchased was Tom Ford’s Noir de Noir a delicious dark rose,patchouli and chocolate scent.Thanks for the draw! Happy New Year!

  • Most of my perfume purchases are online because even though I live in a big city…a lot of perfumes are not available locally. My most recent purchase (online) was a full bottle of Vero Profumo Rubj EDP. I am an Amouage fan (own a bottle of Epic Woman)…would love a bottle of Interlude.

  • Oh I am a scent shopping hopper
    I buy my fragrances mostly on online at beautyhabit , Parfum 1 or Luckyscent but I make a 4x a year trek into NYC and hit all the Bs- Bloomingdales Bendel Bergdorf and Barney Ny
    Bendel has the most knowledgable sales staff and I was pretty tempted to buy illumium white petals but it was Fall
    The last fb I purchased was in NY at Osswald which I heard about on your site and I bought pierre guillaume coze
    I stopped in at MiN and almost bought kerosene fields of rubis but only had enough $$ for one so Coze it was

  • Like most of the people who answered before me, I do most of my buying online. Bottles from Fragrance.net and samples from Surrender to Chance, usually. However, my most recent purchase was a full bottle of Dune from Thrift Drug. It was just too cheap to resist!

    Thank you for the lovely drawing. They are all wonderful, but this one gives me goosepimples. 🙂

  • I buy almost everything online, usually from Luckyscent. My latest full bottle was Andy Tauer’s contribution to their Decennial set, Lys du Desert.

    Thanks for such a generous draw!

  • I usually buy online either from Luckyscent or directly from the perfumer if possible. My last FB purchases were Ineke’s scents for Anthropologie Briar Rose and Angel Trumpet. I already have the others in the collection and when I found these on sale for next to nothing I couldn’t resist.

  • Hey everyone!

    I bought a majority of my perfumes for 2012 online, as the deals and savings were just too hard not to ignore. I also bought quite a few samples and decants online as well, which opened up my eyes to a few rare beauties.

    The last purchase for this year was a blind buy for me. I bought Mont Blanc Femme de Montblanc, as I’m curious over the spicy chocolate note.

    Thanks for the lovely draw!

  • I probably bought 80% online. I also buy directly from department stores in NYC or smaller boutiques such as Aedes de Venustas or MIN; occasionally from eBay or consignment sites. My last full bottle was Atelier Orange Sanguine. Thanks for this terrific column; looking forward to reading best of 2011!!

  • I bought a full bottle of the new Clinique Elixir. My husband loves it–for himself! I buy attars from White Lotus Aromatics. I did get an Ineke sample set in a drawing and I love it.

  • Back to the present
    Amouage really had a great year and my last full bottle purchase was Beloved for my wife
    I shop through swaps, eBay, perfume court and surrender to chance and Parfum 1 discovery packs which don’t rip you off like Luckyscent sorry but they do
    I made my last visa payment for beloved so I am eying another big purchase of Mona di Orio oud
    The Parfum 1 site is looking pretty tempting right now with an incentive

  • I’ve bought most from the perfumer’s web site. My last full bottle was Vero Profumo Rubj edp from Luckyscent, though. (Well, my husband bought it for me for Christmas 🙂 )

  • I shop mostly through perfumes websites, ebay and department stores. The last bottle I bought was Loulou by Cacharel which I had never tried before and really love it. Thank you for this generous draw 🙂

  • I live my perfume life online because I’m hours away from even a Macy’s. I’m unemployed and have been for a long time, so I do lots of swapping for decants and samples. My last full bottle purchase was a bottle of Youth Dew Amber Nude, on eBay, a couple of months ago.

  • I buy almost everything online, usually from MinNewYork or Parfum1, but also Fragrancenet and BeautyEncounter. I placed an order a couple of days ago during the L’artisan parfumeur sale at their website.

    For my very last bottle however, purchased only yesterday, I journeyed out into the cold, wet, windy, and generally miserable weather to grab another bottle of the gorgeous Le Labo limited edition perfume Poudre d’Orient, on its way out the door forever from Anthropologie and now being given away for nearly free!

    Thanks for the draw!

  • Department stores–although I’m including Liberty of London, Printemps and Galleries Lafayette due to an end-of year trip to Europe. My last FB was a bell jar of Fumerie Turque from the Lutens boutique at Palais Royals.

  • I rarely buy perfumes from a store as I don’t like to deal with pushy SA, specially when they are misleading and not well informed ( basicaly know nothing about the fragrances they sell).

    I order my fragrances on line from LS and FIF and Chanel.com, Hermes.com. I also order over the phone from BG, Atelier Cologne, Caron, Barneys where I know few lovely contacts.

    I bought lots of fragrances this month. The very last one is L’heure Vertueuse by Cartier, just few days ago.

  • What a great draw! I love Interlude! As I live in the country, most of my purchases are online, from e-sellers or individual perfumeurs’ websites. Very recently, I helped my cats purchase Mirabella from Dawn Spencer Hurwitz (a Christmas present). 🙂

  • This year I purchased quite a bit of Arabic perfumes from Zahras boutique ,my last full bottle purchase was Keiko Mecheri Loukhoum from Luckyscent & Coco Noir from chanel.com

  • Being on a limited budget, I buy mainly decants online, or even samples to try out first. My last full bottle was just before Christmas and was a gift to my mom – she wanted another bottle of Eternity by Calvin Kline…so funny since I remember introducing her to that years ago and haven’t worn it myself in many years! Ah well, maybe a full body of something wonderful will be a gift in my future! Thanks for the draw!

  • Loved Interlude, which I got to sample at Harrods — along with Beloved — and Kurkdjian’s Our, which I tried at Printemps. Both great choices, but I’m dying to sniff Pear + Olive….Merci!

  • This is the most wonderful giveaway. I have a sample of Interlude for Women and I find it to be complex, compelling and extraordinary. I really fell for this one.

    I do 99% of my perfume purchasing online, mostly samples and decants at places like Surrender to Chance, the Posh Peasant, the Perfumed Court and LuckyScent and occasionally e-bay.

    Although there is the lure of the full bottle, I wait to make the purchase until I have thoroughly sampled and used up the decant; more importantly, the perfume has to be a True Love.

    My last FB purchase was Shalimar Ode a la Vanille Sur la route de Madagascar from the most wonderful Johnathan at the Guerlain Palazzo boutique in Las Vegas.

    Thanks for this generous draw!

  • Wonderful giveaway!!! I normally buy online since there is not much to find in my small town. The last bottle I bought was the beautiful Anne Pliska from Luckyscent.

  • All of my fragrances are purchased online. I do live about 2 hours from Las Vegas, but do not make it down very often anymore. I love the convenience of shopping online. I do have some favorite places to purchase YES, It is all about customer service, it depends on which carries the niche I am looking for and oh yes price. I do love Interlude woman and my decant is disappearing quickly. Thanks for the awesome opportunity! Many than.ks to Christoper for this amazing draw or whomever contributed it. Happy New Year…

  • I usually buy my fragrances online from reputable online stores that ships worldwide because the price is much better than buying in department stores especially for niche houses . Interlude woman would make a great compliment to my interlude man for my partner . Thanks for the draw!

  • Tomate Farcie says:

    I buy at specialty boutiques or on-line. My last full bottle purchase was Eau D’Italie Jardin du Poete. Thanks for the great giveaways.

  • I buy online, directly from the source (Sonoma Scent Studio purchases) and on ebay. Last full bottle an ebay bargain – Kenzo Jungle l’Elephant – I love it. Thanks for the very special draw.

  • I buy most of my fragrances at The Perfume House in Portland, Oregon. I will buy decants and samples online from The Perfumed Court and such, but nothing beats the passion and expertise of the real live SA’s at The Perfume House. The Last full bottle I purchased (their): Interlude Man! Many thanks for all these generous draws.

  • I bought most of my perfumes as decants from splitters on the fragrance forums. The last full bottle I bought was Givenchy Organza Indecence from eBay, was lucky to get a 15ml bottle of the old pre-reform stuff! Thank you for the lovely giveaway. 🙂

  • I’ve bought perfumes from a lot of different places, but most often I buy them online. I’ve been really into kitschy perfumes from the 80s this year, so I’ve mostly bought those from discount perfume websites or bulletin boards on fragrance websites.

  • I mostly buy my perfumes online via Lucky Scent, Ebay, MIN, Aedes, or perfume group “bulletin boards”. Very seldom do I get them at large department stores. The last full bottle I got was tonight, actually, at the Chanel Boutique. Sycomore! Thanks for the draw and happy New Year!

  • I do my shopping mostly online. Last bottle was Guerlain’s Vetiver. I just had to own that.


  • The last bottle I bought was vintage Norell cologne. I used to buy fragrances from online retailers and Ebay. Thx!

  • I’ve bought perfumes in many different situations, in first at specialized boutiques, but most often I buy them online, specially directly at producers sites, like my last bottle of “l’Homme de Coeur” bought online at Divine.

  • I bought most of them online as I can hardly find any perfume at the department stores. The last I bought was Jessica Simspon’s Fancy.

  • I used to buy from the L’occitane store or Jo Malone at Nordstrom’s and other department stores (Saks) and then I stumbled on the niche world. i think part of being here is supporting the artists and artisans right at the source wherever possible, or as close to the source as possible. I love The Perfume House in Portland, Oregon where I live. I have sampled so many perfumes there. They are very generous. And I bought my first SL there this year – full price, and it was Tubereuse Criminelle. If full bottle includes smaller discovery sets, my favourite purchase this year was Neela Vermeire Creations. I sampled from Lucky Scent and purchased from her. Yes, I do buy from Lucky Scent and directly from smaller houses like Smell Bent.

  • The last full bottle I bought was from a department store and it was Pure Poison by Dior. I would prefer buying them online, but most stores don’t ship internationally or the shipping tax plus custom fees are very high.

  • Just realized I did not make it clear that I usually buy most perfumes from a department store. Sorry

  • I usually buy online. Mostly at an online webshop in the Netherlands with a wide variety of niche perfumes. I also buy online directly at the perfumers webshop and sometimes on e-bay. My last buy was a bottle of Vanille Tonka – Parfum de Nicolai and I bought it at an online webshop.

  • I usually buy from boutiques, but this last year I’ve probably bought the most from online perfume discounters. My last bottle purchased was Worth Courtesan.

  • This year I mostly placed by orders online, sometimes with a comment that I would like to pick up my order personally from the perfume boutique that is close to my university.

    My last purchase is Parfum d’Empire Cuir Ottoman

  • I generally buy perfumes in online stores.
    The last bottle I bought was Comme Des Garcons Wonderwood.

  • Near me there are not stores that carry fragrances, therefore I must shop online. However, when I go on holidays I do not miss the chance to spend a little time at a retail store. My latest was a decant for my wife of Carnal Flower? Does that count? :))

  • I tend to buy mainly at Nieman Marcus and Saks 5th Avenue this year but I also bought online from Amazon, Lucky Scent and direct from the house’s web boutique (Dior). My last purchase was an impulse splurge of Bond No. 9’s Andy Warhol Silver Factory, Brooklyn and Bleecker Street as well as Creed’s Aventus and Clive Christian C for Men. I then received Amouage Interlude Man and Nasomatto Black Afgano in the mail two days later. It was a very good week.

  • mostly i like to purchase online but occasionally at department stores and my last full bottle was of bohemian wedding

  • I usually order from the Guerlain boutique at the Palazzo in Las Vegas. My last bottle purchase was Ode a la Vanille.
    Thanks for this fantastic draw!

  • I bought the majority of perfumes from e-tailers this year. I also bought a lot of them from other users of perfume forums and from Ebay. My last full bottle purchase was Sables/Villoresi Spezie and Serge Lutens Serge Noire, all of them as a Christmas gift to myself 🙂

  • Happy holidays everyone!!! Most of my perfumes were bought online this year and I participated in a lot of splits. My last purchase actually was inside the plane coming in England where I bought Potion of Dsquared for my hubby!!

  • I am not a full bottle person, to be honest 🙂 I have quite a few favorites which love and wear often and not just try. So I mostly buy samples/discovery sets right from official perfumer’s sites or Posh peasant or others.
    All of my full bottles this year came from Neil Morris Fragrances and one travel atomizer from Providence is on it way to me 🙂

  • I buy mostly online, but there is a terrific perfumery quite close to my house. It is always more expensive but the girls there are very tolerant of me and let me spray exuberantly when I visit.
    My last purchase was from them, actually a Christmas present from my wishlist placed conspicuously on my husband’s desk.
    It was Seville A L’Aube.

  • Christine B. says:

    I think there was pretty much a tie between perfumer’s websites and on line retailers, mostly sample buying. My last full bottle purchase was La Poudree, made by the perfumeur Lynn Harris.

  • Oh my gosh another chance for Amouage Interlude!! This fragrance is definitely at the top of my want to smell list. So, I purchased 11 bottles this year (more than usual) and I purchased the most bottles at a Perfumania store (so, specialty boutique I guess?). My last full bottle purchased was a 50 ml bottle of Bond No. 9 Andy Warhol Silver Factory. Thanks so much!

  • I buy most of my fragrances online (Luckyscent and Parfum 1 are my favorites), but sometimes I buy at Barney’s, Bendel’s, or Bergdorf’s. My last purchase was Serge Lutens De Profundis, which I love. Now, I’m wearing a sample of Amouage Interlude for Women and loving it!

  • I buy mostly online and from specialty boutiques. My last purchase was a bottle of Divine L’Homme Infini (after reading Mark’s review no less!)

  • Forgot to add where I buy–usually online, but also at the duty-free store at the Canada/US border. Thanks for the draw!

  • Most of my decants come from The Perfumed Court, et al, or from a Facebook Fragrance group. My last full bottle, Ormonde Jayne’s Tolu, was ordered on line from the perfumer. I am waiting for that bottle to arrive now!

  • I usually buy my fragrances from department store. Fragrances I bought in 2012 were Tea Rose and Jovan’s Black Musk.

  • I buy nearly all of my perfumes directly from the source, and my last full bottle was Andy Tauer’s Carillon pour un Ange.
    The Perfumed Court and Surrender to Chance are also two excelent online sources!
    Thank you for the draw.

  • I purchased most of my fragrances online: MiN New York, Bond No 9, and Luckyscent! My most recent purchase was Mona Di Orio Vanille and her discovery set. Thanks for the draw! 🙂

  • Most of my purchases have been online, either through large retailer like luckyscent or directly from perfumer, such as Sonoma Scent Studio. I did recently get a FB of L’ambre des Merveilles from Sephora with a 20% VIB discount. My last FB was Volutes EDT via luckyscent. I think if luckyscent had some type of rewards program I would be more inclined to buy FB’s from them. Can you hear me, Luckyscent? 😉

  • I do most of my buys from online stores. They are more cheap and sometimes I can get a discount. The last smelly thing that I bought was a sample set from Andi Tauer. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • I buy most of my perfume from online e-tailers, but the last full bottle I bought was in a boutique and it was Etat Libre d”orange Noel Au Balcon. I fell instantly in love upon first scent, and with every sniff after the love just grows.

  • Bought most at department stores, both in-store and online methods. I wish I had bought more at specialty boutiques – I like to support small businesses – but testing is harder through the mail, and sampling prices this way are sometimes steep. More boutiques should realize sending courtesy samples occasionally helps the customer find new purchases they might not otherwise make. Nordstrom Tom Ford counter has sent me some samples out of the blue and it has kept me a loyal customer because surprises delight!

    Last full bottle was Lys Soleia at Sephora.

  • Most of my purchases were online,and then on second place specialty boutiques. Very little in the mainstream shops with the exception of a couple of perfumes I got for my mom and cousin.My last full bottle purchase was Maison Francis Kurkdjian Absolue pour le soir EDP. The purchase was made online on the brand’s official website.Thank you for yet another amazing draw!

  • I buy most of my stuff online, especially eBay as it enables me to find vintage formulations. I also buy samples extensively from Surrender to Chance. The last full bottle of perfume I bought was a vintage bottle of Champagne by YSL. I would *love* to try on Interlude! I’m wearing a sample of Jubilation 25 right now and Jubilation XXV yesterday! I adore them both. Amouage is a fantastic line but I fear I will never be able to afford a full bottle of any one of their scents, ever! My god, the very thought of a full bottle makes me a little dizzy at the knees!

  • Hello. I shop at my local Neiman Marcus. I love they carry lots of great perfume houses and some exclusive fragrances as well. My last full bottle purchase was Jo Malone English Pear and Freesia.

  • I usually shop in department stores and duty free shops. I tend to buy samples online, but can see myself buying full bottles too in the imminent future (I can’t find niche where I live). Last purchase was from a pharmacy! A bottle of Korres’ Jasmin Pepper Gaiac Wood.

  • I spread the love. I buy from online etailers; this year Parfum1 really upped their game. I also bought from Luckyscent and Beautyhabit. And I ordered samples from several niche perfumers. I always buy something every year from DSH because I love so many of her perfumes. The only time I’ll buy from a department store, maiinly NM, is when they give free goodies away with purchase. Plus I was the lucky recipient as a winner from Cafleurebon!

  • I usually buy fragrance online, either at sites like luckyscent or direct from perfumers, only sometimes ebay. Have not had so much luck in person and sometimes feel pressured to impulse-buy. Also I love to take my time with samples and decants/splits and really consider whether I need that FB since I have so many already.
    Last FB I bought was…hmmm…. Dark Passage? Don’t think there were any full bottles since then….not sure though.

    Thanks for all your reviews and draws–and especially this one! Happy New Year!

  • I left a comment before but Oh! I forgot to mention my only 2012 full bottle buy: Van Cleef and Arpels Bois D’iris, from Luckyscents.

  • Most of my purchases this year have been from online discounters such as Strawberrynet, and also from perfumer’s websites (eg Smell Bent). My last FB purchase was an inexpensive violet edt from a local market.

  • Thanks for this chance to try the new Amouage!

    I usually buy in specialty boutiques and my last full bottle was A Scent by Issey Miyake.

  • I usually buy from online discounters and sometimes get lucky at Marshall’s and TJMaxx. My last full bottle purchase was Youth Dew Amber Nude. Thanks for another chance.

  • The biggest haul was from the local distributor’s annual clearance sale, again. I do love to browse online, especially for niche (unfortunately, shipping charges are quite prohibitive).
    The last full bottle was Ormonde Jayne Frangipani

  • I usually buy from online discounters or from the websites of my favorite indie perfumers. My last full bottle, “Javanica”, was purchased from the Olympic Orchids website.

  • Online/e-tailers mostly, but sometimes boutiques. My last full bottle purchased was of Diptyque’s Ofresia from a local store (no sales tax in Oregon).

  • lovethescents says:

    I buy online mostly and very rarely locally. My last full bottle was DSH’s Indus. Divinity! Thank you for this amazing opportunity!

  • Davis Brandao dos Santos says:

    All my purchases were made online, and all of them from international sites, as it is terrible to buy fragrances in online brazilian stores. My last full bottle purchase was a Jacques Fath pour homme, last week.

  • Most of my purchases and discoveries were made directly through perfumer’s websites…I got the opportunity thus to have a direct dialogue with these amazing creators all over the world and opening a world of niche, and\or natural perfumery to me..My last full bottle purchased was Cognoscenti’s No19..
    Thank you for the draw…

  • I buy mostly on line at the (3) web retailers operating in my country-due to flight restrictions, I can’t buy internationally-
    My last full botlle was ” Rossy de Palma”
    thanks for the draw

  • I usually order from the La Maison Guerlain boutique in Paris.
    I also bought a lot of perfumes from e-tailers.
    My last bottle purchase was Myrrhiad.

  • I usually buy samples as I do not believe in fragrance monogamy and don’t have or need a signature fragrance anymore. Sometimes, not too often, I get decants. It is very rare that I buy a full bottle of something but when I do, my first choice is the official website (if possible). I never buy unsniffed so I usually shop online for fragrances I have previously thoroughly tested in shops.
    My last full bottle was l’Artisan’s Dzongkha from their site. Oldy but goody…

    Have a good year everyone!

  • I much prefer to do my buying online than going in store. It saves a lot of time and some money too, for it is cheaper to get something from an online shop, plus they have different discounts. My last buy was APOM pour Femme.

    Many thanks for this great draw and a happy new year!

  • I make most of my purchases online, as I can’t find many shops nearby that cater to my taste. I make too many blind buys because of this! Most of them are successful, though. My last purchase was Frapin 1697 from MiN.

  • I mostly buy fragrances online, but I also adore small niche shops where I can receive unique service and personalized advices.
    My last bottle was Anima Dulcis- struggled a bit because of price, but got it anyway!
    Happy New Year everyone 🙂

  • I buy mostly online after I’ve tried either a sample or sprayed myself in a store and experienced it for a day. However, my last purchase was at Space NK – Diptyque Volutes.

  • I first make a few trips to bergdorf and barneys; I smell around. Then I order around 10 samplesof the perfumes I liked either from luckyscents or perfumedcourt and I finally order from either barneys or luckyscents and sometimes from the perfum’s website. The last full bottle that I already received was Frangipani by Ormonde Jayne. I am waiting right now for my Lumiere Blanche 🙂

  • Probably retail stores for there you can be a wanderer amongst so many smells. I really do not prefer one over the other. I buy online too. Last bottle that I bought was Diptyque Philosykos this summer.

  • I buy most of my fragrances from online etailers – luckyscent is a favorite! My last full bottle purchased was Guerlain Vetiver as I’ve been on a vetiver kick lately 🙂

    Happy new year everyone!

  • I buy most of my perfumes from online etailers, sometimes direct from the perfumer. I treated myself to a bottle of Serge Lutens Fleurs d’Oranger about a month ago (though I am saving up for a bottle of Santal Majascule too). It depends on the deal–I am a sucker for free shipping, or the chance to sample new perfumes, so I always look around before deciding where to purchase from.

  • Most of my purchases are online, but I recently have bought perfumes from Place Vendôme Haute Parfumerie in Belgium–not only do they ship very fast, but customer service is unparalleled, and a treasure trove of samples came along. My last full bottle purchase of 2012 was Guerlain Rose Nacre Du Desert from them.

  • I buy a full bottle whenever i can find a deal, online is my favorite because i can compare prices and scour the web for trusted reviews. My last full bottle was from Ineke – HotHouse Flower it is lush and empowering.

  • I usually look for where ever I can find the best deal online, unless I’m buying from independent artisans, in which case I go straight to the source. 🙂

  • I test most of them at stores (if possible) but order most of my fragrances online. The variety and prices can’t lie.

    The last perfume I bought was… well actually a massage bar from Lush that smells so good it counts as a perfume… the Midnight jasmine one.

  • I bought most of my perfumes in 2012 at Saks 5th Avenue at The Somerset Collection in Troy Michigan. My last full bottle purchase was a dual purchase of both Creed Aventus and Clive Christian.

  • The shops around here don’t carry a very wide selection, so I do most of my shopping online. The last full bottle I bought was Bvlgari Black.

  • I purchased mainly from perfumer’s websites this year but also from boutiques and online discounters. The last full bottle I bought was a blind buy of Fleur de Malle (a huge success, I love it). Happy New Year!

  • I purchase online almost exclusively! No access to perfume shops where i live. Last FB purchase – Nicolai Balkis!

  • My last full bottle purchased was two at the same time… full bottles of Soivohle’s Rosa sur Reuse and Lilas and Narcisse. 🙂

    And I bought most of my perfume online in 2012, although not all! I still love the experience of buying in person if possible.

  • Oh I would do love to win this
    I buy my perfume online and at specialty shoppes
    My last full bottle was a spendy X Mas gift from my mom from Barney’s and not to my taste so I am going to exchange it for one I really want – Rose 31 by Le Labo
    She only knows how to use email so I think I am safe

  • Wow! Amouage is AMAZING! What a great draw!

    I bought most of my perfumes direct from niche companies (like my MDCI bottle, which I bought directly) and from online etailers like BeautyHabit, Aedes and Parfum1. I love all three of those sites immensely.

    My last FB purchase was MDCI Un Coeuer en Mai. I bought it directly from MDCI because I wanted the original formulation. Great stuff, and really great service btw. I recommend them highly!!

    Michelyn, I hope you are having a great new years!

  • I always buy online because there no interesting parfum store where I live. So , I look for interestings offers and I also buy directly on parfumers websites. For exemple Lutens and L’Artisan have excellents offers and discounts. And I sometimes buy a bottle directly to someone I know from a forum site . My last FULL bottle it has been Jubilation 25 ! (directly from Les Senteurs) It has not yet arrived but I feel as I have it right now: really happy!
    As I have tested and loooooved INTERLUDE I would more than happy if I could also own this beautiful one (ohhh, and the bottle is sooo nice! )

  • I try to combine all the places. Special attention goes to perfumers/manufacturers sites. The last full bottle is Guerlain’s Habit Rouge(I don’t like to be without it). I bought it in one small perfumery in my town, there was a nice Christmas discount.

  • As I’m looking into niche perfumes now, and with the limited availability here in Malaysia, I shop online for samples first. I have to admit, I haven’t purchased a full bottle of anything in 2012, this will change in 2013 of course, I have a growing list of wants!!! 😛

  • I buy always online, as the perfumes I like are impossible to find in my city. Sometimes I buy directly from perfumers websites. My last bottle was Dans tes bras .
    Happy new year to everybody!!! 🙂

  • Mostly store bought. Some Sephora, some dept store and some indie stores. Last purchase (for me) was Atelier’s Vetiver Fatal. Probably should do more shopping online but shipping charges…

  • I usually purchase from on line retailers.

    My last FB purchase was Morgane Le Faye Blue.

    Thanks for the generous draw!