WE LOVE THIS STORE: Arielle Shoshanna Scented Luxuries Washington D.C. + Arielle Weinberg (The Scents of Self) Follows her Bliss Draw

arielle shoshanna Storefrontview

Arielle Shoshanna Scented  Luxuries Photo Credit Greg Powers

Unless you live in Perfumista havens in the U.S. (New York City, San Francisco, or Los Angeles)  finding unique and artistic fragrances can be quite the challenge. We get much of our information from perfume blogs, click on websites like Luckyscent and Twisted Lily for blind buys, sample niche perfumes from subscription services such as Olfactif.com or take field trips to Sniffapalooza events to broaden our scent horizons. In some regards it makes our passion for perfume feel all the more exotic.  As informative as this can be, as someone who works in the beauty industry, I know first hand that there is nothing that compares to the experimental and atmospheric ambience of a specialty store or boutique.  Living in Washington, DC I have often had to scratch my head (or nose?) as to why such an erstwhile cosmopolitan city did not offer a store… an actual brick and mortar establishment where both the passionate and the curious could mingle. After all, the once conservative town has blossomed into a shopping mecca and has become a force in the national foodie scene.

At last, my perfume prayers have been answered and that’s why WE LOVE THIS STORE: Arielle Shoshana Scented Luxuries. Nestled in the brand new and bustling mixed used development Mosaic District in Fairfax, VA this intimate space offers an oasis for  the scent starved living in Metro DC. It also provides a wonderful surprise for those meandering the walkable neighborhood who likely have never imagined such a specialty boutique existed. A whole new world opens up to those who come in, ask questions, and start sniffing!

The first thing that struck me when I entered the establishment was the elegance of the layout. The lovely cobalt couch beckons you into the lounge area just inside the door; a true scented salon! Ever the hostess, Arielle welcomed me with an invitation to start our chat with tea. I knew when she served the violet tea from Providence Perfume Co. in a charming vintage teacup that I would be in for quite a multi-sensory experience.


Arielle Weinberg photo: Photo: Liza Wade

As we got to know each other I discovered that Arielle is Arielle Shoshana Weinberg who began her career on the chemistry side of the perfume industry but ended up working in some of the most storied fragrance boutiques in New York City. A native of the DC area, Arielle returned to her home town and opened up the city’s first ever niche fragrance boutique, building directly upon her passion and experience. Arielle is also author of the fragrance blog The Scents of Self, which she began in 2009 and quips is “the nerdy perfume blog”.

 arielle shoshana store

Fragrance as Art Photo Allison Cooke

For her eponymous boutiqu,e Arielle has chosen to stock an edited assortment of 15 niche fragrance brands from all over the world ranging from Arquiste to Tauer Perfumes. However, at Arielle Shoshanna it all about the experience. The first point of difference is the luxury boutique esthetic which she showcases perfume testers on neatly appointed suspended shelves as opposed to the endless array of boxes common to the open sell model. Fragrance is, after all an art, why not display it as such.

interior arielle shoshanna perfume store dc

Interior  of Arielle Shoshanna Photo Greg Powers

In addition  the perfumes are arranged by scent category rather than brand. This encourages the shopper to think about fragrance in a different way. In this environment it is not about brand loyalty or falling for a marketing campaign. To drive that point home Arielle has opted to forgo the traditional fragrance categories like chypre and oriental (which often mystify non fragrance aficionados) for more user friendly descriptive categories: Fresh, Sweet, Citrus, Spicy, Beachy, Wood, Oud, Smoky, Floral, and Fruity. For the hard to pin down fragrance there is “Undefinable” which, because the name is so intriguing, has drawn enough of the curious to become Arielle’s strongest selling category.  The third point of difference is her extensive knowledge and understanding of the world of olfaction and business; one must think local, buy global and celebrate indies and artisans (such as smellbent and cbihateperfume) as well as luxury brands.

 zelda the house cat

Zelda The Shoppe Cat (named for Zelda Fitzgerald)

I asked Arielle for a tour of each category but my visit soon became more organic as I sniffed away and we chatted about her best sellers (Saffron Troublant by L’Artisan is #1) and one of the most sought after brands is (Maison Francis Kurkdijian). I confessed that I was on the hunt for my Holy Grail of “amber”. We examined several ambers until I got hot and bothered by Amber flash by Tauerville which went home with me in a small decanted sample. In addition, I left with Noir Exquis by L’Artisan and Afternoon of a Faun by L’Etat Libre d’Orange from two different additional scent categories.



Sampling is also an experience at Arielle Shoshana. I was treated not to prepackaged vial on card typical of the department store but to a generous decant which she lovingly slipped onto a hard stock card and customized with a picture of each fragrance bottle. A brilliant move since shoppers are likely to forget a name bit will remember the look and shape of the bottle when they are ready to purchase! Plus, it was fun since she literally pulled a sticker from a well-organized scrapbook and placed it on the card as we recapped my choices. Arielle ‘s approach to further enhancing the customer’s scent experience is emphasizing special events.

Scent and subversion header cafleurebon

This coming weekend the boutique will host a trunk show for Eris Parfums featuring founder Barbara Herman on both Saturday, June 11 and Sunday, June 12. Barbara is also the author of the book Scent and Subversion and will happily autograph the copies that will be for sale. Arielle is providing Barbara the ideal environment; this is the type of event that DC Perfumistas have been dying for and that newbies will love as they discover hard to find and special collections, (such as Neela Vermiere Creations which is difficult to find in the USA in store)  they have never heard of before stopping into Arielle Shoshanna. There is also a lovely selection of candles, tea and home fragrance and bath and body products to choose from, which make lovely gifts.

Appropriately, Arielle Shoshana’s tagline is “a shop for fragrances as interesting as you are. Come smell the difference.” If you live in or travel to the Washington, DC area, a visit to this store is a must; be prepared to get comfortable and stay awhile. For those who cannot visit the store in person you can still support small business by shopping Arielle Shoshana’s website. Be sure to check out the latest new arrival- Parfumerie Generale; Arielle Shoshanna is  one of the few brick and mortar retailers in the USA to stock a curated selection from the House that Pierre Guillaume built.

-Liza Wade, Contributor (with contributions from Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief)

Arielle Shoshana Scented Luxuries-2920 District Avenue-Fairfax, VA 22301-571-308-3182

Mon-Sat 11 am -7 pm and Sunday 11 am-5 pm

Thanks to Arielle (who works seven days a week), we have a $25 gift card for a registered US reader. To be eligible, please leave a comment with what you enjoyed about your virtual visit to Arielle Shoshanna Scented Luxuries, what fragrance you might buy should you win, and for extra credit a line you wish to see Arielle carry. Draw closes 6/13/2016

We announce the winners on our site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume

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  • Reading this virtual tour article prompted me to go to the actual website. Here, I thought the in store sampling cards was a nice idea. Should I win probably ELDO Tom of Finland. Another line to carry? How about Agonist? USA

  • A huge fan of Arielle and her store! So happy to see her featured here. A huge boost to the DC fragrance community. Alison

  • fazalcheema says:

    I like the idea of Arielle arranging her scents by category and not brand. This makes it easier for the shopper to find new scents he/she is most likely to fall in love if he/she already knows what he/she enjoys. It is, indeed, quite a bold venture by Arielle. Just saw her blog and not surprised to learn she misses NYC a lot :). Thanks a lot for the generous draw. I may go for a Tauer creation. The line I would like her to carry is Auphorie. I am in the US

  • Greennote says:

    I stumbled across Arielle’s blog a while back and have followed her through her transition into bricks and mortar. It has been so beautiful to watch. I love that she has grouped the fragrances as she has. For the longest time ‘oriental’ made absolutely no sense to me. It turns out it’s actually one of my preferred scent categories. Congratulations to Arielle on taking the leap, but also for putting so much thought into providing the best experience for her customers. (DNEM)

  • Ari is so sweet, and her shop is utterly wonderful. My favorite part of Ari’s site is of course her blog, but in general I appreciate her clean aesthetic and design. If I were to win, I would perhaps splurge on Baccarat Rouge, or maybe one of the CBIHPs. I’d love to see Ari pick up the Ava Luxe line! Thanks for this generous draw, I’m in the US.

  • My absolutely favorite thing about this is that her cat was named after Zelda FItzgerald–a question I’ve been asking myself ever since I learned her cat was named Zelda, months ago, on one of the other perfume blogs. I’ve scrolled through the wonderful offerings on her site so many times, and enjoyed reading the posts up on the website. The shop is pretty close to my parents’ house, so I would so love to visit it the next time I’m at home with them! I’d love to see some Atelier des Ors up there. Congratulations, Ari, on this profile! Thanks for the draw; I’m in the US.

  • Elizabeth T says:

    I am so excited that Arielle carries Pierre Guillaume’s work! He is one of my favorite perfumers. I’d choose one of his works, possibly Felanilla or L’Eau de Circe…

    Thank you for this lovely profile Arielle and her accomplishments! Being a small business owner is consuming work – I’m so glad she followed her dreams and is doing it. I wish I lived closer so I could visit it in person. I’d love to see Masque Milano stocked, but would imagine getting a new line in takes lots of resources and red tape, especially if it comes from overseas.

    Thank you for the wonderful draw! USA.

  • Lellabelle says:

    Congratulations to Ari on this wonderful venture! The shop looks amazing, the decor is super, and my favourite thing about it is Zelda (who is beautiful, btw)! I love that Ari is taking such obvious time and attention to ensure her customers enjoy the experience; perfume is a deeply emotional relationship, and the experience of buying it needs to be enjoyable.
    I would love for her to stock Hiram Green, so that my purchase if I win could be Moon Bloom! Otherwise, it’s always good to see more independents and natural perfumers.
    Thank you for the draw, U.S.

  • I love the simplicity of that shop and the blue couch that is the stand-out bit of color. The carded system of samples with bottle photos I’ll bet works really well. Do I have to know what I might buy if I win? I don’t know. Best not to get hopes up. 🙂 U.S.A.

  • What a beautiful store, modern, inviting, not overwhelming but simply beautiful and I love the contrast of the couch with then rest of the store. Amazing!

  • I’m a huge fan of the store and have been in several times since it’s only 10 minutes away from me! The experience is amazing when you are actually in the store and the customer service is excellent. I would like her to carry: Nishane, Berdoues, Unum, or Ex Idolo. Ari, thanks for making the DMV more fragrant!!! I live in the US and thanks for the draw! 🙂

  • I live in the DC area and have visited Ari’s shop. It was quite an enjoyable experience and she is a lovely person. Thanks to her I discovered the Smell Bent line and fell in love with Jasmine Tobacco.

  • Thank you for all the photos–what a great-looking space! I think I’d choose one of the Tauerville perfumes, once I decide which. Or, wth, maybe two. I’d like to see her carry Hiram Green, Phoenix Botanicals, or another all-natural line. I’ve enjoyed Scents of Self, and am happy to see Ari living her dream!

  • JazzBelle says:

    What a beautiful store! Congrats and good luck on your fragrance endeavor. I love it when a person pours their passion and dreams into a wonderful business. I am loving the variety of scents the shop carries.

    If I win, I would love to try A la Rose!

    I would love to see maybe the Byredo line.

    I live in the USA. Thank you!

  • It is a really beautiful store, the blue couch is the best! Congratulations on ypur new venture.If I am ever visiti DC, i will definately stop in. I’m not sure what I’d pick, should I be so lucky to win…might just be the excuse I need to travel to DC. I like an Italian line called Profumdel Forte, especially Roma Imperiale. I am in the USA.