Tanja Bochnig’s April Aromatics: “Truth and Beauty “+ Reader’s Choice Draw

Tanja Bochnig is beautiful [I suspect that she is both beautiful outside and in].

Tanja Bochnig’s packaging and natural perfumes are beautiful.

If beauty is as beauty does, then our pictures utter a thousand words.

Tanja is a mother, a renowned fashion model, yoga practitioner and an independent natural perfumer.

I became acquainted with her work through perfumed projects in which she participated this summer, and we began to communicate via Facebook [one of the merits of that often-problematic social network].

I was curious to sniff her work, and she was gracious enough to send me samples of seven perfumes.

Tanja’s company April Aromatics calls Berlin home– that capital known as a veritable cauldron of creativity and cutting-edge artists.

For many youth it exerts a gravitational pull worldwide, an irresistible siren song, culturally speaking.

What a perfect place for new beginnings.


It’s my pleasure to walk you through those fragrances I’ve recently explored.

All have discreet sillage and wear close to the skin- as many botanical perfumes do.

Another fascinating tidbit: Tanja infuses each perfume with crystals for their intended properties and attributes.


Nectar of Love

This is among my favorites, a perfume which harnesses fruits, flowers, and wood in narcotic fashion. Tuberose, Indian jasmine, Bulgarian rose, and sandalwood blend sumptuously with fruit [undisclosed] and some vanillic facet [which is also unnamed].

Nectar of Love is graceful, languid and heady, but never overwhelming.

It refuses to scream for attention; why should it, when whispering is so much more effective?


Amber and citrine are used in infusion- citrine signifying the dissipation of negative energy, attracting abundance and personal power.

Amber has powerful cleansing properties for mind, body, and spirit, and is thought to lift depression and encourage spontaneity.



Tanja ran several possible names by me when she was seeking the ‘right one’, and I’ll admit, I think we both loved the idea of Rosenlust.

It embodies that passion for rose which can never be slaked, like some unassuageable thirst….

Roses abound here, as Bulgarian, Turkish and English rose.

I find citrus and juicy orchard fruit; that fine line between rose and fruit that tantalizes the nose is very much with us.

This is a joyous, juicy rose that feels both sweet and tart à la fois.

It is a rose lover’s delight.

Rosenlust is infused with rose quartz– highly touted for its ability to heal wounded hearts and promote inner peace.


Rose L’Orange

We uncover a completely novel take on rose.

Rosa centifolia and Bulgarian rose sing with neroli and orange blossom, accompanied by vanilla.

They form a delicate, lacy web of florals which enchant ever so effortlessly.

Rose L’Orange is infused with both rose quartz and garnet-

Thus invoking the realms of physical and spiritual love.


Unter Den Linden

All right, I‘ll avow my predisposition to the linden.

Anyone who really knows me remembers that I was fully pregnant with each son during their flowering season- and that Boston is blessed with an abundance of linden trees, even on our street.

Meisters all swoon for the linden- and Tanja captures this so adroitly.

Tanja allies linden absolute with magnolia and citrus notes.

This is a sensitive, pensively sweet fragrance, Proustian even.

Tanja equates this with a honey-like note; for me, it is tisane- comforting and ethereal.

Unter Den Linden is infused with moonstone, the stone which makes conscious the unconscious, and encourages acceptance of one’s psychic gifts.


Precious Woods        

Tanja was inspired by her visit to India during the rainy season.

After torrential storms the primaeval forest is lush, the earth saturated with resinous odors-

Among these we discover pine, myrrh, Mysore sandalwood, Atlas cedar, and rhizomal vetiver in sweet synchronicity.

The charm of Precious Woods recalls my beloved Ava Luxe perfume Palisander in its spicy woodiness

Precious Woods is infused with clear crystal: the goal is harmony, aligning human thoughts and energies with those of the Universe.



Liquid Dreams


Sweet dreams are made of this!

Osmanthus, citrus, narcissus- all conspire to create fragrant respite as they refresh the spirit. I sense the presence of that lovely linden in this one, too 😉

This is a very restorative perfume, lovely in its blithe disposition, so blissfully tranquil.

Moonstone is the crystal infused here, for its ability to smooth emotional instability, I think.


Bohemian Spice

[Tanja generously sent me a bottle of this beauty; I’m seriously humbled.]

Bohemian Spice speaks of exotic, dry olfactory travel to the Maghreb as Tanja envisions it…

Sicilian orange and sultry spices converge with Omani incense and highland lavender, while sandalwood and vetiver await the imminent arrival of darkest patchouli and a heavenly vanilla.

This is a journey jointly fleshly and spiritual, where one ought to expect transformation and shifting of form; you are not disappointed.

Tanja uses clear crystal once more, for its use in healing, meditation, and healing properties.


Tanja has sweetly offered to grant a Reader’s Choice draw.

This is a marvelous opportunity to try a truly masterful new perfumer whose work is imaginative and ecological at once.

Please, share your thoughts on what true beauty means to you-

And which fragrance piques your scentlust….

Please, dear readers:

We announce the winners on our site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume. Draw ends  october 4, 2011 at 8:00 am est

You may locate all of Tanja’s scented children on her website:



Ida Meister, Natural Perfume and Senior Editor

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  • True beauty to me means showing your inner beauty, thoughtfulness, spirit of giving, compassion for others, forgiveness from the heart, honesty, those are all things that mean beauty to me. And the fragrance that arouses my Scentlust is the Bohemian Spice, it sounds dark and sultry and so inviting.

  • I was so impressed with Bohemian Spice, completely smitten. I truly think of Tanja a genius because of it.
    I can not wait to smell her other perfumes. Especially the linden!

    I also want to say that the packaging and the new bottles of April Aromatics = luxury. I’m so impressed with line and can’t wait to see more of this line.

    As far as true beauty, it sounds so generic, but beauty is inner beauty. True beauty is compassion, kindness, devotion and giving others strength through your unlimited and genuine support.

  • OooOOOoooo – Unter den Linden!! Has to be, I am a linden freak. The Rose l’Orange ran a very close second. Sounds like a lovely line!

  • I would like Precious Woods. True beauty isn’t that visible, it is a complex of features or aura, something that radiates outwards and you can perceive it with all your senses. Or beauty in the nature, color of the sky upon sunset, you cannot create such mix of colors in any artificial way, it’s simply unique. Thanks for this opportunity.

  • My choice would be Unter den Linden. To me true beauty comes from within that can be heard in our words through the sweetness of our tongue. Can be seen in our acts through the simplicity of our character. Tanja’s personality impresses me and there’s one similarity between us that makes me admire her and that’s yoga. I am a yoga practitioner myself.

  • I own a bottle of Lindenblossom Meadow oil and it seems to be the same perfume than Unter Den Linden. The notes are the same, and it is infused with moonstone too. Maybe it has changed its name?

    I love that perfume. It’s simply like being under the linden trees, with the honeyed scent of its flowers around you.

    Bohemian Spice is a masterpiece too. The orange-patchouli-incense combo is delicious.

    For me, true beauty can be the most innocent beings on Earth: babies and animals. And I can find true beauty in landscapes: skies, seas, lakes, mountains, rainforests… All that is huge and breathtaking.

    I would like to try Precious Woods. Thanks for this generous draw!

  • To me, true beauty means preserving and protecting one’s equanimity in the face of all our fears and the chaos of our times. Create and protect a calm space inside of you to be generous with yourself and others.

    The April Aromatics all look so interesting to me, especially Bohemian Spice and Rose l’Orange. I am curious about how crystals can be infused…?

  • Good Morning, I really enjoyed this review of Tanja’s perfumes. I’m so happy to see someone else doing this type of work and infusing crystals into the product. I do this, too. Using the energies of the first plane to merge with the energies of the second (and maybe third) plane, Brilliant. Way to go, Tanja.

    For me, beauty is all about the gratitude we infuse into our daily life from our heart, our balance-point, and about the love we give out to all we meet. This cultivates inner and outer beauty.

    Precious Woods and Liquid Dreams really speak to me as Earth Star Chakra and Soul Star Chakra are both the tipping points into new dimensions… one into Gaia our Mother Earth for a primordial experience and one into the arms of the Universe for a celestial experience.

    I’m sorry I don’t know what is meant by the RSS option or spilled perfume. Would someone please enlighten me? Thanks so much.

    We are off on our vacation, returning to work on October 12th.

    Love Lyn

  • I have not heard of this line before, but it looks beautiful. True beauty can be found in almost everyone, it is kindness and compasssion and an inner peacefulness that comes from living life with love and integrity. I would like any of these, but Bohemian Spice calls to me.

  • For some reason, I think these perfumes are going to make the wearer feel so serene and centered. Since I haven’t smelled them, it must me your writing, Ida, or maybe my premonition. I’d bet on Ida’s writing though 🙂

    Among these centering pieces of art, created from plant world, their meanings anchored in crystal, I’d choose Unter den Linden because I am a linden lover, and linden and magnolia sound divine together!

  • Thank you for this review and for bringing this line of perfumes to my attention. I would pick Nectar of Love because the notes sound beautiful.

  • She is gorgeous! And a mom and model and my idol! I would love to beintroduced to this line. The scent of my choice would be Bohemian Spice. I love that horse by the way:) Thanks as always. xo

  • I have not heard of this line before. It all looks so pretty. True beauty comes from within. I try to always look past the exterior and look inside. I think Precious Woods (or Bohemian Spice) would be my choice.

  • pretty interesting post
    these scents are very mystical
    ls like creating a connection with nature definitely dissipating bad vibes…

  • Wow! Bohemian Spice sounds amazing and it is infused with clear crystal! I truly believe in the power of crystals! They really work! It sound crazy but you have to try it! The perfume and the way are created are truly an art form. I hope I win this one. Thanks.

  • True beauty to me comes from selflessness and kindness. It’s all about putting positive things out into the world. These sound lovely; I’d most like to try Precious Woods if given the chance.

  • Michael Singels says:

    I think beauty is a very personal and subjective thing, that which inspires warmth and joy to a person.

    It is really amazing to see Tanja’s perfumes are infused with gemstones, I just love this concept. I studied Flower and Gemstone Essences for healing, so know what powerful healers they can be.

    Thanks so much for introducing me to a new and really awesome line. If I am lucky enough to wind the draw, I would love to try Nectar of Love.

  • true beauty to me is the power to not care about the exterior. of both oneself and others. and the magic elixir…..happiness.
    I loved the sound of many of the fragrances but being a lover of woody scents I would go for the precious woods

  • For me, true beauty is the beauty of character. It shines from the face and makes the person shine and loook beautiful.
    All of the fragrances pique my interest but possibly Bohemian spice the most.

  • I love the sound of Rose L’Orange, Under den Linden and Liquid Dreams. I’m not sure there is such a thing as “true” beauty because, to me, that implies something objective. For me something is truly beautiful when it’s something you love.

  • I have not experienced Tanja’s work. I love the fact that she also uses the energy of crystals in her fragrances. Unter Den Linden would be the one I would like to try. I love linden tea.

    True beauty is a sunset or sunrise, a rose opening and sharing its lovely fragrance, or the aura of a person with their heart open and exuding joy and love.

  • Bohemian Spice peaks my interest, and it is both the notes and that lovely photo of the horse you included!

    True beauty…the moment I met and held my daughters the first time. I’ve adopted internationally and the wait during the process and even the flight over makes that one moment so pure and filled with beauty…Beauty is the happening, not what something looks like, but all the senses coming together in one “blast” of a moment!

  • Ahhhhhh, true beauty… well, true beauty exists across the planet everyday – be it the purity of a flower blooming on the my window sill, the blue of the sky or wind blowing on my skin. So important to tune into the simplicity of everyday offerings of life. True beauty for me is when I can give love… through a big hug, something I create, or a meditation/prayer.

    Rose L’Orange & Nectar of Love, I have experienced and they are both yummy. I am so curious about Roselust!!! Pick for me, if I am so fortunate!

  • true beauty, being centered wherever you are. I’d love to try Unter den Linden, they all sound fabulous.

  • True beauty is feeling like yourself, your best self. I am most intrigued by Unter den Linden, because I haven’t found a fragrance that captures linden in bloom! But I think all of them sound great. The packaging looks high quality and luxurious. Thank you for featuring this line, new to me!

  • If I were so lucky, I think I’d go out on a limb and request Liquid Dreams. It’s a little bit out of the box for me since I gravitate towards woods, and spices, but it sounds so wonderful.

    True beauty is naturally found everywhere we look, and whether or not we choose to see it/be it. I think every individual on this earth has the ability to be beautiful. It is this that I wish for our world. True beauty shown in every facet. One can only imagine the multi layers of beauty that we could all experience.

  • All perfumes sound interesting (it’s a new brand for me) but Unter den Linden attracts me most of all because I love linden blossom and was looking for a perfect linden scent for a while now.

  • Once again Cafleurebon thanks for introducing yet another wonderful perfumer. Tanja’s work is most assuredly soul inspired. True beauty is seeing everything through the eyes of a child always, everything continues be be yet another AHA moment. Being comfortable in your skin with who, where and what you may be at the present moment. This involves a continual metamorphosis. My choice which is difficult would be Bohemian Spice.

  • I have not heard of Tanja’s line before. Precious Woods sounds wonderful, I could use some harmony in my world. Thank you for the generous draw.

  • Bohemian Spice is the one that’s calling out my name! I believe true beauty lives in the absence of judgment, where the only thing that matters is putting others’ needs before our own. Beauty exists in love, truth, and empathy. I am very lucky that I know some beautiful people who live this way, and their beauty shines through the surface like angels!

  • taffynfontana says:

    April Aromatics sounds exciting I am quite intrigued with the infusion of healing crystals. Unter den Linden sounds soothing and a must try.

  • To me true beauty is inspired by love. Through love even the mundane can be transformed beautiful.
    I think my scentlust would be “Precious Woods”, which sounds most “my thing”. ( & because I too luved AL’s Palisander :o)
    ~ Interesting new line, thank you !

  • Finding true beauty in both things and people is often an ongoing struggle for me, as I unfortunately tend to suffer from depression. Finding it however is also my saving grace.
    I find this whole line interesting and certainly really beautifully & “professionally” packaged. However, I’m also inclined to think that at ±£170 for 30ml the EDP’s seem somewhat overpriced, in the manner that most of these “new-age” type products tend to unfortunately be. (Of course this could also be just because I’m always broke ;o). For instance, in contrast, I’ve smelled really beautiful all-natural perfumes for a mere ±£70 for 50ml, hence my reluctance. (Although, on the other hand, I did notice that at least the oils and bodymists are much more reasonably priced).
    Still, I am now intrigued to sniff & see if they indeed warrant their steep prices. So my scentlust lies with “Bohemian Spice”, if I should be so lucky. ~ Thank you !

  • The one called Bohemian Spice sounds really amazing and that’s the one I’d love to win.
    True beauty is really different from person to person, for me beauty is my wife, my baby, art (music, movies, perfumes, books and cooking) but is just me.
    This is a beautiful place and we should start to take care of it so the others coming behind can enjoy enjoy it too.

  • I’ve kept coming back to read about Tanja’s Unter den Linden. Normally, I’d never choose a fragrance by the name, but by your review and by the notes. But this one and the wonderful pictures sings to me of beauty. Memories of walking along this famous boulevard…True beauty can be anything, but it’s the memories of them that makes it special.
    Thank you for reminding me:)

  • This line intrigues me for numerous reasons…it is organic, the infusion of crystals in the fragrances and the fact that the perfumer practices yoga and has essential oils specific to chakras. To answer the question-What is true beauty? In one simple word:LIFE. Too often we look upon our daily routines as mundane obligations and trudge through without taking the time to just be present and, if you pardon the cliche, “smell the roses”. So much of our daily living is truly beautiful if we just take the time to acknowledge this. To quote one of my favorite authors, Mark Ballabon, “appreciating life is to wake up each day defying the cynicism that is there to disaffect us all, never, never looking back in regret”. I will not pick a specific fragrance for the draw as they all sound wonderful- CaFleureBon or Tanja can pick for me, should I win!

  • True beauty, to me, is an attitude toward the world that encompasses generosity without patronization, kindness without foolishness, and embracing the wonder in multiplicity without losing a sense of discernment. True beauty lies in balance and in harmony.

    Given my love of harmonious accords, I think that Precious Woods would be the one of Tanja’s creations I’d most like to try!

  • Tiffany Rae says:

    True Beauty only comes from the inside… Everything else fades and withers away…

    I love my Bohemian Spice Perfume… It’s like it is PART OF ME. And I feel even better than I did before every time I put it on. 🙂

  • Beauty covers ALL of the senses, as Tanja masterfully shows!

    I’ve only had a glimmer of Bohemian Spice, and loved every drop – so I’d want a bigger taste of “beauty” 🙂

  • The beauty that is nature, and the beauty that Tanja sees and that Tanja is becomes the luscious natural perfumes she offers the world!

    I’ve known Tanja since our first aromatherapy class a long time ago. Always, she had the intuitive knowledge of creating the beautiful blends that typlified who we are becoming.

  • I have used just about all of Tanja’s creation from the chakra series to the lastest creation Bohemian Spice. Although I found myself wearing Bohemian Spice just about everyday, I still remember to take a sniff on the Rosenlust, or dap a drop of nectar of love on my hand in between my daily tasks. I feel like a exciting child reaching into her colorful candy jars for a favorite treat!

    I especially appreciate the loving caring consciousness that she brought into her work, and infused in her final creation. I teach yog and work with gems and herbs. I suggest that you plan on getting her entire set, because they will only add richness and fun in your life. Take your time on doing that, but stay connected. With love. Namaste!

  • Nicky Monteiro says:

    I am too late for the draw, but i want to add that Tanja is beautiful both outside and in and her perfumes are the result and an extension of her wisdom and beauty. Her blends are unique, and genius, and every detail of her product is perfection: the packaging, logo and, of course, the precious perfume. I have the Chakra Collection and Rosenlust, I love them!

  • Melissa Lago says:

    I am also too late for the draw, but I wanted to add that each perfume that I have been blessed to try has uplifted my spirits, and brought beauty to me and to the world. When I have worn them, I feel beautiful from the inside out. For me beauty has an ineffable quality: glowing, harmony, moving and loving…..these are some feelings that come to mind when I think of beauty.

  • Lindenblossom meadow is my favorite perfume and it feels good to know that Tanja’s products are so natural. I teach yoga and her products are a definite plus for my classes! In short, these products are amazing and I would recommend them to all.

  • I was introduced to Tanja’s aroma yoga class when she was living in NYC. The class was her unique expression and was very informative. I always left the room with rejuvenation and full of beautiful smells like a flower. Her outlook beauty is a reflection of her inner beauty, and one of the reasons I wanted to come back to her class was to simply see her beauty! Her chakra oil kit was one of my favorite oils to rub on my chakras.

    Beauty shows up in every aspect of our life. What makes things beautiful from ordinal is when we glance the same things with a sense of wonder and seek for the highest potential of all being, nature, and universe. When we recognize beauty all around, these are reflection of our own beauty.

  • Thank you all for your beautiful comments and suggestions…(gives me new ideas), and a big thanks to Frau Meister for the wonderful article. I feel truly touched. Thank you Cafleurebon for giving me this opportunity to spread the word about April Aromatics and the biggest thanks to mother NATURE for blessings us with all her gifts.
    I am exited who the winner will be.
