Providence Perfume Company: Solids to Swoon For + Carlos Santana Draw

Charna Ethier of Providence Perfume Company has been a very busy lady lately.

Besides her own booming cottage industry, composing all-natural perfumes, body oils, and now, solid perfume balms

She was also asked to teach a course in NYC recently, alongside other well-known natural perfumers.

Not too long ago, Charna was agonizing about releasing her new solid perfumes:

Would they be good enough?

How was their longevity?

Were the fragrances true?

Worry worry worry.

Charna needn’t have worried 😉

These attractively-packaged, richly moisturizing perfumed balms are brand spanking new.

They are absolutely [sic] original fragrances – separate from her existing body oils and eaux de parfums.

There are four fragrances from which to choose, each distinct and exquisitely aromatic.

I recommend sampling them, because they play out differently on the skin than they initially appear to your nose [not unusual when experiencing a well-nuanced natural].

Notes are but a small part of the equation- we need our noses and skin!

Your skin will LOVE these.

The first main ingredient is shea butter– that good friend to skin.

It’s followed by apricot kernel oil, yellow beeswax, castor bean, coconut, and jojoba oils…I think you see where I’m going with this.

Charna’s are very unlike so many other perfume concretes, which can crack, crumble, and feel dreadfully waxy, chalky, or unyielding to the touch; you can scratch them with your nails, trying to extract something scented, to little avail.

PPC’s are easy to use, soft and moist, without feeling greasy in the process.

The fragrances themselves delight.

[I bought mine unsniffed, by the way.

Talk about trust!]


A glorious jasmine grandiflorum- one of my favorites, and Charna’s, too-

It is blended with rose de mai and nutmeg, and vanilla.

This perfume really took me by surprise.

I smelled a clearly terpene-type note on my skin, similar to a menthol / eucalyptus in this full-bodied composition.

For me, it renders Jazmina complex and elegant, feeling like a grande dame white blossom wearing naughty underpinnings.


Big, beautiful Stargazer lilies cozy up to the rose and the almond, and the result is pretty spectacular.

If you love a big floral, this is the stuff of dreams- romantic, lush, and ripe.


Frankly, I’d rather wear this than the Fracas of today.

The bouquet of plumeria, coffee flower, night-blooming jasmine, frangipani and tuberose perch atop a lovely quality sandalwood

The overall effect is ebulliently floral / woody, without brashness, and the drydown feels rather tender.


My clear favorite of the quartet.

And possibly the most unexpected, because it smells one way at first, then morphs into something else entirely-

Each episode is wonderful

The first breath is intensely verdant and herbal, chock- full of naturals that make me dizzy with their generous greenness.

Herbs [basil, in particular], violet leaves [must be galbanum in there, too], relatives of the mint family even- Greet me effusively.

Then, something happens– a huge dollop of orris and mimosa change the entire trajectory.

There is a notable silveriness from the orris, and a fruitiness from the mimosa.

What was green is now delicately apricot-peachy and silvery.

Chiffonade reminds me of what some fine chypres do; they begin fresh and develop, with twists and turns along the way.

They pique AND hold your interest.

Yes, Charna is my friend.

I pay for my perfumes, just as you do- because it’s important to support independent business folk, they’ve got to eat, just like us 😉

Friendship aside, though, her work never bores; like the woman herself, it is giving, open, more than a little mysterious, and full of warmth and personality.

Charna has sweetly offered a giveaway to a fortunate reader. We will giveaway one full size solid perfume of the reader’s choice. Head over to the Providence Perfumes solid perfumes website at the link here. Then come back and leave a comment describing which one you would choose and why. The draw closes on May 20, 2011.

Ida Meister, Natural Perfumes Editor/Senior Editor

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  • Jazmina sounds awesome.  I love jasmine!   The nutmeg, vanilla, rose de mai, and jasmine grand. together sound like a winning combo.  I would love to win this.
    Thank you Charna and Michelyn.

  • Thank Ida for the review JoAnne I am partial to the jazmina which was a surprise. Moonflower too. Chiffonade and Lillium are beautiful for spring and for those who love Green scents!

    I cannot wear Fracas but jazmina was easy!

  • The Santana music was a pleasing accompaniment while reading your review.  Really nice. 
    All four of Charna's perfumes sound divine.  I suppose I would choose Moonflower (Plum, yum) or Chiffonade, based on your glowing review.
    Thanks to Charna and you for this generous draw.

  • I'm not sure I could chose!  Perhaps Moonflower or Lilium ~ they really all do sound gorgeous!
    My thanks for the generous draw!

  • Tourbillion says:

    I would like to say Lilium, but I sneeze even thinking about lilies which is sad since I love them.  🙁
    I do think that Chiffonade piques my interest the most though.  I go through mini obsessions, and basil was mine this spring, I planted basil seeds, made huge amounts of pesto, I even had  to make basil hand lotion.  I also have been interested in the mimosa and violet leaf combination ever since I sampled Mimosa de L'esterel last February.  
    It's been a very green spring.

  • My most lively memories are all based around scent. I first learned to garden by tending my mother's Stargazer lilies. I think that would be my choice, though Chiffonade seems the most "me" based on the listed notes. Thank you for a lovely article and a generous drawing opportunity.

  • Today is a dark, cold, wet day … in the middle of May. Our Spring has been depressingly dreary. I need light and warmth!! For this reason I would opt for Chiffonade as it sounds full of the promise of fresh air and sunlight that we are so lacking in the Northeast right now. 

  • Moonflower and Chiffonade sound beautiful, I would be hard pressed to choose. Question- do they layer well? These two sound like they would compliment each other as well. Love the notes & descriptions…I would imagine these are low sillage as well which I love…

  • That is a seriously lovely website, who designed it? I'm very intrigued by the perfume Indolice, but as for the solids, I'd have to choose Jazmina, as jasmine's known to be very soothing and mood-enhancing, and who could ask for more?

  • I would chose chiffonade.becayse green is beautiful, and it sounds like an intriguing mix of herbal and unisex and floral.

  • Lynne1962 says:

    Oh,,,I LOVE the website.  From the descriptions,,,I would love Chiffonade or Jazmina,,,as I love Herbal fragrances (and a dollop of Iris!!),,,,and Jasmine is my favorite flower in perfumes.  I also like the fact that the site isn't heavy with dozens of selections,,,,what she has offered appeals to me and covers a lot of areas!!  Can't wait to try samples!

  • Jazmina for me. Hoping to make a slicker transition to fragranced balms, since my finicky self (what self-respecting perfumisto isn't temperamental I say!) needs to change from the repetitious fetish for Internet ordering. I'm trying to woo a boy I like. And, there's not quite like jasmine, which is uniquely gifted for the simultaneous harshness and whimsy of dating anew. Maybe this charm will bring a much needed luck this time around…

  • It has to be Jazmina- the scent of jasmine is for me synonymous with the exoticism and mystery of the East, the area of the world where I have always felt most at home…

  • I absolutely love Providence Perfumes scents. They are complex’ delicious, and unique. I love that I can carry them in my pocketbook and reapply. Charna is gifted and I look forward to smelling all of them!.

  • They all sound great, but I choose Chiffonade, because I really find herbals comforting, and this one sounds very interesting. I guess you could say I was swayed by your review!
    Let me also say I appreciate not having to jump through hoops to post on your site. Sometimes I just give up posting on other blogs, there are so many steps to go through before you can post.

  • angiefunk says:

    What a wonderful review and all of the scents sound wonderful.  I would probably have to choose Lilium since I absolutly love stargazer lilies.  Thank you for the oppertunity to win one of your creations Charna.

  • I would have a hard time passing up the Jazmina, but I would love the Moonflower. It sounds so romantic and I am a sucker for nighttime flowers!

  • They sound gorgeous! Charna – put a link on the Guild FB page, and don't forget to send them for the Guild Scent Library.  Elise has it all catalogued and we bought gorgeous enameled baskets to hold the beauties.  I know whomever wins will treasure Charna's beautiful perfumes.  Without smelling them yet I know they're beautiful, because all of her creations are!

  • I love Providence Rhode Island!! Many many wonderful mems there during my college years.
    In my experience there are oily waxy solids that are more of the consistency of perfumed candle never a good feeling on your skin when your looking for some chemistry and self expression.
    The alternative to the candle feel is the dry mascara cake consistency which even if you wet it was never able to be applied evenly.
    Scent wise, I felt ripped off everytime I got one these scented checker chips! I stopped even trying them. 
    I would enjoy wearing a perfumed solid that is able to be worn. This review captured the pitfalls of the predacessors of solids so i am confident that Charna, has achieved the wearable solid scent.
    I would like nothing more than to be able to travel with fragrance. Its a large part of who I am on any given day along with my clothing it tells my story so that I dont have too. It shows people who I am in that moment of time.
    I would love to try Chiffonade. If I won, she would live in a lovely sequined-straw beach tote all summer. I could promise her daily use and a life of pool and playdates. It would be woderful!
    Thanks 🙂

  • Charna congratulations on wonderful review and awesome products! I would choose Moonflower got a sample with an order love it… Jazmina sounds lovely too I hate making such decisions….Lovely article Ida.

  • I would have chosen Lilium except for your description of Chiffonade morphing from one thing to another totally unexpected other. That sounds fascinating and I want to experience that!

  • I recently got a lot of samples and perfumes from etsy including the Providence ones. It's quite amazing to actually compare some of these. The difference between a few notes put together and an actual perfume is quiote evident and striking and I feel that Charna's are really beautiful, full perfumes.

  • I've read of Charna's love for coffee flower on her blog and would love to try out her Moonflower.  Mind you, I love Basil….oh, too hard!!!  Chiffonade being given the big tick makes it super hard!  Also, the nourishing oils used to create the base of the balm sound absolutely lovely.  It's true that some bases containing just beeswax (or other) can be quite waxy/crumbly/hit-and-miss sometimes…When I can, I'll be hitting up the website for all of her samples!
    P.S. As Cynthia mentioned above, I too appreciate not having to jump through hoops to post on your site!  Thanks for that and also the awesome giveaway opportunity too 🙂

  • Ah, Moonflower is my pick to win.   I would love to smell the plumeria bouquet and the way the scent moves to a tender drydown.   Sounds beautiful.   Thanks for entering me.

  • I would love to win the Jazmina.  Her creations sound lovely.  Love your descriptions of the scents.

  • Hmm, hard for me to pick between Lilium and Chiffonade.  I love the smell of Stargazer lilies, and then there's the almond!  But Chiffonade has violet leaf and mimosa.  OK, I'll go for Lilium if I have to choose – it sounds so yummy.

  • Chiffonade – I love perfumes with twist and turns and chypres too. Nice colletion must say.

  • Ida, thank you very much for this great article 🙂
    All the scents sound divine & I love how polished & organized the website is. It makes everything look so tempting!
    Please enter me in the draw. It was really hard to pick a favorite, but I ended up choosing Lilium in case I win.

  • Congratulatiojns, Charna! My choice would be either Jazmina or Moonflower – and my thanks to you and Michelyn for the draw!

  • Seeing as I love plumerias, the tropics, and getting le’id :D, I think Moonflower would be my choice, although they all sound incredible.

  • I had a heck of a time choosing! What beautiful decriptions – they all sound so tempting! I'll have to go with the first one that piqued my interest when I visited Charna's website – Moonflower. Sounds like the perfect summer evening choice!

  • I have to go with Moonflower, though they all sound amazing.  I just like the idea of an array of florals over a sandalwood base.  mmmm.

  • Chiffonade since apricots are so hard to capture in natural perfume; Moonflower is such a lovely name and I would love to know what coffee flower smells like. Thank you so much to Charna for her generosity and to you for bringing this to us.

  • Z. Boudreaux says:

    Love to see so many natural perfume draws! I would love to try Chiffonade  it seems so unique and in the vain of other things I'm drawn to wear at the moment. 

  • If I won, I would pick Chiffonade. I'm still in my search of the perfect green scent. I love basil, mint and mimose. Galbanum is a difficult note. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I find it overwhelming, but it's growing on me.
    The other perfumes seem wonderful too 🙂
    Thanks for this draw!

  • How to pick just one?  They each sound so tempting — think I might start with Jasmina and move on from there to try the others.   MMMMM.  Cannot wait to smell and feel each one.

  • I am relatively new to natural perfumes. I was given a sample of Tabac Citron as a gift; I love it.
    My first instinct would be to try Moonflower (ebulliently floral/woodsy…and tender) but – as others have noted- the description of Chiffonade has captured my imagination (green to delicate to silvery…sign me up:) I do not think I could go wrong!