Politicians, Power, Perjury, Privacy and Perfume + “The Good Wife” Draw

There is a cliché … never talk about sex, politics, or religion. But these are the most interesting to discuss!!


Number Six of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament says: "Thou shall not commit Adultery" (Exodus 20:14); the punishment was for women only and pretty gruesome.

King James Bible: "So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone". (John 8.7). Mary Magdalene, who according to the New James Bible, was set free and became a disciple of Jesus,. But  since the middle ages, the   Church was particularly harsh on women and over the past decade scandal after scandal was uncovered involving  pedophilia.


Nowadays  with information 24/7 , lately we  give the  masses bread and circuses and  the philandering of  politicians is an easy target; with no regard to  their wives and family.

 Sex scandals   are sure more fun for the media to poke fun of; not alot of  jokes can be made about  the bad global economy, loss of jobs and global climate disasters.  Its a bipartisan free for all…: Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Newt Gingrich, John Edwards, Elliot Spitzer, Prince Charles, John McCain, John F. Kennedy, George Bush Sr., Bob Barr, Nicolas Sarkozy, Rudolph Guliani, Dominique Strauss-Kahn and James McGreevey are just a few that came to mind (and that's without googling)

Here in America, Governor Schwarzenegger can breathe a sigh of relief because we have Anthony Weiner; thus said Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon.

 Weiner= Penis. What’s more fun for the paparazzi and pundits than perjury and penises. Add that his wife Huma Abedin is pregnant and is of Iranian and Pakistani descent …it's a real "party."



In most cases,(in the United States), the woman betrayed, from Hillary Clinton, our Secretary of State to Maria Shriver (just like the amazing television show called the “Good Wife” modeled after lawyer Silda Spitzer) stood by their men . Even the dying Elizabeth Edwards.

I am not even going to talk about safe sex on the lovechilds of the politicians who fathered  children out of wedlock.  Really what were they thinking?.

.In the U.S. 22% of husbands ADMIT to cheat on their wives. The number is about 14% for women. Hillary Clinton is now the Secretary of State; Elliot Spitzer has his own television news show. John McCain ran for president and lost (most likely lost for his choice of Sara Palin as a runing mate), not to his adulterous affair and (Guiliani " Americas Mayor" during 9/11 on his position on abortion).

 By the way telling a lie (ie perjury) is Number Nine on the list of the Ten Commandments.

For those who wonder what this has to do with fragrance? It has everything to do with it. The  scents  I chose  are  appropriate for the piece.  

Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief, (who didn't have the heart to post this on Father's Day).

To enter our draw, please leave a comment: should politicians be held to a higher standard than the rest of us? Or do you feel that the wives should stand by their man through the trials and media frenzy… and of course what about the kids? DRAW ENDS  3 pm JUNE 20, 2011 EST

For our draw we have two full size fragrances: (One winner has a choice of three Etat Libre D'orange)

1.7 ounces of Secretions Magnifiques OR 1.7 ounces of Don't Get me Wrong OR 1.7 Putain du Palaces

120 ml 1725 Casanova  by www.histoiresdeparfums.com

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  • Heather M. says:

    My Grandmother – a South Dakota native and I used to cook in her kitchen and listen to Tammy Wynette and Barbara Mandrell. Oh how I miss that!

    Hmmm and in response towards the first question, I immediately thought of a quote by the dearly missed George Carlin.

    “Now, there’s one thing you might have noticed I don’t complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don’t fall out of the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It’s what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain’t going to do any good; you’re just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it’s not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here… like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There’s a nice campaign slogan for somebody: ‘The Public Sucks. F*ck Hope.'”

    I think a womans choice should be just that and left alone outside of the media frenzy. It shouldn’t be up for debate on the morning news. Since when did relationships get so public? I don’t think she has an obligation to stand by her man though. I would probably make a quiet exit.

  • I love The Good Wife! In my view Politicians have to be honest,- who really cares who they bonk? Secrecy and deception, intriquing as they both are should be a no-no for the governors of our laws. Its not about sex, its about abuse of power and I repeat Honesty! I guess Casanova it will have to be!

  • There is a reality of being a politician, and this reality includes lack of privacy. As a fellow human being I feel that this is unfortunate because everyone needs privacy, but I’ve heard an argument that a politician is not entitled to privacy in the same way as the everyday person is. I am still not 100% sure what is my own take on that argument, because I value privacy very highly.

    A wife in this situation is likely to validate her choice of husband, so she defends him and stands by him. Another approach could be to use this moment to cut the losses — has anyone seen it done? That would be a pretty brave move.

    Certainly, I would not say that there are any shoulds for a wife in this case. If what she wants is to cut her losses and move to what she deserves more, I think that’s great, as long as this is really what she wants as what is good for her in the long run. If what she wants is to support her husband and their marriage — that is great, as long as this is really what she wants and what is good for her in the long run. I think it’s unfair to put a “should” on a person to make them do what they do not want to do and what is going to be bad for them in the long run.

  • Charlotte says:

    I love the show “The Good Wife”. Personally, I don’t care what politicians do in their personal lives as long as they fess up when caught. There is this thing called integrity and if they can’t tell the truth, regardless of what they did, then I don’t want them representing me.
    Good example: Bill Clinton, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”, which is really the truth when all is said and done. You would have to be of the mind-set though that oral sex is not actual sexual relations in his mind and never was in mine either. So, essentially he told the truth.
    I would have had more respect for Mr. Wiener, who I did have respect for, if he had just fessed up and said “yeah, I love sexting in my private life, so what”, but he didn’t, he lied about it. Now all of the vixens he sent pics to will have their 15 minutes of fame and they don’t deserve it.

  • I don’t think that politicians should be held to higher standards than anybody else, but I definitely think they should be held to their OWN standards. So, when a homophobic conservative politician preaching so-called “family values” (when did hatred become a family value?) is caught soliciting gay sex, then I think they should rightly fall on their own sword..

  • What happens between a politician and his spouse is not my business, as long as the law isn’t being broken. That said, anyone holding public office who believes that he won’t be scrutinized and eventually found out is at least stupid, but more likely arrogant and entitled. I suppose that it takes a certain amount of chutzpah to run for office to begin with, but it certainly is irksome to know that we have so many narcissists running our country.

    I agree with the writer above that the worst offense is that of violating one’s own stated standards. Although I suspect that many of those who trumpet these so-called values are merely posturing for their base. As for the wives? They should do whatever makes them comfortable. Stay, leave, support her husband or kick him to the curb. Her choice and hers alone.

  • If any low-level government employee did half of what these politicians do (and they do it on our taxpayer dimes), that individual would be out on his (r)ear. Do what you want in private, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, but don’t be doing it on the government clock and don’t be screwing me the taxpayer too.

    How is Anthony Weiner any different from the creeps on the train planform who used to flash us young girls? Move along, there’s nothing to see here.

    I wouldn’t say a woman should leave, but if she does, she should take everything and the kitchen sink with her.

    I do feel sorry for the kids. The person they love and look up to, their Father for goodness sake, is the cause of such turmoil for not being able to control himself in the simplest sense. The men are cheating on their families, not just their wives.

  • d3m0lici0n says:

    Well politicians, presidents, and us; we are ALL human and we all have our issues, if you want to become one of them and you think that your manias are going to come in your way, better not to do it, the media is always looking for stories: good one, kinky ones, all kinds.
    You know that you are becoming public and that your privacy is well… gone! so better not to expose you and your loved ones to all the shame and to all the circus that the media is.

  • Do moral standards come in levels? There are differing levels of responsibility. A person’s integrity may be measured as high or low. There is but one moral standard and one either meets it or they do not.
    Politicians should not be held to a higher moral standard than the electorate, nor should an unprincipled lack of integrity be accepted from them. Maybe it would be enough for them to adhere to the own stated standarts – as it was said above..

  • Wow, now this is a touchy subject…i personally do not watch The Good Wife, but have a friend that is very passionate about the show. As far as morals go, i think they come in all sort of levels just like thieves….starting out small and then working themselves into grand theft auto. Same goes for morals. Weird thing is on 20/20 tonight they had a piece about a website where you can sign up for cheating and you will also get an app on your phone. The founder of this site/club or whatever you want to call this, says he has members all over the world. Married people arranging trysts on their phone through an application on their phone. Let me just say now i have heard it all. Should the people that are considered your leaders uphold some sort of moral standard??? YES!!! Are they human and will they slip up and not be so perfect at times????? YES!!!!!
    I think before you throw all caution to the wind you should really think about the consequences that may arise from your behavior, because more then likely, you will be hurting your loved ones. Should the wives stand by them, i cannot answer that as i am not walking in that persons shoes. It is their choice to do so and they should not be criticized for it either. Hard enough knowing what your spouse did.

  • In Spain politicians don’t have to held a higher moral standard. They are people like anybody else, with their virtues and fails, and we only ask them to be honest and good politicians. We don’t care too much for what they do in their private life.
    Of course, we want our politicians to be open minded and responsible of their words and facts.

    I would love to win Putain des Palaces or Casanova. Thanks! 🙂

  • And if the luck of the draw comes my way ( as i am rubbing my lucky horse shoe) i would love to be entered for the 1725 Casanova …thank you.

  • it’s the media.
    the media are evil.
    as in: current-day panem et circenses.
    as in: human sacrifices.
    as in: *other* peoples’ blood and tears that we watch, forgetting our own.


    but i *would* like a bottle of that casanova.

  • Yes they should show higher morale/credibility level than the rest of us since they represent us. The wives should stay by their men/ politician unless it’s about very pricky affair. The kids are victims in this case, as always – be it a VIP or one of us. Thx for opportunity.

  • Politician is human too, they make mistake. but i wish that they got a higher standard. because they are more exposed to the media than normal people and they are the our leaders. As of for the wife, i think she should stand beside him as long as she believe that what her husband did is right.
    And i hope that the press don’t involve the kids, because they are not on fault here and live peacefully not traumatized because of “scandals” their parents make.

  • It has become a long lasting tradition for politicians to get caught up in estranged situations as such, my view on this is part of a plan in action to deviate realistic and necessary public view of that person. Mistakes are quickly forgotten by a slight mentioning of a possible high value affair. Why high value? Because the invoice at the end and the settlement always proceeds beyond millions. So these are the politicians you vote for, ones who get rich and you get poorer. Alas, our new approach to better life, people are at war and most still prey to Almighty Dollar

  • The Good Wife is the only network show I watch! It’s terrific. I don’t think politicians should be held to a higher standard–let’s face it, our standards are pretty low! Reality TV, tabloid journalism–politicians and their sexual adventures fan the flames of those ventures. As for spouses and children–one never knows the scaffolding of any relationship so to comment is foolish IMHO. Please enter me into the drawing. Thanks!

  • chayaruchama says:

    A brilliant, pithy, now-deceased Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Ohabei Shalom once said, when asked about great men and infidelity:
    “It’s been endemic since the time of King David, or even earlier…
    They don’t believe their own PR.
    Hubris “.

    I can’t see into their hearts-
    And I’m not a Supreme Court Judge.

    Please enter me- if applicable=-
    For that lovely Casanova, if you could…

  • sonia garcia says:

    We don’t have to get different levels of standards and values we are all human and we are all supposed to have the same, here politicians are treated like sacred cows, they are freaking humans like all of us, but as said before this is a touchy subject. Sometimes it looks like they are deatched from reality, just look what some of them are doing and the laws they are trying to pass, but whatever they want to do with their private lives is up to them! The only thing is that it shouldn’t cost us taxpayers of their weirdness and issues. And also they have to know that they are public figures and the media are always looking for material.

  • I believe that politicians should held the SAME level of moral. and responsibility.
    But while they have more possibilities (media, PR, GR, etc) they should be even more MORALLY CLEAN.
    Role models, etc.

    As for wives & kids – every family member should decide for oneself.

    And – how this is related to Cafleurebon? It does not smells good… It smells bad… till it does not smell like Casanova for me personally ;)))))

  • Well, Im going to open witht he statement that times have changed! Even from a Royal Family perspective. Diana and Charles had a union full of lies and decit. In the guise of the stand by your man ideaoligy. But now we have the new generation of royalty taking out the part of the vows where she would promise to obey! Thats brilliant! But more than that its telling of the times we live in.
    A cheat is cheat even in the form of a tweet! It shows intent. Politicians are not above the moral code. The are mere mortals drunk with power and celibrity acting like teenagers in the park after dark!
    Politicians careers were not based on moral charecter they were voted and elected by majority…moral majority that is of others and not their own.
    Because they are elected officials and paid by the taxpayer and acting on paid time in most of their scandalous activities then they need to be accountable to the employers just the same as the private sector. Who wouldnt be fired for congecal visits at work…except a hooker? Beyond that its a home issue and the wife should take a note from Ivanka Trump, “Dont get mad get everything”. Or so I think. I dont want to wonder what I would do in “her” position if that shoe were on my foot but I can tell you it never was the same after someone cheated in former dating situations. I could never ahve stayed happy in those relationships.
    Secretions magnifiques I would love to pull that out and put it out for visiting guests at my home. Imagine their sweet expression when they read that bottle? How many of them would use it? I think all of them would come out wafting it. I want to see my mother in law’s reaction. Ha.

  • our blog is how culture and the world interact through fragrance. The choices of these fragrances were very specific, controversial and they ca fleure bon. Infidelity is thousands of years old, as is fragrance

  • Michellle Hunt says:

    I think that everyone should be held to a high standard….and politicians who are foolish enough to do this should be held accountable. As for the wives and families, they should do whatever they feel necessary to get themselves through the horrible media scrutiny. If that means they wish to step out of the limelight, this should be respected.

    I would love to be entered in the draw for either Putain des Palaces or Casanova 1725. thank you!

  • I think politicians should be responsible for ALL of their moral decisions, but I think there’s something ridiculous about hounding someone like Weiner out of office. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

    And cast me into the ring for either draw………..

  • you smell!!! says:

    Like so many of the comments said before, they are just human, they are not supossed to be saints or spiritually prepared, they are simple human beings with good and bad habits, but if they choose to become politicians it means they choose to become PUBLIC, so everybody is going to look their moves. I can’t even imagine how you could live like this without having privacy…
    I guess that adds to the pressure and to the crazyness and weird behaviour that sometimes they show.

  • The Good Wife is the best show on non cable television bar none!

    This behavior has been tolerated in some cultures and considered acceptable in other’s

    Remember, before DNA testing, cell phone cameras, video surveillance and the internet paper trail, women were at the mercy of powerful men bullying them into dropping charges (if it even got that far), getting paid off or physically being threatened. Let’s hope that technology will be a guiding light in putting men who misbehave in their place (or prison cells).

  • And thanx Heather for bring out the George Carlin (my fave) quote! Right he was!

    Open to all in the draw!

  • I hold politicians to a high moral standard when it comes to how they perform their public duties (being honest, unbribable and so on). In their personal lives-everyone has human frailties and I could forgive that as long as its not criminal or they blantantly betray their professed ideals.
    I’d love the Casanova-if you can enter the draw from Sweden that is!

  • Bad judgment, sexual harassment, and lying to cover them up speak for themselves regardless of who does them, but I do expect better from persons given inordinate power and influence over the lives of others.

  • I think politicians end up putting themselves in the spotlight…they are not ignorant of what being apolitician means, so higher standards may come as part of the territory…and after the fact, it is all about the children and how to keep them OUT of the spotlight and ensure that they have a supportive and reliable parent to help them through the mess the adults created…

  • I agree with arch.memory: Politicians are human, but they should be held to the same standard they hold others to!

  • i think politicians are just like everyone else. they have a right to err and should be treated just like everyone else.

  • Well we are all human. But better think twice what that kind of glory brings along. Nevertheless I think kids should be left out of that.

  • Politicians in general are bad lovers but I find them sexually very attractive. . I have always fantasized having sex with George W. Bush , Mike Bloomberg or Sarkozy . I good politician should be able to make love with each one of his voters to get to know them better. But the other side is they often worship money and status, morality is just a political weapon to win more voters.

  • Personally, I’m not interested in what politicians do in their bedrooms. Of course, wrong is wrong, but I can”t stand when some “sex scandal” dominates the news and gives all those who disagree with that politician reason to say I told you so. Disclosure can be a good thing, but honestly, the media frenzy is such a turn-off that I’d rather not know and that the important issues, not the politician’s personal life, would be the focus. And I would LOVE Putain du Palaces. Thanks for the draw!

  • If politicians are not longer role models for society then they should not be there inflicting moral values in society. We expect them to be honest, not perfect.