There is a cliché … never talk about sex, politics, or religion. But these are the most interesting to discuss!!
Number Six of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament says: "Thou shall not commit Adultery" (Exodus 20:14); the punishment was for women only and pretty gruesome.
King James Bible: "So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone". (John 8.7). Mary Magdalene, who according to the New James Bible, was set free and became a disciple of Jesus,. But since the middle ages, the Church was particularly harsh on women and over the past decade scandal after scandal was uncovered involving pedophilia.
Nowadays with information 24/7 , lately we give the masses bread and circuses and the philandering of politicians is an easy target; with no regard to their wives and family.
Sex scandals are sure more fun for the media to poke fun of; not alot of jokes can be made about the bad global economy, loss of jobs and global climate disasters. Its a bipartisan free for all…: Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Newt Gingrich, John Edwards, Elliot Spitzer, Prince Charles, John McCain, John F. Kennedy, George Bush Sr., Bob Barr, Nicolas Sarkozy, Rudolph Guliani, Dominique Strauss-Kahn and James McGreevey are just a few that came to mind (and that's without googling)
Here in America, Governor Schwarzenegger can breathe a sigh of relief because we have Anthony Weiner; thus said Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon.
Weiner= Penis. What’s more fun for the paparazzi and pundits than perjury and penises. Add that his wife Huma Abedin is pregnant and is of Iranian and Pakistani descent …it's a real "party."
In most cases,(in the United States), the woman betrayed, from Hillary Clinton, our Secretary of State to Maria Shriver (just like the amazing television show called the “Good Wife” modeled after lawyer Silda Spitzer) stood by their men . Even the dying Elizabeth Edwards.
I am not even going to talk about safe sex on the lovechilds of the politicians who fathered children out of wedlock. Really what were they thinking?.
.In the U.S. 22% of husbands ADMIT to cheat on their wives. The number is about 14% for women. Hillary Clinton is now the Secretary of State; Elliot Spitzer has his own television news show. John McCain ran for president and lost (most likely lost for his choice of Sara Palin as a runing mate), not to his adulterous affair and (Guiliani " Americas Mayor" during 9/11 on his position on abortion).
By the way telling a lie (ie perjury) is Number Nine on the list of the Ten Commandments.
For those who wonder what this has to do with fragrance? It has everything to do with it. The scents I chose are appropriate for the piece.
–Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief, (who didn't have the heart to post this on Father's Day).
To enter our draw, please leave a comment: should politicians be held to a higher standard than the rest of us? Or do you feel that the wives should stand by their man through the trials and media frenzy… and of course what about the kids? DRAW ENDS 3 pm JUNE 20, 2011 EST
For our draw we have two full size fragrances: (One winner has a choice of three Etat Libre D'orange)
1.7 ounces of Secretions Magnifiques OR 1.7 ounces of Don't Get me Wrong OR 1.7 Putain du Palaces