November 2015 Spilled Perfume: “Star Wars The Force Awakens” + 9 Favorite Star Wars Villians and Heroes

favorite heros and villians of star war movies

Some of us are sci-fi nerds and would sell our  favorite uncle for opening day tickets to the new Star Wars The Force Awakens premiering December 18.  There are those contributors and writers who could care less or just grew up with Star Wars. From the Original Movie in 1977  to the upcoming Episode 7, we chose our favorite or most highly anticipated character from the movie saga that began in 1977 in a galaxy far far away. To claim this month’s spilled perfume try to match the contributors and editors of CaFleureBon to the iconic or soon to be iconic Star Wars villains and heroes. Good Luck and May the Force Be With You.

 Hernando Courtright, Contributor-  Chewbacca Star Wars,1977

 Aaron Potterman, Contributor- Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977

 Ermano Picco, Contributor – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens  2015

Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor- Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens

Liza Wade Contributor- Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983

Bettina Korp Guest Contributor- R2-D2 Star Wars 1977 

Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor –James Earl Jones as Darth Vader  Star Wars 1 1977

Pam Barr, Sr Contributor- Could care less about Star Wars

The Nosey Artist, Contributor – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015

Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983

Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief- Ewan McGregor as  Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005

For our Star Wars Draw:

selfie olfactive studio

WORLDWIDEOlfactive Studio  100 ml bottle of Selfie 


WORLDWIDE: M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac


WOLRDWIDE: Erik Kormann  50 ml November


:WORLDWIDE: Daniel Josier Josune

Dragon-Tattoo perfume YS UZAC

 EU, USA and Canada:   YS Uzac 50ml of  Dragon Tattoo

hans hendley fume

USA: Hans Hendley 15 ml Fume


USA Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade  

hummingbird   zoologist perfume

US and Canada: 60 ml bottle of Hummingbird

100 tweeds_30 ml

 Euphorium Brooklyn 30 ml of 100 Tweeds

jar jar binks

Jar Jar Binks first appeared in Episode 1 The Phantom Menace 1999

If a reader matches  ALL of us correctly, they automatically win two prizes they asked for (country restrictions) and if no one guesses correctly, the draw is random. Don’t complain if you don’t get exactly what you want or you will go the darkside or spend the night with Jar Jar Binks. Your entry must include the name of the editor or contributor, (i.e. Hernando Courtight favorite Star Wars character is ) to be eligible and of course you must be a Registered CaFleureBon reader. You can list as many as you would like to win. We would love to know your most  favorite or most anticipated Star wars character as well.  Draw closes December 12, 2015.

 Readers Please REGISTER otherwise this overabundance of spilled perfume will continue to collect and go unclaimed on the desert planet of Tatooine

We announce the winners on our site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume


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  • madeleine gallay says:

    One madcap guess …

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief- Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005 – M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac.

    USA of course.

  • Hernando Courtright – Chewbacca Star Wars,1977
    Aaron Potterman – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Ermano Picco – R2D2 Star Wars 1977 (not shown)
    Jasia Julia Nielson – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    Liza Wade – Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    Bettina Korp – Could care less about Star Wars
    Michael Singels – James Earl Jones as Darth Vader  Star Wars 1 1977
    Pam Barr – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens
    The Nosey Artist – Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    Elise Pearlstine  Ewan McGregor as  Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Michelyn Camen Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015

    My choices for the draw are:
    1) Olfactive Studio – Selfie
    2) M.Micallef – Gaiac
    3) Daniel Josier – Josune
    4) Erik Kormann – November

    I live in Singapore. THanks for the draw

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is….could care less about Star Wars.
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi.
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    Elise Pearlstin’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo.
    In the USA and my favorite Star Wars character is C3PO, he was so whitty.
    1. Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade
    2. M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac
    3. Olfactive Studio 100 ml bottle of Selfie
    4. YS Uzac 50ml of Dragon Tattoo
    5. Erik Kormann 50 ml November
    6. Hans Hendley 15 ml Fume
    Thanks for a super draw. Some beauties that went unclaimed. Wow.

  • Aaron Potterman-Max Von Sydow
    Ermano Picco- Carrie Fisher
    Jasia J. Nielson – Chewbacca
    Liza Wade -Billie D. Williams
    Bettina Kort – Adam Driver
    Michael Singel- R2D2
    Pam Barr- Harrison Ford
    The Nosey Artist- Not a fan
    Elise Pearlstin- Jeremy Wallach
    Michelyn Camen – James Earl Jones

    I do not have a favorite, saw the original in the 70’s and never saw another. Not a fan. But will take a guess for this draw.

    Should the force be with me, I’d like:
    1. Gaiac
    2. Selfie
    3. Josane
    4. Ambre Nomade
    5. Hummingbird
    6. November

    Thanks! I live in the U.S.

  • Here goes:

    Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is….could care less about Star Wars.
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2.
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi.
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Elise Pearlstin’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo.

    My personal favorite Star Wars character is Yoda.

    I’m in Canada. If I win, I’d choose:
    – Micallef Gaiac
    – Olfactive Studio Selfie
    – Dragon Tattoo
    – Hummingbird

    Thanks for the draw!

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2 .
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi.
    The Nosey Artist could care less about Star Wars
    Elise Pearlstin’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Han Solo.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.

    I’m in the US and my favorite character is Han Solo. Should I win, my preferences would be for Gaiac, 100 Tweeds, or Hummingbird. Thanks.

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca Star Wars 1977
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2 Star Wars 1977
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    The Nosey Artist could care less about Star Wars
    Elise Pearlstine’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens

    First Star Wars – Sir Alec Guinness as Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi – GREAT!

    I would chose:
    M.Micallef Gaiac
    Elisire Ambre Nomade


  • Here’s my guess:

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor- Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor- James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Ermano Picco, Contributor – Chewbacca Star Wars,1977
    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Liza Wade Contributor – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor – Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    The Nosey Artist, Contributor – Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor Billie – Could care less about Star Wars
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief – R2D2 Star Wars 1977 (not shown)

    My choices would be:
    1.Olfactive Studio 100 ml bottle of Selfie
    2.Erik Kormann 50 ml November
    3.M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac
    4.Daniel Josier Josune

    I live in Malaysia. Thank you for the draw. 🙂
    May the force be with you

  • fazalcheema says:

    Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977

    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2 Star Wars 1977

    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens

    Jasia Julia Nielson Could care less about Star Wars

    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983

    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015

    Michael Singels’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca Star Wars,1977

    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983

    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015

    Elise Pearlstine’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005

    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977

    My choices will be:
    1. YS Uzac Dragon Tattoo
    2. Olfactif Studio Selfie
    3. M. Micallef Gaiac

    My fav. character is actually Jar Jar Binks so I won’t mind spending time with him 🙂 I am puzzled why he is so unpopular.

    I am in the US

  • Marcopietro says:

    Hernando Courtright favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    Aaron Potterman favorite Star Wars character is R2D2 Star Wars 1977
    Ermano Picco favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Jasia Julia Nielson Could care less about Star Wars
    Liza Wade favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    Bettina Korp favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    Michael Singels favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    Pam Barr favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    The Nosey Artist favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca Star Wars,1977
    Elise Pearlstine favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Michelyn Camen favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983

    My favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.

    My choices for the draw are:
    1) YS Uzac- Dragon Tattoo
    2) Daniel Josier Josune
    3) Olfactive Studio – Selfie

    I’m in EU.

  • Aaron Potterman : Max Von Sydow
    Ermano Picco : Carrie Fisher
    Jasia J. Nielson : Chewbacca
    Liza Wade : Billie D. Williams
    Bettina Kort : Adam Driver
    Michael Singel : R2D2
    Pam Barr : Could care less about Star Wars
    The Nosey Artist : James Earl Jones
    Elise Pearlstin : Jeremy Wallach
    Michelyn Camen: Harrison Ford

    My favorite Star Wars character is YOOOOODA!! 😉

    My choices:
    1. YS Uzac: Dragon Tattoo
    2. M. Micallef: Gaiac
    3. Olfactif Studio: Selfie
    4. Erik Kormann: November
    5. Daniel Josier: Josune

    I’m in the EU (France). Thank you!

  • I know nothing past the original Star Wars so this is truly a stab in the dark.
    1.Hernando Courtright – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    2. Aaron Potterman – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett in Return of the Jedi 1983
    3. Ermano Picco – James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1977
    4. Jasia Julia Nielsen – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia in Star Wars 1977
    5. Liza Wade – Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    6. Bettina Korp could not care less about Star Wars
    7. Michael Singels – Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian in Return of the Jedi 1983
    8. Pam Barr – R2D2 from Star Wars 1977
    9. The Nosey Artist – Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka in Star Wars The Force Awakens
    10. Elise Pearlstine – Chewbacca Star Wars 1977
    11. Michelyn Camen – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015

    I would most like to win:
    1. M. Micallef Gaiac
    2. Erik Kormann November
    3. Elisire Ambre Nomade
    4. Euphorium Brooklyn 100 Tweeds

    Thanks for the opportunity, CaFleurebon! I’m in the US.

  • Hernando Courtright – Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    Aaron Potterman – Could care less about Star Wars
    Ermano Picco – Chewbacca Star Wars,1977
    Jasia Julia Nielson – Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Liza Wade – James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Bettina Korp – Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    Michael Singels – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    Pam Barr – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    The Nosey Artist – R2D2 Star Wars 1977
    Elise Pearlstine – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Michelyn Camen – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015

    I am not a Star Wars fan, so I have not favorite Star Wars character.

    My winning choices are:
    – M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac
    – Olfactive Studio 100 ml bottle of Selfie
    – Erik Kormann 50 ml November
    – Daniel Josier Josune
    – YS Uzac 50ml of Dragon Tattoo

    I live in Europe. Thanks for the draw!

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2.

    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.

    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.

    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is….could care less about Star Wars.

    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.

    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.

    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.

    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi.

    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.

    Elise Pearlstin’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.

    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo.

    In the USA and my favorite Star Wars character is Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan and Guiness)
    but all of them really
    except Jar-Jar. Please no.

    1. M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac
    2. Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade

    Thanks for a super draw.

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    The Nosey Artist is R2D2 Star Wars 1977
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2
    Elise Pearlstin’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Han Solo.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.

    My choices are
    – Olfactive Studio 100 ml bottle of Selfie
    – M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac
    – YS Uzac 50ml of Dragon Tattoo
    – Erik Kormann 50 ml November
    – Daniel Josier Josune

    thanks for the draw .I´m in Europe.

  • Hernando Courtright – Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Aaron Potterman – R2D2 Star Wars 1977
    Ermano Picco – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    Jasia Julia Nielson – Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    Liza Wade – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Bettina Korp – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    Michael Singels – Could care less about Star Wars
    Pam Barr – James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    The Nosey Artist – Chewbacca Star Wars, 1977
    Elise Pearlstine – Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    Michelyn Camen – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015

    I am not a big fan of Star Wars, but I do like Harrison Ford and I think that Hans Solo would be my favourite.

    My picks are: Selfie, Gaiac, November, Josune and Dragon Tattoo. I live in EU. Thanks!

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi.
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is….could care less about Star Wars.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    Elise Pearlstin’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo.

    my favorite Star Wars character is Darth Vader.

    1. M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac
    2. Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade
    3. Olfactive Studio 100 ml bottle of Selfie
    4. YS Uzac 50ml of Dragon Tattoo
    5. Daniel Josier Josune
    6. Erik Kormann 50 ml November
    7. 60 ml bottle of Hummingbird
    8. Euphorium Brooklyn 30 ml of 100 Tweeds
    9. Hans Hendley 15 ml Fume


  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.

    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.

    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.

    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.

    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.

    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is could care less about Star Wars.

    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.

    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi.

    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.

    Elise Pearlstin’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2.

    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo.

    My favorite Star Wars character from the original movies is Yoda!

    I would love any of the following…
    Amber Nomade

    In the US. Thanks for the draw!

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor – Chewbacca Star Wars,1977
    Ermano Picco, Contributor –Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor- James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Liza Wade Contributor -Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor- Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor –Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor- Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    The Nosey Artist, Contributor –R2D2 Star Wars 1977
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor – could care less about Star Wars
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief- Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005

    My favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.

    I live in the U.S. and would love to win:

    Zoologist Hummingbird
    Olfactive Studio Selfie
    Micallef Gaiac
    Daniel Josier Josune
    Hendley Fume
    Erik Kormann November

    Thank you for the draw!

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor- Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor- Chewbacca Star Wars,1977

    Ermano Picco, Contributor – Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor- Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015

    Liza Wade Contributor- Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983

    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor- R2-D2 Star Wars 1977

    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor –James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977

    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor- Could care less about Star Wars

    The Nosey Artist, Contributor – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief- Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005

    My favorite character is Chewbacca. I live in the US and would love Zoologist Hummingbird, Gaiac, Selfie, 100 Tweeds, and Ambre Nomade

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor- Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015

     Aaron Potterman, Contributor- Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens

     Ermano Picco, Contributor – R2D2 Star Wars 1977

    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor- Chewbacca Star Wars, 1977

    Liza Wade Contributor- Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005

    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor- Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983

    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015

    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor- Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983

    The Nosey Artist, Contributor – Could care less about Star Wars

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor – James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief- Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977

    My favourite is Obi Wan Kanobi.

    I would love to try:

    Micallef Gaiac 

    I live in Europe. Thanks!

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor- R2-D2 Star Wars 1977
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor- James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Ermano Picco, Contributor –Could care less about Star Wars
    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor-Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    Liza Wade Contributor- Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor- Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor- Chewbacca Star Wars,1977
    The Nosey Artist, Contributor – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor- Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief- Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens

    If I won I’d like Selfie and M. Micallef!

  • Paramedica SP says:

    Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.
    Michael Singel’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2.
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is….could care less about Star Wars.
    Elise Pearlstin’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.

    My choices:
    1. Olfactive Studio 100 ml bottle of Selfie
    2. M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac
    3. Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade
    4. Daniel Josier Josune
    6. Erik Kormann 50 ml November
    5. YS Uzac 50ml of Dragon Tattoo
    7. Hummingbird 60 ml bottle
    8. Euphorium Brooklyn 30 ml of 100 Tweeds
    9. Hans Hendley 15 ml Fume

    My favorite is character is Yoda.
    I’m in the U.S.

  • Valentine Girl says:

    – Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    – Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    – Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    – Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    – Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    – Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca Star Wars, 1977
    – Michael Singels. favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    – Pam Barr, favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    – The Nosey Artist could care less about Star Wars
    – Elise Pearlstine’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2 Star Wars 1977
    – Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983

    My favorite Star Wars character is C3PO. I would love to win any of the following:

    Euphorium Brooklyn 30 ml of 100 Tweeds
    Hans Hendley 15 ml Fume
    M.Micallef – Gaiac
    Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade
    60 ml bottle of Hummingbird
    Olfactive Studios 100 ml of bottle Selfie

    Thanks for the draw. USA resident.

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo.
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2.
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi.
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.
    Elise Pearlstine’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is…could care less about Star Wars.

    My favorite Star Wars character is Yoda!

    I would love to win Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade, and also the 60 ml bottle of Hummingbird. I’m in the US. Thanks!

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor favorite character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor favorite character is Chewbacca Star Wars,1977

    Ermano Picco, Contributor favorite character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005

    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor favorite character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015

    Liza Wade Contributor favorite character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977

    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor favorite character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983

    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor favorite character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983

    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor favorite character is R2-D2 Star Wars 1977

    The Nosey Artist, Contributor favorite character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor favorite character is Could care less about Star Wars

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief favorite character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015

    My most favorite is Yoda but I can’t wait to see Kylo Ren in the new movie. Mahalo from Hawaii

    1.M.Micallef – Gaiac
    2.Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade
    3.Olfactive Studio 100 ml bottle of Selfie
    4.Euphorium Brooklyn 30 ml of 100 Tweeds
    5.Daniel Josier Josune
    6.Erik Kormann 50 ml November
    7.YS Uzac 50ml of Dragon Tattoo

  • Here are my guesses:

    Hernando Courtright – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    Aaron Potterman – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Ermano Picco – James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Jasia Julia Nielson – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    Liza Wade – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    Bettina Korp R2-D2 Star Wars 1977
    Michael Singels – Could care less about Star Wars
    Pam Barr – Chewbacca Star Wars,1977
    The Nosey Artist – Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    Elise Pearlstine – Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Michelyn Camen – Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens

    To be honest, I’m a Star Trek fan that can’t get that excited about Star Wars. 😛 I’m in the US and I’d love to win anything at all, but my top choices to win are Zoologist Hummingbird, Elisire Ambre Nomade, and M. Micallef Gaiac in that order!

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is R2-D2 (Star Wars 1977).
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi (Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith 2005).
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sidow as Lor San Tekko (Star Wars The Force Awakens).
    Jasia Julia Nielsen’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia (Star Wars 1977).
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is: Could care less about Star Wars.
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Han Solo (Star Wars 1977 and Upcoming 2015).
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren (Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015).
    Pam Barr’s Favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca (Star Wars 1977).
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader (Star Wars 1977).
    Elis Pearlstine’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett (Return of the Jedi 1983).
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrussian (Return of the Jedi 1983).

    My favorite Star Wars character is Princess Leia

    If a winner, I would choose: Olfactive Studio Selfie, Elisire Ambre Nomade, M.Micallef Gaiac, Erik Kormann November, Euphoriam Brooklyn 100 Tweeds, YS Uzac Dragon Tattoo, David Josier Josune.

    I am in the US. Thank you for this great drawing.

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2.
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.Harrison Ford as Hans Solo.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi.
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Elise Pearlstin’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character could care less about Star Wars

    I am in the US and Star Wars has never caught my interest. I am more of a Star Trek Girl.

    1. M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac
    2. Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade
    3. YS Uzac 50ml of Dragon Tattoo
    4. 60 ml bottle of Hummingbird

  • Not sure if it matters, but I think this is the right user name for my registration, so please use this entry for the drawing. Thanks!

    Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is R2-D2 (Star Wars 1977).
    Aaron Pottetman’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi (Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith 2005).
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sidow as Lor San Tekka (Star Wars The Force Awakens).
    Jasia Julia Nielsen’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia (Star Wars 1977.
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is: could care less about Star Wars.
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Han Solo (Star Wars 1977 abd upcoming 2015.
    Michael Singles’ favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren (Star Wars the Force Awakens 2015).
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca (Star Wars 1977).
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader (Star Wars 1977).
    Elise Pearlstine’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett (Return of the Jedi).
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian (Return of the Jedi 1983).

    My favorite Star Wars character is Princess Leia.

    If a winner, I would choose: Olfactive Studio Selfie, Elsire Ambre Nomade, M Micallef Gaiac, Erik Kormann November, Euphoriam Brooklyn 100 Tweeds, YS Uzac Dragon Tattoo or David Josier Josane.

    I am in the US. Thank you for this draw.

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia in Star Wars 1977.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca in Star Wars 1977.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015.
    Jasia Julia Nielson could care less about Star Wars.
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is R2-D2 in Star Wars 1977.
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka in Star Wars the Force Awakens.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett in Return of the Jedi 1983.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005.
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian in Return of The Jedi 1983.
    Elise Pearlstine’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader in Star Wars 1 1977.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015.

    My favorite Star Wars character is Yoda from Star Wars 1977. He sounded just like Grover from Sesame Street with inverted grammatical structure, thanks to the talented Frank Oz.

    I would love to be entered into the drawings for
    M Micallef Guiac
    Olfactive Studio Selfie
    YS Uzac Dragon Tattoo
    Élisere Ambre Nomade
    Euphorium 100 Tweeds
    Zoologist Hummingbird

    I am in the US, and as always, thank you for the chance!

  • – Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    – Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    – Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    – Jasia Julia Nielson could care less about Star Wars
    – Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2 Star Wars 1977
    – Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    – Michael Singels. favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    – Pam Barr, favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    – The Nosey Artist’S is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    – Elise Pearlstine’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca Star Wars, 1977
    – Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977

    My favorite Star Wars character is Yoda.
    I would love to win the following:

    Olfactive Studios 100 ml of bottle Selfie
    Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade
    M.Micallef – Gaiac
    Daniel Josier Josune
    60 ml bottle of Hummingbird
    Erik Kormann 50 ml November


  • Michael Singels’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia in Star Wars 1977.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca in Star Wars 1977.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015.
    Jasia Julia Nielson could care less about Star Wars.
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is R2-D2 in Star Wars 1977.
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka in Star Wars the Force Awakens.
    Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett in Return of the Jedi 1983.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005.
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian in Return of The Jedi 1983.
    Elise Pearlstine’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader in Star Wars 1 1977.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015.

    My favorite character is Yoda, and I would love to win:

    November by Erik Kormann
    100 Tweeds by Euphorium
    Fume by Hendley
    Elisare’s Ambre Nomade

    I am in the US, thank you!

  • Michael Joseph says:

    Hernando Courtright:Princess Leia
    Pam Barr:Hans Solo
    Bettina Korp could care less
    Ermano Picco:Darth Vader
    Aaron Potterman:Chewbacca
    Michael Singels: Obi Wan Kanobi
    Liza Wade:Boba Fett
    Nosey Artist: Lando Calrissian
    Elise Pearlstine: R2 D2
    Michelyn Camen:Kylo Ren
    Jasia Julia Nielson:Lor San Tekka
    My favorite is Hans Solo so psyched to see the movie
    I would love to win Selfie. Ambre Nomad Or Gaiac

  • Aaron Potterman = Carrie Fisher
    Ermano Picco = Max von Sydow
    Jasia J. Nielson = Chewbacca
    Liza Wade = Could care less about Star wars
    Bettina Kort = Adam Driver
    Michael Singel = R2D2
    Pam Barr = James Earl Jones
    The Nosey Artist = Billie D. Williams
    Elise Pearlstin = Jeremy Wallach
    Michelyn Camen = Harrison Ford

    My choices:
    1. YS Uzac: Dragon Tattoo
    2. M. Micallef: Gaiac
    3. Erik Kormann: November
    4. Daniel Josier: Josune

    I live in the EU.

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor- R2D2 from Star Wars 1977
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor- Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett in Return of the Jedi 1983
    Ermano Picco, Contributor – Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian in Return of the Jedi 1983
    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor- could not care less about Star Wars
    Liza Wade Contributor- Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor- Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor – Chewbacca Star Wars 1977
    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor- Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka in Star Wars The Force Awakens
    The Nosey Artist, Contributor – James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1977
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief- Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia in Star Wars 1977
    My favorite is Yoda.

    I live in the USA and my choices:

    Olfactive Studio Selfie
    M.Micallef Gaiac
    Zoologist Hummingbird
    Erik Kormann November
    Elisire Ambre Nomade

    Thank you for the wonderful draw!

  • So, here’s my guess:
    Hernando Courtright, Contributor – Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor – Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    Ermano Picco, Contributor – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor – Could care less about Star Wars
    Liza Wade Contributor – James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor – R2-D2 Star Wars 1977
    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor- Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    The Nosey Artist, Contributor – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief – Chewbacca Star Wars,1977

    My favourite character has always been Princess Leia 🙂

    I’m in Belgium, EU, and I’d love to win:
    YS Uzac Dragon Tattoo
    Daniel Josier Josune
    Erik Kormann November
    M.Micallef Gaiac
    Olfactive Studio Selfie

    Thanks for the draw!

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is could care less about Star Wars
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Drive as Kylo Ren.
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo
    I also could care less about Star Wars! If I won my choices would be Hummingbird, 100 Tweed, Selfie, and anything after that.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi.
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    Elise Pearlstin’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.

  • Hernando Courtright – R2D2 Star Wars 1977
    Aaron Potterman – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    Ermano Picco – James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Jasia Julia Nielson – Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    Liza Wade – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Bettina Korp – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    Michael Singels – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    Pam Barr – Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    The Nosey Artist – Chewbacca Star Wars, 1977
    Elise Pearlstine – Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    Michelyn Camen – Could care less about Star Wars

    I am from EU and my choices are Gaiac, Selfie and November.


  • Ok, this is really tough – but fun as always. My guesses:

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor- Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005

    Ermano Picco, Contributor – Could care less about Star Wars

    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor- James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977

    Liza Wade Contributor- – Chewbacca Star Wars,1977

    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor- – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977

    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor –

    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor- Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens

    The Nosey Artist, Contributor – Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief- Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015

    I don’t think I will run to theater to see new movie, but will definitely watch in comfort of my home (like most movies). The original Star Wars is probably my favorite of all. character – hmm, besides Hans Solo I always liked R2D2

    My picks are (if I’m lucky)

    M.Micallef Gaiac
    Erik Kormann November
    YS Uzac Dragon Tattoo
    Daniel Josier Josune

    I’m registered and in US. Thanks!

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi
    Liza Wade ’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian
    Bettina Korp ’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2
    Elise Pearlstine’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is -could care less about Star Wars

    I live in Europe and my favorite character is Chewbacca!

    My choices would be:
    November by Erik Kormann
    Micallef Gaiac
    Olfactive Studio Selfie
    Daniel Josier Josune

  • Blind:

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor – Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    Ermano Picco, Contributor – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    Liza Wade Contributor – James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor – R2-D2 Star Wars 1977
    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor – Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor- Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    The Nosey Artist, Contributor – Chewbacca Star Wars,1977
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. ContributorCould care less about Star Wars
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015

    My favourite is Yoda. I would like to win any one of these great prizes but if I can choose in order would be:

    1.Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade
    2.M.Micallef – Gaiac
    3.Olfactive Studio 100 ml bottle of Selfie
    4.Daniel Josier Josune
    5.YS Uzac 50ml of Dragon Tattoo
    6.60 ml bottle of Hummingbird
    7.Erik Kormann 50 ml November
    8.Euphorium Brooklyn 30 ml of 100 Tweeds
    9.Hans Hendley 15 ml Fume

    Thanks for the draw!

  • Hernando Courtright favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2.
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.
    Liza Wade ’s favorite Star Wars character is “could care less about Star Wars”.
    Bettina Korp ’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi.
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.
    Elise Pearlstine’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo.

    I live in the U.S. and my favorite Star Wars character is Yoda.

    My choices are: Hummingbird, Gaiac, Ambre Nomade, Selfie, November.

    Thank you so much for the generous giveaway.

  • Hmmmm, my best guesses are:

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Adam Driver as Kylo Ren

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett

    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka

    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor: Chewbacca

    Liza Wade Contributor: Harrison Ford as Hans Solo

    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor: R2-D2

    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor: Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian

    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor: Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi

    The Nosey Artist, Contributor: James Earl Jones as Darth Vader

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: Could care less about Star Wars

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia

    I live in Canada and even though Star Wars isn’t my favourite, I do love me some Chewy! I would love to win any of these (in order of preference):

    Euphorium Brooklyn 30 ml of 100 Tweeds
    WORLDWIDE: Olfactive Studio  100 ml bottle of Selfie 
    WORLDWIDE: M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac
    WOLRDWIDE: Erik Kormann  50 ml November
    US and Canada: 60 ml bottle of Hummingbird
    WORLDWIDE: Daniel Josier Josune

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.
    Ermano Picco could care less about Star Wars.
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kenobi.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
    Elise Pearlstine’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Han Solo.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2.

    I would love to try Josune and Hummingbird. I am in the US.

    My favorite Star Wars character is Wicket.

    Thanks for the fun!

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor- Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor- Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    Ermano Picco, Contributor – Chewbacca Star Wars, 1977
    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor- R2D2 Star Wars 1977
    Liza Wade Contributor- James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor- Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor- Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    The Nosey Artist, Contributor – Could care less about Star Wars
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor – Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief- Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977

    My favorite is Princess Leia.

    I live in the U.S. and would love to win:


    Thanks! Happy holidays!

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor- Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor- Chewbacca

    Ermano Picco, Contributor – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren
    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor- could care less

    Liza Wade Contributor- Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka
    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor- R2-D2 Star Wars

    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor –James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars

    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor- Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett

    The Nosey Artist, Contributor – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief- Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi
    I live in the USA
    Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade.
    M.Micallef – Gaiac
    Olfactive Studio 100 ml bottle of Selfie
    YS Uzac 50ml of Dragon Tattoo
    60 ml bottle of Hummingbird
    Erik Kormann 50 ml November
    Hans Hendley 15 ml Fume

    Thanks for the draw!

  • Hernando Courtright – Could care less about Star Wars
    Aaron Potterman – James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Ermano Picco – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    Jasia Julia Nielson – Chewbacca Star Wars,1977
    Liza Wade – R2-D2 Star Wars 1977
    Bettina Korp – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    Michael Singels – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Pam Barr – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    The Nosey – Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    Elise Pearlstine – Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Michelyn Camen – Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    I would love to wear M.Micallef Gaiac, YS Uzac Dragon Tattoo, Hummingbird, Olfactive Studio Selfie, Hans Hendley Fume or Erik Kormann November.

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor- R2-D2 Star Wars
    Ermano Picco, Contributor – James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars
    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett
    Liza Wade Contributor- Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka
    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor – Chewbacca
    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia
    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo
    The Nosey Artist, Contributor – Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor – could care less
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief- Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi

    M.Micallef – Gaiac
    Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade.
    Olfactive Studio 100 ml bottle of Selfie
    60 ml bottle of Hummingbird
    Erik Kormann 50 ml November
    Hans Hendley 15 ml Fume
    Euphorium Brooklyn 30 ml of 100 Tweeds

    I live in the USA. Thanks for the amazing draw!

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi.
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is….could care less about Star Wars.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    Elise Pearlstin’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo.

    My favorite character is R2D2. I had so many action figures of it when I was younger.

    My choices would be:
    M.Micallef – Gaiac
    Zoologist – Hummingbird
    Olfactive Studio – Selfie
    Daniel Josier – Josune
    Euphorium Brooklyn – 100 Tweeds
    Erik Kormann – November

    I am in Canada and thank you so much for the draw!

  • I would be happiest to win Dragon Tattoo, 100 Tweeds or Hummingbird.
    I’m in the US and I’m a Obi Wan fan.

    Aaron Potterman-Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka
    Bettina Korp-R2D2
    Elise Pearlstine-Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia
    Ermano Picco-Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian
    Hernando Courtright-Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett
    Jasia Julia Nielson-Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi
    Liza Wade-Harrison Ford as Hans Solo
    Michael Singels-Chewbacca Star Wars,1977
    Michelyn Camen-Could care less about Star Wars
    Pam Barr-Adam Driver as Kylo Ren
    The Nosey Artist-James Earl Jones as Darth Vader 

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi
    Liza Wade ’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia
    Bettina Korp could care less about Star Wars
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca
    Elise Pearlstine’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren

    M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac
    Olfactive Studio 100 ml bottle of Selfie
    Daniel Josier Josune
    Erik Kormann 50 ml November

    My favorite is Darth Vader. Thanks for the draw!

  • Santa Batistini says:

    Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi
    Liza Wade ’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia
    Elise Pearlstine could care less about Star Wars
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2

    My winning choices are:

    M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac
    Olfactive Studio 100 ml bottle of Selfie
    Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade
    Daniel Josier Josune
    Erik Kormann 50 ml November
    YS Uzac 50ml of Dragon Tattoo

    I’m in the US.

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars Character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens

    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars Character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983

    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars Character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015

    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars Character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977

    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars Character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983

    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars Character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005

    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars Character is Chewbacca Star Wars,1977

    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars Character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015

    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars Character is R2-D2 Star Wars 1977

    Elise Pearlstine could care less about Star Wars

    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars Character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977

    My choices are:

    YS Uzac 50 ml of Dragon Tattoo

    M.Micallef 100 ml of Gaiac

    60 ml bottle of Hummingbird

    Euphorium Brooklyn 30 ml of 100 Tweeds

    I live in Canada; thanks for the draw and happy holidays!

    P.S. Love Yoda 🙂

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2 .
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi.
    The Nosey Artist could care less about Star Wars
    Elise Pearlstin’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Han Solo.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.

    I’ve never been a huge fan of Star Wars, so I don’t know many of the characters. But I do like villians so I’ll go with Darth Vader.

    M.Micallef, Gaiac
    Zoologist, Hummingbird
    Olfactive Studio, Selfie
    Daniel Josier, Josune
    Euphorium Brooklyn, 100 Tweeds
    Erik Kormann, November


  • Hernando Courtright – Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Canobi
    Aaron Potterman Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka
    Ermano Picco- Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia
    Jasia J. Nielson – James Earl Jones as Dearth Vader
    Liza Wade -Billie D. Williams as Lando Calrissian
    Bettina Korp – R2D2
    Michael Singel – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo
    Pam Barr – Jeremy Wallach as Bobba Fett
    The Nosey Artist – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren
    Elise Pearlstin – Chewbacca
    Michelyn Camen – could care less about Star Wars
    My favorite character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo
    My choices are:
    Dragon Tattoo
    I am a registered reader living in EU. Thank you for the lovely draw and Happy Holidays ❤ to all the Cafleurebon team!!!

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is….could care less about Star Wars.
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi.
    The Nosey Artist’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    Elise Pearlstin’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Hans Solo
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Darth Vader
    My favorite is Jabba The Hutt
    Canadian reader
    M.Micallef, Gaiac
    Zoologist, Hummingbird
    Olfactive Studio, Selfie
    Daniel Josier, Josune
    Euphomingbrium Brooklyn, 100 Tweeds
    Girl with The Dragon Tattoo
    Olfactive Studio – Selfie

  • Hernando Courtright – Could care less about Star Wars
    Aaron Potterman – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens
    Ermano Picco – R2D2 Star Wars 1977 (not shown)
    Jasia Julia Nielson – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    Liza Wade – Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    Bettina Korp – Chewbacca Star Wars,1977
    Michael Singels – James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Pam Barr – Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    The Nosey Artist – Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    Elise Pearlstine – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Michelyn Camen Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015

    My choices:
    Olfactive Studio Selfie
    M.Micallef Gaiac
    Daniel Josier Josune
    Erik Kormann November
    Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade
    60 ml bottle of Hummingbird

    I live in the USA.
    THanks for the draw

  • Hernando Courtright favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Aaron Potterman favorite Star Wars character isAdam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    Ermano Picco Could care less about Star Wars
    Jasia Julia Nielson Chewbacca Star Wars,1977
    Liza Wade favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    Bettina Korp favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    Michael Singels favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    Pam Barr favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    The Nosey Artist favorite Star Wars character isJeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983
    Elise Pearlstine favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Michelyn Camen favorite Star Wars character is R2D2 Star Wars 1977

    My favorite Star Wars character is R2D2.

    My choices for the draw are:
    1) M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac
    2) Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade
    3) Daniel Josier Josune
    4) Olfactive Studio 100 ml bottle of Selfie
    5) Hans Hendley 15 ml Fume
    6) Erik Kormann 50 ml November

    I’m in the US.

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor- James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor- Chewbacca Star Wars,1977
    Ermano Picco, Contributor – Could care less about Star Wars
    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor- Harrison Ford as Han Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015
    Liza Wade Contributor- Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977
    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor- Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015
    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor- Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983
    The Nosey Artist, Contributor – Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor R2-D2 Star Wars 1977
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief- Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983

    I love Peter Mayhew playing Chewbacca, I am a fan of these movies.

    I am in the EU, Croatia.

    I’d love to win Gaiac, Josune or Dragon Tattoo or November or Selfie. Thank you.

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor – James Earl Jones as Darth Vader Star Wars 1 1977

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor – Could care less about Star Wars

    Ermano Picco, Contributor – Harrison Ford as Hans Solo in Star Wars 1977 and upcoming 2015

    Jasia Julia Nielson, Guest Contributor – R2-D2 Star Wars 1977

    Liza Wade Contributor – Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005

    Bettina Korp Guest Contributor – Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka Star Wars the Force Awakens

    Michael Singels. Sr Contributor and Natural Perfume Editor – Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens 2015

    Pam Barr, Sr Contributor – Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Star Wars 1977

    The Nosey Artist, Contributor – Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian Return of The Jedi 1983

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor – Chewbacca Star Wars,1977

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief – Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett Return of the Jedi 1983

    I’m in the USA. My favorite character is Hans Solo.
    My choises:

    Olfactive Studio 100 ml bottle of Selfie
    M.Micallef 100 ml Gaiac
    Erik Kormann 50 ml November
    Daniel Josier Josune
    Elisire 50 ml of Ambre Nomade
    60 ml bottle of Hummingbird

  • Hernando Courtright’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca.
    Aaron Potterman’s favorite Star Wars character is Adam Driver as Kylo Ren.
    Ermano Picco’s favorite Star Wars character is Jeremy Wallach as Boba Fett.
    Jasia Julia Nielson’s favorite Star Wars character is Billie Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
    The Nosey Artist is R2D2 Star Wars 1977
    Liza Wade’s favorite Star Wars character is Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kanobi Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
    Bettina Korp’s favorite Star Wars character is James Earl Jones as Darth Vader.
    Michael Singels’ favorite Star Wars character is Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.
    Pam Barr’s favorite Star Wars character is R2D2
    Elise Pearlstin’s favorite Star Wars character is Harrison Ford as Han Solo.
    Michelyn Camen’s favorite Star Wars character is Max Von Sydow as Lor San Tekka.

    As for my favorite character, Princess Leia is definitely my choice!

    M.Micallef – Gaiac
    Zoologist – Hummingbird
    Olfactive Studio – Selfie
    Daniel Josier – Josune
    Euphorium Brooklyn – 100 Tweeds
    Erik Kormann – November

    I’m international (Toronto). Thank you for the draw.