New Perfume Review: UNUM LAVS + Da Vinci’s Demons Draw

fillipo sorcinelli

Courtesy of Filippo Sorcerinelli tmblr page

Liturgical,  The Church and Gothic Art… If someone uses these three words to describe something, perhaps Take Me to Church by Hozier or a historical TV series would come to my mind. What if I say I’m describing a perfume using these very three words? Unum is a new house from Italy established by painter, photographer, musician and tailor Filippo Sorcinelli. Their exciting booth at Esxence 2015 was one of the eye catchers and I couldn’t resist  testing this brand. I’m glad I did! Unum  is an extraordinary example of the best  in modern perfumery.  The whole line evokes religion, dark arts and magical things.

1 Filippo Sorcinelli lavs

Fillipo Sorcenelli and LAVS 

LAVS is the first perfume from  Unum and means L.A.V.S. atelier (Laboratorio Atelier Vesti Sacre) as Signore Sorcerinelli and his partner Marcello create litigurial garments (worn by Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis)  Unum is modern perfumery with conceptual style. The whole line reminds me of religion, dark arts and symbols. The birth of the fragrance is nothing but coincidence. At first the fragrance was designed as a room fragrance. Then Signore Sorcinelli realized his clients liked to wear it as a personal perfume  and he then thought about starting an Extrait de Parfum line. LAVS is the first interpretation from the line and is built on holy and semingly dark ritual.


Courtesy of Filippo Sorcinelli tmblr page

LAVS opens with a strong cardamom and black pepper. Taking a deep sniff from the scent triggers a gothic journey. From the first second, the deep aura covers the wearer. LAVS starts as an exquisite incense fragrance as expected from Mr Sorcinelli’s background. As labdanum joins the story, the main characteristic of the fragrance starts to appear.  LAVS became prominent yet smooth with a hint of cloves. Frankincense is not listed on notes but I swear it’s definitely there! The most lauded incense fragrances  cannot compare with this alchemy.

DaVinci Demons incense

 Tom Reilly as the young Leonardo Da Vinci —DaVinci's Demons on Starz

 I can’t imagine myself wearing LAVS in a suit or a white shirt… I feel like the fragrance demands  black clothes and a mysterious mood. Or rather, it can be said that the fragrance has mood shift ability. Fillipo Sorcinelli’s shadows  evolve into a rich and opulent oriental as the sweet amber showsrise rise after the heart notes. Incense boosted with amber and cloves sound deep huh? Definitely it is… Everything feels rich, refined  and  harmonious. LAVS is a resinous gem. It must be the official scent of Da Vinci’s Demons! The scent is more like a protective potion that heals the wearer and  is the bearer of ancient wisdom. An alchemical therapy for the individua; I like to wear LAVS just for myself. Not to impress others, although everyone gathers closely and I hear their whispers.

 I don’t get on well with bitter incense scents (for example Comme des Garçons Avignon or Heeley’s Cardinal). LAVS is completely on another level. It’s deep and rich as  the forementioned but wearable at the same time. Since it is in extrait de parfum concentration, both longevity and sillage are moderate, but it has a definite presence. Maybe that’s more suitable since the origin of incense was both purification and offering to the gods.

unum  lavs rosa nigra opus1144

Unum Lavs, Opus 1144 and Rosa Nigra Unum Facebook page

Unum was one of the most exciting new brands of Esxence 2015. Filippo Sorcinelli’s talent in a variety of arts is evident in the quality and uniqueness of his collection.. I appreciate all three Unum perfumes but the brand’s first attempt of expressing darkness is a clear winner for me. So if you're drawn to intense yet wearable incense fragrances, LAVS is one of a kind.

Disclosure: I received my sample at Esxence

– Monthly contributor Berkan Basoglu, author of (with contributions and Art Direction from Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief) You can follow Berkan on instagram  here    

Editor's Note: Italian artistic perfumery continues to gain momentum and is impressing us with innovation and  re-invention. Of course it was Catherine de Medici  who brought perfume to France. SSSSHHHH, we think they forgot.                                                                                                        

Thanks to Twisted Lily we have 3 samples of UNUM Lavs for 3 US registered readers. To be eligible please leave a comment with why you would like to win LAVS, what you enjoyed about Berkan's review and if you have a favorite incense scent. Draw ends 6/18/2015

We announce the winner’s only onsite and on our Facebook page, so Like CaFleureBon and use our RSS option…..or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

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  • Peppy Obrien says:

    I love incense and dark scents. I don’t have a favorite. I love the illustrations in the review.

  • fazalcheema says:

    this seems quite interesting stuff if it is being compared to Avignon and seems fitted to be the scent of DaVinci’s Demons…i do wonder though how it may be paired with three piece suit even though Berkan doesn’t think that would be an appropriate pairing..thanks so much for the draw. i am in the US

  • Greennote says:

    I’m not in the US, but I just had to comment on what a great evocative review this is. As an incense lover I just want to race out and try it.

  • Eleebelle says:

    I adore the scent of church incense, and I’m especially intrigued by the papal connection. If it’s deep and rich AND authentic, count me in! Cardinal is currently my favorite, but unfortunately Avignon turns my stomach a bit. LAVS sounds absolutely perfect, though. I’m in the U.S. and I really appreciate the draw!

  • JazzBelle says:

    I love dark scents. I agree that in order to wear a scent that opens up with cardamon and black pepper, black clothes are in order!

    I would like to win LAVS because I enjoy dark scents that evoke a different mood altogether, a side of us we try to hide in some ways, but there’s so much beauty in the dark side as well!

    I actually love Cardinal, but have some issues with Avignon on my skin!

    I live in the USA and have liked the CaFelureBon fb page.

  • rodelinda says:

    I love incense fragrances, and Avignon is a regular in my perfume rotation, both by itself and for layering with others (I especially love it under Sweet Redemption or Un Lys). Avignon isn’t bitter on me, but if this one is even more wearable than Avignon or Cardinal, then count me in. I’m in the US. Thanks!

  • Systeme D says:

    I am completely crazy for incense fragrances, especially those with cardamom, my favorite note.

    I would absolutely revel in trying LAVS. When Berkan mentioned religion more than once in this review, I knew that LAVS would be right up my alley. (I am a professor of religious studies.)

    I have tons of favorite incense fragrances, including CdG Kyoto, CdG Blue Encens, SL Encense et Lavande, SSS Incense Pure, Parfums d’Empire Wazamba, and my personal holy grail, Tauer Incense Rosé.

    I am in the USA, and I hope I am fortunate enough to win this one!

  • Cardamom, black pepper, amber and clove? LAVS sounds amazing! The entire review was magical and evocative, just as a piece about incense scents should be. I’ve heard many good things about this scent–another favorite is Shaal Nur by Etro–and would love to sniff. I live in the U.S., and thanks to Twisted Lily and Cafleurebon for the draw!

  • Valentine Girl says:

    When I was a teenager, my parents moved us to the UK for several years & the church in the village was ancient (built in 980). Every Sunday, the service would always begin with a procession; voices raised in song & the vicar swinging the thurible filled with burning frankincense. How I loved that smell & would watch the fingers of fragrant smoke weave and curl around the pillars of the nave before ascending heavenward. I found it fascinating that no frankincense notes are listed in LAVS, yet Berkan swears it is in there somewhere. I really would like to try LAVS, so I can also experience this frankincense “alchemy” too + can’t forget about the cloves!
    I don’t really have a lot of experience with incense fragrances; however, even though it’s considered a masculine fragrance, I bought myself a bottle of L’Occitaine Eau de Baux and love wearing it in the fall when the weather is just starting change. USA resident.

  • I would love to try what is termed a dark scent. The description certainly
    Most enticing. I love the look of the brand as well, the style and photos. I can see why it attracts, the mystery
    The magic…I do not have a favorite incense scent although I tend to like the sweet and heady ones that evoke temples and chanting . I am a registered US follower. Thank you for the review and the draw.

  • I love incense notes/accords in perfume. My favorite incenses are Kamali, Kyoto, and Incense Oud. I like that the review suggests attire for wearing with the fragrance. 🙂

    I am in the US. Thanks for the draw.

  • I’m a big fan of incense scents. I like all the CdG Incense series, By Kilian Incense Oud and L’Air Du Desert Marocain. Lavs sounds fabulous. Love the description.

    Thanks for the chance. USA

  • This sounds great, I’d love to win because incense is one of my favorite notes. I loved Berkan’s description of this “Gothic journey.” My favorite incense is Etro Messe de Minuit. I’m in the US, thanks!

  • I would like to win LAVS with its black pepper and cardamom and I enjoyed Berkan’s review. My favorite incense scent is Jo Malone Incense and Cedrat cologne.