New Perfume Review : L’Artisan Parfumeur Rose Privée + Jolie en Rose Draw

bertrand duchaufour and stephanie bakouche l'artisan parfumeur rose privee

Bertrand Duchaufour and Stephanie Bakouche of L'Artisan Parfumeuer

I admit to having a special fondness for L’Artisan Pafumeur, not only because this very French House was one of my first  fragrant discoveries but because of my mad passion for Séville à l’aube, one of my all time favourite perfumes. Ever since I’ve been working backwards, slowly making my way through their body of work. The collection is a mix of classic perfumes and more experimental creations. L'Artisan Parfumeur currently has two roses  – Voleur de Roses is a gorgeous earthy dark patchouli and rose, one of the first niche perfumes to use the now ubiquitous combination (Michel Almairac, 1993). There is also the lighter, brighter Drole de Rose (Olivia Giacobetti, 1996), a glamorous lipstick rose with a touch of violet. L’Artisan Parfumeur will be adding Rose Privée to their rose garden in April 2015.  The new perfume is a collaboration between Bertrand Duchaufour and his apprentice Stephanie Bakouche (best known prevously as signing MDCI Invasion Barbare) who is a perfumer based in Grasse. Rose Privée features the iconic Rose de Mai or May Rose from Grasse, so named as it can only be picked in the month of May.

Vincent Romero Redondo

Vicente Romero Redondo

I have to state on record that I’m a huge fan of rose perfumes and am constantly surprised that perfumers can come up with new twists and turns on a well trodden path. Rose Privée has a fresh, light citrus opening with hints of basil, lending a slightly herbal feel.  It’s very smooth and beautifully rounded from top to base note.  I like that it is both dewy and with a touch a carefully constructed fruit accord that smells as if I could be walking in a grove in summer filled with gorgeous citrus laden trees.


Vicente Romero Redondo

The rose is apparent very quickly and is profusely pretty in pink in lovely pastel hues.  In composing Rose Privée,  Stephanie Bakouche has learned well from Bertrand Duchaufour's ability to create harmony from duality –  there is both a delicate sensibility yet a strong sense of place in the composition. Magnolia adds a slight creaminess to the texture while the lilac is just there. Patchouli in the base of the perfume adds some weight to the perfume, although it’s not the dense, thick, chewy patchouli.  It’s light in nature and not overwhelming. There’s hay too which keeps a dry greenness to the end. The base nicely balances the subtle sweetness of the rose at the top.

rose privee vicente romero

Vicente Romero Redondo

Rose Privée has velvet softness and the overall elegance that is both true to the brand's origins harkening back to 1976 and Jean Francois LaPorte, considered one of the greatest perfumers of all time.  I can attest  to this personally as I now live in this region of France; the precious Rose de mai petals are captured photo realistically as if I was in a field at midday during harvest; Rose Privée brings to mind those special moments when nature surprises you by beautiful landscapes that can never be simulated by man.

beautiful woman pink roses painting

Vicente Romero Redondo

It’s a perfume that would work well in any season, especially in the heat or perhaps in the winter when you dream of the sun warming your face. Rose Privée is a singular rose perfume that expresses youth and joy. If you like a rose that smells delicious but is eminently wearable for any occasion, this may well be one that you need to try. It feels modern in an uncomplicated way and it also slots perfectly into L’Artisan Parfumeur’s range of rose perfumes, providing another option for rose lovers.

american_beauty_ roses mena suvari 1999

Mena Suvari American Beauty 1999 tub of roses

If I could reorchestrate that well known image from American Beauty where Mena Suvari lies in a bath brimming with red roses, I would change just a couple of things. The roses are now Rose de Mai and coloured pink.  There is greenery in there too and a few drops of milk. Et voilà I can now bathe in Rose Privée.

 Disclosure: I received my sample from L’Artisan Parfumeur

Megan, Contributor and author of Meganistmaxime 

Editor's Note: Vicente Romero Redondo is a Spanish painter born in Madrid, who was trained in fine art. His paintings reflect his love of light and the Mediterranean.  It is certainly this luminosity that prevails in his art, that spoke to me as a way to visually portray Rose Privée. He is not associated with L'Artisan Parfumeur nor is this an endorsement. If you are interested in learning more about his art click here. I met Stephanie in NYC earlier this month and hope that she would feel these paintings bring to life their beautiful fragrance. In French the word "rose" also means pink…Jolie en Rose means Pretty in Pink.



Thanks to  the extraordinary generosity of L'Artisan Parfumeur we have a 100 ml bottle of Rose Privée  for a CaFleureBon reader in the EU or North America. To be eligible please leave a comment on why you would love to win Rose Privée, where you live and your favorite L'Artisan Parfumeur perfume..Draw closes February 23, 2015

We announce the winners on our site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume


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  • A gentle joyful dewy rose would give me such hope in the cold dark of winter. Plus that bottle would be a beautify counterpart to my current favorite L’Artisan, Nuit de Tubereuse. I live in the USA. Thank you kindly for the opportunity.

  • Well, I do love roses and I do love L’Artisan, so this immediately became a “must experience” for me. What made it more appealing, still, was the mention of basil and of the composition not being sweet. 🙂 My favorite from the house is Dzing!

    I am in the US. Thanks to all involved for the draw.

  • I love a good rose, and given that it’s the coldest night of the year (coldest night in YEARS?) where I am, a light-hearted, diaphanous rose perfume like Rose Privee sounds like a lovely escape. My favorite L’Artisan is Safran Troublant – but to be fair, that’s the only one I’ve tried! I’m in the US; thanks for the draw.

  • I love rose scents! I am excited about the herbal notes as well as lilac! The romantic artwork is beautiful! My favorite L’Artisan fragrance is Safran Troublant. I am happy to hear that this scent works well in warm weather!
    I live in the US. Thanks for the lovely review and draw!

  • Wow, roses and a few drops of milk? I love milky anything, and roses are lovely too, so this sounds great! My favorites from this house are Seville a l’Aube and Mure et Musc Extreme. Thanks for the fabulous review and the generous giveaway, I’m in the US!

  • This one sounds rather green, which makes it even more desirable to me. I do love roses. I haven’t tried any of their perfumes. In the EU. Thank you.

  • I am excited about this one! It is from my favorite house and by one of my favorite parfumeurs. Key words from the review that make me want it: light, dewy, uncomplicated, modern, hay (!). Three of my L’Artisan favorites are Havana Vanille, Timbuktu, and Fleur de Liane (sorry – it’s impossible to choose just one!). I live in the US, and I thank you for introducing us to Rose Privée.

  • I love the whimsy and creativity of l’artisan. My faves are Seville and la haie fleurie. I love rose scents but have not cared for either of the l’artisan ones. Would love to try this one.thanks.I live in the US.

  • I’d love to win this new L’artisan because rose is one of my favorite notes in perfumery, I’m constantly looking for the perfect rose perfume and this one looks really promising.
    My favorite L’artisan is Tea for two and followed really close by Timbuktu. I live in the US and once again thanks for another amazing draw.

  • leathermountain says:

    A rose fan, I’m intrigued by the herbal/green understory here, and desperately craving my first whiffs of spring. I’m in the US, and my current L’AP favorite is Dzing! because it is such a great conversation piece and I’ve enjoyed those conversations so much. Thank you for the review and the draw!

  • I would love to win Rose Privée to experience that lovely Rose de Mai in a new way. My heart belongs to roses at this time of year. Thank you for the beautiful Rose Privée review, the evocative
    artwork, and the generous draw.

    I am in the US, and I love La Chasse aux Papillons from L’Artisan Parfumeur. To me it smells like the honeysuckle that grows in the back garden of my family home.

  • I love rose. My current favorite is a little vial my husband bought in the souk in Istanbul. This sounds so fresh and lovely, and I covet that bottle! My favorite L’ARtisans are Dzonga and La Chasse Aux Papillions–very different from each other! I am in USA. Thank you for the review and draw!

  • Most Rose perfumes have not worked on me :-/. I would love fo try this one! La Chasse aux Papillon is my favorite of the line!

  • I’d love to win this. The herbal, green description sounds lovely. My favourite L’Artisan is probably Timbuktu but I love Fou d’Absinthe and L’Eau De L’Artisan too.I am in Canada.

  • Rose Privée sounds beautiful! I would like to try this because of the rose and drops of milk. My favorite is Tea for Two.

    Great review, Megan!
    I’m in the US.

  • I would love to try this perfume. I do love roses… I have several of the L’Artisan perfumes – my favorites are La Chasse aux Papillions and Mure et Musc but I very much like all of them – and they all smell good on me. I’m in the US – thanks for the draw!

  • Andrea Dobos says:

    Oh my! It is sound gorgeous! I live in Hungary and my favorite L’Artisan is Nuit de Tuberose. Thank you:)

  • I like the sound of this rose–fresh and fruity.
    My favorite L’Artisan is probably Premier Figuier.
    I live in the U.S.
    Thank you.

  • I like roses and AP’s fragrances, so “ROSE PRIVEE” is, automatically, on my try-list. This nice review makes me even more curious now…
    I’m in the EU.
    I do love “BOIS FARINE” (and many others from l’AP…).


  • Like you, I am totally smitten with seville a l’aube and it is my fave l’artisan fragrance as well as just one of my favorite fragrances period! I also love rose scents and the milky aspect sounds right up my alley. Thanks and i live in the US

  • The notes of May Rose with a green finish sound luscious and I would love to add Rose Privee to my collection in here in the US. Thank you for the lovely review and the picture of Mena Suvari in the tub with roses.If I had to pick a favorite L’Artisan fragrance it would be Poivre Piquant.

  • I would love a bottle of this Rose Privee. I really like the smell of roses and next to sandalwood and jasmine it’s one of my favorite perfume notes, either natural or synthetic. I love it all. My favorite L’Artisan perfume has to to Al Oudh. Smells wonderful throughout its development on your skin. I’m in the USA

  • I love the smell of fresh roses and this perfume seems to capture it beautifully. I’d love to get my nose on it. My favorite L’Artisan is probably Nuit de Tubereuse.

    Thanks for the draw. I’m in Canada.

  • It’s a wonderful draw! I already heard a lot of about L’Artisan Parfumeur, but I had not chance to try them. I have some rose in my garden, and I love the scent of them. I sure of it, that I would very love this beautiful perfume. I’m already waiting for the spring, and I think this perfume is a fabulous spring scent. So I would be very glad, if I could to win Rose Privée.
    I live in Europe.

  • I am a great admirer of roses of all kinds and I believe that this flower is the inspiration for the best perfume creations in the world. Rose Privée perfume from L’Artisan Parfumeur must make a bright example of the above comment.
    I live in EU and I thank both Cafleurebon and L’Artisan Parfumeur for this generous draw.

  • Forgot to mention that the paintings and photos used in this review are simply amazing. Thank you for brightening my day in the middle of this cold cold winter, it helps me escape to happier and sunnier days longing for the coming of spring 🙂
    All the best to you

  • I love the sound of the lilac and hay notes, as well as the basil in the opening! My favorite l’Artisan is Bois Farine, and I am in the US.

  • Fazal Cheema says:

    I am interested in Rose Privee because it has Rose de Mai and it’s composition has also been inspired by the works of Jean LaPorte. In addition, it also has herbal elements which may give it quite rose soliflore feel. my favorite L’Artisan composition is Tea for Two. Thanks for the lovely draw. I am in the US

  • I love many L’Artisan fragrances – Seville, La Haie Fleurie, Nuit de Tuberuse, but there is one Fleur d’Oranger that I particularly love, maybe because I won’t be able to replace it once it’s gone! Thank you again for this amazing draw. I’m in the US.

  • Joan Mansbach says:

    The magic words were, …the rose is apparent very quickly.” With all my lovely rose fragrances it seems I have to wait to get to the heart of the rose. The idea of Rose Privee mingled with a bit of citrus and a dash of herbs sounds enchanting and I would love to experience it. Thank you for the opportunity of the draw. I’m in the U.S.A. awaiting good news.

  • hotlanta linda says:

    I am simply a huge rose fan!!! 🙂 Fave scents from this house: original Tuberose and Voleur de Roses. Love the paintings/art education here! We are rockin` in the USA 🙂

  • I really want to see what Stephanie Bakouche does with rose. I am in the EU and my favourite L’Artisan is The pour un Ete.

  • Another huge rose fan here!! Of course, I’ve been wanting to try this since I heard about it first (last week?)! My favorite L’Aritsan is Safran Troublant, which I am mad about. It’s one of my fave perfumes! In the US, still. Cheers!

  • this is an extraordinarily generous offering. thank you so very much! I’m not sure what it is about the month of February that seems to pull me toward the rose scents, but I somehow find myself experimenting with my different collections each February. I love the different ways perfumers use rose and the way they use notes to play off the heart of the rose. Voleur de Roses sounds like a rose that I would love to add to my February loves. Dark patchouli and rose – what’s not to want to wear there? The bottle is very pretty, and tempts you to spray….once on, are you under its spell? I’d love to find out for sure! Favorite so far? probably Aedes de Venustas that they did and Deliria (so different, right?)
    I’m in the US – again, thank you for the draw 🙂

  • After reading this review I want to rush out and smother myself in this perfume. The green, the hay, the softness you mention here all sounds like a perfect balance and the fact it can be worn in any climate another wonderful attribute. The versatility of the Rose appears to have been used to its intuitive heights here with the Patchouli just pushing it further without smothering it. Nuit de tuberuese is my favorite L’Artisan perfume. A most generous draw and an interesting review, thank you.

  • I would love to smell Rose Privee because I am on a quest to find the perfect rose scent! My favorite L’A P is Al Oudh, which I really love! Most of their scents are too light/fresh for me, but I am so curious to smell their newest rose-centric creation…
    Thank you so much for the chance to win this bottle!
    I live in the U. S.

  • I have been on the look out for a beautiful, soft, rose that I could wear every day. My current favorite L’Artisan perfume is Safran Troublant. I am in the US. Thanks for this wonderful draw!

  • Rose Privee sounds amazing! It’s hard to pick a favorite L’AP perfume as there are several I love. If I must pick one, it will have to be Safran Troublant. Thanks for the draw. I’m in the U.S.

  • I’m in the US and there’s a tie for first place between Tea for Two and Seville a L’Aube. I love both of them. Voleur de Roses doesn’t work for me at all so maybe this would be a better rose for me.

  • Rose is such a challenging note for me due to exposure to cheap rose-scented lotions and soaps as a child. Only after letting my perfumista freak flag fly did I find incarnations I truly love (L’Ombre Dans L’Eau makes me swoon).

    I figure if anyone can get this kind of rose right, it would be L’Artisan. Right now my favorite L’Artisan is Poivre Piquant, but in the autumn it’s Dzongkha.

    I’m in the USA, thanks for the generous drawing.

  • I would love to win because my grandma alway grew roses when I was small and the scent of them reminds me of her. This sounds like a lovely take on roses. My favorite L’artisan is tea for two. I’m in the U.S. thanks so much for the drawing!

  • My favorite L’Artisan is Havana Vanille. I would love to own this generous bottle of Rose Privée to welcome S[ring. The beautiful bottle and description make me think of warm weather and flowers. I am from Syosset, NY.

  • Rose with a light patchouli base is compelling. I’m glad that this isn’t a heavy, cloying combination and that it seems perfect for a light rose without being overwhelming! US resident. Thank you!

  • Suzanne Barroso says:

    I have to admit ..there is just something special about receiving a bouquet of roses…both beauty and pleasure all wrapped up with a soft scent that I can wear all day and keep reminding me of the feeling that I am special and anyone who stands near can share the smell of “pretty” that surrounds my being. I have to admit, I love them all , each scent has its own meaning and place, so I will have to say thank you and create another space on the shelf to add to my unique wardrobe of fragrances. All my best Suzanne from Miami FL.

  • I am looking forward to trying out this new L’Artisan. I generally love the richer, jammy style rose perfumes in the colder months and struggle to find a lighter but still interesting rose I can enjoy in the summer. Traversee du Bosphore is my favourite from the house.
    I live in the UK.

  • I am so excited that LArtisan Parfumeur is going back to the old days of fine French ingredients.
    My favorites r Teafortwo and Boise de Farine. I wish they had not discontinued Havane Vanille and Fleure de Liane
    This is definitely a year for roses and it sounds beautiful.

  • Scented roses are my favorite flowers, and I’m always looking for great rose-based perfumes. My favorite L’Artisan perfume is The Pour Un Ete, which is fantastic on a hot summer day (which also sounds fantastic right now!). Oranger en Fleurs may be my favorite candle also. I’m in the US.

  • My mother adores rose fragrances, and this one sounds like something she would love! Her birthday is not too far away and this would make a great gift.
    My favourite fragrance from this house has to be Fou d’Absinthe. I enjoy the green quality of it, as well as the incense vibe I get as well. Truly a special scent!

    I’m in Canada and thanks for the draw!

  • I love rose fragrances, they remind me of my grandmother whom grew them in their yard behind her home. Rose fragrances are like the colors they come in, innocent and fresh to dark and sultry. My favorite L’Artisan is Bois Farine which is also the first L’Artisan I ever tried and adore to this day. I love the L’Artisan perfume range because there is always a fragrance that will fit my mood. I am in the US, thank you so much for the opportunity to be included in this draw.

  • I would love for this bottle of Rose Privée to join its rose and L’Artisan compatriots on my vanity here in Brooklyn. I love Oeillet Sauvage and Drôle de Rose, and of course La Chasse aux Papillons. Thank you for the opportunity!

  • I love rose scents when they are well done and I admit that Voleur de Roses is one of them! I am sure this new Rose Privée will be another great parfume , I rely on this brand and I,m curious to see how is this “light in nature and not overwhelming” rose scent. My favourite L’artisan parfumeur is Passage en enfer . I, m in EU.

  • Rose-centered fragrances are the most life-enhancing to me. And who would mind more vitality in their days, especially when the spring fever is knocking on the door?
    My favorite L’Artisan Parfumeur fragrance is not one, but it happened that I wake in the morning craving Mure et Musc Extreme, Premier Figuier Extreme, Voleur de Roses and Safran Troublant.
    I live in Bulgaria (EU). Thank you for the chance!

  • LisaInDenver says:

    Wow, your review intrigues me. I love the idea of a rose tinged with basil, one of my very favorite smells.

    I would love to win Rose Privee because florals are often tricky for me, and L’Artisan has been the house that has made me love scents with dominant notes I thought I would never be able to wear: tuberose (Nuit de Tubereuse); orange blossom (Seville a l’Aube); linden (La Chasse aux Papillons); and jasmine (The Pour un Ete). I therefore have every hope that this rose will also work for me, where most others have failed. I love the aforementioned L’Artisans, all of which I own, but my favorite is Tea for Two. I am just thrilled that they have brought back this beauty, as well as Oeillet Sauvage, another pure delight. I own more scents from L’Artisan (15) than I do any other house, and I’m looking forward to trying this latest fragrance as well.

    I live in the US. Thanks for the opportunity!

  • I love rose for so many reasons-and it’s a known antidote for depression ant sure antidote is the right word-the rose is good for people who are experiencing depression). My favourite L’artisan? Do I only get to choose one? Fleur de Lianne is so beautiful. I tried it on, and liked it. Walked around for awhile, wondering what the gorgeous smell was. It was FdeL. Best dry down of any L’artisan. Also Love L’eau de L’artisan-smells like the beaches around here. And the Jantamansi line was beautiful. And Jour de Fete makes me happy. I guess I should stop listing all my favourites, right?

  • I know rose and patchouli, and rose and violet, but rose and basil? No, I haven’t tried that — but I want to! It’s too hard to pick one favorite from L’Artisan, so I’m just going to name the first one I ever tried: La Chasse aux Papillons. I’m in the US; thank you for the draw.

  • I own few roses fragrances and I love to wear them so I am sure that Rose Privée can bring me similar feelings and atmosphere as my rose fragrances. I love floral scents and I am curious about Basil note here. My fav L Artisan fragrance is La Chasse Aux Papillons. Thanks. Greetings from Slovakia (EU).

  • I simply adore roses. Love roses whether they are bold crisp green or sweet balsamic or dense. My fav. L’artisan is Voleur de Roses.
    Thanks USA

  • my favourite L’Artisan is La Chasse Aux Papillion – it never fails to to lift up my feelings 🙂 and i even have a back-up bottle…
    i also like Voleur de Roses very much and am very curious about the new twist on rose from L’Artisan so thenk you very much for the draw
    i am in the EU

  • My favorite L’Artisan is Safran Troublant. I love roses in perfume, just adore them. I live in the Netherlands.

  • I absolutely love rose scents. And this one seems like a winner to me! It makes me think of relaxing in the summer in front of a beautiful flower be . My favorite scent from L’Artisan would be Tea For Two!

    I’m in Canada thanks!

  • Cynthia Richardson says:

    I would love to win Rose Privée to experience this rose fragrance with “hints of basil, lending a slightly herbal feel”. I live in the US and have not yet had the pleasure of wearing an L’Artisan Parfumeur perfume.

  • This sounds amazing! I’m looking for the perfect springtime dewy rose, and I think Rose Privée could be it. The magnolia note intrigues me, as well. Thanks so much! My favorite L’Artisan is Traversee du Bosphore. I’m in the U.S.