New Niche Fragrance Review: Greg Lauren for Barney’s New York + Draw


Rose and Driftwood by Ansel Adams

Perfumer Ralf Schwieger’s compositions always make me a little sad, but in a good way. Once on the skin his fragrances convey the fragility of being human and gently remind me to take a moment to be still, and breathe deeply. His fragrances prefer to slowly materialize as if they have been gently coaxed and whispered into this world. His fragrant landscapes allow us to remember the details and timelessness of nature, the flesh of the rose, the growth rings of a tree. There is a definite signature to many of his fragrances that allow a small glimpse into a creative process. I imagine a stone, how many ways can you turn it, each time it reveals something new, yet there is always something a tad familiar. His palette of late has worked with rich ambers, resinous benzoins, and mossy myrrhs but they never become cloying or sticky. They are sensual and buoyant creating texture and light.


In this Second Barney’s New York exclusive perfume, Artist and Fashion Designer, Greg Lauren, joined Mr. Schwieger to explore his art through the medium of scent. Lauren’s art has explored identity, and the emotional play between archetypes and fashion. For his first fragrance, Mr. Lauren manipulated each of the 3,000 bottles-he scratched them, taped his name, flung ink on them, etc. The bottle has been purposely “bruised” to convey a certain emotional rawness, and humanness. The bottle has a great feel, and its juxtaposition emphasizes the tenderness of the juice that lies inside. Here there is a grand simplicity at work, an ease of contrasts—a boozy, maple syrupy-Immortelle, coumarin warmth, (I smell coconut too) and a vanilla and amber-y sweetness that is played against a saltiness of the sea, skin, and sea air. This contrast of salt tempers the sweet, and creates a perfect balance and roundness to this sensual perfume. This is easily a dual fragrance, with a moderate tenacious side.


Tonka, Vanilla, and Marine Notes are listed.

My thanks to Tyler at Barney’s New York flagship store, he gave me a very generous sample of Greg Lauren and I will share it with one reader who is a US resident. To be eligible leave a comment naming your favorite fragrance by Ralf Schwieger and if you live in the US. The draw will end November 18, 2013.

We announce the winners only onsite and on our Facebook page, so Like CaFleureBon and use our RSS option…..or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

Valerie Vitale, Contributing Editor

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