New Niche Fragrance: CB I Hate Perfume #610 Outside


 Christopher Brosius hates bugs. Particularly mosquitoes. So this perfume began in 1992 as a bug repellant when he lived in the country. "I knew from my research that one of the principal reasons plants produce their essential oils is to protect themselves from insects and I discovered several essential oils that were particularly effective to protect me from insects as well. The challenge then became to blend these various oils so that they truly smelled like perfume. Which, after a period of experimentation, is just what I did", Christopher Brosius explained.

CB OUTSIDE was first introduced in his gallery back in 2005 and has proved very popular ever since. So popular in fact that many have asked Christopher to do it as an actual perfume. So he  has. This version in the ready-to-wear collection is deeper and richer than the original but still keeps away bugs.

 According to Christopher Brosius, "People are often astonished that something that smells so good can actually work in keeping flying pests away. But it does. From Connecticut to Cambodia, OUTSIDE keeps people from being eaten alive and smelling fabulous".

Genius… because perfumistas shouldn't have to smell like DEET

SCENT:  Lavender, Geranium, Patchouli, Cedarwood, Bergamot and a touch of Oregano.
#610 OUTSIDE Perfume Absolute 15 ML ……$115
#610 OUTSIDE Water Perfume Spray 100 ML..$100

Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief


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  • ringthing says:

    I didn't know this blend existed but what a great idea. Summer is sadly my least favorite season in large part because mosquitoes eat me alive every time I leave the house. I'll have to seek out a sample, because mosquito repellents are just so….repellent.

  • This sounds absolutely amazing. A perfume that smells greats and keeps bugs away? i have to grab a sample very soon.

  • Very excited about this as I vacation every year on an island where there are all kiinds of bugs.

  • Wow, if this really works it may become my new BFF for summer. I have so many bites on me already. Such a great idea!