Owners Antonio Zuddas and Giovanni Castelli have just announced the introduction of a new "blood concept" +MA, which is shorthand for Plasma
"In these last years the world we live in is facing one of its bigger crisis. Old and new struggles mix with cultural earthquakes.This frantic era, based on abuses and confusion, is arriving at its point of no return. We all badly need a new start. No matter if you name it “Age of the Aquarius” or “Apocalypse”, a change is in the air." Yes, a scent for the end of days.
If you have visited Blood Concept's Facebook Page recently, you have seen a series of enigmatic images. The mystery is now revealed.
"Which scent will we wear in the new era we are about to step in? A haven from violence, an escape from outer threats.The the same way plasma is extracted from blood, we pull out all the visceral and dense mood BLOOD CONCEPT has been speaking about, to let a new whiter and ethereal identity take shape.
Red fades into White without leaving a trace. This new atmosphere is the cradle of our new scent. Clean as pure air, fresh as clear sheets, this scent releases a safety sensation. Seduction is no more a matter of weapons. Love is no more a battlefield but a silky hug made of white linen.
I asked Anton a few questions:
How many in the series?
We're not giving this information at the moment.
What will be the price?
Retail prices will be revealed in Milan at the end of the month, they shouldn't be too far from the 0ABAB collection (perfume oil is going too be a little more expensive, the new mini drip will be the entry level of our range).
Can you list notes?
Ok, we decided not to reveal the notes anymore, we've seen people obsessed with notes, our belief is that we don't make perfumes, we tell stories.
Do you plan on having fragrances after 12 21 12?
Only Mayans can tell. 🙂
BLOOD CONCEPT +MA is the first of a series called Specials, it will be available from April in the brand new Parfume Oil 40ml dropper, in the classic Parfume Spray 60ml Drip Spray and the new amazing 30ml Minidrip Spray.
Also check out the BLOOD CONCEPT Facebook page for more information.
–Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief