House of Orpheus Sagittarius B2 Nebula Perfume (Marcus McCoy) +Bottling a Star Draw

Marcus McCoy of House of Orpheus

Since the beginning of time humans have looked up in awe at the stars, they formed relationships with the souls of stars, communed with stars, and built cities based on their dance in the heavens above. Fixed stars in the heavenly constellations were given to have magical influence and talismans were made tying their power to stones, rings, medallions, even potions made alchemically were made during astrological elections giving the object the powerful influence of the star. The star Algol being one of the most terrifying stars, was the visage of medusa herself, was fashioned during the appropriate timing, into a talisman with corresponding plants, sigils, and stones. The owner of this talisman could would be protected from their enemies, and their enemies would be crushed before them. Alternately there were fixed star talismans made for fame and fortune, health and protection and a great many of methods utilized.

 Magical practices revolving around this sort of astrological magic were preserved in many tomes over the centuries. A particularly important one being the Arabic text known as the Picatrix. Planets and astrological bodies were all thought to have an influence over the mysteries and mundanities of life and the book was an excellent grimoire to what some have called astrological magic. One of the fixed stars worked with in astrological magic is the Arkab the Crown of the scorpion, also commonly known as Sagittarius B1 and Sagittarius B2. Sagittarius B2 is the ankle of the centaur and in Arabic is translated to mean Al 'Urkub, translated as the "Tendon uniting the calf of the leg to the heel", also working with the added symbolism of it being the ankle of the centaur.

 The symbol is taken literally, in the classical mind an Icon was literally that thing itself, and thus had its qualities. Thus a fixed star talisman made of the ankle of the centaur could aid one in fleet footedness in martial arts, athletics, and in fleetness of thought, for wealth power and honor. It could have been made to protect from pestilence, malice, theft, crime and disease. It would have been the perfect talisman for the professional trainer, athlete, career soldier, for leaders in their field, and as always the applications are only limited by one’s imagination.

Eric Purdue

 Myself I am not an astrologer, I am a perfumer, but over the last few years I have worked with author, translator, santero, and traditional astrologer Eric Purdue to create perfumes working within the structure of creating perfumes that were astrological talismans, working with planetary elections provided by him utilizing ancient forms of astrology much different from today’s modern methods, providing customers with perfumes that doubled as astrological talismans utilizing alchemically produced metallic oils that corresponded to planets. Iron with mars, gold with the Sun, tin with Jupiter, Saturn with lead and so on, each having the virtue of the planet housed within the perfume.

Sagittarius B 2 Nebula

Something new occurred that had never been done however in both perfuming and in the production of astrological talismans. Our ancestors may have known the magic of planets and stars, but they did not know what the stars were made of, and until very recently neither did we… However, a recent discovery by astrophysicists has led us to understand the nature of the gas cloud or nebula known as Sagittarius B2… or Arkab as it is also called.

ethyl-formate structure

They discovered that this gas cloud is composed of two major substances Ethanol (the classic carrier for all perfumes) and the scent and flavor chemical responsible for the flavor and scent of raspberries called ethyl formate. When I learned that the nebula was technically a perfume star, I knew I had to make the perfume… when I realized it was a fixed star, I knew I had to contact Eric Purdue and see if it had a history of being made as a talisman, and behold, it did. It struck me for the first time in history one could literally make a perfume that was also a star, and that it would be made out of what that star is made of.   From an astrological stand point any talisman is literally composed out of what the astronomical body is composed of, but this would be the first time in history a human being would make a fixed star talismanic perfume with the ingredients the star itself is made of. Quickly an election was made by Eric Purdue and the perfume was created at the appropriate time with the appropriate ingredients.

 An atomizer was filled and with a spritz of the perfume bottle a gas cloud had formed in the center of the perfumery, a nebula, the crown of the scorpion, the jewel, the ankle of centaur, Sagittarius B2 was in the middle of my apothecary… so I walked through the cloud of molecules floating in space and adorned my body with it. Merging its fixed star influence with myself by the simple act or wearing a perfume. The perfume was made in a very small batch and sold to a small group of customers who appreciated it for what it was, a star captured in a bottle, a bit of old world magic done in a new way.   

Marcus McCoy, Guest Contributor and Perfumer for House of Orpheus

Thanks to Marcus  we have a draw in The USA and Canada for 4.4 ml of RAVEN. To be eligible you must be a registered reader, (register here) and leave a comment with what you thought was fascinating about bottling a star, or any aspect of this process of creating a perfume from molecules found in the nebula. Draw ends 3/6/2017

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS feed…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

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  • Hikmat Sher Afridi says:

    WOW! I am amazed for the statement “They discovered that this gas cloud is composed of……………………..bit of old world magic done in a new way. Great idea of bottling a star.
    Thanks to Marcus McCoy for the generosity and Cafleurebon for the opportunity to participate in the draw by letting my relative address in NY, US.

  • doveskylark says:

    I’ve never thought much about astrology, but it would be great to let perfumery lead me to a new interest, as perfumery tends to do. I have always thought that when we die we become stars and look down from the heavens.
    I live in the USA.

  • That’s an interesting point about us having the advantage of being at a point in history when perfumers have the resources to replicate extraterrestrial scents molecule by molecule. I’d already known about the ethyl formate discovery, and some astronauts have reported that space also smells like cooking steak and burnt metal – yum! For those of us who have always wanted to travel there, maybe the scents of the stars could offer an alternative? I live in Canada, thank you for the draw!

  • Vishishta says:

    I am an astrologer/aromatherapist! This perfume fascinates me! Happy there is a draw!

  • Gail Gross says:

    Thank you Marcus, for your fascinating article! I truly enjoyed reading about “old world magic done in a new way”. DNEM – even though I would love to experience this bottled star.

  • ntabassum92 says:

    OK, it is so cool that the gas cloud has the “scent of raspberries” in it! I’m imagining being in space and feeling the coolness of a vapor surrounded by a raspberry pink haze. Wow!

  • I think the whole idea is an interesting one. Perhaps there are other scents out there as well. Thanks for the draw. I live in the USA

  • stephanie says:

    What isn’t fascinating about bottling a star? What an amazing and poetic idea for a fragrance–not to mention interesting science. I’m an astronomy buff but not as familiar with astrology as I could be. I just love this idea so much.

    Am in the US.

  • The chemistry of perfume is always a bit intimidating but very interesting to me. Bottling the gases that compose a star is a pretty far out idea!

  • Anna Egeria says:

    Perfume joined to astrological magic is fascinating and exciting! It’s possible to wear a fixed star talisman as a perfume composed of the same materials as the star! Thank you so much for this article on Marcus McCoy and the House of Orpheus. I will seek them out. Thank you for this draw! I’m in the US.

  • Iphigenia says:

    The idea to associate a perfume to an astrological is simply brilliant. a perfume made with the same materials as the star it represents, really amazing thing to do!
    I would really love to try these new perfume releases from the House of Orpheus.
    Thank you for the opportunity to do so. I am a registered reader living in EU.

  • What fascinating information about bottling a star! I would love to wear ” a star captured in a bottle, a bit of old world magic done in a new way.”

  • This was a very interesting article. Stars have always fascinated me. Astrology is quite an incredible thing. I’m in Canada and thank you for the draw

  • Got mine! Did not spray it yet, but the hint of scent around the spray tip is awesome. Can’t wait to elect a time to use it.

    Said that wrong: elections mean waiting by definition 😉