February 2017 Spilled Perfume: Bloggers Got Talent +8 Prizes

Perfume bloggers got talent. They can discern Oud from Laos from an oud accord. They can write moving and descriptive reviews, choose art to illustrate  to bring it life, bring the latest and greatest new scents, news and emerging “talent”  to their audience. Some are even on first name basis with master perfumers and have their phone numbers on speed dial. As vloggers and bloggers of niche, natural, artisan and luxury fragrances that’s our passion. We have secret talents too. Some only friends and family know… and even then…  To win this month’s spilled perfume you will need to match each CaFleureBon Contributor and Editor with their favorites to their special talent.

Hernando Courtright, Contributor: plays the sax

 Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor:  cultivates  the most beautiful orchids

Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

Sebastian Jara, Contributor: in demand interior designer 

Ermano Picco, Contributor:  cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©

Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig

Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian

Lauryn Beer, Editor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere

Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Motivational Speaker

Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: an amazing dancer

Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief:  baby whisperer

Worldwide:  75 ml bottle of Mona di Orio Cuir 

Worldwide 11ml Travel Spray of Zoologist Civet

Worldwide: Thorn & Bloom 7.5 ml of Citrine and five samples ALL NATURAL

USA, Canada and EU: The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique  


USA, Canada and EU: House of Matriarch The Longing 15ml

USA ONLY: Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero 50 ml  

USA ONLY:  Solstice Scents Blackburn’s Parlor.    

USA ONLY:  John Varvatos Dark Rebel Rider 4.2 oz

Tape Face from America's Got Talent©

If a reader matches us correctly, they automatically win THREE prizes they asked for (as no one has ever won any of these spilled perfume draws, so we are upping the ante…country restrictions) and if no one guesses correctly, the draw is random. Don’t complain if you don’t get exactly what you want or you will have to have to binge watch the TV show “America’s Got Talent including the creepy mimes from Season 11, who inexcpilcably made it to the Finals. Your entry must include the name of the editor or contributor, (i.e. Hernando Courtright Special talent is…) to be eligible and of course you must be a Registered CaFleureBon reader and use your registered name.  You can only enter once on the same IP, because fair is fair. You can list as many as you want. Draw closes 3/10/2017. If you have a hidden talent we would love to know.

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like  Cafleurebon and use our RSS FEED…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume

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  • These are always such fun!! Here goes my guess:

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: plays the sax
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: baby whisperer
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: an amazing dancer
    Robert Hermman, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig

    If I won I’d like Cuir, Une Nuit Magnetique and the Longing.
    I’m in the UK, thank you!

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: an amazing dancer
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Robert Hermman, Contributor: baby whisperer
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: plays the sax
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    I’m in the USA and love the description of Citrine!! And the Longing as well, and Civet. I love riding horses, so I was happy to see that mentioned here.

  • GrandmaGaga says:

    Hernando Courtright special talent is in demand interior designer
    Dani Seith-Fyr special talent is counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Sandi Lundberg special talent is can twitch their nose like a Guinea pig
    Sebastian Jara special talent is plays the sax
    Remand Picco special talent is an amazing dancer
    Gail Gross special talent is cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Aaron Potterman special talent is cannot be beat at trivial pursuit
    Lauryn Beer special talent is makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Robert Hermman special talent is Baby whisperer
    Elise Pearlstine special talent is motivational speaker
    Steve Johnson special talent is four wheel in’ can drive just about anything, anywhere
    Michelyn Camun special talent is Accomplished equestrian
    I’d love to win the Mona di Orio’s Cuir, the Laudeno Nero, the Zooligist Civet or the ?House of Matriarch The Longing. Thank you for the chance! Oh, my special talent I am a Baby Whisperer, too!

  • Hernando Courtright’s special talent is four wheelin’ – can drive just about anything anywhere
    Danu Seith-Fyr’s special talent is baby whisperer
    Sandi Lundberg’s special talent is plays the sax
    Sebastian Jara’s special talent is cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit©
    Ermano Picco’s special talent is an amazing dancer
    Gail Gross’s special talent is cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Aaron Potterman’s special talent is counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino
    Lauryn Beer’s special talent is an in-demand interior designer 
    Robert Hermman’s special talent is an accomplished Equestrian
    Elise Pearlstine’s special talent is can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Steve Johnson’s special talent is a motivational speaker
    Michelyn Camen’s special talent is makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    My special talent is parallel parking in one move. It’s pretty impressive.

    I would love to win any of:
    Solstice Scents Blackburn’s Parlor
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero 50 ml
    75 ml bottle of Mona di Orio Cuir
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique

    I live in the USA… thanks again for the fun draw!

  • OK I’m game! This is a fun & generous draw.

    I’ll say:
    Hernando Courtright: baby whisperer
    Danu Seith-Fyr: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit (c)
    Sandi Lundberg: accomplished equestrian
    Sebastian Jara: amazing dancer
    Ermano Picco: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Gail Gross Sr: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Aaron Potterman: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Lauryn Beer: makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Robert Herrmann: motivational speaker
    Elise Pearlstine: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Steve Johnson: plays the sax
    Michelyn Camen: in demand interior designer

    Whoo! Good luck everyone.
    I live in Canada and my biggest claim to fame is that I’m an amazing pinball player 🙂

    I’d love to win
    Zoologist Civet
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    House of Matriarch The Longing

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: an amazing dancer
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: plays the sax
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: baby whisperer
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig

    In the USA and I would choose:
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    House of Matriarch The Longing

    Can do aerial cartwheels. Thanks for another great and challenging draw.

  • Hernando Courtright special talent is he is an accomplished equestrian

    Danu Seith-Fyr’s special talent is that she can twitch her nose like a guinea pig

    Sandi Lundberg’s special talent is four wheelin’ – can drive just about anything anywhere

    Sebastian Jara’s special talent is that he makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    Ermano Picco’s special talent is that he counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    Gail Gross’s special talent is that she is an amazing dancer

    Aaron Potterman’s special talent is that he can play the sax.

    Lauryn Beer’s special talent is that she is a baby whisperer

    Robert Herrmann’s special talent is that he is an in demand interior designer

    Elise Pearlstine’s special talent is that she cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    Steve Johnson’s special talent is that he is a motivational speaker

    Michelyn Camen’s special talent is that she cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©

    I’d love to win any of these amazing fragrances, but top three are the Mona di Orio, The Different Company, and the Thorn and Bloom.
    I live in Canada and my special talent is top secret.
    Thank you for the draw!

  • cardinalmind says:

    I need to stop before I turn into a stalker of online profiles LOL.

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: baby whisperer
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: plays the sax
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: amazing dancer

    My hidden talent is similar to an editor here, make naughty lyrics to pop songs LOL. If I win I’d have either of these:
    Worldwide: 75 ml bottle of Mona di Orio Cuir
    USA, Canada and EU: The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    USA, Canada and EU: House of Matriarch The Longing 15ml
    USA ONLY: Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero 50 ml

    I live in the USA. Thanks for the fun way to spend this afternoon!

  • Hernando Courtright, Special talent is: plays the sax

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Special talent is: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig

    Sandi Lundberg, Special talent is: baby whisperer

    Sebastian Jara, Special talent is: designer an amazing dancer

    Ermano Picco, Special talent is: cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    Gail Gross, Sr. Special talent is: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    Aaron Potterman, Special talent is: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere

    Lauryn Beer, Special talent is: Accomplished Equestrian

    Robert Herrmann, Special talent is: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    Elise Pearlstine, Special talent is: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©

    Steve Johnson, Special talent is: in demand interior designer

    Michelyn Camen, Special talent is: Motivational Speaker

    That was hard… I do live in the US… My Choice of Fragrances are – Cuir Mona di Orio, Laudano Nero Tiziana Terenzi, Dark Rebel Rider John Varvatos. And my hidden talent is really fragrance research… People are taken back by this secret fetish!

  • Hernando Courtright’s special talent is: in demand interior designer
    Danu Seith-Fyr’s special talent is: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Sandi Lundberg’s special talent is: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sebastian Jara’s special talent is: plays the sax
    Ermano Picco’s special talent is: baby whisperer
    Gail Gross’s special talent is: Motivational Speaker
    Aaron Potterman’s special talent is: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Lauryn Beer’s special talent is: an amazing dancer
    Robert Herrmann’s special talent is: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Elise Pearlstine’s special talent is: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Steve Johnson’s special talent is: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Michelyn Camen’s special talent is: Accomplished Equestrian

    I would love to win:
    1. Thorn & Bloom 7.5 ml of Citrine and five samples
    2. House of Matriarch The Longing
    3. Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero

    Live in the USA.

  • BostonScentGuy says:

    I shall go with:

    Hernando Courtright can twitch their nose like a guinea pig

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: an amazing dancer

    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    Ermano Picco, Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: plays the sax

    Lauryn Beer, Editor: in demand interior designer

    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: baby whisperer

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Accomplished Equestrian

    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Motivational Speaker

    My choices would be:
    1. Zoologist Civet
    2. Nuit Magnetique
    3. Laudano Nero

    I’m in the US–thanks for the draw!

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: plays the sax
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Motivational Speaker
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: an amazing dancer
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: baby whisperer

    I’d love to win:
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique

    Thank you for the draw! (EU)

  • marcopietro says:

    Hernando Courtright Special talent is : an amazing dancer
    Danu Seith-Fyr Special talent is : an twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sandi Lundberg Special talent is : baby whisperer
    Sebastian Jara Special talent is : Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Ermano Picco Special talent is : in demand interior designer
    Gail Gross Special talent is : Motivational Speaker
    Aaron Potterman Special talent is : plays the sax
    Lauryn Beer Special talent is : Accomplished Equestrian
    Robert Herrmann Special talent is : Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Elise Pearlstine Special talent is : cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Steve Johnson Special talent is : Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Michelyn Camen Special talent is : cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©

    I’d love to win:
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    House of Matriarch The Longing
    Thorn & Bloom Citrine and five samples
    I live in EU
    Thank you for the draw!

  • Elise Pearlstine: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Hernando Courtright: Accomplished Equestrian
    Lauryn Beer: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Ermano Picco: Motivational Speaker
    Sandi Lundberg: an amazing dancer
    Aaron Potterman: plays the sax
    Gail Gross: baby whisperer
    Steve Johnson: Counts cards
    Robert Herrmann: in demand interior designer
    Danu Seith-Fyr: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Michelyn Camen: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit
    Sebastian Jara: Four wheelin’

    I’d wish to win MdO Cuir, HoM The Longing, T&B Citrine/samples. I will provide an address in Germany. Thank you!

  • Hernando Courtright Special talent is :Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Danu Seith-Fyr Special talent is : an twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sandi Lundberg Special talent is : an amazing dancer
    Sebastian Jara Special talent is :Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Ermano Picco Special talent is : in demand interior designer
    Gail Gross Special talent is : Motivational Speaker
    Aaron Potterman Special talent is : plays the sax
    Lauryn Beer Special talent is : Accomplished Equestrian
    Robert Herrmann Special talent is : Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Elise Pearlstine Special talent is : cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Steve Johnson Special talent is : cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Michelyn Camen Special talent is :baby whisperer

    I’d love to win:
    1-Mona di Orio Cuir
    2-Zoologist Civet
    3- House of Matriarch The longing
    4- Thorn & Bloom 7.5 ml of Citrine and five samples
    I live in EU
    Thank you for the draw!

  • fazalcheema says:

    Hernando Courtright Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Danu Seith-Fyr plays the sax
    Sandi Lundberg can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sebastian Jara Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Ermano Picco Accomplished Equestrian
    Gail Gross cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Aaron Potterman Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Lauryn Beer baby whisperer
    Robert Herrmann in demand interior designer
    Elise Pearlstine cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Steve Johnson Motivational Speaker
    Michelyn Camen an amazing dancer

    My choices will be
    Mona Di Orio Cuir
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    House of Matriarch The Longing
    Zoologist Civet

    I am in US

  • Laurentiu says:

    Hernando Courtright: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Danu Seith-Fyr: plays the sax
    Sandi Lundberg: Motivational Speaker
    Sebastian Jara: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Ermano Picco: an amazing dancer
    Gail Gross: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Aaron Potterman: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Lauryn Beer: Accomplished Equestrian
    Robert Hermman: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Elise Pearlstine: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Steve Johnson: in demand interior designer
    Michelyn Camen: baby whisperer

    I live in Europe and my pick is Cuir by Mona di Orio. I am not picking three for, as you said, it’s impossible to guess haha

    Good luck to everyone and thanks for the draw!

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor – Motivational Speaker

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor – Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor – Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere

    Sebastian Jara, Contributor – Accomplished Equestrian

    Ermano Picco, Contributor – can twitch their nose like a guinea pig

    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor – cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor – in demand interior designer

    Lauryn Beer, Editor – Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    Robert Herrmann, Contributor – cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor – baby whisperer

    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor – plays the sax

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief – an amazing dancer

    My winning choices:
    – 75 ml bottle of Mona di Orio Cuir
    – The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    – House of Matriarch The Longing 15ml
    – Thorn & Bloom 7.5 ml of Citrine and five samples
    – 11ml Travel Spray of Zoologist Civet

    Thank you for the draw. I live in Europe.

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: baby whisperer
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: an amazing dancer
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: plays the sax
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    My choices:
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    House of Matriarch The Longing 15ml

    I live in Europe.

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: an amazing dancer
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Robert Hermman, Contributor: baby whisperer
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Guest Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Steve Johnson, plays the sax
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    My secret talent is that I can mimic cartoon characters
    I would love to win TDC Une Nyit Magnetique and Mona di Orio Cuir

  • Here is my guess:
    Hernando Courtright special talent is counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Danu Seith-Fyr special talent is makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Sandi Lundberg special talent is Baby whisperer
    Sebastian Jara special talent is Accomplished equestrian
    Ermano Picco special talent is cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Gail Gross special talent is cannot be beat at trivial pursuit
    Aaron Potterman special talent is an amazing dancer
    Lauryn Beer special talent is plays the sax
    Robert Hermman special talent is can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Elise Pearlstine special talent is motivational speaker
    Steve Johnson special talent is Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Michelyn Camun special talent is in demand interior designer

    If I win I would have:
    1. Mona di Orio Cuir
    2. Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero
    3. The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique

    Thank you and I live in the USA.

  • Hernando Courtright: makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Danu Seith-Fyr: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sandi Lundberg: baby whisperer
    Sebastian Jara: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit
    Ermano Picco: motivational Speaker
    Gail Gross: four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Aaron Potterman: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Lauryn Beer: accomplished equestrian
    Robert Hermman: counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Elise Pearlstine: plays the sax
    Steve Johnson: in demand interior designer
    Michelyn Camen: an amazing dancer

    Thanks for the drawing, I’m in the USA and my choices would be:

    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique (squee!)
    Thorn & Bloom 7.5 ml of Citrine and five samples
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero
    Mona di Orio Cuir

  • My guesses are: Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: baby whisperer
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: plays the sax
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: amazing dancer

    If I win I’d Like:
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero
    The Different Company Un Nuit Magnifique
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    Thanks for the draw. I live in the USA

  • Hernando Courtright’s special talent is makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Danu Seith-Fyr’s special talent is four wheelin’ – can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sandi Lundberg’s special talent is a motivational speaker
    Sebastian Jara’s special talent is plays the sax
    Ermano Picco’s special talent is cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit©
    Gail Gross’s special talent is counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino
    Aaron Potterman’s special talent is an in-demand interior designer
    Lauryn Beer’s special talent is baby whisperer
    Robert Hermman’s special talent is an accomplished Equestrian
    Elise Pearlstine’s special talent is an amazing dancer
    Steve Johnson’s special talent is can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Michelyn Camen’s special talent is cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    My special talent is parallel parking in one move. It’s pretty impressive.

    I would love to win any of:
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero 50 ml
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    John Varvatos Dark Rebel Rider 4.2 oz

    I live in the USA
    Thanks for the fun draw!

  • Hernando Courtright: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Danu Seith-Fyr: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Sandi Lundberg: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Sebastian Jara: Accomplished Equestrian
    Ermano Picco: baby whisperer
    Gail Gross: plays the sax
    Aaron Potterman: in demand interior designer
    Lauryn Beer: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Robert Hermman: an amazing dancer
    Elise Pearlstine: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Steve Johnson: Motivational Speaker
    Michelyn Camen:Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    I would like to win:
    1)75 ml bottle of Mona di Orio Cuir
    2)11ml Travel Spray of Zoologist Civet
    3) 7.5 ml of Citrine and five samples ALL NATURAL
    4)The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique

    Ty for the draw!!!I live in EU.

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: plays the sax
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: baby whisperer
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: an amazing dancer
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Motivational Speaker

    In the USA and I would choose:
    Solstice Scents Blackburn’s Parlor.
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    John Varvatos Dark Rebel Rider
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique

    I’m Plastic artist in my free time.
    Thanks for the draw.

  • Elizabeth T. says:

    How fun! Okay, here goes nothing…

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: an amazing dancer
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: plays the sax
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Robert Hermman, Contributor: baby whisperer
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor:Accomplished Equestrian
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    I’d choose the Longing, Citrine and Cuir, but don’t expect to win with the odds someone worked out last time! Still, very fun. Thanks!!! USA.

  • Hernando Courtright Special talent is : Motivational Speaker
    Danu Seith-Fyr Special talent is : an twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sandi Lundberg Special talent is : baby whisperer
    Sebastian Jara Special talent is : cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Ermano Picco Special talent is : in demand interior designer
    Gail Gross Special talent is : plays the sax
    Aaron Potterman Special talent is : Accomplished Equestrian
    Lauryn Beer Special talent is : cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Robert Herrmann Special talent is : Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Elise Pearlstine Special talent is : Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Steve Johnson Special talent is : Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Michelyn Camen Special talent is : an amazing dancer

    I’d love to win:
    Solstice Scents Blackburn’s Parlor
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero
    House of Matriarch The Longing

    I live in the US
    Thank you for the draw!

  • Paramedica SP says:

    Hernando Courtright: plays the sax
    Danu Seith-Fyr: motivational Speaker
    Sandi Lundberg: baby whisperer
    Sebastian Jara: four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Ermano Picco: makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Gail Gross: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit
    Aaron Potterman: an amazing dancer
    Lauryn Beer: accomplished equestrian
    Robert Hermman: counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Elise Pearlstine: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Steve Johnson: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Michelyn Camen: in demand interior designer

    Thanks for the drawing, I’m in the USA and my choices would be:
    11ml Travel Spray of Zoologist Civet
    Thorn & Bloom 7.5 ml of Citrine and five samples ALL NATURAL
    House of Matriarch The Longing 15ml
    Solstice Scents Blackburn’s Parlor

  • gregorysop says:

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: plays the sax
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: baby whisperer
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: amazing dancer

    Awesome Draw.
    From the USA
    75 ml bottle of Mona di Orio Cuir
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero 50 ml

    Thank You

  • Hernando Courtright’s special talent is in demand interior designer
    Danu Seith-Fyr’s special talent is can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sandi Lundberg’s special talent is cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Sebastian Jara’s special talent is cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Ermano Picco’s special talent is Accomplished Equestrian
    Gail Gross’s special talent is makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Aaron Potterman’s special talent is four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Lauryn Beer’s special talent is plays the sax
    Robert Herrmann’s special talent is Motivational Speaker
    Elise Pearlstine’s special talent is an amazing dancer
    Steve Johnson’s special talent is baby whisperer
    Michelyn Camen’s special talent is сounts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    My choices would be:
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero

    Thank you for the draw! I live in the USA

  • Blue Coop says:

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: baby whisperer
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: an amazing dancer
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Robert Hermman, Contributor: plays the sax
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: in demand interior designer
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songscan
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: twitch their nose like a guinea pig

    My talent is to paint. I would love to win Solstice Scents Blackburn’s Parlor or Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero or Mona di Orio Cuir.
    I live in the U.S.

  • Hikmat Sher Afridi says:

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Plays the sax
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Four wheeling can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: Cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: Cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Baby whisperer
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: An amazing dancer
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: In demand interior designer

    My choice if I am announced as a winner:
    1) Mona di Orio Cuir
    2) Zoologist Civet
    3) Thorn & Bloom 7.5 ml of Citrine and five samples ALL NATURAL
    Peshawar, Pakistan

  • Hernando Courtright’s special talent is makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Danu Seith-Fyr’s special talent is counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino
    Sandi Lundberg’s special talent is a motivational speaker
    Sebastian Jara’s special talent is an in-demand interior designer
    Ermano Picco’s special talent is an amazing dancer
    Gail Gross’s special talent is can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Aaron Potterman’s special talent is cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit©
    Lauryn Beer’s special talent is cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Robert Hermman’s special talent is plays the sax
    Elise Pearlstine’s special talent is Accomplished Equestrian
    Steve Johnson’s special talent is four wheelin’ – can drive just about anything anywhere
    Michelyn Camen’s special talent is baby whisperer
    Love to win one:
    1. The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    2.Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero 50 ml
    3.75 ml bottle of Mona di Orio Cuir

  • Moliterno says:

    Hernando Courtright Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Danu Seith-Fyr amazing dancer
    Sandi Lundberg can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sebastian Jara plays the sax
    Ermano Picco Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Gail Gross cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Aaron Potterman baby whisperer
    Lauryn Beer Accomplished Equestrian
    Robert Herrmann Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Elise Pearlstine in demand interior designer
    Steve Johnson Motivational Speaker
    Michelyn Camen an cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    My choices will be
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    Mona Di Orio Cuir
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero
    House of Matriarch The Longing

    I am in US

  • Hernando Courtright special talent is an amazing dancer
    Dani Seith-Fyr special talent is motivational speaker
    Sandi Lundberg special talent is in demand interior designer
    Sebastian Jara special talent is plays the sax
    Remand Picco special talent is can twitch their nose like a Guinea pig
    Gail Gross special talent is makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Aaron Potterman special talent is four wheel in’ can drive just about anything, anywhere
    Lauryn Beer special talent is cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Robert Hermman special talent is cannot be beat at trivial pursuit

    I would pick TT Laudano Nero
    Thorn and Bloom Set
    Matriarch The Longing

    Thank you for a great draw! USA
    Elise Pearlstine special talent is Accomplished equestrian
    Steve Johnson special talent is Baby whisperer
    Michelyn Camen special talent is counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

  • Santa Batistini says:

    Hernando Courtright’s special talent is an in-demand interior designer
    Danu Seith-Fyr’s special talent is makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Sandi Lundberg’s special talent is Accomplished Equestrian
    Sebastian Jara’s special talent is baby whisperer
    Ermano Picco’s special talent is an amazing dancer
    Gail Gross’s special talent is can cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit©
    Aaron Potterman’s special talent is cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Lauryn Beer’s special talent is a motivational speaker
    Robert Hermman’s special talent is plays the sax
    Elise Pearlstine’s special talent is four wheelin’ – can drive just about anything anywhere
    Steve Johnson’s special talent is twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Michelyn Camen’s special talent is counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino

    My talent is stay two minutes under the water.
    I’d love to win anything except Civet that I can’t stand:
    1. Solstice Scents Blackburn’s Parlor.
    2. Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero
    3. ml bottle of Mona di Orio Cuir
    4. The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    5. House of Matriarch The Longing
    6. John Varvatos Dark Rebel Rider
    7. Thorn & Bloom 7.5 ml of Citrine


  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: plays the sax

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: in demand interior designer

    Ermano Picco, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©

    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Motivational Speaker

    Lauryn Beer, Editor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere

    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Accomplished Equestrian

    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: baby whisperer

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: an amazing dancer
    I live in the USA. My talent is that I am a great cook.I would love to win Mona di Orio Cuir, Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero and Solstice Scents Blackburn Parlor

  • I’ll guess:
    Hernando Courtright: plays the sax
    Danu Seith-Fyr: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit (c)
    Sandi Lundberg: in demand interior designer
    Sebastian Jara: baby whisperer
    Ermano Picco: amazing dancer
    Gail Gross Sr: motivational speaker
    Aaron Potterman: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Lauryn Beer: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Robert Herrmann: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Elise Pearlstine: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Steve Johnson: makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Michelyn Camen: accomplished equestrian
    For the Draw:
    1-Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero
    2-The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    3-Zoologist Civet
    4-John Varvatos Dark Rebel Rider

  • John Bilau says:

    Hernando Courtright in demand interior designer
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: an amazing dancer
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: plays the sax
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: Motivational Speaker
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: baby whisperer
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Accomplished Equestrian

    My choices would be Laudano Nero or Solstice Scents Blackburn’s Parlor.

  • These are so fun! My guesses:

    Hernando Courtright’s special talent is: Accomplished Equestrian
    Danu Seith-Fyr’s special talent is: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sandi Lundberg’s special talent is: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sebastian Jara’s special talent is: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Ermano Picco’s special talent is: an amazing dancer
    Gail Gross’s special talent is: baby whisperer
    Aaron Potterman’s special talent is: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Lauryn Beer’s special talent is: Motivational Speaker
    Robert Herrmann’s special talent is: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Elise Pearlstine’s special talent is: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Steve Johnson’s, special talent is: plays the sax
    Michelyn Camen’s special talent is: in demand interior designer

    My choices are: Solstice Scents Blackburn’s Parlor, Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero, The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique. In the US! 🙂

  • Le Parfum says:

    My Guesses:

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: amazing dancer
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: plays the sax
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: baby whisperer

    My hidden talent is do magic. If I win:
    1. Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero 50 ml
    2. House of Matriarch The Longing 15ml
    3. The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    4. 75 ml bottle of Mona di Orio Cuir
    5. Solstice Scents Blackburn’s Parlor

    I live in the USA. Thanks for the funny draw!

  • BlessedTA says:

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor – Motivational Speaker

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor – Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor – plays the sax

    Sebastian Jara, Contributor – Accomplished Equestrian

    Ermano Picco, Contributor – can twitch their nose like a guinea pig

    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor – cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor – in demand interior designer

    Lauryn Beer, Editor – Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    Robert Herrmann, Contributor – an amazing dancer

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor – baby whisperer

    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor – Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief – cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    My choices are:

    Mona di Orio Cuir

    Travel Spray of Zoologist Civet

    Thorn & Bloom 7.5 ml of Citrine and five samples ALL NATURAL

    Une Nuit Magnetique

    House of Matriarch The Longing

    Thanks for the chance. I’m in Canada

  • Time to have some fun!!!

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: an amazing dancer
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: plays the sax
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: baby whisperer
    Robert Hermman, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Motivational Speaker

    I used to be a good dog trainer.
    If I won I’d like Solstice Scents, Mona di Orio Cuir, Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero and Dark Rebel Rider.

    I’m in the US, thank you!

  • It’s great fun to learn about the CaFleureBon team. I can’t hardly wait to find out who does what. Here are my guesses:

    Hernando Courtright’s special talent is: makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Danu Seith-Fyr’s special talent is: baby whisperer
    Sandi Lundberg’s special talent is: motivational speaker
    Sebastian Jara’s special talent is: in demand interior designer
    Ermano Picco’s special talent is: accomplished equestrian
    Gail Gross’s special talent is: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Aaron Potterman’s special talent is: counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Lauryn Beer’s special talent is: four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Robert Herrmann’s special talent is: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Elise Pearlstine’s special talent is: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Steve Johnson’s special talent is: plays the sax
    Michelyn Camen’s special talent is: an amazing dancer

    I would love to try Civet, Citrine, and Une Nuit Magnetique. I am in the US. Many thanks for the draw and for all the fragrant happenings at CaFleureBon.

  • ntabassum92 says:

    Here are my guesses:

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: plays the sax

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: in demand interior designer

    Ermano Picco, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©

    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian

    Lauryn Beer, Editor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig

    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: an amazing dancer

    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Motivational Speaker

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: baby whisperer

    I would pick:
    Une Nuit Magnetique
    Laudano Nero
    Cuir Mona di Orio
    The Longing HoM
    Dark Rebel Rider
    Blackburn’s Parlor
    Citrine Thorn + Bloom
    Civet Zoologist

  • Hikmat Sher Afridi says:

    My 2nd Entry:
    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Baby whisperer
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Four wheeling can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: Cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: Cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: An amazing dancer
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Plays the sax
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: In demand interior designer

    My choice if I am announced as a winner:
    1) Mona di Orio Cuir
    2) Zoologist Civet
    3) Thorn & Bloom 7.5 ml of Citrine and five samples ALL NATURAL
    Peshawar, Pakistan

  • Hernando Courtright: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Danu Seith-Fyr: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sandi Lundberg: accomplished equestrian
    Sebastian Jara: baby whisperer
    Ermano Picco: amazing dancer
    Gail Gross Sr: makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Aaron Potterman: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Lauryn Beer: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit (c)
    Robert Herrmann: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Elise Pearlstine: in demand interior designer
    Steve Johnson: plays the sax
    Michelyn Camen: motivational speaker

    I would choose:
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    House of Matriarch The Longing
    TDC Une Nuit Magnetique
    Thorn and Bloom Citrine and the samples

    Thanks for the draw. I live in the EU.

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: сounts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: plays the sax
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: an amazing dancer
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: baby whisperer

    I live in Europe and my choices are:
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    House of Matriarch The Longing


  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian 
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor:  cultivates  the most beautiful orchids
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor:  cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit Sebastian Jara, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: plays the sax
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: an amazing dancer
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: baby whisperer
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    I would love to win:
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    Une Nuit Magnetique
    Zoologist Civet

    I live in EU. Thank you for the draw!

  • Valentine Girl says:

    – Hernando Courtright’s special talent is baby whisperer
    – Danu Seith-Fyr’s special talent is makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    – Sandi Lundberg’s special talent is accomplished equestrian
    – Sebastian Jara’s special talent is four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    – Ermano Picco’s special talent is motivational speaker
    – Gail Gross special talent is in demand interior designer
    – Aaron Potterman’s special talent is counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    – Lauryn Beer’s special talent is can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    – Robert Herrmann’s special talent is cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    – Elise Pearlstine’s special talent is cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    – Steve Johnson’s special talent is plays the sax
    – Michelyn Camen’s special talent is an amazing dancer

    My choices are: Zoologist Civet, House of Matriarch The Longing , Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero, Mona di Orio Cuir, or Dark Rebel Rider.

    My special talent is being able to ride any bicycle with no hands. Thank you for the draw. USA resident.

  • cinnamon tree says:

    You are so talented, I am amazed!

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: plays the sax
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor:  Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor:  Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor:  cultivates  the most beautiful orchids
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor:  an amazing dancer
    Lauryn Beer, Editor:  in demand interior designer
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: baby whisperer
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor:  Motivational Speaker
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Accomplished Equestrian 

    If I am lucky enough to win, I would be happy with any of the prizes. Thank you for the draw! I live in the EU.

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: plays the sax
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit Sebastian Jara, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: an amazing dancer
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: baby whisperer
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Accomplished Equestrian

    I would love to win:
    Une Nuit Magnetique
    Solstice Scents
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero

    I live in the U.S. Thank you for the draw!

  • since i have no chance why not just put what you guys wroteHernando Courtright, Contributor: plays the sax

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: in demand interior designer

    Ermano Picco, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©

    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian

    Lauryn Beer, Editor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere

    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Motivational Speaker

    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: an amazing dancer

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: baby whisperer
    Une Nuit Magnetique
    Solstice Scents blackburn parlor
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    My talent is standing on my head

  • What a great insight into hidden talents! My guesses are:

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: plays the sax

    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    Ermano Picco, Contributor: baby whisperer

    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: an amazing dancer

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: in demand interior

    Lauryn Beer, Editor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©

    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Motivational Speaker

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig

    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Accomplished Equestrian

    Can’t wait to see the answers 🙂

    my picks – if I’m lucky are:

    Thorn & Bloom 7.5 ml of Citrine and five samples ALL NATURAL

    John Varvatos Dark Rebel Rider 4.2 oz

    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero 50 ml

    11ml Travel Spray of Zoologist Civet

    thanks for the fun! I’m in the US & registered

  • Hernando Courtright: accomplished equestrian
    Dany Seith-Fyr: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Sandi Lundberg: makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Sebastian Jara: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit
    Ermano Picco: plays the sax
    Gail Gross: an amazing dancer
    Aaron Potterman: counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Lauryn Beer: baby whisperer
    Robert Herrmann: in demand interior designer
    Elise Pearlstine: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Steve Johnson: four wheelin’
    Michelyn Camen: motivational speaker

    I would love to win Mona di Orio Cuir, House of Matriarch The Longing, Zoologist Civet or anything else available for residents of EU :-). I live in the Netherlands. Thank you!

  • Musonda Mwewa says:

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: in demand interior designer

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Motivational Speaker

    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: plays the sax

    Ermano Picco, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©

    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: baby whisperer

    Lauryn Beer, Editor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere

    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: an amazing dancer

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Accomplished Equestrian

    House of Matriarch The Longing
    Solstice Scents Blackburn’s Parlour
    The Different Company Une Unit Magnetique
    TIZIANA TERENZI Laudano Nero
    John Varvatos DARK REBEL RIDER

    My special talent is also making up naughty lyrics but too pretty every genre

    I live in Orange, Connecticut, USA


  • Miss Sunshine says:

    Hernando Courtright can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Danu Seith-Fyr is motivational Speaker
    Sandi Lundberg cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Sebastian Jara makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Ermano Picco in demand interior designer
    Gail Gross is an amazing dancer
    Aaron Potterman plays the sax
    Lauryn Beer Accomplished Equestrian
    Robert Herrmann сounts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Elise Pearlstine Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Steve Johnson is baby whisperer
    Michelyn Camen cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    I’d love to win:
    Une Nuit Magnetique TDC
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    House of Matriarch The Longing

    I live in EU. Thank you!

  • – Hernando Courtright’s special talent is cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    – Danu Seith-Fyr’s special talent is baby whisperer
    – Sandi Lundberg’s special talent is four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    – Sebastian Jara’s special talent is makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    – Ermano Picco’s special talent is demand interior designer
    – Gail Gross special talent is in accomplished equestrian
    – Aaron Potterman’s special talent is counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    – Lauryn Beer’s special talent is can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    – Robert Herrmann’s special talent is an amazing dancer
    – Elise Pearlstine’s special talent is cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    – Steve Johnson’s special talent is plays the sax
    – Michelyn Camen’s special talent is motivational speaker

    I can ride a monocycle. Is it a talent? lol

    My first choice is the delicious Blackburn’s Parlor by Solstice Scents.
    My others choices would be:
    House of Matriarch The Longing, Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero, Mona di Orio Cuir, or Dark Rebel Rider.

    Thank you so much 🙂

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
     Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor:  baby whisperer
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig  
    Ermano Picco, Contributor:  Accomplished Equestrian
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: cultivates  the most beautiful orchids
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: an amazing dancer
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: Motivational Speaker
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: plays the sax
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: in demand interior designer 
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere

    I’d love to win Mona di Orio Cuir, Civer, Une Nuit Magnetique or Citrine. Thanks for the draw and greetings from Norway.

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: plays the sax
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: Motivational Speaker
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor- an amazing dancer
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: baby whisperer

    I live in the US. and my choices are
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique

    Thank you so much for the great draw!

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: in demand interior designer

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Motivational Speaker

    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: an amazing dancer

    Ermano Picco, Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: baby whisperer

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: plays the sax

    Lauryn Beer, Editor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere

    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig

    House of Matriarch The Longing
    John Varvatos DARK REBEL RIDER
    The Different Company Une Unit Magnetique
    TIZIANA TERENZI Laudano Nero
    Solstice Scents Blackburn’s Parlour
    Mona di Orio Cuir

    My special talent is I can play practically almost all chordophones.



  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
     Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor:  cultivates  the most beautiful orchids
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor:   plays the sax
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Ermano Picco, Contributor:  Motivational Speaker
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: an amazing dancer
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: in demand interior designer 
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: baby whisperer
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    Thanks for the draw! My choices:
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    Thorn & Bloom 7.5 ml of Citrine and five samples
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    Zoologist Civet


  • Hernando Courtright: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Danu Seith-Fyr: Accomplished Equestrian
    Sandi Lundberg: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit
    Sebastian Jara: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Ermano Picco: baby whisperer
    Gail Gross, Sr: in demand interior designer
    Aaron Potterman: an amazing dancer
    Lauryn Beer: plays the sax
    Robert Herrmann: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Elise Pearlstine: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Steve Johnson: Counts cards
    Michelyn Camen: Motivational Speaker

    Thorn & Bloom Citrine
    Zoologist Civet
    John Varvatos Dark Rebel Rider
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero

    My hidden talent remains hidden.

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor:  can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor:  Motivational Speaker
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs C
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor:  ounts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor:  an amazing dancer
    Lauryn Beer, Editor:  cultivates  the most beautiful orchids
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian 
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: plays the sax
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor:  baby whisperer
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief:  in demand interior designer

    I would choose one (or more) of the following:

    TDC Une Nuit Magnetique
    Cuir Mona di Orio
    House of Matriarch The Longing
    Zoologist Civet

    Thank you for the chance. I live in the EU.

  • Miss Almond says:

    Hernando Courtright, Special talent is: baby whisperer
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Special talent is: Accomplished Equestrian
    Sandi Lundberg, Special talent is: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Sebastian Jara, Special talent is: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Ermano Picco, Special talent is: in demand interior designer
    Gail Gross, Sr. Special talent is: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Aaron Potterman, Special talent is: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Lauryn Beer, Special talent is: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Robert Herrmann, Special talent is: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Elise Pearlstine, Special talent is: an amazing dancer
    Steve Johnson, Special talent is: Motivational Speaker
    Michelyn Camen, Special talent is: plays the sax

    My hidden talent is the ability to imitate bird’s voices 🙂

    My picks: Cuir, Civet, Citrine or The Longing. I live in Europe, thanks!

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: baby whisperer
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: plays the sax
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: amazing dancer

    My hidden talent is singing to old melodies.
    If I win I’d have either of these:
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    75 ml bottle of Mona di Orio Cuir
    Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero 50 ml
    Longing house of matriarch.

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: in demand interior designer
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: baby whisperer
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: plays the sax
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: amazing dancer
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©

    I’d love to win:

    Mona di Orio Cuir
    The Different Company Une Nuit Magnetique
    Thorn & Bloom 7.5 ml of Citrine and five samples
    House of Matriarch The Longing

    I live in EU.

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor – Motivational Speaker
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor – cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor – Accomplished Equestrian
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor – counts cards and almost got kicked out of a casino
    Ermano Picco, Contributor – can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor – plays the sax
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor – amazing dancer
    Lauryn Beer, Editor – Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor – cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor – baby whisperer
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor – in demand interior designer
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief – Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere

    My choices: Une Nuit Magnetique, Cuir, Civet, the Longing. In the EU, thanks!

  • Hernando Courtright, Contributor: plays the sax
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: Motivational Speaker
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian
    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: baby whisperer
    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Lauryn Beer, Editor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: amazing dancer
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: in demand interior designer
    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    My hidden talent is create some personal perfumes. If I win I’d in order:
    1. Solstice Scents Blackburn’s Parlor
    2. House of Matriarch The Longing
    3. Tiziana Terenzi Laudano Nero
    4. Une Nuit Magnetique
    5. Mona di Orio Cuir
    6. John Varvatos Dark Rebel Rider
    7. Thorn & Bloom Citrine
    8. Zoologist Civet


  • Hernando Courtright’s special talent is makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Danu Seith-Fyr’s special talent is four wheelin’ – can drive just about anything anywhere
    Sandi Lundberg’s special talent is a motivational speaker
    Sebastian Jara’s special talent is plays the sax
    Ermano Picco’s special talent is cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit©
    Gail Gross’s special talent is counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino
    Aaron Potterman’s special talent is an in-demand interior designer
    Lauryn Beer’s special talent is baby whisperer
    Robert Hermman’s special talent is an accomplished Equestrian
    Elise Pearlstine’s special talent is an amazing dancer
    Steve Johnson’s special talent is can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Michelyn Camen’s special talent is cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    My choices are any of:
    – Cuir
    – The Longing
    – Une Nuit Magnetique
    – Thorn & Bloom set

    I’m in Canada

  • Hernando Courtright-Cannot be beat at trivial pursuit
    Danu Seith-Fyr-Plays the Sax
    Sandi Lundberg-Accomplished Equestrian
    Sebastian Jara-Motivational Speaker
    Ermano Picco- an amazing dancer
    Gail Gross-cultivates the most beautiful orchids
    Aaron Potterman-Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs
    Lauryn Beer-can twitch their nose like a guinea pig
    Robert Herrmann-Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)
    Elise Pearlstine-Baby whisperer
    Steve Johnson-Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere
    Michelyn Camen- in demand interior designer

    Choices are any but i guess in this order:
    Mona di Orio Cuir
    Tiziana TerenziLaudano Nero
    House of Matriarch The Longing
    John Varvatos Dark Rebel Rider
    Zoologist Civet
    Solstice Scents Blackburns Parlor
    Thorn and Bloom Citrine

    Thanks for massive giveaway:)
    Im in the USA

  • acquiredtaste says:

    Hernando Courtright, Contributor: cultivates the most beautiful orchids

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor: an amazing dancer

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: can twitch their nose like a guinea pig

    Sebastian Jara, Contributor: plays the sax

    Ermano Picco, Contributor: Accomplished Equestrian

    Gail Gross, Sr. Contributor: cannot be beat at Trivial Pursuit ©

    Aaron Potterman, Contributor: Makes up naughty lyrics to pop songs

    Lauryn Beer, Editor: Counts cards (and almost got kicked out of a casino)

    Robert Herrmann, Contributor: baby whisperer

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: in demand interior designer

    Steve Johnson, Guest Contributor: Motivational Speaker

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Four wheelin’ can drive just about anything anywhere

    I’m from Malaysia. Choices are in this order:
    Worldwide: 75 ml bottle of Mona di Orio Cuir
    Worldwide: Thorn & Bloom 7.5 ml of Citrine and five samples ALL NATURAL
    Worldwide 11ml Travel Spray of Zoologist Civet

    My hidden talent is that I can sing harmony. Not special, I know.