ÇaFleureBon Profiles in American Perfumery: Alexis Karl of SCENTBYALEXIS + The Poetry of Scent Draw

Alexis Karl


Profile: My house was flooded with scent, from the smell of cinnamon rolls and popovers baking in the morning, to garlic and rosemary sautéed in the afternoons, to sweet and bitter chocolates melting in the evenings. This was my mother’s work. She was a chef, and wound about her the aroma of spices and herbs, yeasts and sweets. These scents draped over her like her mink coat, sprayed as it was with Alexander Di Markoff’s Enigma. That fragrance intoxicatingly heady, I recall still, but not as it was in the bottle. I recall how the fragrance was on my mother’s pale skin, dabbed with vanilla extract, fingers stained with thyme, and lingering smell of warm bread clinging to her red hair. It was Enigma that one summer I sprayed on her silk robe, which I then secreted away with me to my overnight camp in Maine, where the bunks smelled of mold and pine.


Alexis and Her Mom

When I was a child, my mother would set a chair by the stove and I would stand over steaming pots of sauces, drinking in the herbaceous aroma as she quizzed me with, “ You remember the name of this herb? Now, if I put this herb with another, tell me what it will smell like… tell me how it will change the taste.” The kitchen was our domain, and we would hum along to the opera and classical pieces playing from morning to night, tasting sauces, or batters. My brother and I were entranced by the smell of butter melting into chocolate, and the mysterious alchemy, which resulted in the towering cakes emerging from the oven. When not in the kitchen, we would be outside in the yard, gathering leaves, chestnuts or acorns. It was my mother who taught me to scrape the skin of a wild lemon to release the sweet-sour smell. It was she who adorned my curls with fragrant wisteria, and collected fallen magnolia flowers from the tree my father hung a swing from. She had me collect dried leaves only to jump in the pile, and lift handfuls to our noses to take in the smell of earth.

One of my most vivid memories is my mother waking my best friend and I in the middle of a summer’s night to look at the full moon. We walked dreamily outside in bare feet and nightgowns to the scent of roses and wisteria, fresh cut grass and dirt from newly toiled flowerbeds. We danced, sang, and held hands in the moonlight, and spun in circles until we became dizzy and fell on the grass, where my mother had laid a cloth and basket of fresh raspberries. 


Alexis at 1 yrs old

Another memory is one where I hid from my older siblings in a game of hide –and- seek in my mother’s closet. It was a sanctuary of silks and velvet within an old sprawling stone house that we all swore was haunted by a ghost of a civil war solider. I can still recall the scent of her Enigma-laden fur coat; the hanging pomanders smelling of orange and clove, and silken sachets of dried lavender and crushed rose petals nestled between plush boxes of stockings and leather gloves. I fell asleep in there, having pulled down her fur coat and used it as a blanket. The scent of that closet…large enough to hold a six-year-old girl comfortably, was one I would try over an over to re-create years later. 


Alexis’ mother

My afterschool hours were filled with the scent of tempered chocolate, caramel, rising breads, and pile upon pile of fresh herbs. My mother’s work as a caterer was artistic to say the least. She composed platters with the balance of a great designer or painter, colors and textures crisscrossing in great patterns and flavors. Black lacquered trays were dotted with starkly colored orchid blossoms, and pale cheeses, rich towering cakes were glazed with chocolate ganache and topped with winding chocolate ivy, which she made herself using a template of leaves gathered in the yard. To this day, I smell the green ivy beneath a layer of molten chocolate, and remember the delicate process of peeling away the same leaf when the chocolate had hardened.

oud, books

Alexis’ book shelf and various ouds, attars, ambers

On American Perfumery: As multimedia artist and perfumer in New York City, I find so many influences – glints of the city’s glamour and grit that pave the way each day for my creations. It is being a perfumer in this particular American city, vibrating with so much life and movement that I really adore. This city and its denizens flood me everyday with ideas, encouraging creativity from its streets to museums to underground music venues, to the perfume community, which I hold dear.

wild sculpture by alexis karl

Wild Fragrance Jungle Inspired Scent Sculpture by Alexis Karl

Yet always, I come back to my mother’s culinary creations as the very greatest influence of my own artistic and olfactory works. I still create fragrances with her in mind, imagining that wild haired little girl standing by the stove, and asking myself as she so often did, “What is this smell…how will it smell with this? What story does this pairing tell…? ”


The Trauma and Terror of Leaving by Ken Weaver (Alex’s husband)

Favorite American Artist: My mother’s culinary artistry, the plays of flavors, pairings of cultural influences, and pure beauty of her work made her my favorite artist. I have many favorites to be sure; painters, musicians, filmmakers, and we adored many of the same works, especially by artist Ken Weaver, who as luck would have it, happens to be my husband.


The Art of Dying Well by Ken Weaver

His epic, gothic-baroque, photo realistic paintings resonate for me in their balance of beauty and darkness, and I have created many fragrances to correspond to his Requiem For The Immortal series.

Alexis Karl, Founder and Perfumer of SCENTBYALEXIS

Editor’s Note: Alexis is one of the most multi faceted artisan perfumers in the US. Some readers may know of her name  as co-founder of Cherry Bomb Killer with Maria McElroy. Her writing on natural ingredients is indeed luminous. Check out SCENTBYALEXIS Tumblr to read more

the body made luminous

Thanks to Alexis Karl we have reader’s choice draw for a US or Canada  REGISTERED reader of a special one ounce etched bottle of either Secret, Sacred, Cyphered,  Harmony of Being, Requiem for the Immortal,  A Body Luminous. To be eligible please leave a comment with what you find fascinating about Alexis’ path to perfumery and which fragrance prize you would like to win. Draw closes January 14, 2015

Please like CaFleureBon Profiles in American Perfumery and your entry will count twice.

 We announce the winners on our site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize wil be just spilled perfume

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  • I enjoyed this post immensely. Alexis Karl’s writing is fluid and evocative. Her mother gave her excellent olfactory lessons indeed. I’ve never heard of her, but I perished both the tumblr and etsy sites and was riveted by the beautiful images and all the fragrances sound heavenly. So hard to choose but I think A Body Luminous sounds like a sure fire winner! Thanks for introducing us to another American indie perfumer! I love this series. In the US.

  • A beautiful and inspired path to perfumery! I would like most to try REQUIEM FOR THE IMMORTAL. Thank you for the draw, I’m in the US.

  • fazalcheema says:

    The moment I read this, ” My house was flooded with scent, from the smell of cinnamon rolls and popovers baking in the morning, to garlic and rosemary sautéed in the afternoons”, I knew Alexis grew up in a house where cooking adventures were an everyday thing. it is great she takes inspiration from the creations of her mother to develop perfumes. My choice for this draw is Harmony of Being which has amazing notes such as Black Agar, Moroccan Rose, and Coffee Flower. Best of luck on your perfume journey. I am in the US

  • I thoroughly enjoyed this article as it took me back to my childhood in the kitchen with my mom and aunts when I was little while the men were out hunting. I related to the various smells of bread baking and chocolate cakes being made. When it comes to an olfactory journey/experience, I have always believed that it starts in your mom’s kitchen and your sense of smell is enlightened from then on! All of the fragrance sound delicious, my choice would be Body Made Luminous and I live in the US! Thanks for a great read and the opportunity! 🙂

  • The relationship between Alexis and her mother sounds incredible special! Having a mother that is so attuned to her senses and to beauty, no wonder Alexis is a perfumer 🙂 Very inspiring! I would love to win Requiem for the Immortal, and I am in the US. Thanks for introducing me to another exciting perfumer.

  • I love the way in the article Alexis describes some of her fondest memories as related to scents. I find it absolutely fascinating that a particular smell can bring on a rush of memories and the deep emotions that go along with them, which in turn can make the simplest of scents a mood altering experience. I believe this is what has fostered my love of perfumery. I have previously read about A Body Made Luminous and have been wanting to try it, but Harmony of Being sounds stunning as well. I would adore the chance to own either of these. I live in the US, thank you for the opportunity!

  • Alexis is a marvelous story teller. I could picture her mother’s kitchen and Alexis as a child there. I can see how she would translate he enjoyment of olfactory delights into perfume wonders. I would be interested in winning A Body Luminous (Body Made Luminous). USA.

  • I was fascinated by the way her mother’s cooking lessons essentially were training her nose. I cook mostly by smell, so it really resonated with me. I’m in the US, and I’d choose Body Made Luminous.

  • Alexis is one of my favorite perfumiers. I love her path to being an artist from her mom’s influence. Especially in the culinary arts as a caterer where food taste and smell are just as important as arrangement, color and presentation. This relates to the way fragrances are composed. I already have a bottle of Immortal and Body Made. They are both delightful treats. I need Harmony of Being please. Thanks for the draw. I’m in the U.S…

  • I find it fascinating that she discovered her love of fragrance at such a young age, And how her mother culinary’s creations still influence her. my favorite fragrance to win would be Requiem for the Immortal, the notes simply look amazing,
    I am James from America

  • I have been a fan of Scent by Alexis fragrances back when she had fragrances called Femme Fatale, Minx, Red Velvet and others. I think she must have had an amazing relationship with her mother and I truly believe that people with a love for cooking also have a love for scent as they both sort of relate to each other via smell. I am in the US and would love to be entered to win SECRET,SACRED,CYPHERED please and thank you.

  • Wow! What a fantastic story. The journey of Alexis up to be a perfumer is very curious. The relationship between Alexis and her mother were crucial and her mother’s cooking lessons essentially were a good training to Alexis’s nose.
    I’d love to try Requiem for the Immortal.
    I’m in the US.

  • bunchofpants says:

    What a lovely “origin story” Alexis has! Her mother sounds like an amazing woman, and she raised an amazing daughter. I would choose Requiem for the Immortal, both because the notes are all things I love, but also because the name makes me think it could have been created with David Bowie in mind, and I’m still enveloped with sadness at his death. I’m in USA.

  • I love these memories and Alexis’ mother sounds amazing. I hope my daughters will have some lovely memories of me, such as these. The story of dancing under the full moon is the stuff of literature! I also loved how her Mom encouraged her to smell the spices as she cooked. Her lessons certainly shaped her daughter’s path. I had such a hard time saying which of these I would like to have if I was the lucky winner, but am setting on Requiem for the Immortal because I love resinous notes. Thank you for such an interesting story. USA.

  • Alexis story is fascinating and her relationship with her mother and her husband is really special. Her scent sculpture is truly a work of art.
    I would like to win requiem for an immortal or secret sacred cyphered
    Many thanks

  • I absolutely love that Alexis’s path to perfumery began in the kitchen, because the smells of a parent’s cooking are so basic and primal and filled with love. Her mom sounds fascinating. It was a tough choice, but I’d go with Requiem for the Immortal if I won. I’m in the US. Thanks!

  • What a beautiful collection of scent memories. As a child, scent really makes a lasting imprint in our hearts and minds. I loved the part where she was playing hide and seek and was enveloped in the scents of her mother’s closet.

    I looked through all the fragrances she makes and each one sounds incredibly beautiful. If I am chosen as the winner, I’d select A Body Luminous.

    I live in the US.

  • I had never heard about Alexis Karl before this review and seem that she is a very talented . I’ll check Alexis ‘s fragraces. I’m very interested in Body Made Luminous.
    Thank you for such an interesting review, I’m in the USA.

  • Alexis’s story sounds like something out of a novel. Her experience trying to recreate the scent of her mother’s closet, fur coat, dried crushed petals and all. All of her fragrances sound beautiful, actually, but Body Made Luminous sounds too scrumptious to pass up. I’m in the US, thanks for this draw, and for bringing this perfumer to my attention.

  • I loved reading about her childhood. I wish I had paid more attention since I had a mom who baked and cooked a lot as well. I liked how her mom had her smell the various herbs when she cooked. Reminded me of when my daughter was young and we’d go for walks and smell every flower in the neighborhood. I’d like to win the Body Made Luminous, tough to choose, they all sound so interesting. Thanks!!!

  • I loved reading about Aexis falling asleep in her mother’s scented closet, using a fur coat as a blanket. Such a perfect childhood memory! I can definitely identify with becoming interested in scent through the smell of cooking. I learned to cook very young, mostly because i was so enchanted by the magic that seemed to happen when my mother was in the kitchen. A big part of this intrigue was the wafting aroma that would wind it’s way up two flights of stairs and into my bedroom in the attic.

    I live in Canada and would love to win Requiem For The Immortal. It’s so hard to choose! They all sounds fantastic.

  • I’ve never heard of this house, but Alexis sounds extremely talented and genuine. I love her style and what fragrance means to her. My choice would be Secret, Sacred, Cyphered. Thanks for the draw and I’m in Canada.

  • Like Alexis, I too am a lover of the culinary arts. I find it fascinating that her appreciation of the culinary arts inspired her to venture into perfumery. I enjoyed reading about the wonderful memories she had enjoying her mother’s culinary creations. What a lovely memory to have!

    I live in the USA and would like to win Secret, Sacred, Cyphered. Hanks!

  • That sounds beautiful, just like a fairytale. Reading it made me hungry! So much great treats I also enjoyed when I was younger. The fragrances also sound great! I will go with Secret, Sacred, Cyphered as my choice.

    I’m a Canadian reader

  • Alexis sounds like she had the most amazing childhood with the most amazing mom! It’s like a fantasy or something that I wish I could make for someone else. I always enjoy the childhood experiences section but this one I went back to read again! Alexis and her husband are both incredible artists!
    I also enjoyed encountering this quote for the first time:
    ” A body made luminous,
    a body secret, sacred, cyphered,
    you are the harmony of being…

    Thank you for the draw and article. I’d choose Requiem for the Immortal

  • Great read! Definitely made me a fan of Alexis and her fragrance house. She must have had quite a fun childhood!

    My choice will be Secret, Sacred, Cyphered.

    Thank you for the draw. I’m international (Toronto).