New Home Fragrance Collection: L’ATMOSPHERE by Pierre Guillaume “Perfumes for the Home”


Pierre Guillaume has been perfuming our bodies since 2006 and now he will be scenting our personal environments.  Composed of six scented candles and four Gachettes (spray guns) L’Atmosphere, a new sub brand, is his first line of products dedicated to the home.


The  240 g candles are inspired by his perfume Collection Croisiere  and are available in ARUBA, AMSTERDAM (plum, black tea and blonde tobacco), HIBISCUS, LEAF, SAÏGON and TAÏGA  65 Euros


 La Gachette (the trigger gun sprays) 500ml/ 86 Euros is available with 4 fragrances:

HIBISCUS: Hot sand meets the tropical scent of exotic floral

LEAF:  Patchouli, mint, Figtree leaves

T A Ï G A:Siberian  cedarwood and Buffalo sweetgrass

S A Ï G O N: leather, red fruits and tea

The highly concentrated perfumes used in La Gachettes are formulated without water, for a more even diffusion. They can perfume textiles, curtains, carpets and non- sensitive surfaces. In a car and the scent lingers for several days


Via Pierre Guillame et Simon

Michelyn  Camen, Editor in Chief lemming La Gachette in Hibiscus and S A Ï G O N. NYC has some bad smells, so they will be great in gyms and uber cars. 

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  • I will buy the Taiga for my auto. I like Pierre Guillaume very much so this is a nice new product although it looks like Frederic Malle???

  • Wow! they sound fantastic. I don’t like most of the room scents, they smell rather boring: lemon, “sea breeze” or “spring flowers” which has nothing to do with flowers or spring. But these look great. I want Leaf and Taiga.

  • I love this idea and have always wondered why we don’t have more of this. I also think for the car, it’s a great idea. I sometimes soak a cotton ball with perfume to get a nice scent going in the car. anyone who loves fragrance will enjoy these I’m sure